Blue 42 by C.A. Rene

Chapter five


Buffalo is quiet compared to Baltimore. No sirens and no gunshots waking you up all hours of the night. I miss my mom and even though he’s been pissing me off, I miss Danny too. I’m lonely here and I had hoped I would’ve befriended some teammates by now. Instead, I’m here sounding like a bitch inside my own head.

I roll off my bed and head to the kitchen. I rented a smaller townhome because I don’t plan on buying until I can get Mom and Danny out of Maryland. Danny is giving Mom a hard time about it, saying he doesn’t want to leave behind his friends and the girl he’s seeing. As soon as I have time, I’m heading home and convincing him to leave.

In the meantime, I bought Mom a house and even though it’s a quaint two-bedroom bungalow, it’s still an upgrade from the one-bedroom apartment we were all living in at one point. She’s happy to be out of the hood but we both know Danny is still very much in it, no matter how much we try to ignore it. I know all too well the lure of the streets, the promises of loyalty, and the rush of adrenaline. How holding that metal piece in your hands makes you feel invincible and then the fear when you watch someone bleed because of it. I know all of it and I fought the allure, I scraped myself out of the gutter.

Danny is not so strong, he won’t be able to fight it, and as the months tick by, he gets closer to an initiation. If that happens, there’s no getting him out, and all of this will have been for nothing. If I can’t save my brother from himself and if I can't give him what he’s searching for, I might as well go down with him.

I’ve rested for twelve hours straight, soaked in hot baths, and even had a deep tissue massage, but now I feel agitated. I want to move; I want to run. My muscles feel the best they’ve felt in a long time and I feel the pull to the field, a place to run out the energy I feel coiling inside of me. I bounce on the balls of my feet and breathe deep, just a few more hours and I can show Coach just what the Bills acquired with me.

Just a few more hours.

“Today will be the first string against the second string.” Coach calls out. “Line up!”

This is my chance to show I’m not second-string material, I belong on that first string, and my legs are buzzing with the need to pound my feet into the field. I jog towards the second-string group and our QB Allan Samuels gives me a wide smile.

“How’re you feeling, Rookie?”

“I feel like my legs are gearing up to set this fucking field ablaze.”

“Yes!” He growls and a few hoots go up from the others, “let’s hand these first stringers their asses.”

Again, hoots and hollers go up and I revel in the sound of the comradery. This is what I’ve been needing since I arrived here, a purpose to run my ass off, and a team worthy of winning. I want to win with this team.

Samuels give us our play and he points his finger at me, “Rookie, run that shit home for us.”

I give a quick nod and we break the huddle, fanning out across the field. Jameson lines himself up across from me and I watch as his lips form a grin around his mouth guard, then he winks at me. He won’t catch me and the thought has me grinning right back at him. I look down their line and my gaze catches on a hostile pair of golden eyes, the hatred in them clear. Avando will never accept me and the thought has me feeling a bit defeated. Then I hear my Clemson Coach’s voice in my head, “you can’t please them all, son.”

I can’t please them all and I will have to live with that, but I won’t let him take this from me. I’d much rather leave him in my fucking dust. Samuels calls out our play and as soon as that whistle is blown, I’m dancing my way around Jameson. He dives to catch my legs but I skip to the side and watch as his body hits the grass, then I sail over him. My toes dig into the field as I run and I quickly look back to see the ball soaring for me. My hands reach up and just like fucking magic, it lands in their grasp.

I don’t break my speed, I don’t falter, and I keep that end zone firmly in my sights. I hear them at my back, the screams of triumph and of frustration, but I keep going. The burn running up my legs is like an extra jolt of energy and I take off faster, the last twenty yards swimming in my peripheral. I sail over that line and dig my heels in to stop, the divots of grass unearthed behind me.

I drop the ball and throw my head back, screaming into the early morning sky. Finally, I’m back to myself. I turn around to see both strings standing there watching me, looking shocked, and one face in particular looking angry as hell.

“Rookie!” Coach calls out, “is that you, Rookie?” His smile is huge across his face and he scrubs a hand over his bald head.

I can’t answer him because my lungs are fighting to suck in as much air as possible, but my smile is wide around my mouthguard.

“Do that a few more times today and I’ll have you on the first string when the season starts.” He calls out and my heart soars. A rookie on the first string his starting year, it doesn’t get any better than that.

I jog back to the second string and pass by a glaring Avando, “you’ll suck my dick before getting the first string, pussy.”

“Sounds like you’d like that.” I retort and continue by. I won’t let him destroy my career.

