Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


A white-winged angelwith hands bound knelt outside their new home. Ranks of angels stood behind her, and one angel stood at her side, using his magic to keep her from teleporting.

When she looked closer, Surcy recognized the bound angel. She was the blonde who had helped distract Frink when she saved the kids.

“We caught this traitor,” the angel at her side said, his voice filled with anger. “The Immortals will wish her instantly thrown into the demon realm.”

Sharen met Surcy’s gaze, and she slid closer.

“This is the same woman who helped me when I rescued my demons,” Sharen whispered in a soft tone.

“She helped me save the Immortal’s kids.”

Sharen sighed. “She was also the bitch who told them I was heading to save my demons in the first place.”

“So what do we do?”

Sharen didn’t speak for a long time. “The second she’s turned over to my father, her life will become hell. I’m not sure she deserves that, but she doesn't deserve to remain an angel.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” Surcy said, with a humorless laugh.

“Take her to the dungeons. Untie her hands. Tell her that soon she’ll have a chance to escape, and to take it. If by the time she’s caught again, if she hasn’t found a way to redeem herself, then we’ll have no choice but to condemn her to the demon realm.”

Fair enough.

Going to the angel, Surcy grabbed her arm and started toward the little dungeons they’d had built.

“So what’s my future?” The woman asked, tension in her voice.

“That’s entirely up to you.” Surcy cut the ropes from her wrists and shoved her into the prison. The angels there kept a ward up that prevented anyone from teleporting out. “When you have the chance, better get going, and find a way to make up from the wrongs of your past.”

The prison doors shut on her confused face.

Surcy turned and started back toward their home. Angels practiced in the field, some of them from the demon realm, some of them new. But it didn’t really matter.

All that mattered is that a new era had been born where the right people had been placed in each realm. Innocents were no longer being tortured, and cruel people were no longer in positions of power.

Now, when the angels fought to keep humans safe from demons, they were doing what was right. The balance had been restored. Even though there would be more battles in the future, the war had been won.

Yes, the thought of the archangel in the realm of the Soul Destroyer sometimes kept her up at night, and she worried that there were still powerful angels and demons who had remained in the wrong realm. For now, this was enough.

Entering the massive house, she moved through the halls and up the stairs. When she opened her door, her three angels were in a mass of snoring, naked flesh. She smiled.

This was her own kind of heaven. The perfect one.

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