Psync by Zile Elliven

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Haruka’s entire body tensed, and without thinking he stepped in front of Eli.

It was a mistake.

He didn’t want this woman to even look at Eli, and now she knew it. He forced himself to relax. It may have been a while, but he still knew how to play the game.

Haruka affected a bored tone. “You were supposed to be in Nagasaki this week, not in my building hijacking my elevator.” He was nothing more than a trust fund baby. A spoiled nuisance to be dealt with quickly and kept happy. He donned it like a cloak, willing her to continue to believe the lie that had kept him free all these years.

“Haru-chan, is that how you greet your aunt after all this time?”

Haruka rolled his eyes at the childish honorific she’d added to his name and sketched an indecently brief bow—the picture of a kid who wanted nothing more out of life than expensive toys and no parental supervision.

It was too soon. Eli didn’t know about the dangers of his family yet. Haruka wanted him to enjoy his first experience of Japan to the fullest, and he needed him to continue to love Haruka’s country.

He’d thought he had time, but Haruka had underestimated his aunt.

Eli poked his head out from behind Haruka.

His aunt’s eyes positively sparkled, and she clapped her hands together.

“Oh, Haru-chan, you shouldn’t have, he’s just my type. Absolutely precious. As apology gifts go, this is simply perfect.” She moved forward eagerly as if to drag Eli from the elevator.

Haruka stepped in front of her, forcing her to choose between backing down or bouncing off him. She stopped in her tracks.

“He’s mine, and he can understand you.”

His aunt’s eyes flashed in irritation. She didn’t like being denied things. Too bad. This was one thing he would never unbend on, even if he had to blow his carefully crafted cover.

“It was a joke, Haru-chan. I’m not here to steal your toys.”

Eli tried to go around him and was stopped when Haruka put out an arm to bar his way. He shot Haruka a cautious look of inquiry before saying, “I’m Eli Talosa. I am not a toy.”

“Don’t talk to this viper, I will deal with her,” Haruka said in Thai.

It was a language his aunt had refused to learn. She’d been to Thailand once and had an unpleasant experience with a monitor lizard. Afterward she’d cut off all personal ties to the place—going so far as to relegate any business dealings to someone else.

She leaned down as if speaking to a small child. “I’m Haru-chan’s aunt, little one. My name is Chiba Hitomi, but you can call me Nee-san.”

Haruka could feel the confusion coming off Eli in waves. He didn’t want to call her big sister. Eli knew there was something dangerous about her and wanted to leave, but he also wanted to be polite.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Eli’s bow was far more formal than the one Haruka had given.

“I love him, give him to me when you are done,” his aunt said in Russian.

Haruka responded in kind. “We won’t be here that long.” It was true. Eli could be here for a hundred years, and Haruka still wouldn’t be done with him. He switched back to Japanese so Eli could understand. His boy’s obsession only extended to Asian languages. It was adorable. “Is there something you needed? Otherwise, we’ve got video games to play.”

“Yes, I wanted to invite you to eat this evening. The both of you.”

“We can’t make it. Jet lag.”

“Nonsense. Our CEO is finally back. It would look bad if our company didn’t celebrate it.

Eli sucked in a sharp breath at the word CEO. Haruka felt a spike of anxiety from Eli before he stepped backwards, breaking their link.


“An hour. Then I’m leaving.” And Eli wasn’t coming.

Haruka stepped forward, using his size to force his aunt out of the doorway and pressed the penthouse button. The doors closed in his aunt’s face.

The elevator was deathly silent as they continued their trip to Haruka’s rooms.

Haruka wanted to touch Eli but wasn’t sure if he’d be welcome.

It was a physical ache in his bones, the need to make sure Eli was okay and to comfort him if he wasn’t. The boy was tiny and, for all his bluster, very innocent. In Haruka’s eyes he was painfully breakable.

“CEO, huh?” Eli said finally. “I’m not calling you that, ever, just so we’re clear.”

“Are you mad?”

“I’m only mad if you were planning on not telling me.”

Haruka place a hand on Eli’s chest, telegraphing the movement in case his boy was feeling twitchy.

He wasn’t. Instead of shying away, Eli allowed Haruka the same easy access he’d enjoyed for the past month. How he loved this tiny, enchanting creature.

More than anything, he sensed curiosity. Eli wasn’t angry at all. Nor was he anxious. After the initial start Haruka’s aunt had given him, Eli had suspended his reaction until he had more information. He believed in Haruka completely and was waiting for him to explain what was going on.

