One Hot Doctor by Sarah J. Brooks

Chapter 10


It’s cheesy and weird because we’re not dating, but I take Cora’s hand as we walk through the park, and she doesn’t pull away. I’m going to be a dad! The idea has settled in, and I’m growing more excited by the day.

“Any ideas on names?” I ask Cora.

She laughs loudly. I love her laugh. It’s loud and uninhibited. A laugh I could listen to over and over again.

“How can you think about names when we don’t even know the gender yet?”

I choose to ignore what she says. “How about Angel if it’s a girl?”

She laughs again. “That’s too cheesy.”

“Okay, what’s your idea then?”

We spend the next couple of minutes throwing back and forth ideas for a girl’s name. Our ideas grow ridiculous by the minute, and soon Cora is laughing so hard that we have to sit down.

“You seem to be getting used to the idea of a baby,” Cora says when her laughter has abated.

“I have. I’m planning on telling my family tonight. Do you want to come and hold my hand while I tell them?”

Cora turns to me with an amused expression on her face. “I very much doubt that you need me to hold your hand, but I’ll come.”

We arrange that I’ll pick her up at six in the evening. We walk around the park for another ten minutes, and then Cora drives me back to the office.

I’m impatient for the evening to arrive and at five, I leave for home. I take a quick shower and change into casual khaki pants and a T-shirt. When I check the time, it’s still too early to pick Cora up, but I’m too impatient to stay in the house, and I decide to go to her house anyway.

I turn my mind to the evening ahead as I drive to Cora’s place. I’m surprised that Martin didn’t tell my sister about Cora’s pregnancy. There’s no way Fran would not know something like that and not call me.

My arrival coincides with a guy in a rush exiting Cora’s building. He says a quick hello and holds the door for me. Unease settles over me as I enter the building, and the door shuts behind me. It gets me wondering just how safe Cora and my son or daughter will be. I own my home, and it has a small front and backyard, plus the security is good. Maybe Cora would not be averse to moving in with me.

I freeze outside her door. What the fuck is wrong with me? I made a vow to steer clear of relationships, and here I am contemplating asking Cora to move in with me. It’s nuts. Besides being crazy thinking, Cora would not give up her apartment above her workplace.

I knock on the door, and when it swings open seconds later, all rational thought leaves my brain. Her hair is wet and matted to her skin, and as my gaze takes a leisurely stroll downward, all the blood in my body drops to my cock. My eyes are glued to the swell of her breasts above the towel. I am caught between wanting to scold her for answering the door like that and burying my head between her breasts.

“Do you want to come in, or would you rather stand there and ogle?” she says, her tone teasing.

I enter and wait for Cora to shut the door. “You look good enough to eat,” I growl, closing the distance between us.

Cora’s eyes widen, and her lips part as if to welcome me.

I tug at her towel, and it falls off to reveal her gorgeous body. I draw a breath as I swoop in on a nipple and pop it into my mouth. As I suck, I gather her breasts together and greedily move from one nipple to another.

“That feels so good,” Cora says.

“You’re so beautiful, babe,” I tell her.

I love how big her nipples feel in my mouth. Scientifically, I know that her breasts and nipples have grown in preparation to provide nourishment to the baby. At this moment, though, it feels as if Cora’s nipples have swelled just for me.

She threads her fingers through my hair frantically.

“I want to taste you,” I say and drop to my knees. I bury my head in Cora’s red curls and inhale her musky scent. “Spread your legs for me.”

She does as I ask, and I splay my hands on her inner thighs and slide my tongue between her folds. I groan as I taste her sweet juices and inhale her musky scent.

I’m surprised that my dick doesn’t tear through my pants. It throbs and jerks, demanding to be released. I ignore it until I have my fill of Cora’s sweetness.

I sense that she’s about to come, and I stand up while running my hands along her curves. I pull her against my body and kiss her deeply before leading her to the couch. I need her, and I can’t wait to go to her bedroom.

I quickly shed my pants and boxer briefs and sit down on the edge of the couch. I pull up my shirt to reveal my rock-hard cock, jutting out proudly. Cora comes to me and gently lowers herself onto my cock. A hiss escapes my mouth as she takes me deeper and deeper into her tight sweet pussy.

