Psync by Zile Elliven

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Eli tripped through the door and almost ate dirt, but Haruka caught and steadied him before he could hit the ground.

“That’s why you’ve been so busy translating nonsense at me?”

“It’s not what you think.”

Haruka rubbed a hand over his face, while still keeping a firm grip on Eli’s upper arm. “I’ve been a moron too. Just as badly as you.”

“Is name calling really necessary?”

He hadn’t called any of the other people names when he’d dismissed them and their feelings so easily. Eli must be special.

Someday, Haruka would find someone he didn’t want to drive away, and it wasn’t going to be a tiny little twink like Eli. It would probably be a much taller blonde girl with massive—

“I take it back. You are much dumber than me.”

“Hey, I—mmph!”

Haruka had cut Eli off.

With his mouth.

On Eli’s mouth.

Holy shit, what was happening right now?

Haruka pulled away just enough to say, “I don’t want a blonde girl with big tits. I will never want one, no matter what color her hair is.”

“Are you sure? Because there are so many of them out there, and they all seem to want you.”

“I’m very, very gay, Eli. I’m sure.”

“Oh.” Eli said in a small voice. “Well, there are a lot of guys in your fan club too . . .”

“Most of them aren’t there for me, but even if they were, I wouldn’t want them either.” Haruka nuzzled the side of Eli’s face with his nose. “Do you know what I was thinking when I saw you this afternoon?” His voice sent goosebumps up Eli’s neck and down his arms.

“What?” Eli’s heart was beating so fast he thought he was going to pass out.

“Mine.” Haruka growled into Eli’s ear. “When I saw you, I thought he’s mine. I wanted to hurt everyone in the room for seeing you like that.”

A curl of pleasure swooped low in Eli’s stomach. This didn’t seem like rejection at all. Haruka wanted him too?

“You’ve been torturing me for weeks, but I—” Haruka drew back just enough to look Eli in the eyes. “Eli, you’re beautiful without makeup, but when I saw what Alice had done to you, I thought I was going to go insane.”

“Oh.” That explained why Eli had felt like he’d been kicked in the chest when Haruka had shown up.

Haruka’s thumb traced Eli’s lower lip just like he had in Eli’s fantasy.

“Ahh . . .” Eli breathed.

“You made me wait for too long. Don’t make me wait anymore.” His hand trailed down, and his fingers traced Eli’s Adam’s apple. He dropped a kiss on it, then another.

Eli swallowed hard.

His mind was a kaleidoscope of conflicting thoughts and emotions. Was this really happening? Was this a terrible idea? Should they slow down?

Dear god in heaven, he really didn’t want to slow down.

Eli pressed his hands against Haruka’s chest and pushed. “Wait!”

“I know you don’t want me to wait, Eli. And I know you don’t want me to stop.” Haruka said, teeth grazing against Eli’s collarbone.

Everything was going so fast, he needed to stop and think, just for a few minutes.

“No waiting. No thinking.” Haruka took Eli’s wrists and pressed them against the wall and bit the spot where Eli’s shoulder met his neck. “Say yes, Eli.” He growled and tightened his grip.

It was like magic. All the warning bells, shoulds, and what ifs shut off, and Eli was left with blissful silence inside his head. All he was left with was need and a body that ached for one thing. Haruka.

“Yes,” Eli whispered. “Please.”

His feet left the floor as Haruka lifted him and carried Eli to the bed. He didn’t toss him there like he usually did when they played around. He laid him down slowly, reverently, like Eli was something precious to be treasured.

“Are you going to be good for me, Eli?”

Eli nodded. There was no other answer inside of him to give.

“I need to hear you say it out loud.” Haruka kneeled beside him with sin in his eyes. He slid a hand into Eli’s hair and pulled, just hard enough for Eli to really feel it. When it slid away, long fingers traced a line over Eli’s pulse.

“Yes . . .” Eli would be so good. As good as he needed to be as long as Haruka didn’t stop touching him.

“Good boy.”

Haruka sat back on his heels and for a long moment, all he did was allow his eyes to wander over Eli’s body. As if he were deciding where he wanted to start. He looked like he wanted to eat Eli alive.

Eli shivered and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.

Haruka’s eyes tracked the movement, and he shifted until he was straddling Eli’s body. Trapping him securely on both sides. “Do you do that on purpose?”

Eli meant to ask what he meant, but when he opened his mouth, Haruka ran his thumb over his lower lip again.

Was it supposed to feel this good? Eli gasped as Haruka played with his lower lip, stretching it slightly as he ran his thumb back and forth. Then he swooped down, like a bird of prey and captured it between his teeth.

