Colt by Lori Foster


WEARINGAHUGEGRIN, Colt lifted Honor right off her feet. “You’re giving me a cousin?”

“Shh, keep it down. For now, we’re only telling family.”

The words hit Charish like a dousing of ice water, reminding her that no matter how warmly they greeted her, she was still an outsider. She was about to slip away when Honor leaned in and specifically spoke to her.

“Most of the women here come to the salon where I work, and they’ll panic if they know I’ll be leaving, but I’m not due until mid-January and I hope to stay busy right up until Christmas. That’s why I want to wait until I’m further along.”

Now that she’d been deliberately included, Charish stopped feeling like an interloper. “I understand.” She was the same way with her own pregnancy.

“After the baby is born, I might work from home a few days a week. Jason and I are still discussing a little outdoor ‘she-shed’ type deal, where I could have a salon chair, running water, everything I’d need for my long-standing clients. Wouldn’t that be amazing?”

That outpouring of personal plans went even further in making her part of their group. Knowing what an amazing craftsman Jason was, Charish said, “I can almost see it already.” And mid-January? Colt smiled at her, letting her know that he’d noted the date as well.

Though Honor was ten or eleven years older, their babies would be close in age. Longing expanded, and Charish desperately wanted to share.

But this was Honor’s moment, not hers, and they weren’t her family. Deep down, she knew when she did share, they’d all be happy for her, so she could wait.

Violet had to get back to work, and a flare-up on the grills pulled Hogan away.

While she still had a moment, Charish put her hand on Honor’s forearm. “Congratulations. You’re going to be a wonderful mother.”

“I hope so.” Honor glanced at Jason, who stood by Hogan and Colt to talk. They were all full of smiles. “I’m a little worried about it, but Jason is too busy crowing to notice.”

They laughed together. “The salon idea sounds like a wonderful plan.”

“Luckily Jason is handy enough to build what we’d need, and I know Colt and Hogan would help as necessary.”

“I’m sure you’re right.” Falling into the easy friendship, Charish said, “I’m a primary care nurse now, so if you ever have any questions, or if there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know. And, Honor? Thank you for sharing with me. I know you said the announcement was for family—”

“Oh, honey, you might have been gone awhile, but you’re still family and always will be.”

Sentiment squeezed her throat. Before she’d moved, she’d felt the same about all of them. In fact, being here again, all the old camaraderie fell into place.

Colt’s laugh drew her gaze, but the second she looked at him, he seemed to sense it. He zeroed in on her and the laugh faded to a warm smile. Hogan said something more and Colt nodded before stepping away.

What were they discussing?

Her heart tried to make something of it, but her brain cautioned her to use common sense.

Leading Paisley, Jason rejoined the women. He’d made a small tank for her army men and the girl was beside herself with excitement.

Luckily no one noticed the happy tears blurring Charish’s eyes.

Coming up beside her, Colt softly whispered, “Surprised you, didn’t they?”

In a big way. Using that same quiet tone, she replied, “Our babies will be close in age.”

“That’s what caused this?” With his thumb, he lifted a tear that was ready to fall from her lashes.

She blinked away the emotional overload. “I’m having fun, that’s all.”

Far too seriously, he asked, “You hadn’t expected to?”

“It’s just been a long time.” Soon as she said it, the truth hit her. How long had it been since she’d felt this free?

Not since she’d left Clearbrook—and Colt.

“I’m glad you’re not upset. Hard to tell what it means when a woman gets weepy.”

When Charish swatted at him, he easily caught her hand.

How could she be upset surrounded by all these wonderful people? “I think my hormones are out of whack. The craziest things get to me.”

Colt started them away from the group. “Dad says Violet got sassier.”

Because Violet was unlike any other woman she’d known, Charish laughed. “It’s wonderful news. They’re wonderful. All of them. I love your family.” Wow, she hadn’t meant to say that—even if it was true.

Rather than look taken aback by the comment, Colt surprised her by tugging her into his side and putting a quick kiss to her forehead. “I’m lucky, I know.” Since they’d almost reached Heidi, Colt said, “Remember, we’re her reinforcements.”

