Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Summer jerkedout of the vision, her heart racing. She sprung from her bed and stumbled into the beads that hung in the doorway between her bedroom and her shop.

What the hell was that?

A dark creature. A woman at his mercy. And the way he invaded her mind…

She smacked into the side of a wall and tumbled to the ground, still disoriented. She lay there, stunned, aching in places she shouldn't. Her hip had hit the wall a little too hard and her knees were banged up, but her tears had nothing to do with her physical pain.

That creature… Caine. From Daniel's memories, she knew him, had heard the name before. She knew the woman was the angel Surcy.

She didn’t want to care about what happened to the demon and his lover. Each time she helped him, she knew that he didn’t return her affections. He wanted no one but the angel.

And yet, she’d hoped by helping him it left the slightest possibility that one day he could look at her with half the love he looked at the angel-woman with.

She wiped the tears from her eyes.

That creature had been terrifying, its powers the stuff of nightmares. The idea of it continuing to torture the angel filled her with a fear that chilled her blood.

A smart woman would keep the vision to herself. She would avoid Daniel and the angel. Getting any more involved with a being that powerful was a bad idea.

And yet, she felt the desire to call Daniel and warn him.

What should I do? Risk my life for a man who doesn’t love me?

Or tell no one? She remained on the floor for a long time after the vision, inhaling the sweet smell of her incense and asking herself whether she could really stand by and do nothing.

Because if I stay quiet, I’m damning them all.

As the sun rose, she knew what she had to do. She prayed she wouldn't live to regret it.

Want to check out the next exciting book in this series? Then grab your copy of Immortal Truths.