“I was planning on telling you.” Haruka allowed a brief break in the wall he’d built in his mind so Eli could feel his sincerity.

“I’m CEO in name only. The company belonged to my parents. They died when I was very young, so my aunt took over.”

He opened another small breach in his wall. :We can’t talk about this here. Wait until we reach my room.: He tapped his ear in the universal gesture of someone might be listening.

He felt Eli’s assent before the boy said cheekily, “So you’re a like a trust fund baby?”

Haruka smiled at how fast Eli had caught on to the game and nodded.

“All right, trust fund baby, get ready to spoil me rotten.”

He knew Eli didn’t mean it, but he wished he did. Nothing would make him happier than to spoil him. Eli was annoyingly unmaterialistic.

Haruka pulled Eli close. “Are you going to be my sugar baby, then?”

“Only if I get my own car. A shiny one.”

Haruka would buy him ten if he was serious.

The door chimed and opened onto Haruka’s suite of rooms. He tugged on Eli’s hand and led him inside.



“You have a koi pond in your living room.”

“I know.” Haruka’s mouth twitched as he watched Eli explore.

He’d lived here for ten years, so it was ordinary to Haruka. Boring even. Everything was boring before he’d met Eli.

The room transformed into something magical as Eli poked and prodded everything in sight. Haruka followed silently when Eli ran out to the rooftop garden.

“You have a heated pool!”

“I do.”

Eli ran up to him and grabbed both of Haruka’s hands. “Can I swim in it?”

Haruka caught a flash of pure, childlike excitement. Eli had never had access to a private pool, so he hadn’t been swimming since he was very young. There would have been too many eyes for him to be able to enjoy himself.

If they ever returned to the States, Haruka would buy Eli a house with a pool.

“You can swim in it whenever you want.” Wearing as much or as little as he wanted.

Eli released Haruka’s hands and made like he was going to strip down and jump right in, but his attention was diverted by the view before he took off a single item of clothing. “I can see Osaka Castle from here!”

He was weak for this boy.

Haruka reached for his phone and opened the app that allowed him to connect to a device he’d installed in his suite the last time he’d been here. Once he was assured there were no surveillance devices around, he tossed his phone onto a nearby bench.

Then he made his way to where Eli was—standing on a rock wall, trying to get a better view of the Osaka skyline.

“Tomorrow can we go-ack!” Eli was cut off as Haruka scooped him off the wall and tossed him over one shoulder.

“Yes.” Tomorrow they could go anywhere, but right now they had unfinished business.

The encounter with his aunt had him feeling . . . territorial. She hadn’t been kidding when she’d expressed an interest in Eli.

Haruka carried Eli inside and deposited him on top of a decorative marble table. “Thank you for being good, Eli.” Haruka enjoyed the way the boy’s eyes went dark at the word good. His irises were so thin his eyes were a midnight blue.

The way Eli went from a hyper ball of energy to passive and compliant in seconds stirred something inside him. Something dangerous in its intensity. Something that focused solely on Eli.

Haruka’s control danced a fine line as he willed his mental walls to stand firm against the darkness in his heart. He couldn’t let it taint the golden core of the boy in his arms, but he couldn’t stop himself from basking in the glow.

Haruka watched, mesmerized, as mischief flared in Eli’s eyes and a pink tongue darted out to wet soft lips. The boy thrust out both hands and planted then in the center of Haruka’s chest and shoved hard.

Eli wasn’t compliant after all. He wanted to play.


The impact of Eli’s push was negligible. Haruka stood his ground and jerked the boy’s hips sharply against his own. His cock was already hard as steel as it pressed against Eli. No one had ever affected him this way.

It was all he could do not to tear off Eli’s clothes and bury himself inside the boy’s tight little hole. His shadow side egged him on, telling him Eli was begging for it.

And he was. Eli might be trying to push him away, but on the inside, he was pleading for Haruka to wreck him.

What a perfect, dirty, little angel.

One that should be begging more.

Haruka stripped away the black hoodie he’d given Eli. It was the only thing he refused to tear to shreds. And since Eli was wearing his favorite shirt under it, he couldn’t tear it either unless he was willing to suffer Eli’s wrath later. For such a small person—or perhaps because of it—Eli was surprisingly vindictive. And incredibly creative about it.