“You don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to do this,” Haruka whispered against Eli’s mouth. “I’ve seen you do it a hundred times, chibisuke, and each time I wondered if it was as much fun as it looked.”

Eli’s head was swimming from delicious, sensory overload, but somehow, he managed to ask, “Was it?”

“It’s so much better.” Haruka pushed himself up, and his hips pressed into Eli’s.

Eli watched, mesmerized, as each and every one of the gold flecks went out as Haruka’s eyes got darker.

Shouldn’t he be scared right now? He’d never done anything like this before—never even kissed anyone before.

Haruka’s hands dug into the covers on either side of Eli. “Never?”

Eli shook his head. “I never wanted to.” But he wanted to now.

Weeks of watching Haruka simply exist near Eli, had him in a near permanent state of want. He wanted to do all the things he’d been too afraid to do when he woke up wrapped around Haruka each morning. Wanted to touch. Wanted to feel. Wanted to taste . . .

Eli’s hands snaked up to twine around Haruka’s neck, and his hips lifted on their own accord, searching for friction.

Haruka’s shivered. “I’m trying to go slow right now, but you aren’t making it easy.”

“When have I ever tried to make things easy for you—mmph.”

Haruka’s mouth descended, stopping Eli from talking, thinking, or remembering how to breathe. His tongue traced a hot path along the seam of Eli’s mouth, urging it to give him access. Eli gasped and let him in.

Haruka held Eli’s jaw, controlling the angle of the kiss as he slid his tongue into the boy’s mouth, exploring and plundering as he went.

Eli bucked against Haruka’s thigh and held on for dear life as Haruka devoured him, pressing kiss after kiss into his mouth, fucking it over and over again with his tongue.

When he finally pulled back, Haruka’s eyes were night black, without a star to be seen. In the depths, something dark stirred, like a jungle cat twitching its tail right before it pounced on its prey.

What had Eli gotten himself into? A shiver of fear went through him. Not fear of Haruka, but fear of the unknown.

“Thinking again?”

Eli nodded, unable to catch his breath enough to speak.

“Want me to help you stop?”

“Y-yes,” Eli managed to say, afraid that if he didn’t answer out loud, Haruka wouldn’t help.

The world moved as Haruka switched their positions, rolling until Eli straddled his hips.

“Off.” Haruka pulled Eli’s hoodie off his shoulders and helped Eli lift his shirt over his head.

Eli covered his chest, shyly, very conscious of the pink flush spreading across his body.

“I want to see you.” Haruka said and took Eli’s hands away, pinning them behind his back.

Eli struggled, wanting to cover himself, but Haruka held him firmly, not allowing him to move an inch. Eli’s mind went white.

He wanted to live here, in this quiet, lovely space full of softness and safety.

“So beautiful.” Haruka tucked Eli’s wrists into one hand so he could touch Eli’s chest, lingering on the pink buds he found there. He licked a finger and trailed it wetly over one stiffening peak.

“Ahhh . . . don’t . . .”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t . . . stop.” El rocked against the hard ridge of Haruka’s cock when it pulsed against his ass.

“Oh, I don’t plan on stopping.” Haruka promised as he unzipped Eli’s jeans and released his cock. Eli watched as it strained against his stomach, pink and leaking slightly at the tip. When Haruka grasped it in one large hand, Eli saw stars.

“Hah . . .”

He’d been right. There was no way Eli would last long with Haruka touching him like this. The man’s hand covered him completely—just looking at it was enough to make Eli’s vision go sparkly at the edges.

“You said you’d be good, Eli. I think you can last a little longer for me.” Haruka gave him a few slow strokes and then ran a thumb over the tip, spreading the wetness he found there in lazy circles.

“I’m . . . trying.”

“Try harder.” Haruka gripped him tighter and sped up the pace.

Eli couldn’t speak, all he could do was rock himself back and forth against the heat of Haruka’s cock, while the man had his way with him.

“If you hold out, I’ll put you in my mouth.”

Just the thought of Haruka’s mouth on him had Eli coming hard, covering his stomach and Haruka’s hand in white.

“That . . . was . . . evil.” Eli panted and slumped bonelessly, held up only by Haruka’s hand, still binding his wrists behind his back.

Haruka smirked. “Next time.”

Eli shivered and focused on getting enough air into his lungs. After a minute he asked, “What about you? I’ve barely had a chance to even touch you.”

Haruka released his hold on Eli’s arms and lifted the boy’s hips, scooting him back to reveal the damp spot spreading across his jeans. “I wanted you for too long, Eli. Just watching you . . .” Haruka closed his eyes. “You are intoxicating. I was afraid I would hurt you if I let you touch me.”

