The Alien’s Lover by Zoey Draven



Lihvan was breathing like a beast, all rough pants and rumbling exhalations, when he crawled up her body and flopped down at her side.Beks’ body was humming, every inch of her flesh sensitive to the touch.She didn’t feel the cold anymore.She only felt lingering pleasure and the warmth of Lihvan sprawled out next to her.

And his cock was still hard.Beks eyed the thick length in his pants and her mouth went dry when she saw the crown pushing past his waistband.At the very tip, an opalescent liquid shimmered and Beks watched as more pushed out with every throb his girth gave.

Oh my God, she thought, already reaching for it with enthusiasm.Magnificent.

Her mouth watered for it.She’d always loved giving head, oddly enough.She thought it was almost more intimate than sex itself, giving someone selfless pleasure, to be that close to the most vulnerable part of their body, tasting them.

Lihvan grabbed her wrist before she reached it and Beks felt a pout form on her lips.

“You haven’t cum yet.I want to return the favor,” she murmured, trying to free her hand.

Nix,” he said, voice guttural, so deep and dark that it was almost unrecognizable.“That was for you.”


“Get your rest, female.For I will want more soon,” he rasped.

Unbelievably, she felt a flood of arousal, even though she’d just been on the receiving end of four mind-blowing, amazing orgasms at the mercy of his ridged, vibrating tongue.God, she’d definitely hit the survival partner jackpot.

Beks heard the no-nonsense tone in his voice.This was a male used to giving orders and having them obeyed.For some reason, it turned her on, even though she’d never even tolerated other men telling her what to do on Earth.There was just something about him that pushed all the right buttons for her.

Lihvan drew her close and Beks gave a contented sigh, more than sated.They were cuddling.And for once, Beks let herself not worry about getting in too deep with him, because she selfishly wanted everything that he could offer her.She cuddled him right back, breathing in his minty musk, lazily watching the pulse of his cock with greedy eyes.

Lying in the crook of his arm, with her head resting on his muscled shoulder, she traced the scars on his chest, wondering how he got each one, marveling at how soft his scaled skin felt.Like a cross between velvet and suede.It gleamed golden and then flickered with orange as the fire danced across the cave walls.He utterly fascinated her.

In turn, she hummed and let out breathy sighs when he trailed the edge of his claws through her hair and scalp before moving down to explore her breasts.He took liberties she freely gave and he cupped one exposed breast in his palm, lifting it, feeling its weight, brushing her hard nipple, before he traced the invisible, sensitive trail to her belly button.

She was in a sleepy, post-orgasm haze when she asked, “Will I get to see Kroratax?”

His home.The one he’d so lovingly told her about.

Lihvan stiffened, ever so slightly, before he relaxed.

Nix,” he murmured and disappointment flooded her, stilling her hand on one particular large scar on his torso.“The Prime Leader has arranged immediate transportation to your home planet once we return to Luxiria.”

“If we return,” she said softly, tacking on the statement that she should have added to her first question.

“We will, female,” he said.“I promise you.”

“How can you promise that?”

Lihvan looked down at her, his expression serious.“I sent a transmission to Luxiria with our location.They will find us.It is only a matter of waiting.”

“Really?” she asked, eyes brightening.“You did that?”


“How long do you think it will take?”

“Soon.A few spans maybe.Let us hope that the Jetutians do not come looking for us first.”

Beks frowned, her relief dampened slightly.“You think they would?Why?”Lihvan hesitated so Beks urged, “You can tell me.”

“Gribrak,” he started slowly, “was the Jetutian you saw in the docking bay.We share a violent history.He wanted to use me as leverage against my people, by taking me aboard his vessel.”

“Leverage for what?” she asked slowly.

“Luxirian crystals,” Lihvan murmured.His voice made her shiver and he pulled her closer, letting his heat sink into her.“A valuable resource for vessel travel.One especially powerful crystal could power a vessel to the Fourth Quadrant and back.There are very few left.He does not know that.”

“You were trying to trick him?” she asked, feeling her lips quirk for some reason.

Lihvan’s mouth twitched and she swore she almost got a smile out of him.“Tev.He would have killed me regardless.I thought I might as well give Vikan time to get the vessel out of their territory before he did.”

Thatwiped the small smile off her face real quick.“What?”

“Jetutians are notorious for being dishonorable.”

“You…you were agreeing to be taken when you knew he would kill you?”

Why did the thought of him dying send her in a panic?She hadn’t known him for very long, but the thought of him gone sent her heart racing.It felt like she was going to be sick.

