Her Darkest Devils by Ginna Moran

Chapter 11


For Hell’s Sake

“SHOULD YOU FOLLOW them or should I?” Dante drapes his arm over my shoulder as we watch Zade fly a few dozen feet away with Raven, trying to hide the two of them under one of the magnolia trees along the perimeter on the vast property.

“Me. If I confront Micah, he’ll be back in Hell taking Andre’s place. The fucking bastard knew better than to bring that shit up with the contract.” I growl with my words, pissed the fuck off that Micah ruined what should’ve been one helluva good time with Raven. He should’ve just kept his face buried between her legs instead of opening his goddamned mouth.

Should I have been peeking in on them? Probably not. But with how loud the two of them were, I couldn’t help crossing the line. It’s not like Micah hasn’t spied on us before, and Raven is so open and accepting of my nature that she’ll only be annoyed because she didn’t know. She gets off on being watched in all her sexy perfection, and she knows it.

As for Micah? Fuck him. He knew he needed to earn that sweet pussy of hers, and I don’t think he has. Or maybe he just lost the right.

I growl again. “Damn it. Maybe I should. He’d deserve it.” Am I still holding a grudge since he took my wings? Fuck yeah.

Dante chuckles, unfazed by my comment and anger boiling from my hands in a red orb. “That could be a lot of fun with Andre. We could fucking bet on how many orgasms it takes for him to release her. Maybe it’ll give our pretty soul the little nudge she needs for more ass play. I’m getting hungry for a Raven sandwich with you, especially after seeing Micah with her.”

I can’t stop the smirk from stealing my glower. It was a damn glorious sight. “It was practically raining pussy juice. I might have to put a kink in my tail and recreate that.”

Like the asshole he is, Dante slides his arm down my back and grabs my tail, tightening his hands around it. I startle at the pressure and tighten my jaw, trying not to react. It’s been a while since he played with me like this. It’s become Raven’s thing.

“I’ll help,” he teases, stroking the length and making my damn nuts ache with my boner. He drops it and gives me a push, knowing I might not move if he doesn’t. “But later. Maybe I’ll test it first and she can watch.”

“Are you offering to be the meat in our sandwich then?” I laugh and flick his cock through his pants, getting him to jump out of the way of the door to my balcony. “She’d love that.”

A rumble escapes his throat. “Don’t get me started, Kase. I’m fucking horny, and I know she might not be in the mood. Now go do what you do best and cock-block another bastard. I want her back here and in my arms. She deserves proper after care, which I’ll fucking make sure Micah knows how to do.”

I step onto the balcony. “You fucking better beat that into him.”

“Or bring Raven back and she can do it for us.” His eyes flash green with his words, the energy of watching Raven whip the Hell into Lucian still fresh on everyone’s mind. I knew she had it in her, but damn. Watching her devour his darkness and use it has me anxious and excited.

“Beatings from Raven all around.” I laugh and swat him with my tail, running and jumping from the balcony to avoid his retaliation.

The cool night air steams against the heat of my skin, and I catch sight of the faint glow in the distance. Instead of transforming, I stroll across the lawn, swinging my tail with my movements. Dante fucking has me all riled up now. If I were in my devil form, I’m not sure I could sneak up on Raven and Zade. Startling angels and catching them on the verge of losing themselves to Raven’s mortal allure is my fifth favorite thing in life.

“Can I kiss you for a moment?” Zade asks, his soft voice trickling to me. “I want to help set your light aglow and push away the darkness clinging to you. What you were forced to do—”

Raven and Zade come into view as she cuts him off with a kiss, placing her hands against his chest while she pushes him against the tree trunk. That naughty soul. She sure loves dominating the angels every chance she gets. I’ll have to remind Dante to truly reward her with some role swapping power play. I can’t get my controlling ass to submit, but I know he can.

“Raven,” Zade murmurs, easing away from her mouth. What a fucking dumbass. He shouldn’t pull away from her affection. He should give in until she’s good and ready to release him. “I want to kiss you all night but I must hurry and tell you why I’ve come.”

Anger rises through me, my wrath heating my body enough to feel as if the temperature drops. With all the new dicks around, I can’t help getting pissed off at seeing the shortcomings of others. Raven deserves the fucking best. She doesn’t deserve to feel like you want even a moment less of what her pouty mouth has to offer.