“Pretty sure she doesn’t need any. She’s stunning, and look at the way Dave is watching her.”

Colt made a noncommittal sound.

Charish hadn’t planned to mention his relationship with Heidi, but she heard herself ask, “It doesn’t bother you?”

For several seconds he remained silent, and she worried that she’d overstepped. Then Colt shook his head. “It bothers me that you had to ask me that.”

Making assumptions was a terrible thing, but it happened all the same. “Sorry,” she said, and meant it. “I really shouldn’t have pried.”

Detouring, Colt led her across the lawn toward the back corner of the diner, away from the guests.

It drew attention, them going off alone like that, especially from Heidi, who grinned.

Touching her chin, Colt brought her attention up to him. “Between Heidi and me, it was just friendship and convenience.”

“Okay.” She vowed she would not bring it up again.

“And you with the guy... What did you say his name was?”


“Right.” Eyes narrowing, he looked at her mouth. “You sure you’re not missing him or wishing things had gone different?”

Too quickly, she said, “Not even a little.”

He smiled down at her. “Good.”

Good?Now, what did that mean?

Next he floored her by saying, “Not kissing you is getting more difficult by the second. Come on, before I embarrass you.”

Even as Colt got her walking, her lips remained parted. Kiss her? Thinking it, picturing it, tasting it, left her flushed and breathless. His mouth on hers, the way he angled his head, how his hands would roam... Before she could get it under control, they’d already reached Heidi and Dave.

Heidi grinned at her. “Oh, to be a fly on the wall... I’d love to know what Colt said to make you blush like that.”

Charish was pretty sure that comment only made her face hotter.

Colt laughed it off, saying, “She’s always blushed easily.”

“Very true,” Charish agreed. “And it is warm today.”

Not buying it, Heidi said, “Uh-huh.”

Dave laughed and hugged Heidi closer, which seemed to make her pretty happy.

Charish knew she had to get it together, but for the rest of the night, she thought about Colt kissing her.

And what a night it turned out to be.

Heidi was right—as soon as she saw the pics, she had to have the rug and also wanted two of the three pieces of wall art. They were affordable, and perfect for her place.

Around seven, the Drunken Monkeys set up outside to play, and that brought even more people, until it was standing room only. Around eating ribs, moving to the music, and indulging hilarious conversations, Charish finally relaxed.

Dave was great. Heidi was great.

And because of Colt, she couldn’t stop thinking things she shouldn’t.

THEYHADArelaxing evening with lots of casual conversation, joking, and yes, a few sexual innuendos. Colt had sex on the brain, and it didn’t help that he was pretty sure Charish did as well.

Funny, but he still knew her, understood her special looks and what it meant when she tugged at a lock of her hair, when she gave a small, secret smile. When she gazed at him.

Things had definitely changed.

But the chemistry between them? Still there in spades.

Because the diner was typically packed for a Saturday night, he didn’t wait to have their dishes taken in, or for drink refills, but took care of it himself. When he got up, Dave followed, and Colt knew what was coming.

Dave waited only until they were far enough away from the women. “You two are over?”

Deliberately misunderstanding, Colt replied, “Me and Charish? Not by a long shot.”

Dave slowly grinned. “I didn’t mean Charish, but that pretty much answers the question, too.”

Shaking his head, Colt said, “You know Heidi and I are just friends.” How many times would he have to say that before people started to believe him?

“Friends who slept together.”

Did he need a reminder of that? No. “Any particular reason why you’re bringing that up?”

Eyeing him, Dave said, “Heidi said she didn’t want to start out with lies.”

“Bet she also told you it didn’t mean anything.”

Disgruntled, Dave said, “Not exactly.”

Oh hell.

“She sang your praises, man. According to her, you’re fucking amazing, one of the best guys she knows—”

Hands full, anxious to get back to Charish, Colt interrupted with “But?”

Dave scowled. “She said you’re not the one for her.”

“There you go.” Grinning, Colt shoulder-bumped Dave. “Says it all, right?”

