Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Tonight, is girl’s night at Lexi's. It looks like I'm the first one here, and of course, I brought Molly.

"Oh, I love that I’m having a girl’s only night!" Lexi says with so much energy. I wonder where she gets it all from.

"Where’s Noah tonight?" I ask, picking up a cookie from the trays of food on the kitchen island.

"He’s spending time with Easton. They’re going to have dinner together and play some cards, I guess."

Easton did mention wanting to spend some more time with Noah at our picnic yesterday. So, I guess a last-minute girl’s night is as good a time as any for a last-minute guy’s night.

"Who else is coming?" I ask.

"Brooke, Mandy, and Kaitlyn."

Kaitlyn is Easton’s daytime nurse. Brooke is the head nurse at Oakside. She was Noah's nurse in the hospital, and they all bonded, and she followed them here, when they opened Oakside. Mandy is the charity coordinator and has been with Oakside, since they opened as well.

As everyone arrives, they all give Molly some love, and she eats it up.

"Okay, ladies, grab a tray and help me carry this stuff to the sunroom," Lexi says.

Her sunroom is off the side of the house and has three walls covered in windows from waist height to the ceiling. The decor out here doesn't match the rest of the house. It's lighter with bright colors, whereas the house is more neutral.

We set down our trays with snacks ranging from cookies and brownies to a vegetable tray and cheese and crackers. Of course, there’s also a pitcher of margaritas.

"Okay, ladies, night rules," Lexi says and holds up one finger. "One, no drinking and driving. There are guest bedrooms both upstairs and downstairs and couches around the house, so crash anywhere. You’re always welcome."

She holds up a second finger "Two, we’re friends first. We are not boss and employees, we’re friends, and we’re here as friends. Venting about work is okay, venting about patients is okay, and venting about guys is encouraged. We’re here to support each other."

Then, she holds up a third finger, "Three, what’s talked about at lady’s night stays at lady’s night. This is a safe place, and what’s talked about in this room, doesn't leave it. Got it?"

We all agree.

"Okay, now dig in!" Lexi says, and we waste no time filling our plates, as she pours the drinks.

The night begins, as we talk about the latest shows we’re watching on TV, what we’ve been reading, and playing with Molly. The more we drink, the more we start spilling what's on our minds.

Lexi is the only married one in the group. Kaitlyn is in a steady relationship, while I'm not sure what Easton and I are, but it feels like more than just a friendship, and Mandy and Brooke are single, so there’s a wide array of advice being handed out.

"So, I just broke up with my boyfriend," Kaitlyn says, finishing off her second margarita.

"Oh, no. Are you okay?" Lexi asks.

"Yeah, I guess the attack on Paisley made the papers, and he demanded I quit. He used some not so great words to describe the guys I take care of, and then gave me an ultimatum. It wasn't even a choice. I kicked his ass to the curb." She says, taking a sip of her margarita.

“Oh, and my best friend is getting married on Christmas Eve, so I have to go home for the first time in over five years and face my horrible stepmom and sister,” Kaitlyn adds.

"Well then, sounds like this night is needed," Mandy says.

"Someone else go," Kaitlyn says, refilling her drink.

"Well, I went out on another horrible set up date," Mandy says, and we all groan.

"Yeah, that about sums it up. I think I'm done dating for a while. I need a break."

"My family stopped pushing the bad dates, when one showed up drunk and couldn't understand why I wouldn't get in the car with him," Brooke says.

"We all know Lexi's love story. Too bad Noah doesn't have any brothers to share." Mandy sighs, and we all giggle.

"Paisley has a juicy story, though." Lexi winks at me, and everyone turns to look. I can feel my whole face heat up.

"What I say stays here?" I want to make sure.

"Of course," Lexi says, and they all nod.

"Easton." I sigh with a huge smile on my face just as my phone goes off.

I reach for it, and everyone laughs.

"Answer your man, but we expect details, because you aren't getting out of this," Brooke says.

Easton:How’s girl’s night?

Me: Good. Lexi mixes a hell of a margarita, so I'm going to crash here tonight.

