Twisted Ginni by Nicola Rose

Exclusive Content!

Thank you so much for reading Twisted Ginni. I hope that you enjoyed it and will consider leaving a rating!

Not ready to be done with these characters? I’ve written a bonus epilogue, taking a peek at where they’re at ten years later! There’s a heavy dose of steam (remember the shower scene that was interrupted by a tornado? I couldn’t leave that as unfinished business…) and also a suuuuper sweet surprise. PLUS, there’s a crossover with characters from my novel Possessed by the Devil, giving you the first glimpse at a spin-off series in the works!

By joining my mailing list, you’ll be given immediate access to the VIP Member Area on my website where you can download not only this bonus epilogue, but also a copy of my incredibly dark & dirty novella, Broken by the Gladiator.(Yes, I suppose technically it’s historical romance, but really it’s just a fucked-up thrill ride of blood, sex, and power play! Enter if you dare!)

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