“Maybe.” Dave stared him in the eyes. “I wanted to hear it from you.”

Shaking his head, Colt started walking again. “I think Heidi is terrific, too. Motivated and smart, and she has a big heart. But like she said, she’s not the one for me. She’s also up-front and confident. When she wants something, she says so.”

“She claims to want me.”

Colt shrugged. “Take her at her word.”

“I do.” Stepping ahead of Colt, Dave opened the door for him. Since it was a service entrance, he didn’t follow him inside. “It’s odd, you know? She’s the woman I want, and you’re a good friend...”

“That should cover it. I am a good friend. Do you honestly think I’d do that to you? Or that Heidi would?”

“Like I said, it’s odd.”

“Don’t let it be. Just go for it.”

Dave looked back at Heidi, now leaning over the table to say something to Charish that had her laughing. “You know, I think I will.” He gave Colt a nod. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” As Colt deposited the dishes in the sink and grabbed four refills, he decided he should take his own advice.

And go for it.

When he rejoined them at the table, he ramped up his attentions—or more like he gave in, allowing himself to do as he pleased without worrying about how it’d look to Charish or what she’d think. As long as she didn’t seem uneasy, he saw no reason to hold back.

The closer he sat to her, the more she leaned against him. When he put a hand on her knee, she laced her fingers with his.

So many of her reactions seemed entirely natural, an automatic response to familiarity.

Being here at the diner, their old hangout, probably helped with that. The entire scene felt intimate, sparking awareness.

As the evening wound down, he kept it together, enjoying their first night out together. When Heidi called an end to the night, it was clear she was anxious to get Dave alone. Colt felt the same about Charish.

They left the diner hand in hand, said goodbye to Heidi and Dave in the parking lot, then drove home in relative silence, each introspective and relaxed.

“I guess you need to get home to the dogs.”

That soft, shy voice nearly did him in. “Jason and Honor left a few hours ago. They’re getting the dogs for me.”


What did she think? That he’d already made plans to stay over? Okay, so he’d covered his bases—she needed to know it was still up to her. “Diesel stays there often.” He shrugged. “Honor loves animals and she was anxious to get to know Winslow better, too.”

As daylight faded, the interior lights of the car reflected in her eyes. “He settled in okay for you?”

“He stuck close to Diesel, including going out to the yard to do his business. I think it’s going to be an easy adjustment.”

“I hope so.” Her voice softened even more. “If you need help with it, let me know, okay?”

“Okay.” The sky had turned a vivid shade of pink by the time Colt got her home. In another half an hour, it’d be dark. The street was mostly quiet, except for the hushed conversation of neighbors talking a few houses up. One by one, porch lights came on.

Sexual tension invaded his every muscle, heating his skin, thickening his breath. He turned off the car and faced her. “Invite me in.”

Eyes big and watchful, her own breathing fast, her lips parted. “ that a good idea?”

“You want it. I want it.”

“I’m pregnant.”

Satisfaction curved his mouth. If that was her only reason for denial, he knew he’d already won. Opening his door, he walked around to her side of the car. She got out and met him there.


Before she could finish, his mouth was on hers. Just that. No other touching, but Jesus, it was enough. Hot. Explosive. Familiar. He tilted his head for a better fit, urging her lips apart, licking in...

Her hands slid up his chest, over his shoulders, then gripped him tight. Hell, yeah.

“Inside,” he murmured, putting an arm around her and leading her up the walkway.

Staring blankly ahead, already trembling, she asked, “We’re really going to do this?”

“You tell me.”

Her nervous tongue darted over her lips. She fumbled with her key.

Colt took it from her, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Then he waited.

She faced him. “I don’t know what any of this means.”

God, she was beautiful. “You don’t know what you really want?” He smoothed her hair, cradled her cheek in his hand. “I do. I want you. Right now. But you need to be with me, Charish. You have to make the decision.”

Stepping closer, she put her forehead to his chest. “It doesn’t bother you?”

