Undercover Engagement by Samanthe Beck


I had so much fun writing this story! And then re-working it…and re-working it again. I’m not sure it was as fun for folks like my lovely and patient beta readers, Sandii Manning, Robin Bielman, and Maggie Kelley, or my tireless Entangled editor, Heather Howland, but you ladies never let on if it got old, so thank you very much for that!

Thanks, also, to the rest of the talented team at Entangled, including, but not limited to, the eagle-eyed Hannah Lindsey, Curtis Svehlak, Katie Clapsadl, Riki Cleveland, Meredith Johnson, Heather Riccio, Debbie Suzuki, Jessica Turner, Amy Acosta, and, of course, Liz Pelletier.

Huge THANKS to Dani Gorman, for assisting the shit out of this author! (What can I say? I need a lot of assistance).

Big thanks also to my family, because I need a lot of assistance at home, too, and you give it with surprisingly little complaint.

Lastly, thank you to each and every reader who took a trip to Bluelick with me. This story would never have happened without you!