Loving the Ladies’ Man by Kristin Canary

Chapter 13

It feels good to be home.

I pick up a pen and tap my foot against the carpeted floor of the Evermore conference room, where the editorial and sales teams sit in swivel chairs around a large oak table. Lisa is busy discussing the upcoming quarter, what projects should take front and center, what kinds of books are trending, what we need to look into acquiring for our next calendar year.

I like all of this high-level stuff to a point, but I am itching to get back to the 1870s western romance I’m editing.

Of course, my fidgeting has nothing to do with the man sitting across the table from me—the one whose chocolate eyes are devouring me, who keeps winking at me to see if I’ll blush.

Since coming home from Iowa a week and a half ago, Connor and I have been spending every moment we can together—inside and outside the office. Of course, we both agreed to keep things professional in front of our co-workers, which means finding creative excuses for hanging out behind closed doors.

Doors like the one to the copy and fax room.

The supply closet.

This very conference room.

I bite down on the pen I’m holding to keep the tremor of some very good memories at bay. Even though his attention is now fixed on our boss, Connor grins like he can sense my thoughts.

“All right, team. That’s it for now.” Lisa claps.

Beside me, my editor Kelly—who has clearly been fighting the post-lunch coma—snaps to attention. She isn’t the only one who has trouble with these three o’clock Wednesday afternoon meetings. If I hadn’t met Kayla at Java Awakening for my daily americano, I’d be in the same boat.

As people start filtering out of the room, I turn to Kelly. “Late night?”

“Yes.” She takes a swig of break-room coffee and grimaces. (I don’t blame her. The coffee here is terrible.) “Gabby is teething and waking up ten times a night.”

“Wow. I can’t imagine.” Because I really like my sleep. But also because I have no concept of what it’s like to be a single mom to a ten-month-old—or a mom at all, for that matter. I wasn’t really around a lot of babies or little kids growing up, but I’ve still always imagined myself with a decent-sized family. Three, maybe four kids.

I wonder if Connor wants kids …

Whoa. Where did that thought come from? I mean, yes, my affection for him has grown immensely but we haven’t even had the DTR talk yet (and yes, Kayla had to tell me that the acronym stands for “define the relationship”). If I don’t know whether the man considers me his girlfriend, I shouldn’t be thinking about having his babies.

Although, let’s be honest. I wouldn’t say no.

But right now isn’t about Connor and me. It’s about Kelly and what she’s going through. I squeeze her forearm. “I’m sure that’s stressful.”

“It can be, but I’m figuring it out.” She pushes back from the table. “I’m working hard to meet my deadline on the Delaney Smith project. It’s just hard to think clearly when you haven’t had much sleep, you know?”

“I get that.” And it’s on the tip of my tongue, to offer to step in. But Lisa’s words bounce around in my brain. “Sometimes you have to admit that you can’t solve everyone else’s problems. All you can do is be there for them, to support them.”

So I stand with Kelly and walk with her out the door. Before we reach my office, I turn. “I know you’ve got this. You’re capable and strong and an awesome editor. Delaney is lucky to have you on her team.”

A smile blooms on Kelly’s lips. “Thanks, Evie. Your belief in me means a lot. I won’t let you down.”

“I know.” I pause, chewing the inside of my lip. Because I know what it is to put on a brave face, to swallow the pain, to nearly drown from loneliness when a life vest was right there. And whatever Lisa says, I know in this moment, it’s not about me trying to solve Kelly’s problem. It’s not about not trusting her. It’s about supporting her in the best way I know how. “Keep me posted on your progress, all right? If it’s getting down to the wire and you’re coming up against some difficulties in finishing on time, we can work together to come up with some creative solutions.”

Kelly presses a palm against her heart. “Thank you so much.” Then she nods, straightens her posture, and walks down the hall toward her cubicle.

Nearly skipping, I head into my office.

“And that is why you’d make such a great associate publisher.”

I whirl at the sound of Connor’s voice. He’s standing in the doorway, hands in his pockets, as casual as you please. I search for the humor in his expression, but there’s none. He’s serious about what he said, which is strange, because we decided a while ago not to talk about the promotion—not to let the competition of it ruin what was blooming between us. Whoever gets the job, the other will be happy for that person.

This is the first time he’s ever acknowledged that I might be a good fit for the position. “You really think so?”