It seemed the most natural thing in the world to put his arms around her, to hold her close. Protectively. “Because we’re rushing things?”

Already shaking her head, she whispered, “No. That part feels right.” Then with her eyes staring up at him, she added, “It’s always felt right with you.”

Despite the need growing inside him, his jaw tightened. If that was true, she wouldn’t have ended things so long ago, but all he said was “Then what do you mean?”

“I’ll be having a baby, but... Are we doing this just tonight? Will I see you again? I’m...confused.”

“Not just tonight. You’ll definitely see me again.” Beyond that, Colt couldn’t say. He had his own feelings to sort through. “The baby is part of you, Charish. How could that ever be a problem?”

Her eyes went liquid and her lips curved with a smile. She sniffled, swallowed, then crushed close to him. “You are the most amazing man.”

He was a most horny man. Nuzzling her hair, he whispered, “Invite me in.”

Laughing, she wiped her eyes on his shirt, grabbed his hand, and almost dragged him inside.

Colt slowed her down long enough to close and secure the front door, then he took the lead, heading straight for her bedroom.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” She turned into him, her hands on his chest, her body aligning with his.

“Don’t overthink it.” Tangling his hands in her hair, he angled her head so he could kiss her throat, biting softly, sucking, licking.

“Colt...” Her small, warm hands went under his shirt, stroking around his ribs to his back. Her touch fired his blood, pushed him to haste.

With practiced ease, he tugged her shirt up and over her head, then quickly opened the catch on her bra to rid her of it. When his hands covered her, he paused. Her breasts were larger, heavier.

Fascinated by the changes, he stepped back, letting his gaze travel all over her. Slower now, relishing the moment, he pulled the tie on her shorts and they loosened over her rounded hips. “God, you are sexy.”

Watching him, she hooked her fingers in the waistband and pushed them down until they fell to her feet. She stepped out, leaving her flip-flops behind as well.

Now wearing only panties, she nervously shifted. “Like you said, I’m heavier.”

“In all the best ways.” Without taking his gaze from her body, he removed his own shirt, then toed off his sneakers.

When he reached for the snap to his shorts, she came forward. “Let me.”

That was new. Always in the past, Charish had been shy. He took the initiative, and she happily accepted.

Not anymore.

While her fingers opened his snap, then slowly dragged the zipper down over his erection, she whispered, “You’re not as lean. Now you’re more muscular.”

“I’m twenty-five, not nineteen.”

“You’ve kept in amazing shape.” She kissed his shoulder, his chest. As her hand curled around him, she lightly bit his left pec muscle.

Sensation spiraled straight to his cock. The things she said, along with the way she held him so snug and confident, pushed him dangerously close to the edge. She got in one slow pump along his length before he caught her wrist, knowing he was too close to the edge.

“Much more of that and it’ll be over before it starts.” Reaching past her, he pulled the coverlet to the foot of the bed and, kissing her, took her down to the mattress.

CHARISHRELISHEDHISweight as he settled over her, kissing her long and deep while his hands explored everywhere—down over a hip, into her panties to cover a cheek, then back up her waist, her ribs, until he covered her breast. He freed her mouth only to dip down and draw in her nipple.

The sharp pleasure stole her breath and lifted her hips against him.

In a rush, he sat back and stripped away her panties, then again took his time looking at her. A hand on each thigh, he parted her legs while drawing deep breaths.

His obvious appreciation of her body served as a balm to her pride. The last time he’d seen her, she’d been tiny in comparison.

The way he looked at her now, his gaze intense and thorough, should have embarrassed her, but instead, she relished every second.

He still wanted her—maybe as much as she wanted him.

Being pregnant left her very uncertain of her appeal, but now she knew she had no reason to be. Of course, she wasn’t showing much yet, mostly just in the heaviness of her breasts, which had gone up an entire cup size.

As the sun completely set, shadows filled the room. Only a night-light from the hall shone in, but her eyes had already adjusted and she saw the heat in his.

It was reckless to be doing this so soon, but when it came to Colt, she had no more resistance now than she had back then. So why shouldn’t she indulge? Once she got bigger and her pregnancy became obvious, her chance would be gone.