Eli put up a good fight as he tried to keep his shirt on, but he melted like a puddle when Haruka took his upper arms and held him firmly, exerting just enough pressure for the boy to really feel it. His eyes went soft and dreamy, long enough for Haruka to free him from his shirt, but as soon as Haruka let go of his arms, he lashed out.

He was going to make Haruka work for it today, and that fit in perfectly with his own plans. They both needed this. Eli needed to release some steam after his breakdown, and Haruka needed to reassert his claim after their fight and his aunt’s annoying comments. He was happy to let Eli fight as much as he wanted.

It wasn’t the fight Haruka wanted though—well, not entirely—it was so much more than that. As much as he loved watching Eli be bratty, it was nothing compared to harnessing that power, taming it, and bringing it under his own will. Haruka would forever be in awe that such a beautiful creature would willingly surrender everything to him.

A vase shattered on the floor, sent there by Eli when he tried to scoot backward, kicking as he went. Eli peeked out from behind his disheveled bangs to gauge Haruka’s reaction. There was no remorse there, only sly calculation—he’d done it on purpose.

Haruka bit back a smile. Words couldn’t begin to describe how it felt to see Eli fully in his power, no fear or hesitation in his eyes.


He trusted Haruka with himself, both to protect and to contain.

Haruka caught Eli by the leg and dragged him across the table, dodged the other leg when it tried to kick him in the chest and trapped it against his side with the first one.

He shifted his weight, turned the struggling boy over until he could tuck him under one arm, and grabbed the hoodie with his free hand. “I was going to fuck you on the table, but someone made a dangerous mess on the floor.” He tightened his hold on the wiggling baggage under his arm until it eeped. “So, now I’m going to have you here instead.”

Haruka tossed Eli onto the couch, making sure to give him a safe, if somewhat rough landing. Before the boy had a chance to recover, Haruka had him flipped over onto his stomach and straddled him, using the hoodie to bind Eli’s arms behind his back.

“Get off!” Eli shouted into the couch and tried to buck Haruka off of him.

Haruka allowed most of his weight to pin the boy flat and slid a hand up his spine, enjoying the feel of the soft, porcelain skin. Eli shivered, and goosebumps sprang up in the wake of Haruka’s fingers.

The shiver went deeper than Eli’s body. Haruka could feel the soft, quiet place shimmering around the edges of Eli’s consciousness. He was almost in the place where Eli could be free from worry, the need to fight, or the need to think. All he needed was a push.

Haruka leaned over Eli’s back, braced a hand on the couch beside the boy’s head, and lowered his head until his mouth brushed against Eli’s neck. “It’s not polite to break my things, kitty.”

Haruka didn’t give a single fuck about the vase, but this was too good an opportunity to pass up. He kissed the quivering flesh before giving it a quick nip.

“Ah . . .”

It was such a small sound—just a tiny sigh, really—for the amount of havoc it wrought on Haruka’s system. His world narrowed down to a pinpoint, and his own mind went very quiet as something rose up inside Haruka and demanded he push into the boy right now, raw and unprepped.

His hands clenched until veins stood out on his forearms, and Haruka breathed heavily against Eli’s neck, forcing himself to calm down.


“I think you need to be reminded who you belong to, kitty.” Haruka sat up and turned Eli’s face to the side so he could see it, then he wrapped a hand around the boy’s slender neck. His thumb traced a vein, and Haruka marveled at how it fluttered. He tightened his grip just enough for Eli to know exactly who he belonged to.

This was his. Eli was his.

Haruka’s eyes drifted half closed as Eli’s mind shimmered and went white. He watched as the boy went limp and all the fight went out of him. Eli’s eyes were dark, and his mouth was slightly open as he panted softly underneath Haruka.

Haruka released his throat and traced the boy’s mouth before dipping a finger inside. A soft, pink tongue darted out to meet it, and Eli began to pant harder. He arched his back, grinding his ass needily against Haruka.


Subverbal Eli was fun to play with.

Haruka climbed off Eli long enough to pull the boy’s jeans and boxers off. Then he took him by the hips and draped him face first over the back of the couch.

He stripped off his own clothes before joining Eli, pressing himself against his back and put two fingers inside the boy’s mouth. “Get them good and wet, Eli, unless you want me to hurt you.”

Eli groaned and ground his ass against Haruka’s cock. Deep in the soft, hazy world inside his mind, Haruka picked up the thought that Eli wanted him to shove into him, to hurt him, to claim him.

