Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Surcy ran down the road,searching for any sign of the children. When she spotted people up ahead, hope blossomed in her heart, but it was only Daniel and Tristan with the farmer.

As she drew closer, she saw four angels dead at their feet. Daniel’s arm bled, but Tristan wore his gargoyle form, a sword in hand.

The farmer stood between them, holding a dagger of his own. Within seconds, the bodies of the angels disappeared in a flash of light.

At her approach, all of them looked at her.

“Are you hurt?” Tristan asked, stepping forward.

Surcy looked down at the blood covering her jeans and t-shirt. Beth’s blood.

She shook her head, slowly.

Tristan’s emotions disappeared, hidden behind a mask of indifference.

“Then, whose blood is it?” Daniel asked.

A second later, she saw it hit him.

“Where’s my family?” the farmer asked, tension in his voice.

Her entire chest ached. How could she tell him his children had been stolen and his wife was hurt—perhaps dead? She was supposed to keep them safe, and she’d failed in every way.

“We need to get you out of here,” Tristan said, unsettlingly calm.

The farmer stepped back from them. “You said you came here to save us, so why would we leave without them?”

Daniel whirled on him. “We came here to save you. You’re the important one. We wanted to save them too, but if we couldn’t—“

“Not a fucking chance!” Clarence snarled. “I’m not going anywhere without them.”

Surcy struggled to form her explanation. “One of the angels wounded your wife. I teleported her to a hospital.”

“And the kids?” he asked, taking a step closer.

“They—they got them.”

“You mean the bloodthirsty creatures who wanted to kill me have my children?”

She nodded.


“I don’t know.”

He stared at her for one horrible minute that seemed to last a lifetime. “If they wanted me, they wouldn’t have gone far. I bet they’re back at the farm.”

Her stomach twisted. He was probably right.

“You can’t go back,” Tristan told him. “They’ve had time to gather their forces. We’d have no chance.”

“I don’t care.”

Tristan gave her a nod, so subtle the others didn’t see it.

He wants me to teleport away with him? I can’t just do that to him. I can’t leave the kids here.

She shook her head. “We need to save the kids.”

Tristan’s gaze met hers. “The fate of this world rests on getting all ten Immortals. If a single one dies, we have failed.”


“Take us out of here.” He spoke the words in staccato, one after the other, anger and frustration embedded in each one.

Her gut clenched, but she realized that he was right. They couldn’t risk the Immortal. The angels would be waiting to attack. They only had one option.

She took their hands. Tristan grabbed the farmer. Before he could protest, she teleported them away, leaving the children behind.