He bent to kiss the inside of her thigh, higher, over her hip bone and then her belly.

Her heart expanded. She carried another man’s child, but he didn’t seem to care. Or rather, he cared about her. About the baby.

Not the man who had walked away.

How extraordinary was that?

Those mortifying tears burned her eyes again. She needed him. Now.

“Clothes off, Colt. Please.”

He glanced up at her, his eyes dark and nostrils flaring. “Do I need a condom?”

Oh, the gravelly way he said that. Tension coiled and liquid heat flooded her system. “No.”

With a small, determined smile, he pressed her legs wider. “I want to know you’re ready.”

“I am.”

“Let me see.” His fingertips touched over her sex, and she knew she was wet. His low growl confirmed it. One finger pressed in, barely penetrating her, withdrawing, pressing in again, deeper this time.

Her muscles clenched; she squeezed her eyes shut to better savor the sensation, but they opened wide again when she felt his breath.

“You always smell so good.” He followed that statement with an openmouthed kiss that stole her breath away. Keeping his finger pressed deep, he nuzzled against her, using his tongue to search, taste, then he drew her clit into the heat of his mouth.

Unable to stay still, she tangled her fingers into his hair and gave herself over to the incredible pleasure. He knew her so well, knew what she liked, how she liked it, and far too soon she felt her climax building.

He must have sensed it, too, because with one last lick, he levered off her and left the bed to remove his shorts and boxers.

Lord help her, he looked good, all hard angles, long, strong limbs, masculine hair, and tempered strength. Such a sexy combo. She could have spent an hour just staring at him, but he had other ideas.

Stretching out over her, he kneed her legs apart, then cupped her face. After a very gentle kiss, he said against her mouth, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” She knew he never would.

“The baby...”

“It’s fine, Colt.” She put her hand to his jaw. “I promise.”

Turning his head, he kissed her palm, then shifted, and she felt his erection nudging against her.

Holding her breath, she clutched his shoulders—and let out a long, low moan as he entered her in a single relentless press that filled her up.

For several moments he stayed like that, buried deep while she further softened and he hardened more, and then, naturally in sync, they moved.

Braced on his forearms, he rocked against her, in her. They shared breath.

Dipping down, he took her mouth, the kiss consuming. Wrapping her legs around him, Charish demanded he stop being so gentle. She took him deeper, he thrust harder and faster, and minutes later an orgasm rushed through her.

Colt lifted his head, his hot gaze watching her, but as she cried out, he gave in to his own release.

They stayed together for a long time, heartbeats thundering, sharing small kisses and light touches, until finally Colt rolled to his side. Without giving it a thought, she curled against him, her hand on his damp chest, her head on his shoulder. He drew her closer, his fingertips teasing over her bare hip.

He was so quiet, it unnerved her, but when she dared a look up at his face, she saw his eyes closed, a slight smile on his mouth.

It made her smile, too. “You look satisfied with yourself.”

One eye opened and he studied her face. “Actually, so do you.”

“Oh, I’m very satisfied, thank you.”

Gradually, his expression became intent. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“Working around here. I’ll be unpacking boxes for a month—and no, you don’t need to help me.”

His eyes narrowed. “Is that your way of telling me to hit the road?”

What? No.” Flustered now, she frowned. “I just assumed...” Good grief, she hadn’t even considered that he might want to spend the night. Not wanting to ruin what they’d just shared, she asked, “What about Diesel and Winslow?”

“Jason and Honor planned to keep them for the night.”

Her heart dropped. “You told your uncle you planned to stay with me?”

“No. But Uncle Jason knows me well enough to know how I preferred the evening to end. Same with Dad.”

Which meant Honor and Violet as well. She shouldn’t be embarrassed. She was a grown woman, free to do as she pleased. But their opinions of her mattered, and what must they think?

Nothing more than the truth. She returned home one day and slept with Colt the next.

She heaved a sigh. “So you want to spend the night?”