He nods, slow. “I’ve always thought you’d rather stay an editor, but you’re really coming into your own with the management stuff. Not that you weren’t a good manager before, but …” Shrugging, Connor moves into the office and kicks the door closed behind him. “The old Evie would have let Kelly walk all over her, or at the very least, you’d have volunteered to do the whole project plus babysit overnight.”

I smile softly at the exaggeration and step toward him until we’re toe to toe. “The old Evie?” I reach out and play with one of the buttons on his shirt. “You think I’ve changed?”

But I know I have. I’m different. For the first time, I feel desired. Beautiful.


Looking back, I don’t think David ever really saw me. But in a matter of months, Connor does.

“Or maybe I’m just getting to know the real Evie for the first time.” He loops a hand around me, and goosebumps slide along the back of my neck.

“Maybe …” I pause. Then I peek up at him, lower my voice. “Maybe I’m finally confident enough to come out of my cocoon.” And it strikes me that maybe I really did fake it till I made it.

Has Evie Denmark finally, actually, arrived?

Connor pushes my hair behind my ear and his fingers caress my neck. “In my opinion, you make one heck of a gorgeous butterfly.”

Then he kisses me, soft and slow, till I feel it all the way down in my toes. We’ve had plenty of passionate kisses, but this one—this one feels different, like he’s telling me something he wasn’t prepared to say before. Like he’s had a secret and it’s been blooming in his chest, but maybe, just maybe, he’s ready to let it out.

But before he can, there’s a knock on my door and we break apart just in time as Lisa sticks her head inside. Oh goodness, kill me now, because she’s glancing between us and can probably see the guilt—the glow—written all over us.

I clear my throat. “Hi, Lisa. I was just, uh …”

“We were about to go over some promo ideas for the Landry series.” How does Connor sound so smooth, so unaffected? But thank goodness one of us does because I’m about ready to start fanning myself. Did someone turn up the thermostat in here today? “Did you want to join us?”

Lisa crosses her arms, cocks her head. “No, thanks. I’ve got paperwork a mile high.” She studies me, as if trying to suss something out.

Nothing to see here, ma’am. Everything is a-okay. Totally normal. Mmm hmmm.

Now I’m sweating through my shirt. Maybe we should just confess.

But before I get the chance to, Lisa waves her hand nonchalantly. “I just stopped by to see if everything was all right, Evie. You seem … distracted lately.” A quick glance between Connor and me leaves me in a near faint. But then my boss’s features soften. “Is your father doing okay still?”

Blowing out a breath, I nod. “Great, actually. My parents hired a local college student to help out through the end of summer, so that’s been fabulous.” And although I can’t help but worry about the finances, Dad’s health, and everything in between, I have been trying to hold onto that faith my mom was talking about. “Even if it was hard for Dad at first not to work—he loves his job—I think he’s been starting to enjoy his time off.”

Connor’s eyes are twinkling as I ramble and I want to wipe that smirk off his face. I have discovered his sides are quite ticklish, so I silently begin to plot my revenge.

If only Lisa would leave.

“Glad to hear it.” She turns, but looks back, one eyebrow lifted. “I look forward to hearing these promotion ideas you two are discussing.”

When she leaves, Connor starts laughing.

I nudge him. “She totally knows!” I hiss, because the door is still open.

“Because of you.” He shakes his head, smiling. “You could never be a spy. You’d give up information like that”—he snaps—“if your interrogator even looked at you cross-eyed.”

And then I’m laughing too. “Maybe we need to be more careful about our time together. Here.”

He gets really close and leans down, and I think he’s going to kiss me again—this time, with the door wide open. Not exactly what I meant by more careful, but at the moment, I’m rooted to the floor while he speaks. “If I can’t kiss you again today, I’ll go crazy.”

I tilt my chin upward, exposing my lips, flirting with danger. I am not this girl—and yet, with Connor, I am. And I love it. “But you can’t.” I fake sigh, loud and dramatic. “Not here, anyway. So what are you going to do about it?”

He gets a wicked glint in his eye and bends even closer. My heart races at the thought that someone could stop by and our secret would be revealed. But I don’t back away.

“Meet me here at five-thirty. We’re going out.”

Then he turns on his heel and leaves me standing here, lips practically puckered like a fool.