I had told Easton about girl’s night, and he encouraged me to go, and I suggested he hang out with Noah, and it became this big thing. But I'm glad we’re doing it.

Easton:Good. Depending on how you’re feeling, maybe you can join me for breakfast.

Me: I would, but I have to get home and take care of the dogs, and I have a morning meeting with Jake. He starts at Oakside this week.


I notice Easton gets a little weird, when I talk about Jake. I think it's because he's a guy in my life that Easton doesn't know. Maybe, it's wishful thinking that he gets a little jealous.

Easton: Okay, lunch then?

Me:Dinner, I promise.

Easton:It's a date.

"Okay, maybe we need a no texting guy’s rule for girl’s night!" Kaitlyn laughs.

"Okay," I say, putting my phone away.

"Out with it, I think we all know bits and pieces, but start from the top!" Lexi says, refilling everyone’s drinks.

So, I tell them about Easton and me growing up, and the crush I had on him, but my brother keeping him away. Then, I tell them about the day I found him at Oakside and his progress.

We talk about him and Allie, and what happened with the kitchen guy, and how Easton held me all afternoon, and then our picnic date yesterday. I even spill about the kiss.

"Ahhh, it's the most romantic thing I've ever heard!" Mandy says teary eyed.

"But your brother doesn't know about him?" Kaitlyn asks.

"No, Easton isn't ready to see him, and honestly, I'm worried Leeland will ruin all this. Especially, if he finds out Easton is the 'patient' I was seeing, when I was attacked." I rub my neck, thinking about it.

I thought about trying to hide the marks with makeup, but I don't wear a lot of it and couldn’t really hide them, so I started wearing my hair down with higher necked clothing to help hide it. Too bad it isn't winter, because turtlenecks would be perfect right now.

Looking around the room, Lexi doesn't have any emotion on her face, but Brooke is biting her lip, like she wants to say something, but she’s holding it back.

"What is it, Brooke?" I ask.

"Well, there’s no doubt you’re helping him more than anyone here has been able, too."

"But?" Lexi asks.

She sighs. "But I just want you to be careful that he isn't using you as a crutch to get better. This is an odd time to start a relationship. Lexi can tell you from experience, so just be cautious."

"Brooke is a worrier," Lexi says softly.

"Comes with the territory of losing your parents and seeing what I have, being a nurse." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I won’t lie and say it hasn't crossed my mind. But I just can't think Easton's changed that much, because I know he wouldn't do that."

Needing to shift the spotlight, I turn to Lexi. "That leaves you, Lexi."

Lexi smiles and looks into her drink.

"Things with us are good. We have been trying for a baby. Just fun trying, and nothing too much. Noah is thriving at Oakside helping the guys out and all. The news I have isn't really guy related, though."

"Oh, yeah?" I ask.

"Well, remember Owen and Ellie, when they came with their two girls to tour Oakside?"

"He's the billionaire that lives in Knoxville, right?" I ask.

"Yes. Well, they’re doing a family trip this summer, and that leaves Ellie's friend, Mia, who is their nanny, free for the summer. She contacted me, and we talked. She’ll be coming here, staying with me, and volunteering at Oakside for the summer."

"That's great, but if you’re trying to have a baby, are you sure you want someone staying with you?" Mandy asks.

"Oh, the basement is a walk-out basement and was set up as a two-bedroom apartment, when we bought the place. We kept it the same, so she’ll be able to come and go as she pleases, and my dad installed a security door at the top of the stairs here, so we just have to remember to lock it more." Lexi says with a slight blush on her face.

We all laugh. We spend another two hours talking and chatting, before everyone heads out to pick their places to sleep.

After taking Molly out for the night, I go to the family room, where they have a large sectional couch. I grab a blanket, curling up with my head in the corner, and Molly on the other side, cuddling up with me.

Me:Goodnight, Easton. Hope you and Noah had a good night.

Easton:We did. I'm glad you texted. I was thinking of you, and it was stopping me from sleeping.

Me:Well, Molly and I are curled up on Lexi and Noah's couch for the night.

Easton:Okay, sunshine. Get some sleep, and I’ll see you for dinner.

Me:I really like when you call me that.