“Oh, right. I’m sorry.” That perfect angel-girl should not be apologizing to this bastard. He should apologize to her.

My rage gets the best of me, and I storm forward, giving away that I’m watching the two of them. Raven’s eyes widen, and she spins toward me, closing the space. She expects me to dodge around her and extends her arms out. I try anyways, but the sexy little Hell raiser she is tackles me.

I let her, landing on my back with a grunt. She straddles my waist and tries to grab my cheeks to draw my focus from Zade. I must be losing my touch, because he stands there without fluttering away like a scared pigeon. I growl deep in my throat until Raven yanks the big shirt she wears up, shows me a view of her naked body, and then smothers my face with her tits.

My growl turns into a purr, and I can’t stop from blowing between her cleavage, making her laugh. I trap her, not allowing her to scramble off me and teach her a lesson by sucking her hard nipple into my mouth.

I sense Zade staring at the two of us and shift Raven, giving him a show he can’t avert his eyes from. For good measure, I roll her off me and use my knee to keep her shirt up. “When you deny my beautiful soul your affection, I must complete the task. Look how happy she is exposed for us.”

Raven groans and blindly reaches for my tail, managing to snatch it. She winds it around her palm, silently threatening me to tone it down, but it’s hard. I’m fucking hard. Zade’s hard. Maybe it was a damn terrible idea to come out here and poke her dark nature after she was just pounded by Micah.

“He’s not ready, Kase. You know I don’t like to push them.” Raven snags her shirt out from under my weight and adjusts it, hiding her hypnotic tits, the bounce with her movements driving me wild, especially watching them jiggle and swing as Micah mounted her like a fucking animal from behind.

“But I do,” I tease, lifting her shirt again as she tries to get to her feet. “I’d push him right off his damn angelic pedestal if I could for you. Though, you might consider letting him get his cock wet as an angel. I’m tired of virgin devils thinking that they can keep you to themselves.”

“You heard?” she asks quietly, her teasing smile faltering.

I wag my eyebrows at her, watching her surprise shift into something darker, sexier. I knew she would like the thought. “Not only heard. Dante and I fucking watched. And let me tell you, I—”

She slaps her hand across my lips. “You little perv. How the Hell did you manage to stay quiet?”

“It’s easy when you’re so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear.” I lick her palm, thankful that she cleaned up. Micah already gets on my nerves. If I had to taste him...I shudder. Never fucking happening.

A heavy sigh sounds from beside us, and I whip my attention away from Raven to glower at Zade. He straightens his shoulders, his annoyance tightening his mouth. It makes me want to continue to ignore him and get Raven riled up, but her naughty ass untangles my tail from her hand and strides back to Zade.

“I’m so sorry. It’s been a crazy-ass night. What is it you needed to tell me?” Raven glances at me from over her shoulder. “You can whisper it if you want.”

I smirk, lifting an eyebrow at her. She damn-well knows that she’s going to tell me the second his feather-head vanishes.

Zade clears his throat and shakes his head. Good angel. Maybe he won’t be as hard to tolerate if he’s obedient now. “That won’t be necessary. It’s about Elias. I’ve located him.”

Raven gasps in surprise and throws her arms around Zade, practically climbing him like a tree to get in his face. I glower as I watch her kiss him, and once again, the unappreciative dickhole pulls away. A soft smile curves his lips, one that makes Raven smile too, and I fist my hand, wondering if I can distract her and punch his fucking face.

Must. Control. Wrath. But damn it. I want to dish punishment to every-fucking-asshole who does anything that can possibly hurt Raven tonight or make her feel anything less than the beautiful fierce queen she is.

“You’ve located him, huh?” I ask, strolling closer, the heat of my Hell power warming my tight fists. “Now why would you do that?”

My eyes dart to Zade’s hands tightening around Raven. He fears me and he instinctually desires to unnecessarily protect her. I’ll give him a point for that. Overprotective I can live eternity with. Asshole possessive bastards, on the other hand? I’ll have to teach everyone the same damn lesson I taught Dante. Raven chooses who she wants to give her affection to and if she wants to give it to every damn devil she creates, then I will stand by her side and work out the logistics of the massive orgies I know will be in store.