“Your cock is so big,” she says.

“Is that good or bad?”

“Are you serious?” she says, panting as she speaks. “Women have killed for this.”

I chuckle, but when she lifts herself from my cock, the laughter disappears, and all I need is to have my cock buried in her pussy again. I hold her hips and slam her down hard. She cries out, and I remember too late that she’s pregnant, and I should be gentle with her.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Don’t you dare stop,” Cora says.

She braces her hands on my shoulders and lowers herself on my cock while I thrust upward. I forget my intentions to be gentle and thrust into her hard. I love the bounce of her full breasts and the jiggle of her ass as she rides me.

“Fuck, babe, you feel so good.” I look up at her adoringly. Sex with Cora is like nothing I’ve experienced before.

“You feel good too, and I wish it could last longer, but I’m about to come.” The last words come out as a scream, and her pussy clamps around my cock, setting me off on my own release.





I’m insatiable when it comes to Cora. We showered together and had sex in the shower cubicle. It started innocently enough with me offering to scrub her back and then her front, and the next thing I knew, she was bent over, and I was fucking her from behind.

That meant that we were late for dinner at my parents’ home.

“I’m so embarrassed,” Cora says as we arrive and park. “I can’t believe that I’m late for dinner the first time I’m meeting your family. What will they think of me?”

“They’ll think you’re gorgeous,” I say, and when the worried look doesn’t leave her features, I kill the engine and take her hand. “Relax. We have another doctor and a midwife in the family. They know emergencies happen.”

Cora blushes, which is a first. Pregnancy hormones must be playing havoc with her. From my memories of three years ago, Cora has no shy bone in her body.

“Hardly an emergency,” she murmurs.

“It was on my end, and I’m sure by the end of the evening, I’ll have another emergency, and you’ll have to take me home to take care of it.”

She laughs. “Stop.”

I get out of the car and hurry to Cora’s side to open the door for her. she stands by the car, adjusting her dress. She looks so cute when she wants to make a good impression. If only she knew. She would make a good impression even if she were wearing a sack.

Cora is one of those people who people instinctively like. There are no pretenses with her and what you see is what you get. Like the time I ended our affair that first time. Another woman would have ‘accidentally’ got pregnant, but not Cora. She wanted a baby, and so she straight up asked me if I could have a baby with her. And I’d run for the hills.

“How do I look?” she says. Her belly is still flat, and I can’t wait until it starts curving. I’ve never thought of myself as the kind of man who would be attracted to a pregnant woman, but I have a feeling that with Cora, my zeal will increase with her pregnancy. Already she’s glowing.

“You look beautiful.”

“Okay, let’s do this,” she says, and we walk to the front door hand in hand.

I’m getting used to holding Cora’s hand whenever we are walking together. It’s to help her keep her balance. Everyone knows that pregnant women can easily fall and injure themselves and the baby. It’s my job to ensure that doesn’t happen.

The door is usually unlocked on the days we are all expected for dinner, and I don’t bother knocking. I hold it open, and Cora walks in, her feminine scent teasing my nostrils as she goes by. I shut the door and lead her to the living room, where I know everyone is gathered for pre-dinner drinks.

“About time you got here,” Fran says and stands up to hug me.

I take her into my arms while raising an eyebrow at Martin.

“I never told her,” he says.

“Told me what?” Fran demands.

“Never mind,” I tell her as I hug my mom and then my dad.

Cora stands to one side until I pull her into the circle we’ve made and introduce her to everybody. My mom takes Cora’s hands into hers.

“I can’t tell you how nice it is to meet you,” she says.

“What Mom means is that we’d sort of lost hope of Thomas ever falling in love again.”


My sister must be suffering from pregnancy hormone syndrome. She’s normally a little more reserved.

“It’s nice to meet you all,” Cora says.

Mom grabs a bottle of wine from the table. “Drink?”

“No thanks. I’ll have water please,” Cora says.

While my mom fetches a glass of water for Cora, I pour a glass of wine for myself.

“How long have you two known each other?” Mom asks when she returns with the water.

Cora turns to me.

