Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

I was up at the crack of dawn today with one thought on my mind.

Easton's coming over today.

I spent last night cleaning up. Not that the place needed it. Though, I keep it relatively clean, except for the dogs pull their toys out, and they shed everywhere. I washed the sheets on my bed, because let’s be honest, that's where I really hope this is going. He's been teasing me a lot more recently, and I think I'm going to lose my mind, if he keeps it up.

I decided to make my momma’s spaghetti, because it was Easton's favorite when we were growing up. Last night, I made the meatballs, which just have to be cooked, and I plan to make garlic bread with the dinner.

Convinced dinner is set, I check and see it's ten a.m., and I told him I'd be there around eleven. I do another sweep of the house and check my outfit, hair, and makeup, and then get Molly and head to Oakside. I drive slowly and take my time.

When I finally get there, I stop by Lexi's office first.

"Hey, so what do I need to do to take Easton out for the day?" I ask, already knowing I just have to sign him out at the front desk.

Lexi's eyes go wide.


"Yeah, he did really good going to your house, so we decided to try out coming to my place. Since he’s been there before growing up, it's someplace he knows. It might work, it might not, but we won't know, until we try."

"Well, he signs out at the front desk. Noah and I will go there now." She says, beaming at me.

I head to Easton's room and find him standing by the window with his hands in his pockets. He's wearing dark jeans and a nice button down shirt.

"Don't you look sexy. Hot date?" He turns to me, smiling.

"Yeah, hoping it goes well, but she's a little pushy, so who knows."

"Pushy? I can show you pushy, mister." I joke right back.

He walks up to me and takes my hands in his, and then leans down for a kiss.

"Isn't the kiss supposed to happen at the end of the date?"

"When have we done anything the traditional way?"

"Good point. Keep kissing me, then," I lean up for another kiss.

After another quick kiss, I pull back, "Ready?"

"Yeah." He takes Allie's leash, and we go out to the front desk, where Lexi and Noah greet us with big smiles.

"Don't make this a thing," Easton says, and Noah hands him the sign out form.

"I didn't say a word," Noah winks.

"Your face said it for you," Easton says, making Noah laugh.

"Didn't know my face was so chatty. I’ll work on it.”

Lexi and I just give each other a knowing look, and she winks at me.

"Okay, let's go. I have dinner planned, and Reba was eyeing the meatballs I made," I say.

"Spaghetti?" Easton asks.

"Yep, Mom's recipe with meatballs and garlic bread."

"My favorite."

"I remember," I say with a smile, and take his hand, as we walk to my car.

He hesitates getting in.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Well, if I sit up front Allie can't be with me, but I'm not sure about how I feel about riding in the back either."

"Allie liked riding behind my seat. If you push your seat back far enough, she’ll almost be beside you."

He pushes the seat back, as I get the dogs in the car. Sure enough, Allie is right there behind my seat and is able to rest her head on Easton's arm.

"Good so far?" I ask.


We head out of the driveway, and I look over at Easton. He still looks relaxed, so I make my turn and pull out onto the main road. Each time I have to make a turn, I stop and watch him. With each turn, he gets more nervous.

"Almost there, but remember, we can go back at any time," I say.

"I don't want to go back."


A minute later, we’re pulling into my driveway.

"It hasn't changed much." He says, staring at the house.

"On the outside.”

The moment we open the door for Allie, she jumps out and runs to the center of the yard, sniffs, and then pees.

"Oh, thank God you got that spot. It hasn’t been watered, since you left," I say, as Allie comes running back over to me. We go inside, and Easton stands by the door just looking around the room.

Reba comes out and greets him, and he kneels down to pet her.

"This is Reba, right?"

"Yes, she’s just starting some basic training, so excuse her lack of manners."

Reba and Allie then sniff each other out, before Reba and Molly run off to their room to play, but Allie doesn't leave Easton's side.

"They have their own room with toys and beds and all," I say.

"I remember your grandpa helped us build a fort around the TV in the living room, so we could watch movies all day, during that bad rainstorm."

I glance towards the TV that’s still in the same spot, though a different TV.

"Yeah, I got to join you and Leeland, and he made me go get the snacks and drinks all day, saying junior clubhouse members had to fetch everything." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I laid into him about that. Even then, I didn't like anyone mistreating you."

When neither of us says anything, I find I need to fill the silence.

"Do you want something to drink or lunch?"

"Lunch sounds good."

"Sandwiches, okay?"

He nods.

I go to the kitchen and pull out what I need to make some BLT sandwiches. I figure since bacon is served few and far between at Oakside, this would be a nice treat.

I don't hear Easton come into the kitchen, until he’s wrapping his arms around me from behind. He leans down and kisses my neck. I set down the food in my hands and brace myself on the counter, leaning my head back on his chest.