His laugh didn’t sound nice. “No, I need to head home.”

Damn it, she had ruined the moment. When he started to sit up, she pressed against him, then ran her fingers over the sprinkling of crisp chest hair. His skin was so warm, and after that amazing sex, his scent had intensified. She wanted to rub herself all over him.

Today, tomorrow...forever.

No one else had ever felt this right. For her, it had always been Colt.

Hoping to make amends, she pressed a kiss to the base of his throat. “If you’re free tomorrow, I’d love to visit. No work, just company.”

Though he remained distant, one brow cocked up. “And sex?”

She hoped so. “If that entices you, count me on board.”

“You entice me,” he said, but he still didn’t embrace her.

“Colt.”Such a sweet thing to say. Ignoring his mood, Charish stretched over him and hugged him tight. “I’m sorry, but I’m not good at this.”

Rigid beneath her, his hands remained at his sides. “This?”

All she could think to do was bare her heart and completely explain. “After you... I sort of shut down. I was so busy with Grandma, and then we went right into it with Dad. Honestly, I wasn’t real interested in dating. I definitely didn’t care about sex.”

He made a sound—and suddenly crushed her close.

Yes, that felt much better than his detachment. “The few times I got around to it, there were no discussions about staying the night. Here, with you, I didn’t want to assume, and I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“You didn’t,” he promised, kissing her shoulder.

Bull. She had, and she badly wanted to make it up to him. “There were only a few guys, but it didn’t go anywhere.”

“I don’t need a report,” he growled.

Since he couldn’t see her, she smiled at the note of jealousy. “Then there was Tony, and you know how that went.”

He eased her back to look into her eyes. “Now there’s me.”

It had always been him. Softly, she repeated, “Now there’s you. And I...” She stared at his chin. “This was fast, I know, and I should have been a little more circumspect.” It was her turn to laugh without humor. “I’m going to be a mother, for crying out loud. But...” She gave his own words back to him. “It’s you. And wanting you sort of obliterated everything else.”

He played with her hair, stroking it, tucking it back, while appearing very introspective. Finally, he said, “It’s disconcerting, isn’t it?”

So he did feel it, too. How could they have been apart so long and yet the connection remain so strong? “Very.”

“To me, too.” He turned her to her back, then pressed a small kiss to her forehead. “I’m sorry I rushed you. I’m sorry I took things the wrong way.” He cupped her breast. “But I’m not sorry we did this.”

She almost melted. “I’m not sorry either.” She could never be sorry for being with him.

This time he kissed her softly on the lips. “I’m going to head home now—not because of misunderstandings, but because I think we both need a little time.”

Even knowing he was right, her heart sank. “Now I don’t want you to.” Fickle, that’s what she was.

“I probably do need to get the dogs, especially so Winslow will know he has a permanent home. But I’ll come over tomorrow and we’ll figure it out, okay?”

“We’ll still have sex tomorrow?”

Grinning, he hugged the breath right out of her. “Count on me being a yes, anytime, anywhere.”

They left the bed together. She ducked into the bathroom to clean up and grab a robe, and when she stepped out, he was dressed again. As she walked him to the door, Charish wondered how long his “anytime, anywhere” would last once she started showing.

At the door, she said, “Bring the dogs tomorrow. I’d love to see them again.”

He paused to hug her once more. “We can pick them up after.”

After sex. That sounded like a wonderful plan to her.

“Maybe we could head back to the creek, this time to enjoy it instead of rushing off.” Colt brushed his fingertips over her cheek. “Diesel loves it there, and you can get reacquainted with more people.”

Sundays were family time and always busy. Selfishly, she’d have rather spent her free time alone with Colt, but if he wanted to visit others, she wouldn’t disagree. “I’ll pack a picnic.” Like she used to do when they were teenagers.

With those plans made, she stood on the porch and watched him drive away. The porch light spread out over the front yard, joining the glow of other lights on the street. The soft drone of neighbors chatting drifted on the evening air. Even this time of night, she still heard some kids shooting baskets.

It was just like old times...that suddenly felt very new.