“As the leader of that mission and vessel, it was my responsibility and duty to protect every warrior and female on board,” was all he replied, maddening male.

Beks fell silent.When she’d followed him down into the depths of the ship…he’d been knowingly going to his death.His stride had been purposeful and confident, no hesitation.The only moment he’d shown some sort of emotion had been when he’d embraced her.He’d called it his moment of weakness and blamed himself for dragging her into the Jetutians’ grasp.

Her heart ached.

She reached up to touch his cheek and traced her fingers over his deep scar.“Don’t you ever just want to be selfish sometimes?What about those you would have left behind?You don’t think they would want you to be selfish?”

Lihvan went quiet, his gaze burning into hers.After a lengthy pause, he said quietly, “My family died a long time ago.I have no brothers or sisters.I have no mate.I do not have much to lose by offering my life in place of others who have those bonds.”

Her heart twisted again.This guy blew every human man she knew out of the water.He was just so…noble.Beks didn’t think that she deserved him, to be honest.

She sat up on her elbow, even though the hard rocky floor dug into her flesh.He looked up at her as Beks traced the elegant lines of his features and the imperfectness of his scars, which she thought gave him an attractive and irresistible edge.His hair was a dark brown and fell across his shoulders.It was soft and straight.Any Earth girl would envy his hair.

His muscles were generous and had no doubt taken years of hard work to hone and perfect.His body made her mouth water as her eyes trailed over him, getting distracted briefly by the crown of his magnificent cock that was still peeking up at her through his waistband.

One of his horns was chipped, and now that she knew touching them turned him on, she planned to do so at every available opportunity until he let her pleasure him.

“I want to kiss you,” she breathed, her hair falling over her shoulder as she leaned down slightly.When his gaze darkened and flickered to her lips, she smiled and whispered, “Do Luxirians kiss?”

Nix,” he grunted, voice deepening with arousal.“But I have seen the Prime Leader do it with his human mate.”

Right, she’d almost forgotten about the ‘human mate.’Beks was intensely curious about how a pairing like that worked on his planet, but she would ask him about it later.Right now, she wanted to show him the simple, wonderful pleasure of an innocent kiss.Or, perhaps, a not-so-innocent kiss…

Beks murmured, her voice husky, “Do you want to kiss me?”

Lihvan growled and heat rose from his body like a furnace.“Tev.”

Beks lips parted, her eyelids going half-lidded, and then she leaned down.Lightly, as they shared breath, she brushed her lips across his full ones.Just a little tease of a kiss.Then she gave his lower lip a small suckle, tasting herself, and Lihvan inhaled sharply.

Her hair curtained around them as she deepened it.His mouth moved against hers, quickly learning the subtle, intricate dance of kissing.And when she stroked her tongue against his, he groaned, soon rewarding her efforts with a swipe of his own.That tongue, with its ridges, was glorious and while Beks had always been a fan of kissing…a part of her worried that she might need it when it came to Lihvan, like food or water or touch.She’d just begun kissing him and she never wanted to stop.Just the thought of stopping filled her with restlessness.

Soon, they repositioned themselves into a more comfortable position.Lihvan sat up, with his back against the wall of the cave, with Beks straddling his lap.She twined her arms around his neck while his snaked down her back, resting on the swell of her ass.It was a possessive touch that drove her absolutely wild.And they kissed…and kissed…and kissed until their gasps filled their echo-y cave and Beks lips felt swollen from her alien’s attentions.

Just before things began to escalate, they stopped to catch their breaths.Lihvan’s cock was swollen and throbbing between her thighs and he groaned as she rocked against him.She nibbled at his ear, sucking on the smooth flesh, and she felt his body shudder.

His words returned to her, floating in her mind, and before she knew it, she was whispering into his ear, “If you were mine, I’d want you to be selfish.”

His gaze burned into her and then his lips were hot on her own.Roughly, he murmured back, “If you were mine, I would have every reason to be, luxiva.”

*   *   *

Throughout the night, following the aftermath of their spine-tingling, intense, erotic make-out sesh, Lihvan would wake her with his tongue between her legs, as if he hadn’t already had his fill.And she’d lose herself all over again.

She lost count how many times that talented tongue brought her to orgasm.The night, while bitterly cold, was an endless stream of pleasure and touch and the memory of Lihvan’s hot skin against her own.

Morning came to soon, as far as she was concerned, but she woke up refreshed and with a small smile on her face.Not even her sore back from sleeping on the rock could kill her good mood.But a night full of orgasms could do that to a girl.