"You didn't invite me here for lunch." He says, kissing my neck.


"Show me your bedroom." He whispers against my ear, before he pulls back just enough for me to turn in his arms.

In his eyes, I see a raging desire that I know matches mine. I take his hand and lead him down the hallway to my room at the far end of the house.

When we get to my room, we stand in the middle and just stare at each other, watching to see who will make the first move.

I want to see his tattoos so badly, so I decide to make the first move and pull my shirt off, leaving me in my shorts and bra. Hoping he’ll follow suit, I wait. Though, his breathing picks up, and his hand grips the hem of his shirt, he doesn't move.

"It's not pretty, sunshine."

"But it's you. I want all of you."

He doesn't move for another moment, before he starts unbuttoning his shirt, and it joins mine on the floor. My eyes run up his chest, but it isn't the Marine tattoo, or the scars that make me gasp. It's the tattoo over his heart, filled with paisley designs. It's the only color tattoo on his body, and it’s done in orange, yellow, pink, and purple. My favorite colors.

I'm drawn to it, and before I know it, I'm raising my hand, tracing it. Easton's breathing quickens, but he doesn't stop me.

"When?" I ask.

"The day I graduated boot camp. It was the first one."

He gently grasps my elbows and steers me towards the bed, where he sits, and I remain standing between his legs, still tracing the tattoo.

"You've always had my heart, sunshine. It's part of the reason I wasn't so hurt, when Lee and I drifted apart. If we weren't friends, the no dating his sister rule wasn't in effect. Then everything..."

I lean down and kiss the tattoo, making a shudder run down his body.

"Lay down." I nod towards the bed, and he scoots back and lies down. Slowly, I start exploring his scars and tattoos on his arms and chest. He lets me take my time, touching each one, and then following the touch with a kiss.

I love feeling the hardness of his muscles, and the scent of his skin, and how his cock is hard as steel. He's breathing fast and watching my every move. I unbutton his pants, and he lifts his hips, allowing me to pull his pants down, joining the rest of our clothes on the floor.

I stand and slowly strip off my shorts, leaving me in my bra and underwear, which covers about the same as the bikinis I used to wear. Then, I crawl back up the bed and explore the scars on his legs, before stroking him over his boxer briefs, loving the sound of his moans. He has a warrior’s body, broad chest, defined muscles, narrow waist, and yes, scars, but I love every inch of it.

With a quick motion, his boxers are on the floor with the rest of his clothes. When I lean down to take him in my mouth, the next thing I know I'm flipped over on my back.

"If you put your mouth on me, sunshine, it's game over. I'm too far on the edge." He reaches behind me to unhook my bra and pull it off.

Leaning down, he takes my nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the stiff peak, and then giving it a soft nip. Moving to the other one, he gives it the same treatment, and it’s all I can do to keep my body still. My body tightens in anticipation, when he peppers slow kisses down my tummy to the top of my panties.

He looks up at me with pure heat in his eyes, before sliding my panties down my legs, and then throwing the last piece of clothing between us on the floor.

Then, in the next second, his mouth is sucking on my clit, and I can’t breathe or move.

"I love your taste, sunshine. I'm addicted." He moans into me, and the vibration from his voice on my bundle of nerves causes an orgasm to slam into me unexpectedly.

Crying out, I reach down, grab his hair, and hold him to me, because if he stops now, I think I might die.

"Easton, Easton, Easton." I chant over and over.

He hums in response, and it's the last thing I register, before I go flying, screaming his name.

"Watching you cum like that, is the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life. I want a million more memories like that." He kisses his way back up to my lips.

"Last chance to back out, sunshine." He kisses across my jaw to my ear, which he starts nibbling.

Catching him off guard, I use the self-defense moves he taught me and flip him over to his back, and in a swift move, sink down onto his cock, before he’s able to speak another word.

No sooner than he's fully inside me than I can feel his hot cum spurting against my walls, as he’s screaming my name.

His hands grip my hips, not allowing me to move, even a fraction of an inch. Our juices start running down the inside of my thighs, and a huge smile crosses his face.

"Fuck, I wasn't ready for that. You’re going to be the death of me, sunshine." He uses his hands on my hips to start slow, delicious thrusts, using his hands on my hips to move me.

I wonder out loud, "How are you still hard?"

"I have the sexiest woman of my dreams on top of me. She just made me cum so hard and fast, and my dick is still inside her. If you think I'm going soft any time soon, you have another thing coming. I hope you took a nap, because you aren't leaving this bed for a long time." Then, he flips me over.

His devilish smile tells me all I need to know. I'm in for a long night of multiple orgasms.