Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Surcy startled awake.Tears were running down her face. She’d been caught in a nightmare. One in which an Immortal was fucking her over and over again, draining her of her strength.

And now? She was naked. In a hotel room. A white sheet over her body.

The God of Sin looked up from a table spread with more food than she’d ever imagined. The massive flat screen TV played a show she didn’t recognize.

He grinned, showing his dimples. “You’re awake.”

Her entire body felt tense. “We had sex. Oh god. Oh shit.”

To her surprise, his smile fell away. “We didn’t. It was hard as fuck, but I’ve never had sex with a woman who didn’t want me, and I never plan to.”

“Then, how did we escape?”

“I kissed you. I forced a lot of your energy out of you, in a way that wasn’t pleasant for either of us, not nearly as pleasant as just fucking. But,” he shrugged, “you were crying. You clearly love the men you have.”

She pressed her knuckles to her forehead and felt tears rolling down her cheeks. Nothing had happened between them. Not really. She hadn’t betrayed her demons, and she’d saved the Immortal.

It was almost too much to believe.

“You barely managed to teleport us onto the street before you passed out, but it was enough. I ran us down the street, naked as hell, to the nicest hotel I could find. I seduced a human, got us this room, and showered. Oh man, you can’t imagine how good that felt.” Then, he held up a steak. Literally, an entire steak speared by his fork and took a huge bite. “And real food? Fucking hell, it’s amazing. Not the shit they fed me in that sex dungeon.”

It was strange. This Immortal was cocky, inhumanely handsome, and a incubus. She knew she should dislike a creature like him, she really should, but she just couldn’t.

He’d been a slave to Caine just like all the others. Just like me.

She wiped her cheeks and drew her knees to her chest. “How long was I asleep?”

He stared. “All night… about eight hours, give or take.”

“Damn it.”

He raised a brow, studying her.

“We have to go. My demons need me. The Immortals need me. We have to find them all, make sure they’re safe, and get to the sanctuary.”

He frowned and took another massive bite of his steak. “So,” he said while chewing. “When we find them, then we start a war?”

She nodded.

He chewed for a long minute, then swallowed. “Okay then. I ordered us some clothes. How about we enjoy this food until they get here?”

For a minute she almost said no. Her demons needed her. They must have thought she’d completely abandoned them. Which I kind of did. What if they were in trouble? What if they needed her?

But then, her stomach growled so loudly that the incubus raised a brow.

She sighed, wrapped the sheet around her body, and sat down on the other chair at the table. I won’t be any use to anyone starving... and naked.

“Dig in,” he said with a smile. “I’m watching this weird human show where I think the woman chooses between the men she wants. I’m assuming the losers are killed?”

Surcy laughed at his assumption. “No, human games aren’t nearly as bloody now.”

He looked disappointed. “Oh well, at least the clothes are skimpier.”

She ate across from him, watching his excitement at the show, even at the commercials. Caine never ceased to amaze her with his evil. How could he even think to create a room in which the God of Sin, a incubus, could never stop having sex? It was like creating his own personal hell.

The Immortal finished his steak and reached for the lobster with his bare hands. “You never told me your name.”

“Surcy,” she answered, watching him pull out the lobster meat with enthusiasm.

“Surcy,” he repeated. “Surcy the fallen angel.”

“I’m not fallen,” she told him.

He smiled. “Not when the Immortals come back into power. No, then you’ll just be an angel again. Restored to your former glory.” His gaze moved to her shoulders. “And you’ll get those back too.”

The scars on her shoulder blades prickled. Is that really what would happen? She’d never thought about her own place in the world if they won this war, just how it’d change everything for the better.

“I know who you are, but I don't know your name either."

He smiled again, butter smeared on his lips. “Zagan.”

“Zagan?” Her gaze ran over the muscled man.

“It’s a family name,” he said, with a grin.

She watched him for a while longer while eating the most delicious mashed potatoes, a chocolate cake, and bacon bruschetta. When her stomach finally said enough, she leaned back in her chair and stretched.

His gaze snapped back to her, and the hunger in his eyes shocked her.

“I imagine after all you’ve been through, you never want to have sex again.” Her words came out nervous and rushed.

His eyes darkened. “I’m the God of Sin and a incubus. Without sex, I’d wither away to nothing. But next time, it’ll be by my choice. Maybe even with a woman who sees me as more than just a big dick. Maybe one who sees me the way you see your demons.”

She was shocked by the anger and passion in his eyes. This Immortal might act cool and casual, but he was simmering with rage under his calm exterior.

A knock sounded at the door.

Zagan rose, and for the first time, she saw that he was naked. His massive cock hard and erect as he went to open the hotel room door. A minute later, a woman giggled.

A pretty blonde and the god entered the room a second later, her carrying two garment bags. He immediately took them from her and slung them on his chair.

His gaze moved to Surcy. “I think this pretty little lady might suck me off. Want to join us? Or would you prefer a shower?”

Swallowing hard, she rose from her seat, clinging to the sheet. “I think I’ll take a shower.”

He sat on the edge of the bed, and the woman immediately knelt before him. Her smaller hands curled around his shaft, and then she took him deep. For a second, Surcy couldn’t look away. She watched them, him digging his hand into the back of her hair, her moaning around him.

I miss my demons.

The realization hit her like a brick. She scuttled away and took a long, cold shower. When she got back home, she’d find time to make love to her men again. She’d steal a tiny moment of pleasure before the war truly began.