Haruka laughed softly. Eli would kill him if he couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. He took control of the boy’s hips, spread his cheeks apart and allowed the head of his cock to brush over Eli’s hole, teasingly. “I won’t let you hurt yourself, Eli. I can’t play with you if you’re broken.”

Eli strained against Haruka’s hold but couldn’t move his hips a millimeter. He let out a high-pitched keening sound.

“Behave,” Haruka said and gave Eli’s ass a slap. Eli cried out, and a lightning strike of pleasurepain blossomed in his mind. Haruka watched in fascination as the pale skin began to turn pink, creating a perfect impression of his hand. He traced his fingers over the abused skin, and Eli’s mind shimmered brightly.

“Beautiful,” Haruka whispered. Everything about Eli was simply breathtaking. “How are you so perfect for me?”

He untied Eli’s hands and placed them on the top of the couch on either side of Eli’s head. “Don’t move them.”

Eli’s face went dreamy, and Haruka stroked his cheek before resting his fingers against soft lips. This time Eli lapped at his fingers like they were covered in ice cream.

“Good kitty. Very good kitty.”

Satisfied, Haruka reclaimed his hand. “You deserve a treat.”

He planted a hand in the middle of Eli’s back, pinning him. The glow in Eli’s mind intensified.

He smoothed his hand over Eli’s ass and inserted a spit-slick finger inside Eli roughly, barely giving his body a chance to adjust before giving him another.

“HaaaAh!” Eli arched against him as pleasurepain dominated his mindscape.

Haruka forced himself to slow down and give him one more finger. Eli’s soft cries were murdering his self-control, but Haruka managed to pull himself together long enough to roll on a condom before pushing slowly inside Eli.

All thoughts of holding back fell to pieces when Eli shifted his hips and pushed back, allowing Haruka to slide all the way in to his tight, wet heat. Nothing felt like this, nothing had ever made his blood sing the way it did when he was inside Eli, feeling exactly how much the boy wanted him.

When Haruka bottomed out, Eli made a cute little sound that made Haruka grab his hips and begin to pound into him. He wanted to hear every little noise the boy could make. He wanted to make him scream.

One of Eli’s hands slid down from the top of the couch, and he began to stroke himself. Haruka took his hand away and slammed it back into place, covering both of the boy’s hands with his own. “Bad kitty.”

Haruka drove into the boy at a punishing pace, for a few seconds not thinking about how small and fragile Eli was. But the glow inside Eli called out to something inside Haruka. Something barely leashed and better off left alone.

Before it could break free, Haruka slowed his pace and released Eli’s hands. He took the boy’s slim, pink cock in his own hand—it was positively dripping with precome. He knew he could make Eli come untouched, but it would be more intense this way. Haruka wanted to imprint himself onto every fiber of Eli’s being so he’d never forget who he belonged to.

He stroked Eli and fucked into him, using the boy’s hip for leverage so he could get in as deep as possible.

“Ha-Haruka . . . ahhhhh!” Eli bit his hand, trying to muffle his screams. “Please let me come, haaaa . . .”

He should make Eli beg more, he did it so beautifully, but Haruka was reaching his own limits. “Go ahead, kitten.”

Haruka stroked Eli faster, adding a twist at the end of each stroke while driving into his sweet spot, and the boy shattered. His body convulsed around Haruka, driving him over the edge too.

Haruka was nearly feral as he slammed into Eli, forcing sexy little whimpers out of him as he chased his orgasm.

Haruka blissed out for a bit, dropping lazy kisses onto any part of Eli he could reach, just enjoying being part of Eli’s glow.

“I think you’re crushing my everything.” A tired voice came from underneath Haruka.

He was draped over Eli, who was squashed between him and the back of the couch. Haruka gave him one last kiss before peeling himself off the boy.

“Let me make it up to you.”


Haruka swung Eli into his arms. “By giving you a bath.”

If Haruka was very lucky, once Eli saw Haruka’s bathtub, Eli might let him have him again.


Eli was curled up in Haruka’s bed, fast asleep. The sun was still out, but jet lag, stress, and Haruka’s undivided attention had him so exhausted, a riot could have broken out beside him and the boy wouldn’t have twitched a single toe.

Haruka brushed the hair away from Eli’s face and kissed him.

He wouldn’t find a better time than now to do what needed to be done, so he sent a text to his assistant. He had a few things to discuss with his aunt.