Player Loves Curves Box Set #4-6 by Hope Ford



“You look beautiful. Quit fidgeting,”Jamie says to me.

Once I got home last night, I called Jamie. I was completely freaking out and I knew she could talk me down. I can’t believe I agreed to a date with the Dusty Burgess. He’s huge in baseball and the way that women were throwing themselves at him last night, it looks as if he could have his pick of any woman he wanted. So why would he want me?

Of course, Jamie rattled off all the reasons why he would be into me and finished with, “Really, he didn’t even look my way. He was totally into you. Don’t talk yourself outta this. You’re going and I’m coming over tomorrow to get you ready.”

And true to her word, she showed up this afternoon with a huge bag and big tackle looking box. When she showed me all her makeup, I about fell through the floor. I usually wear mascara and chapstick, that’s the extent of my makeup. But Jamie wasn’t having it. She found the skimpiest dress she could find in my closet. It’s something I picked out on a whim a year ago and it still had the tags on it. “Perfect,” she exclaimed, holding it up to me. I tried to pick something else, but Jamie is pretty set in her ways and there’s no changing her mind once she makes it up.

She spent almost two hours getting me ready for this date. And when I told her that I refused to let him pick me up, she lost it on me. “Really, Serenity? You have a date pick you up… not meet you.”

I shrugged my shoulders, not understanding what the big deal was. But she wouldn’t give up. That’s how I ended up riding in her car across town to meet Dusty. “How do I get home?”

She rolls her eyes and smirks at me. With her eyebrows wiggling, she says, “I’m sure he’ll give you a ride.” And then she starts cackling.

The rest of the ride there I’m in silence. I’m doing my best not to chew on my newly painted nails. I can’t remember ever being so nervous. This is so much different than just waiting on a famous person. Dating one? What was I thinking when I said yes? I was blind at the party. Women who had to be models were trying to attach themselves to him all night.

It had to be the alcohol or maybe fatigue that had him asking me out, even though I don’t remember him drinking. He carried around a water bottle all night. What if he changes his mind as soon as he sees me?

Jamie pulls up to the front door of the restaurant. “You’ll do great. Just be yourself.”

I take a deep breath. “Thanks, Jamie,” I mutter and step out of the car.

Dusty strides out of the restaurant like he owns it when I get out. There are reporters everywhere, but they pay me no attention until Dusty stops next to me. Then they start taking pictures and I get uncomfortable. I’m not a model.

But Dusty doesn’t seem to mind. He holds me close to his side like he’s proud to be seen with me, and my heart melts.

* * *


I’msure that any red-blooded man in the restaurant is devouring Serenity with their eyes right now, in this instant, and I can’t do a damn thing about it. When she stepped out of the car, I thought she would be more comfortable if she walked into the restaurant on her own; that way she could avoid all the paparazzi since they didn’t know she was here with me. But one look at her in that short dress showing off her curvy body and I knew I had to go out and meet her, stake my claim on her before someone else tried to and then I had to kill them.

She walked next to me, tightly held in the curve of my arm, the whole way to our seats, and when I pulled out her chair and waited for her to sit down, I just stood there and breathed in her soft scent. I took the seat next to her instead of the one across from her, my leg touching hers under the table.

I try to talk to her, ask her about her day, but she keeps staring over my shoulder. When I turn around, it seems that everyone in the restaurant is staring at us. “Here, let’s switch seats.”

I pull her up from her chair and help her to the one that I just vacated. “Better?”

She nods her head stiffly. Damn, I should have taken her somewhere more discreet. But I wanted to show her off and honestly, I wanted to impress her.

Ignoring the stares, I open the menu. “What do you want to eat? Have you been here before?”

She opens the menu, stares at it for only a second and then closes it, laying it down on the table in front of her. “I think this was a bad idea…” she starts.

I reach over to comfort her, but I also want to test my theory from last night. When I held her hand, it felt perfect… it felt right. And now, as I squeeze her hand under mine, the same feeling surrounds me and calms me, letting me know that it’s all going to be all right.

I lean toward her. “This… me and you… is not a bad idea. If you ask me, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

She looks incredulous and loudly whispers to me, “Look at this place. Look at you. Then look at me. This isn’t right. I’m going to go.”

I pull her toward me with one hand and cup her cheek with the other. “I am looking at you, just like every other man in the restaurant has been since you got here. And I have to tell you, I’ve never been attracted to anyone in my whole entire life like I am to you. Ignore all of them,” I tell her, tipping my head to the people behind her now. “Act like it’s just you and me.”

Her face softens, but I can tell she’s still unsure.

“Dinner. Just have dinner with me, then I’ll take you home.”

Finally, she nods. “So do you mind if I order for you? Or do you want to order for yourself?”

She looks a little relieved when she answers. “Yes, if you don’t mind, can you order for me?”

The waiter walks up to the table and I place our order. “Two hamburgers, French fries and two sweet teas.”

The waiter doesn’t even flinch. “Yes sir. It will be up shortly.” He gathers the menus from the table and walks away.

Serenity leans across the table. “I looked at the menu. They don’t have hamburgers here.”

I shrug my shoulders. I knew the place was freaking her out so I ordered “normal” food to try and calm her nerves and from the smile on her face, it seems to have worked.

From that point on, she seems to relax. I get her talking about some of the unbelievable things she’s witnessed as a waitress and she loosens up and we have a great time. I love her sexy voice, her full lips, and the charisma she has when telling a story.

Just sitting here watching her makes this a good night. Already I’m dreading for it to end.