“I had an agreement with Raven. I messed up the first time and felt like I should keep trying. I would have gotten her soulmate and brought him here, but Cassius intervened and stopped me.” Zade remains expressionless, guarding himself from the sudden sadness crossing Raven’s face. “I’m sorry there was nothing more I could do. Cass is afraid of what you’re capable of despite knowing that I won’t leave my righteous path.”

That’s what he fucking thinks. I’ll prove it. I’ll help Raven get him to turn his back here and now. I know he’s curious and wants to experience some of the pleasure that comes with her attention. His surprisingly magnificent cock outline proves it. He’s no Andre, but he’s no blasted mortal either.

“It’s fine, Zade. Anything helps. I’m sure Andre will appreciate that you’ve already done so much.” Raven hugs him close again and plays with his blond hair.

That sneaky sexy angel-girl. I see exactly what she’s doing. And now that her comment sinks in, I can tell what she’s planning. She’s using Zade’s connection to Andre to get him to sway. The bastard’s probably broken up about Andre leaving him. And who fucking knows? It might be even more than that.

“Maybe after we pick up Elias, I can arrange something? I’m not sure I want to travel to Lust’s Kingdom, but we could summon him.” Raven strokes her fingers along Zade’s cheek.

“That is probably no longer a good idea.” Zade frowns with his words. “He made it clear that I was no longer accepted in his life.”

“You could always just fucking jump and join us, asshole,” I say, butting in. “I bet Andre would give you some extra attention if you just bent over and dropped your pants. It’s the best way to get to the ruler of Lust...if you think you can handle that massive ass-annihilator of a cock. Prove to Raven that anything’s possible with some prep.”

Her eyes widen and she scrunches her nose. Zade finally breaks his stern expression and raises his eyebrows. He’s fucking thinking about it. And damn. At this point, I don’t give a damn whose ass it is, I can’t wait to see the champion of desire slide his megaladick into the hole of assland.

Raven shivers and snaps out of her sudden fascination at Zade’s expression. Oh, damn. I think she just realized she might have an ass play fetish watching someone else. I’m going to fucking have to test the theory now.

Zade groans and slides Raven from his arms, scrubbing his face with his palms. “Give me strength,” he whispers under his breath.

Raven hears him too and touches his shoulder. “I’m sorr—”

I grumble and toss a ball of red power at the ground, startling her. “Stop with the fucking apologies to him. You have nothing to be sorry about. This dickwad needs to tell us where Elias is so we can hustle and grab his ass, come back here, and do some experimenting.”

Zade unfurls his wings, his shining light stinging my eyes. “He’s being held at the Canyon View apartments downtown. On Sixth.”

Raven grabs his hand and squeezes it. “Thank you.”

“If you really want to thank him, why don’t you give him a quick blowie? He looks ready to bust a nut anyway. Maybe it’ll push him to join us.” I drape my arm over Raven’s shoulder, meeting Zade’s eyes but talking to angel-girl. “Remember Andre? His cum gave you a peek into Heaven.”

Raven glances at me in her peripheral vision. I fucking love teaming up with her for this shit. “Oh, I guess that would be okay. If he wants one.” Her naughty mouth and willingness makes me want to bend her over and fuck her as she does so.

I touch Zade’s cheek with my tail. “You want one, angel-boy? You and angel-girl could—”

Batting his hand, he tries to knock my tail away but I’m far too fast for that kind of bullshit. Zade ruffles his feathers. “Perhaps some other time. I must go.”

Damn. I want to punch him for his rejection.

Raven stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. She whispers something into his ear, making the fucker glow brighter, and I wind my tail around her waist, ensuring he doesn’t try to steal her away from me at the last second.

With one more look at me, Zade shakes his head and backs out from under the tree. He flaps his wings and launches into the air, circling once before disappearing. Raven tilts her head toward the sky and watches the world above us longer than necessary like she expects him to return at any moment. Maybe come falling from above with a change of mind with his hopefully throbbing balls.

“Keep staring at the stars like that and I’ll start to think you want him to sweep you away to the land of flaccid cocks and desert dry pussies from the lack of anything fun.” I nudge her with my shoulder. “You love things way too wet and slippery for that bullshit. It doesn’t mist from the heavens because everyone’s banging, you know.”

She turns and whacks me. “Ew stop. You’re going to ruin the rain for me because now I’m going to think about heavenly cum. That’s weird.”