Somehow I manage to sit at my desk and work for the next hour and a half until it’s time for our date. Just beforehand, I head to the bathroom to fluff my hair and reapply some of my makeup. When I step out, Connor is waiting by my office. He walks toward me. “Hey, Evie. I’ve got something to talk with you about. Mind if I walk you to your car?”

Of course, he’s saying it for the benefit of the few co-workers still here this late. I stifle a giggle and reply. “I guess so.”

He sticks his tongue out at me and this time, a giggle slips through my lips. Connor just shakes his head again, grinning.

We make our way to our cars and then to Suppannee House of Thai, where we order some delicious noodles. After eating, we hop into Connor’s Lexus and he drives down Sunset Cliffs Boulevard until we hit a parking lot. Thankfully, there is a spot still available so we park and get out.

The cliff we are on drops drastically just beyond chains strung between wooden posts. Connor takes my hand and we walk along the top of the cliff, where people gather to watch the sunset happening in just a few minutes. The breeze whips my hair around as we maneuver through the crowd, down a path that leads us to an empty lower cliff jutting out into the vibrant ocean and staking its claim.

“This okay?”

“It’s beautiful.” I sit on the cold ground, with bits of sand and rock scattered around me. Connor lowers himself just behind me, scooting forward until my back is settled against his chest and his arms are resting around me. Despite the chill in the air, I am warm and toasty—and exactly where I want to be.

I lean my head back, allowing the crashing sea and Connor’s arms to lull me. The sun is edging itself below the horizon, producing a band of orange, another of yellow just above. It leaves the rest of the sky in this dreamy sort of haze that fills the entire space with a strange combination of darkness and light.

And we just sit there, taking it in, the world to our backs and the horizon ahead.

When the colors are diminished and the sun has said good night, I exhale and close my eyes. “What a perfect evening.”

“Mmm,” Connor says into my hair. And even though we’ve both been quiet for the last little while, I sense something in him—not his usual lightness. Something heavier.

Not necessarily bad. Just … deep.

“What’s going on in that sexy brain of yours?” And when he doesn’t respond with a quip, my suspicions are confirmed. I scooch forward slightly and turn so I can see him—as much as is possible in the dwindling light. “You okay?”

His eyes search mine for a moment before he says anything. “I was just thinking …” He blows out a breath and massages the back of his neck. “I heard back from two agents. They want me to send them my full manuscript.”

“Connor! That’s incredible.” I grab his hands, squeeze. “I had no doubt.”

“No, you didn’t, did you?” And there’s this funny look on his face, like he’s surprised. “From the beginning, you have been my encourager, my cheerleader, my truth teller.”

I suck in a sharp breath as he repeats back my own words from the Friendship Garden—the ones I used to describe a bookish heroine’s role in a hero’s journey. But the way he’s looking at me is anything but fictional.

Connor threads our fingers together, lifts them to his mouth, and kisses them one by one, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’m falling in love with you, Evie Denmark.”

Swoon! All of the romance novels I’ve ever read have fallen short of accurately describing this moment. The searing from the inside out. The fall so fast you’re afraid to hit the ground. The rocket that propels you into space, a new dimension in time, a new stratosphere.

I bite my lip. “I’m falling in love with you too.”

He pulls me onto his lap and does a much more thorough job of kissing me than he could earlier in my office. “So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?”

“Um, yes.”

“Good. Because, as my girlfriend, I have a huge favor to ask.” He averts his eyes, almost like he’s nervous. “I kind of have this family reunion this weekend. It starts on Friday night, goes through Sunday morning, and it’s a long drive. I wasn’t going to go, but my brother and his family are flying in from New York and he keeps bugging me to show up because we’re also celebrating my grandma’s ninetieth birthday.”

“Do you need me to watch Bruno while you’re away?”

“No, my neighbor is going to do that.” He plays with my hair, twisting it gently around his fingertips. “I was hoping you might go with me.”

“Of course I will.” He wants me to meet his family! This is … everything. But then a thought occurs. “You weren’t going to go because your dad will be there.”

His brow darkens. “Yeah.” He pauses. “Webster, you make me feel like anything is possible. Even … maybe, I don’t know. Reconciling with him or something. But I won’t have the courage to try without you by my side.”

Oh, Connor. I set my forehead against his. “I’ll be there every step of the way, for as long as you want me to be.”

Because that’s what you do when you love someone.

And I one thousand percent am in love with Connor Bryant.