The hot water hits my chest and the steam gathers around my head. I’m still riding the high of running that ball into the end zone five more times. Coach was right, my body needed a reset and now I feel like I’m on fire. He’s promised me a first-string start for the first two games and if I continue to prove myself, he’ll keep giving me the following games. I take the bodywash and ooze it out onto my sponge, rubbing it into the skin of my chest and stomach. The smell is musky and earthy, really masculine.

“Rookie did real well today, boys.” I hear Avando’s loud voice behind me.

I turn to see him and standing at his flanks are Jameson and Ortiz, no surprise. They’re all naked, save for the white towels around their waists, and all three stand there ominously with their arms crossed over their chests. They wouldn’t try anything, right?

“He sure did.” Ortiz nods, but it’s Jameson that looks the most pissed off. I get it, it was him I ran circles around all day.

“We should celebrate.” Avando claps his hands together.


I go to open my mouth and ask what he means when both Jameson and Ortiz rush inside the stall, flip me around and push my face into the tile. I try to fight, I’m exceptionally strong, but there’s two of them and they’re huge.

“Did you think your little remark on the field would go unanswered? Huh, pussy?” Avando sneers from behind me. “Do you know what I do to pussies?”

I’m struggling against Jameson and Ortiz’s hold and my body is on fire with anger. I can’t help but let fear mingle with the anger, I grew up in the hood and we’re taught to never turn your back on anyone. What is he going to do? Stab me? He’d never get away with it. Give me a beating? He better hope it’s enough to keep me down or else I will easily turn on him.

Sudden shock tears through me and halts my struggles at the feel of his fingers brushing down my right ass cheek. It’s so light that I can’t be sure if I’m feeling it right, and my body tenses.

Do you know what I do to pussies?


No fucking way.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” I snarl into the tile wall, my cheek pressed firmly into it making my mouth awkward for speech.

His cold chuckle sends ice down my spine regardless of the hot steam around us and my stomach drops as bile rushes upward, stinging my throat. Those fingers grab my ass in their clutches and squeeze tight, the nails cutting into my skin. The other hand grabs on and then he’s spreading them apart.

“Looks like a nice wet pussy to me.” He whistles.

Then I feel the head of his dick slip between my spread cheeks and I scream, kicking out with my legs. Ortiz and Jameson clamp my legs against the wall and then Sebastian is stuffing the wet white towel into my mouth. I struggle but it’s no fucking use and I’m about to be raped. I’ve heard about this happening in jail and yes, I’ve heard about some university scandals involving rape but I never thought in the NFL. How many others did he do this to?

“She’s pretty,” he coos as he goes back to stroking his cock along my asshole, never penetrating, just gliding over it.

My screams are muffled around the towel and when I feel him start to push inside, shame, sudden and hot flies through me. How did I let this happen? I should’ve fucking known better than to be without my guard up. Tears break past my lash line as he continues pushing inside of me and the pain is like a hot poker, searing me with each inch.

“She’s tight, boys.” He grunts behind me, “I think we got ourselves a virgin.”

Why did I have to stay in the shower for so long? Why didn’t I get out of here quickly? I knew he was pissed and I knew I egged him on today. How did I become so fucking naive? He withdraws and pushes back in, the pain making me scream once again into the wet towel.

I hear a locker door slam in the distance and Sebastian hastily pulls out, as Jameson slams his fist into my stomach. The force of the hit has me doubling over and gagging hard around the wet towel, vomit hits the fabric in my mouth and rushes back down my throat. Breathing becomes impossible as the acid liquid spews from my nostrils and the towel still blocks my mouth.

“Remember your place, Rookie.” I hear Avando sneer, “or that little pussy will be mine again.”

They hurry out of the shower and I pull the towel out, inhaling a lungful of air. Everything hurts and I take my time getting to my feet. The room spins and I stumble into the wall, my hand slipping on the tile. I lose purchase and slip to my ass on the floor, grunting through the pain radiating back there. I refuse to scream and I refuse to walk out of here weaker than I walked in.

If Avando thought he could break me this way, he would be sorely mistaken, and I won’t give him the satisfaction. I stand again and lean against the cool tile, taking deep breaths and spitting out the bile that’s collected in my mouth. I stumble back under the water and let the cooling liquid roll over my back and down my ass. I will never be caught with my back turned again.

There’s no way I can go to Coach about this and even if I wanted to, the thought of telling anyone has my stomach rolling again. No, I will deal with this the only way I know how, and fuck, watch how fucking sweet my revenge will be.