Taking What’s Necessary by Alexa Riley

Chapter Four

Dr. Maverick

“Make sure that robe stays open, Penny. I’ll need to see all of you while we proceed.”

Somehow in the process of her sitting up, her robe had begun to cover her breasts, and we can’t have that. I wait for her to comply as I hold my fingers inside of her still and remove the thumb against her clit. Once she opens the robe fully again and her naked body is displayed on the table, I begin.

“There you are,” I tease and run my eyes over her. “Now, where were we?”

I begin to move my fingers in a curling motion, teasing her inner G-spot. My thumb presses against her clit, giving her the pressure her body is desperate for. She closes her eyes as I begin to work her higher and higher.

Her hips rise hesitantly, like she doesn't want to do it.

‘It’s all right to move with me, Penny. All of this is completely natural.” She does it again, and I curl my fingers. “That’s it, good girl. A little higher.” She raises them again, and I lean down. “Just a little more.”

When her hips rock up, her pussy lips graze my mouth, and her eyes snap open.

“Occupational hazard.” I smile softly and lick my lips. “You know it’s easier for me to inspect you if I’m extra close. Don’t worry if you happen to brush against me. It’s part of the job.”

“I’m sorry,” she says shyly as I keep curling my fingers.

“That’s all right. Let’s try again, shall we? Raise your hips for me, Penny.”

I wait, and she relaxes against the table and once again closes her eyes. I wait until she’s lost in her pleasure to lean closer. At first when she rocks up, she grazes my mouth again, but this time she doesn’t stop. I smile to myself as she moves her hips with my fingers, and I keep lowering my mouth a little more each time.

Three more times her little cunt brushes against my lips before I open my mouth. I let out just the bare tip of my tongue, and she rocks against it. Her legs tremble and this close I can smell her sweet nectar. She moves against me like I’m fucking her, and oh how I wish I was.

My tongue comes out a little more, and this time her hips move faster. She likes the feel of my mouth on her, and I can tell just by how fucking wet she is.

I move my thumb away, and now she’s rubbing against my tongue with her clit. This pretty pussy is in need of attention, so it’s a good thing I’m the one that’s examining her today. She clenches around my fingers, and I’m disappointed she’s at her release so soon. But I’ve got a few more ways to enjoy her before this exam is over.

With a few more rubs against my tongue, she grabs the sides of the table with both hands and grunts her release. It must be good because I can see her clench her teeth and ride it out. She’s so wet she’s dripped onto my lap, and I lean back to look at the mess she’s made.

Her eyes open slowly as she gasps for air, and I smile gently at her. “You did very well, Penny.” Sliding my fingers out of her warmth, I lean down below the table and suck them quickly into my mouth. Once that’s done I sit up and begin to rub her thighs.

“How did that feel?” I ask, and she swallows hard.

“Good.” She goes to grab the edge of her robe, and I reach a hand out, stopping her.

“Oh Penny, not yet.” I smile gently. “We’ve got a few more things before we’re finished. I’m very thorough, and I wouldn’t want you to leave without being fully treated.”

“I thought it was a quick release and that’s it.” She presses her lips together, and I shake my head.

“I really should talk to Dr. Sweet about her patient care if that’s all you think this is.” I pat her thigh and begin to rub circles on the inside of them with both my hands. “Now, you got a little close to my mouth earlier.”

“I, um, I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s all right. Like I said, sometimes that happens.” I rub circles closer to her pussy, and her knees spread. She’s already greedy for more. “Since I’ve stimulated you manually, I’d like to check you over orally just to feel for any irregularities that my fingers might have missed. The tongue is really the best thing to use when detecting issues.”

“I don’t know—”

“Well, you did use it earlier during your release.”

“I didn't mean to.”

“Penny, it’s okay. I’m a doctor. What you experienced is natural, and I’m not going to shame you for it. I just think your objection is a little weak when you were eagerly using it just moments ago.” I smile and lean forward. “Very eagerly, might I add.”

“It was a lot happening at once. I, um, didn’t realize.”

“So then you’ll allow me to proceed?” I rub my hands up her thighs and to her stomach. Then I reach for her breasts and squeeze them, pinching her tight, needy nipples. “We’ve come this far, what’s a little more?”

After a moment she nods, and then I smile gently at her.

“You are such a good patient, Penny.” I use my big palms to warm her skin where she’s begun to chill. “I don’t know if I’ve ever had someone so perfect.”

Her lips part as I work my hand down her body and then take a seat again on the low stool. I push her knees wide, and they fall open as I roll the stool forward. I’m as close as I can possibly be, and at this angle her pussy is directly in front of my mouth.

“Now, if you’ll relax I’ll get started with the oral exam.”