“Three years on and off.” I keep it vague.

“You really are a dark horse,” Fran says. “All this time, we’ve been giving you a hard time about dating, and you were hiding Cora.”

Cora fidgets in her chair. I know that I’m making us out to be more than we are, but it’s for Cora’s benefit. My parents are good, decent people, but they have traditional values. It won’t come off well to say that we’re having a baby and we only got back together less than a month ago.

I’d planned to tell them about the baby during dinner but seeing as we are already on the topic of my relationship with Cora, I decide to plunge ahead. “Actually, there is something we wanted to talk to you about.”

Everyone goes quiet to look at me. I take Cora’s hand. Even though we’re in front of people, sparks leap from her hand to mine. Her hand trembles slightly, and I squeeze it.

“We’re waiting,” my father says, speaking for maybe the second time that evening. He’s a quiet man, always has been. When he has something he wants to talk about with us, he does it through my mother. When he does talk to you directly, you know that it’s serious.

“Well, Cora and I are expecting a baby in about eight months from now.” A heavy silence follows my announcement.

I knew it would take them by surprise, but I hope that they’ll also respect the fact that I’m a grown man, and I know what I’m doing.

My sister is the first to respond. “Congratulations, you guys! I’m so excited.” She turns to Martin. “Our baby will have a cousin to play with.” Then to Cora. “I was complaining to Martin that our baby won’t have a playmate from my side.” She grins at Cora and me as if we’ve just given her an early Christmas present.

“This is a surprise,” my mom says and then adds quickly, “And a good one at that. Welcome to the family,” she says to Cora warmly.

Martin inserts his own good wishes, and we all turn to my father. He’s the only one who hasn’t voiced his opinion.

“As your mother said, congratulations,” he says gruffly and then meets my gaze. “I hope you plan on doing the right thing by Cora.”

“Of course, I do, Father.” I can feel Cora’s eyes bearing into me, but what am I supposed to say? No, we had sex for old times’ sake and found ourselves pregnant, and now we just want to co-parent. My parents would be horrified and absolutely disgusted with me.

Dad nods, satisfied with my answer. He and my mother love each other completely. They set the bar for marriage high, and I thought I’d found it with Tessa.

To my surprise, pain does not follow that thought as it usually does. My life with Tessa seems so far off as if it happened thousands of years ago. I realize something else. That change happened fairly recently, and after some more thought, I know that it’s because of Cora. She’s given me something else to focus on, and in doing so, I’ve turned attention from myself and my grief to someone else. Though I didn’t want a baby, the thought is exciting, and I often find myself thinking about a tiny red-haired girl.

The rest of the evening goes well, and Cora and my sister especially hit it off. Everyone is impressed to hear that Cora runs her own gym and has done so for years.

People in my family are not business inclined, and all of us are employed. My father worked as a manager in a bank, and my mother was a high school teacher before they retired. So when we hear about someone running their own business successfully, naturally, we get excited, and we admire them.

Later, as we are driving home, Cora tears into me as I had known she would.

“How could you imply that you’d do right by me?” she demands. “You know we’re planning nothing of the sort.”

“We could get engaged,” I say. “It could be a long engagement.”

“It would have been easier, to be honest,” Cora says.

“Should I also have included the fact that we slept together just when you were considering getting pregnant via a sperm donor?”

Even in the darkness in the car, I can feel Cora’s glare.

“Of course not!”

I take a deep breath. “My parents lean on the traditional side. They are nothing like your mom, so I have to be careful what I say to them. Do you know what I mean?”

She’s silent for a moment, and anxiety comes over me as I wait. It’s important to me that we’re okay.

“I kinda do,” she says. “Speaking of which, Adeline has invited us to a party she’s hosting for her parents-in-law this Saturday. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

“I’d love to.”

“It’s a date,” Cora says.

When we reach the junction, I turn to Cora. “Do you want to have coffee at my place?”

“Sure. It’s about time I see where you live.”

I’m ashamed because during the time we dated, I never once took her to my place. A deliberate decision to keep our relationship casual.

I drive us home and ease the car into my driveway.

“It feels so much like a home,” Cora says.