“I don’t believe you would hurt me.” Without Eli’s permission, anyway.

Haruka’s eyes flashed.

“How are you so perfect for me, Eli?” He mused, pulling him close and kissing him softly. Then he rolled Eli over and pressed him into the mattress, kissing him less softly.

Eli was panting when they finally came up for air. “I feel sticky.”

Haruka looked down at the mess they made. “Shower.”

“Separate showers,” Eli said firmly. There was no way he was doing sexy things where anyone could hear. It was bad enough they’d done it behind such thin walls. He had no idea what kind of sounds he’d made, but he doubted they’d been quiet.



They didn’t have separate showers.

Once he’d ascertained they were alone in the shower room, Haruka backed Eli into a stall, closed the curtain, and turned on the water. Before he had a chance to protest, Haruka already had Eli pressed against the cold tile wall and was rutting against him.

“Wait . . .”

Haruka covered Eli’s mouth and whispered in his ear. “Be quiet if you don’t want anyone to hear.”

Then he soaped every inch of Eli’s body—pressing the boy’s hands against the wall any time Eli tried to reciprocate.

“Please . . . I want to touch you.” Eli thought he would go crazy if he had to go another minute of seeing Haruka’s wet, muscled body without touching it.

“I know.” Haruka laughed darkly against Eli’s neck where he was in the process of sucking what Eli guessed was going to be an impressive bruise tomorrow. He was going to be a mess, but right now he couldn’t find it in him to care.

Eli strained against the hands pinning his against the wall, biting his lip hard to keep from making any noise, but every time he did, the quiet place took over, and he forgot what he was doing. Finally, he relaxed and allowed Haruka to do whatever he wanted.

As soon as he quit fighting, Haruka released his hands.

“Good boy.” Haruka kissed him hard and stepped back to lean against the wall.

Finally, finally, Eli was allowed to touch. He allowed his hands to run greedily over Haruka’s body. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he tried. This was all his. His to play with, his to touch, his to lick . . .

Eli’s tongue lapped at a brown, pebbled nipple. Then he nipped it with his teeth. Haruka grunted and wrapped his arms around Eli, pulling his body flush against him.

Eli wanted to wallow in this man. He rubbed his small, soapy frame against Haruka, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to be closer, so much closer than he already was.

Something hard as steel pressed against his stomach, and Eli’s hands went to it. He should wash Haruka as thoughtfully as he’d washed Eli.

So, he did.

Now it was Haruka’s turn to try to stay quiet as Eli stroked his length. It was so different than Eli’s. His hand barely fit around it. What would it be like if he put it in his mouth?

He locked eyes with Haruka and got on his knees. The large man’s pupils flared, and he placed his palms against the wall.

Keeping his eyes on Haruka’s, he nudged his cock with his nose and ran his tongue along the seam, from the base all the way to the tip. He wrapped his lips around it and heard Haruka swear in Japanese. Eli’s own cock was painfully hard and leaking furiously, but he ignored it in favor of getting as much of Haruka in his mouth as possible.

He didn’t get far. His mouth was too small, and the tip hit the back of his throat long before Eli’s lips reached the base. He choked, and Haruka pulled Eli back by the hair. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he looked up at Haruka.

Haruka’s hands tightened in Eli’s hair. He tugged against the hold on his hair and tried to put Haruka back in his mouth, but he couldn’t reach. A whine escaped him.

He’d never felt anything like this in his life. It was like Haruka’s skin sang to him, calling him closer so it could fill up all the hollow and empty spaces inside him. He couldn’t imagine ever getting enough of this.

Haruka hauled him up by the shoulders and pressed Eli against the wall, face first. Haruka’s heat against his back combined with the cold tiles touching his chest made Eli’s body go crazy.

“Haruka, please . . .”

“I’ve got you.” Haruka took Eli’s cock in his hand. It was slippery with soap, and Eli let out a high-pitched whimper. Haruka covered his mouth. “I don’t want anyone else to hear the noises you make.”

Eli was enveloped again in the lovely, soft world of quiet. He was a creature of pure sensation as Haruka thrust his cock between Eli’s soapy thighs while stroking Eli.

When Eli came, Haruka’s hand muffled his cries, and he bit down on Eli’s neck, stifling his own cries as he released between Eli’s thighs.

Eli stayed in the lovely soft place while Haruka cleaned them both off. He barely noticed as he was bundled into a fluffy robe. If there was another person in the room, he couldn’t have cared less.