Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Tristan closedhis eyes and let his magic wash over him. In an instant, he was made of stone once more.

“What the fuck do we do?” Mark asked, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

“What are those things?” the woman asked, springing from the boulder to grasp his brother’s arm.

Wordlessly, Tristan handed the girl to his brother. These creatures were Shadow Hounds, some of the most dangerous beings in existence. Their bites were poisonous to the soul, ensuring that when a person died, they would be gone forever.

There was only one thing that could be done. Mark had to live. He was the only person who could find the other gods and goddesses. And the goddess and her child must live. Only one thing made sense.

“Take them and go.”

Mark stiffened. “No.”

“You know it’s the only way.”

The eyes moved in the dark, coming closer.

“You always say that,” Mark whispered.

“And I’m always right.”

His brother took a step back, clutching the sleeping girl to his chest. “Can they hurt you?”

“No.” Tristan spoke the lie with ease.

Mark nodded. “Then, I’ll take them and come back for you.”

Goodbye, my brother.

“Stay close,” Mark told the woman.

She nodded and they moved backwards.

Tristan stretched out his massive stone wings to their full spread and let loose the roar of a gargoyle, a sound that was ancient and harsh. Dark birds exploded from the trees all around them, filling the bright night sky. His distraction did the trick. All eyes were on him. Mark and the woman shuffled away unseen.

When the first creature stepped out of the shadows, Tristan stared at the dark wisp with two brilliant red eyes. Suddenly, he spotted a flash of sharp teeth forming in the insubstantial body. When it leapt at him, he easily knocked it back with his wings.

The creature whimpered like a dog, but Tristan had no time to relax because two more of the beasts came at him. He ducked, struck one with his wing and the other with his fist. Both flew back. One hit a trunk with a satisfying crunch.

But he already knew. There was no destroying these beings. All he could do was fight as long as possible.

He would fight until he took his last breath, and give Mark and the goddess the time they needed to reach the sanctuary.

As the Shadow Hounds renewed their attack, Tristan's thoughts shifted to his long life. He thought of his birth, when a frightened woman created him from stone. Her fear of the vampires that preyed upon her town drove her to make him, but it was her love for her family that brought him to life.

Many years passed when he provided protection to the small town. But times shifted and he spent more and more time as a stone figure, no longer taking interest in life. When the small girl’s terrified screams brought him back to life, he had been surprised by the clan of vampires that had overrun the town. He’d fought with all the strength in his heart. But it hadn’t been enough.

He’d been destroyed. Not broken to pieces as many of his brothers before him, but killed in his human form. That’s when he’d died and become a demon.

Meeting his brothers and finding Surcy had melted his stone heart. They made him human once more.

One of the dark creatures sunk its sharp teeth into his wing. His breath froze in his chest as the being’s poison swam through his blood, and he felt pieces of his soul being torn away. He smacked the creature backwards, but another jumped on his shoulder from behind.

In a rush, they overtook him. They were everywhere. Their teeth broke stone and he could feel their hot poison rushing through him.

A young man with sad eyes appeared within the shadows of the woods. Death. He was a being more legend than truth.

Tristan stopped fighting. There was no choice. No escape now.

Something came crashing through the woods. The animals scattered as a flash of light illuminated the clearing. And there was Surcy, her soul-blade flaming with white light. The dark creatures screamed, scattering from the light.

But she didn’t let them go. She sunk her blade into one after another. Leaping on them. Spinning. Charging. Cutting them to pieces.

Daniel caught his shoulder as he sank to his knees. Feeling empty. There was a touch of pride that his beautiful angel was such a warrior. There was a touch of sadness that the life he had grown to love was now slipping away. And then, nothing.

He grew cold. His stone limbs hardened.

Death moved closer, his pale flesh almost translucent. His piercing golden eyes filled with compassion. He moved unseen through Surcy as she fought.

In a haze, Tristan felt Daniel shaking him, shouting words he couldn’t hear. Daniel's face showed his panic, but Tristan didn't care. He was past caring.

Tristan gazed on Death once more. The young man knelt only inches in front of him, and where he knelt the grass beneath him died.

Tristan nodded. Knowing what was to come.

Tiny wisps of silver light floated up from the dead creatures that now littered the floor. They lit the sky in a display of magic unlike any Tristan had witnessed. And then, the wisps shot toward him, striking him one after another in the chest.

Like bullets, each brought a wave of pain. Blood spilled from his lips, and he cried out. His stone flesh was gone, replaced by his demon one. His wounds were many and severe, painful in a way Tristan had never experienced before.

He gasped, hating the tears that burned his eyes. The wisps continued to fill the sky as Surcy continued her rampage. She had to stop. He would beg her to stop. Whatever she was doing, he preferred death to this pain.

But the words wouldn’t leave his lips.

Daniel’s words were a dull roar in his ears. Desperate, frightened roars.

Death opened his mouth, and a deep but kind voice came to him. “Not today, Tristan. But one day, you’ll be welcomed as a hero to the place of Judgment. Again.” Death rose, a smile on his face. He turned and walked through Surcy. He continued through the woods until he vanished into the trees.

Tristan hit the ground on his side. Warm blood pooled beneath him.

Surcy was suddenly beside him, her glowing sword still in her hand.

“I’m sorry!” she cried. “I’m so sorry. Killing the creatures was the only way to retrieve the pieces of your soul. Breathe for me. I know it hurts, but please, breathe. You’re going to be okay.”

He took in a ragged breath, his gaze filled by her beautiful face. “I—love—you.”

Her eyes widened, and she reached out and stroked his cheek. “Foolish gargoyle.” But there was a tenderness in her voice that filled his heart with hope.

“Where’s Mark and the humans?” Daniel asked.

Tristan didn’t have the strength to turn his head. “Hopefully, safely at the sanctuary.”

Daniel’s voice came, as if from a great distance. “What now?”

And then, everything went dark.