Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 2

Chapter 2



Every night it’s gunfire I hear. When I wake up in a cold sweat, my nurse is standing at the door, calling my name and checking on me.

"I'm fine," I tell her, and a shocked expression crosses her face. I don't normally talk to her.

I'm covered in sweat and trying to catch my breath. Just like every night, I'm back there. I'm back to the worst, most hopeless year of my life.

The nightmares don't stop, and the sleeping medication my doctor tried only made them more vivid.

Like every night, my mind goes to Paisley. Seeing her today, was such a shock. I never thought I'd see her again. I'm not even in contact with her brother anymore, not that I would have reached out, even if I was.

When we were in school, she was the kid who kept to herself, stayed out of the way, and was good at school. She made friends easily, but she wasn't a huge people person, though everyone loved to be around her. She was beautiful then, but now she’s breathtaking.

Seeing her wearing those cutoff jean shorts, drove me crazy. They set off her tan skin, curvy body, and dark brown hair perfectly. No matter how bad things got overseas, Paisley was my safe place. She got me through it. She brought me home, and yet, she has no idea. The thoughts I have of her aren't the innocent kind either.

Even now, every night she pulls me from these nightmares and grounds me back to the present. But today, I have new memories to think of, and keep me going. Her sitting on the couch in my room talking to me. Just her and me.

I think back to the summer vacations we'd spend together. Paisley, her brother, and I would go to the beach and play in the water before we'd walk down to the pier and do some fishing.

She would be right there with us, digging up worms and handling the fish. She wasn't afraid of anything. An added bonus, she was also pretty good at cooking the fish we caught.

More often than not, we would catch enough for dinner that night. Then, we'd head home, and she and her mom would cook us up the fish we caught, or her mom would save them for dinner the following night, if she already had dinner going.

One summer her family took a beach vacation and invited me with them, and I’ll never forget the bikini she had on and those intriguing tan lines on her body.

I was over at her house more than I was mine. It was easy to pass it off as hanging out with her brother, but really it was because I wanted to be near her.

Thinking of those long summer days with Paisley calms me enough that I can drift back to sleep.

She said she’ll be back. I look forward to the memories she’ll give me, but I don't have enough hope that she can fix me.