I bought it a year after I lost Tessa. Since I was done with love, I needed something tangible. An accomplishment and a house seemed the most logical choice.

I fish the keys out of my pocket and unlock the door, holding it open for Cora. It’s a beautiful house and a lot bigger than I need, but I like it. The foyer is square and decorated with a massive chandelier that hangs from the high ceiling.

“It’s gorgeous,” she says as we walk into the open-plan living room and kitchen.

“Thanks. Want a tour?”

“Yes, please,” Cora says.

I walk her around the ground floor, and she loves it as much as I did when I first saw it. It’s a house built for a large family.

When we are done with the ground floor, I take her upstairs. It has four large bedrooms upstairs, each en suite. The last room is the master bedroom. Cora stands in the middle of the room and looks at the bed and then at me.

“Is this where you lived with your wife?” She wears a look of vulnerability as she asks this.

“No. I bought it after Tessa died. I needed a fresh start.”

The look of relief is evident on her face. I understand how awkward it would be to sleep on a bed that was used by another woman. As if I would be so insensitive about something like that.

Not that sleeping is what I have in mind. In two quick steps, I close the distance between us, lift Cora up, and deposit her on the bed. She lets out a shriek, quickly followed by a laugh. I pin her underneath my body but without putting my weight on her.

I lower my mouth and brush my lips softly against hers. She smells of spices and her sweet floral perfume. I suck on her lower lip and playfully tug on it. Her hands caress my back, and in seconds, my dick swells and pushes against her hip.

I break the kiss to stare down at her. “You’re so beautiful.” She stares back at me without speaking, her gorgeous green eyes brimming with passion.

I kiss her again, but this time, there’s no playfulness. I deepen the kiss with every second that goes by and lose myself in the heat of her mouth. She forks her fingers through my hair, scraping my scalp gently.

Afraid that I might accidentally put my weight on her, I slide to the side and pull her on top of me. Her body is so soft and molds against mine perfectly. She looks down at me with an unreadable expression before kissing me.

I skim my hands over her hips, lifting her dress as I do so, my hands gliding over her bare skin. She trembles and moans in my mouth. I fucking love it when she does that.

My hands come up to her ass, barely covered by a scrap of material that passes as panties. I squeeze and shake her ass cheeks to tease her clit. Cora hisses, and her moans grow louder.

I pull her dress further up, and she breaks the kiss and sits up to pull it over her head. She tosses it to the ground and reaches back to snap open her bra.

My breath comes out hitched as she sits up completely bared for me except for her tiny red panties. She tosses her thick glossy mane of red hair, and unable to wait, I sit up and clamp my mouth down on an engorged nipple. My left hand plays with the other nipple while I suck on one.

Minutes later, I pause to look up at Cora. “Everything about you drives me crazy.”

She holds my gaze. “Then fuck me.”

My dick goes mad, jerking like it has convulsions. I lift Cora off me and onto the bed and get up. I stand by the side of the bed to undress, and all along, my gaze doesn’t stray from Cora’s hot body. I pull down my pants, and my dick bobs free, happy to be let out of the constraints of my pants.

I climb back onto the bed between Cora’s legs. I kneel, take her hands, and place each of her legs on my shoulders. I caress the length of her legs and then grip the base of my dick and rub it along her slit. Cora whimpers and raises her hips, greedy for more friction.

She’s soaking wet, and soon, the head of my dick is covered with her juices.

“Please, T, I want you inside.”

I inhale sharply. Hearing her call me the name she used to use when we had our affair three years ago does something to me. It chips away at a piece of my heart, exposing it.

Then she does something that almost makes me cream myself. She drops her hands to her pussy and spreads her pussy open for me.

“Fuck, Cora.” I can’t shift my gaze from her pretty pink parts.

“Please,” Cora says.

I slide my dick into her pussy, and she cries out and thrashes her legs. I push my cock in until I’m buried to the hilt. Sweat drips down my face as I thrust in and out.

Cora starts to whimper. “I’m going to come.”

“Me too.” She bites down on her lower lip and lets out a scream. It’s a good thing that my house stands on its own compound.

Her cries fade to the background as I explode inside her, and for those few seconds, I’m in paradise.