Lihvan was working at something over the fire and when she shifted to sit up, his gaze was immediately drawn to her.The air in the cave went thick and he started doing that purring growl she’d come to love.The sound was a full-proof way to turn her on.

“I have meat for you, female,” he rumbled.

Immediately, her mind went to a dirty place and she bit her lip, her gaze straying to his perpetual hard-on.Even though Lihvan was a generous lover—a more than generous lover—he’d refused to let her reciprocate, no matter how many times she’d attempted to get her hands on him the night before.She didn’t even think he’d orgasmed last night.At all.It had frustrated her in the moment, but he’d quickly distracted her with other, more pleasurable things.

Lihvan made a chuffing noise in the back of his throat when he saw where she was looking.With a jerk of his head, he elaborated, “Food.”

Beks’ eyebrows jerked up and immediately, at the mention of food, her stomach rumbled.So that was what that smoky smell was.When she managed to drag her eyes off Lihvan—that alien was the flame to her moth—and focused on the fire, she gasped.There was some sort of animal or bird, the size of a large turkey, roasting on a spit.

“Where did you get that?” she asked, her voice scratchy from sleep and the numerous screams that had sounded around their cave during the night.

“On a hunt,” he said.“Do not worry.I made sure no creature approached the cave.”

“You hunted this?Just now?”How long had she been asleep?

Then she noticed it was warm in their alcove, which meant the sun was probably long up.Apparently, she’d slept like a log.

“Earlier,” he purred, “while you were resting.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, approaching the fire.“I should have helped with something.”

The animal was already cleaned and looked as if it had been roasting for a good hour already.In the corner, she spied the cleanly cut fur and hide, but no sign of blood or insides.On the opposite corner of the cave, she spied a large piling of what looked like cotton.

When she looked back at him, she teased softly, “You’ve been busy.And here I thought you would’ve been tired, given how many times you were up during the night.”

His purring increased and Beks smiled, leaning forward to give him a kiss.Her eyes fluttered shut, a soft sigh escaping her, when he kissed her back, working that tongue with a precision that almost made her jealous, wondering how many ‘females’ came before that had helped him perfect it.

If the women of his race found him as attractive and sexy as Beks did, he probably had to fight to keep them away, morning and night.

When he pulled away, his voice was delicious as he said, “I wish to lick your cunt again, luxiva.”

Her pussy fluttered helplessly, responding to his dirty words and the memory of how very much she liked him ‘licking her cunt.’

But she knew they couldn’t waste away the day like that, which was where the day would lead if they started early.Beks didn’t know very much about survival, but she figured they would need to collect more supplies and have a good stock of boiled water, just in case.

“Later,” she murmured, her mind catching on that last word.He’d called her it before, but she was curious.“And what does luxiva mean?”

His expression went serious and he pulled away, stooping down to check the meat.“Perhaps one span, I will tell you,” was all he said, driving her curiosity up the wall.When she wanted to know something, she was like a dog with a bone.But he changed the subject with haste, gesturing to the cooking meat, “This is done.Are you hungry?”

After last night, most definitely, she thought, letting the luxiva thing slide…for now.She nodded and watched as he plucked the steaming meat right off the spit.A splash of fat sizzled down into the fire.

“You’ll burn yourself,” she exclaimed.

Lihvan shrugged, letting it cool in his fingers.“I do not feel it.Luxirian flesh is thick.”

That’s not all that’s thick, Horny Beks thought.She shook her head, wondering if she’d even be able to get anything done that day, so distracted she was by the hunky alien in front of her.

When Lihvan determined that the meat was cool enough, he crouched down next to her and lifted it to her mouth.Her heart fluttered, realizing that he wanted to feed her.It was so…intimate.

She leaned forward and ate the slice, licking one of his fingers in the process.He suppressed a groan, watching as she chewed.Flavor burst on her tongue and she moaned.It tasted like rich, juicy, smoky pork.

“It’s amazing,” she said, watching as he tore off another piece, letting it cool, before holding it to her again.“You should eat, Lihvan.You must be hungry,” she said, eyeing his bulging muscles.He had to eat a lot to feed those babies.

Nix,” he said.“You eat first.Always.”

That dangerous feeling bloomed in her chest again.She felt it coursing through her, both exhilarating and frightening.It scared her how quickly she’d developed these feelings for him, in such a short period of time.But she’d never felt so cared for, so protected, so desirable than when she was with him.

“Okay,” she whispered, leaning forward.“But only if I get to feed you next.”