I roar a laugh and scoop her up, getting her to wrap her legs around me. She squirms, feeling my tail shift her shirt out of the way as I blindly follow the line of her ass crack. I’m so damn horny that I’ll accept fucking her with my tail for even just a minute. Her hands slide up and around my neck and she wiggles like crazy, testing my ability to hold her, making me work for it.

She clenches, puckering that tight asshole of hers. “Kase, I want you to fuck me as much as you do, but if we start, you know neither of us will stop. Then Dante will come and join us, and the next thing we’ll know it’s a week later. Elias might not manage that long. Save your horny sex frenzy as celebration.”

“There’s only one way I want to celebrate,” I mumble, testing her ass again to see if she relaxes. She does only to pinch the tip of my tail between her butt cheeks, making me grunt with an unexpected moan.

“Fine. If you can manage to behave and help me get Elias, I’ll let you fuck me in the ass,” she says, grazing her lips to my ear. “With your cock.”

“Hell-fucking-yes. Fucking finally.” I wind my tail back up and hide it with Hell power. I drop her a few inches and playfully hump her just to show how fucking excited I am. She feels so fucking good already. I can’t wait.

She bonks her head to my shoulder. “Just remember, the future of all ass-play now rests on you. If it’s not fun, you will ruin it for Dante.”

I sigh. “Damn.”

“You should feel the pressure of your decision if I’m going to take the pressure of your majestic satanic cock.” She smiles with her comment, using my own words against me.

“You’re so evil,” I mutter. “I love you. My cock loves you.”

She laughs and shakes her head. “Who knew a little ass agreement would turn you into such a romantic.”

“You hear that, Micah? That’s how you romance our soul. Keep it short and dirty or just show her in other ways. Don’t make her regret wetting your dick by making her think you’ve turned into a selfish prick who will deny her all the love she deserves, which is why her soul calls to all of us. You should realize it by now.” Dante hangs his hand over Micah’s shoulder as the two of them stand on his balcony and watch us from above.

I was too wrapped up with Raven to notice them. “Yeah, you fucker. This is your one free pass just because you haven’t learned to think under the influence of everything angel-girl embodies. Next time, if we catch her running from you to bathe alone and all confused and emotional without the proper affection she deserves after pounding your Hell into her, I will hang you up by your nuts and force you to balance with your ass on a broom.”

Raven’s eyebrows shoot up on her forehead and she sucks in a breath. “Kase, that’s fucking—”

“A promise,” I say, cutting her off. “But I won’t have to keep it now, will I Micah?”

He flares his nostrils and nods. “I am truly sorry for tonight, Raven. You gave me such a gift, and I wronged you. I hope you forgive me.”

Raven rubs her lips together. “I do, Micah, but I hope you know how serious I was. I will not stand around and accept failure. You having your name on my contract doesn’t make me feel better. It makes me feel like you don’t care if we succeed.”

He blinks a few times. I think the bastard finally gets it. It’s a good thing, because I was fully prepared to beat it into him. “We will succeed. I promise. We’ll do what I told you and get Elias back.”

She smiles, her worry in her eyes vanishing. “We won’t have to resort to that. We have Elias’s location. We’re getting him tonight.”

Dante grabs onto Micah and launches with him off the balcony and beside us. “Hell yeah,” Dante says, hugging his arms around me and Raven. “I thought there was a reason you two were in a good mood. Thank fucking fuck it wasn’t because you chose to have a threesome with blondie. It better be a fucking foursome if that happens.

Raven rolls her eyes and pats his cheek. “Only if you help me handle all the cock.”

He licks his lips and presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek, holding his curled fingers in front of his mouth. “Gladly.”

“Damn, angel-girl. You’re testing me on purpose, and I swear to fuck, I’m not going to fail because of it. That ass is mine.” I spank her, making her jump. “Now everyone get their shit together. We have a soulmate to find.”

“Finally,” Dante says. “Who’s telling Lucian?”

Micah shakes his head. “No one. Let him learn that his behavior will ensure he never gets a taste of Raven’s light.”

“Unless she asks,” I remind him. “Remember that. Whatever Raven wants, Raven gets.”

“Hell and all its rulers,” she says, smiling.

Damn. I bet she could get the universe if she wanted. She can make anyone fall to their knees.