Twisted Ginni by Nicola Rose



“You’ve got to admit, it’s pretty bloody exciting being on the run!” Ginni fixed her hair in the mirror while Phoenix drove us out of town.

Okay. It was all good. I’d got this figured out.

I blew cigarette smoke out of the window, humoring Phoenix by not smothering him in it. He still looked mad but didn’t comment. Fuck him. The urge to smoke had increased tenfold since this bitch’s arrival.

“From now on, you’re forbidden from doing anything other than exactly what I command,” I said. “Got that? Let me repeat. You’re commanded to do nothing other than exactly what you’re told.”

OK, that sounded better in my head than out loud.

She twisted in her seat to face me. “That is one seriously dangerous game. I suggest you think hard on it.”

“I’ve thought, I’ve decided, you do as you’re fucking told and nothing else.”

She let out a whistle, eyebrows raised. “Okay, big boy, if you’re sure. Just remember that when you mess up and don’t give me extremely precise instructions, you’re still going to be in shit. Oh, and that by taking away all of my freedom to think for myself, I can’t help you when you might just need it the most.”

Phoenix shot me a worried look in the rearview.

“Don’t listen to her, she wants you scared.” I rubbed at the puncture wounds in my chest from damned claws.

“I don’t know, this doesn’t feel right. I’m not even comfortable with having someone to command, let alone having total control. We’re not in New Rising anymore, this isn’t right.”

Demon,” was all I offered in reply.

Sam ticced.

“Don’t you start!” I turned my attention out of the window to the passing Texas desert. The cult wouldn’t have moved too far away. They were out there, somewhere.

“Look, I won’t—” Ginni started up.

“You won’t speak unless spoken to,” I informed her.

Her lips snapped shut and I caught the fury behind her eyes in the mirror. Phoenix sighed. Sam ticced again.

It was okay. I’d got this.