Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Daniel wokeup feeling like shit, but as much as he wanted to go back to sleep, he needed to see Surcy. He needed to know she was safe.

Tristan snored in a chair beside his bed, looking haggard.

Not wanting to wake him, he eased cautiously out of bed and padded on bare feet across the wooden floor. Outside of Surcy’s bedroom door, he only hesitated a moment before turning the handle and opening it. He took two steps in, his gaze moving to the bed, and froze.

She was asleep on top of Mark. They were both naked, and her arms were wrapped around his neck.

Daniel couldn’t pull in a breath. He stared and stared, unable to believe what he was seeing. This wasn’t a quick fuck. This was something more.

Stumbling back out the door, he didn’t stop until his back hit the wall of the hallway. Sinking to the floor, he lay there. How many times could this little angel break his heart? How was he to endure the fact that he was nothing but a hard cock to her, and Mark was a man she clearly cared for?

I can’t. I can’t endure this. If she can’t love me, I don’t have a reason to keep breathing.

Something wild came over him. He hurried back to his room, dressed in silence, wincing as his wound ached with each movement, grabbed his lighter, and headed out the door. He didn’t look back.

It was night. And the streets were dark. A coldness had settled over the city.

One he liked.

He walked for hours, until he reached the edge of town, then further. He kept moving until a prickling at the back of his neck made him turn and start walking through the woods. After several minutes, he tore free of the trees and stared out at the abandoned house.

It was perfect.

He walked to it. Pushed passed the half-broken door and looked around the broken floor boards. No one had been in this place for a long time.

Closing his eyes, he grabbed his lighter from his pocket and opened it. A flick of his thumb later, a flame leapt to life. Sending it a simple command, he watched, every hair on his body rising, as the flame moved over his hand. It felt so damn good, warm and powerful. For a second he just felt it, and breathed in the scent of smoke.

And then, he opened his eyes and smiled. The flames poured over his palm and down onto the old wood. Within seconds, the smell of burnt wood hit his nostrils. The fire spread like a wild creature until the floors burned, then the torn curtains, and the ceiling.

He raised both hands, letting the flames run over him and through him. His power swelled, building with an intensity that made him groan. This is what he needed. Not Surcy’s love. Not his bond with Mark and Tristan. This!

A small voice whispered at the back of his mind. Fire is what killed you in your first life. Do you really want to do it again?

He pushed the thoughts away. Last time he was young and reckless. This time, he’d be careful.

Standing in the fire, he waited until every board burned away, until there was nothing but a raging fire. He sensed the flames eagerness to spread to the woods around them. The thought made him shudder. What would it be like to burn down the entire forest?

But with reluctance, he controlled his fire. Creating such a big fire would draw the attention of dangerous beings. He had to keep this to himself, enjoy it on his own, without consequences.

When every last piece of wood was gone, he gritted his teeth and smothered the fire.

Breathing hard, he looked at his skin. It almost glowed with his power. And God did he love it!

A shiver ran down his spine. He continued walking until he found a river. There, he washed himself, trying to rid himself of the smell of smoke.

When he was done, the sun had risen. He made the slow trek home feeling energized. Even his wound no longer hurt.

He might not have Surcy. He might resent Mark. But now, now he felt that he could face it all without crumbling inside.

When he reached their apartment, everyone was seated at the table.

Surcy turned nervous eyes onto him. “Where were you? We were worried.”

“And what happened to your clothes?” Mark asked.

He walked past them, swallowing down his anger. “Can’t a man go for a walk without you two jumping down his throat?”

Going to his room, he closed the door, locked it, and tossed his clothes in the basket. In the shower, he scrubbed until he was sure all hints of what he had done were gone. Styling his hair and changing, he stared at himself in the mirror. No one would have a clue what he’d done.

They had their secrets. Well, now he had his.

At the table, he swallowed down his tasteless coffee and eggs and waited.

“As soon as we heal up, we need to search for the other Immortal I saw.” Mark began, sounding tired and sore.

He should have rested instead of fucking Surcy.

“You’re the boss,” he said. “Just tell us what to do.”

He could feel more than one gaze cling to him, but he didn’t care. Once Mark found them the next Immortal, Daniel would show Surcy what he was capable of. And maybe she’d realize he was more than just a good lay.

That’s not how you won her heart last time.He pushed the treacherous thought aside, clenching his teeth. None of that mattered, because Surcy didn’t remember that.

Rising from the table, he put his dishes in the sink.

“How are you feeling?” Tristan asked, and he could sense the worry behind the stoic gargoyle’s question.

He didn’t meet the other man’s gaze, he was just too damn observant. “A little sore, but I’ll live.”

Heading for his room, he decided to check with his human team. He’d hired them to monitor his stocks and investments when he didn’t have time to do it himself. They were good. Damn good. But it’d been longer than usual since he’d talked to them last.

When he reached his room, he seated himself at his desk and pulled out his cellphone.

There was a knock at his door.


“Come in.”

Surcy slipped in. It was impossible not to look at her. She was so damn beautiful. Her hair still damp from a shower. Her cheeks flushed with good health. She’d changed so much since she’d returned from Caine. Each day she looked more like her old self, but that made it even harder to remember that everything had changed between them.

“I just,” she stared, hesitating. “I wanted to see how you were really doing. I didn’t get to see you much after we got back.”

He tried to keep the anger out of his voice. “Well, you were busy with Mark.”

She stiffened. “He was worse off, and Tristan was taking care of you.”

Tilting his head, he stared at her. “Whatever you have to tell yourself, babe.”

Something flashed in her eyes. “Look, I’m sorry. I should have come by, but I’m here now.”

How helpful.“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I’m not like Mark. I don’t need you fussing over me like I’m helpless.”

“He wasn’t helpless. He was just—“

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Like I said. I didn’t need you here. In fact, I don’t need you for much. I’m a fucking demon who can take care of his own damn self.”

Now he was sure it was anger in her eyes. “Why are you being such an ass?”

“I know since you got back you’ve gotten used to us all focused on you, but I think you’re strong enough now that I don’t have to coddle you anymore. If that makes me an ass, then I guess I’m an ass.”

Her hands planted on her hips. “I never needed you to coddle me!”

He smirked. “Look, I have some work to do. Maybe Mark is fine dealing with your hysterics, but I don’t have the patience for it.”

“You’re an asshole,” she hissed, then turning, she stomped out the door.

When it shut, he sank back in his chair. Why did his entire chest ache? He rubbed at it, staring at the door. He needed to call his team. He needed to keep busy, but he just kept staring at the door, wondering what he was supposed to do.

There was no way he could let Surcy know how much she hurt him. He would keep her at arm’s length for a while, until he licked his wounds a bit. He knew logically everything he’d done made perfect sense.

So why did it feel so wrong?

When I was alive, women told me I was unlovable. Surcy made me believe they were wrong. But maybe she was just crazy.

I don’t even love myself.