Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Three

Zoey followed Mack into his house, trying not to stare at how delicious his backside looked in his work jeans. Some people liked guys who wore fancy watches and well-cut suits, but she was a jeans gal through and through. Pair that with strong arms and hands that were a little on the rough side and she was sold.

“We have three types of cupcakes,” she said as she placed the container down on the island in Mack’s kitchen and pulled off the lid. “Coconut lime, banana nut, and dark chocolate mint.”

“Did you make these?” He looked at the items warily.

She couldn’t blame him. She might make a coffee that tasted like liquid gold, but her cooking skills were… well, let’s just say that her old family dog, Minnie, had once spat out a piece of Zoey’s lemon cake, and that dog ate everything.

“God no.” She pulled a face. “Gwen made them.”

“And why exactly are you seducing me with sugar?” he asked, tossing his wallet and phone into the bowl by the front door.

His house was completely open, with only a bedroom, office, and bathroom hidden away behind closed doors. The most magnificent aspect of the house, however, was the view out the back window that showcased the rugged beauty of the Patterson’s Bluff coastline. A perfect azure sky met with deep blue water, and foamy waves crashed against the shoreline below. The squawk of seagulls was a muted soundtrack playing in the background, and the air, even inside the house, smelled clean, crisp, and slightly salty.

“I need your help.” Zoey put on her most winning smile and leaned against the kitchen island, fully aware that the neckline of her top showed off a hint of cleavage. Okay, so flashing some boob might not be strictly above board as far as her “due diligence” plans were concerned, but who could blame her? She might be twenty-five, but she still had not yet given up hope that Mack would notice her one day. “Pretty please with cupcakes on top.”

“Help with what?” he asked, still eyeing Gwen’s desserts. He wanted one, she could tell, but the man had restraint that Zoey would never understand. Seriously, if there were some kind of self-control Olympics, Mack would be a gold medallist in every category.

And Zoey would be the person who got turned into a meme for faceplanting at the starting blocks.

She sucked in a breath. “I’m opening a business.”

“Another one?” he asked with more than a little sprinkling of scepticism.

She deflated. The one downside to having known Mack almost her whole life was that he’d seen all the times she’d tried and stumbled in the past. She’d started and failed at more than one business venture in her life, including making art to sell at markets (too low margin), doing Tupperware-style parties (too much hard selling), dressing up as a fairy princess for kids’ parties (getting the glitter off was a nightmare), and even starting an online business selling custom printed mugs, which unfortunately never took off.

But this idea would work. She knew it.

“Yes, another one.” She nodded. “I’m opening a dessert food truck with Gwen.”

Mack scrubbed a hand over his face, which was not a good sign. It was his go-to move when he wanted to say something blunt and was trying to buy himself a few more seconds to figure out a way to phrase his feedback more delicately. But, to be clear, there was nothing delicate about Brian MacDermot. Nothing at all.

“Go on, say it.” Zoey crossed her arms over her chest.

“Zo…” He sighed. “You can’t bake. And last I was aware, you also couldn’t park anything bigger than that death trap outside. How are you going to run a food truck?”

“Gwen is going to focus on the baking and I’m going to manage the other bits, like running the coffee machine, keeping track of our inventory, doing social media, and booking events like farmer’s markets and parties and stuff.” She reached for one of the cupcakes, opting for the lime coconut because she knew he enjoyed anything with a zesty citrus flavour. “Come on, you know you want to try it.”

Shaking his head, he took the cupcake from her and peeled the paper away from the side. “You caught me in a moment of weakness. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

Clasping her hands together, hope fluttering in her chest, she watched as Mack took a bite of the cupcake. The mound of creamy icing and the pale, fluffy cake offered no resistance. He groaned as he savoured the bite, his eyes fluttering shut in a way that made it hard for Zoey to breathe. Despite his uptight personality and mastery of restraint, there were a few times over the years when she’d seen Mack lose that hard outer shell for a fleeting moment, and it always made her want him more.

“Good, right?” she encouraged.

He held up a finger. “Shh. Eating.”

She grinned. “See? Gwen has a magic touch in the kitchen and you know my coffee is the best in town.”

His warm gaze met hers. Some people thought brown eyes were boring. Clearly, they’d never seen Mack’s eyes. They almost glowed with shades of toffee, chocolate, and whisky, and coupled with his wavy light brown hair, heavy brows, and full, sensual lips…

Stop lusting and start selling!

“I need to borrow your keen eye so I can get ready for an insurance inspection, and all you have to do is point out all the things that are wrong. You love pointing out things that are wrong! It’ll be fun.”

Mack frowned as he finished the last bite of the cupcake. “Why do you think I love pointing out things that are wrong?”

“Well, that’s your job isn’t it? And I know you love your job. Besides, you’re really good at it.” She bounced on her heels. “Please. It would mean the world to me.”

“Why don’t you get Sean to take a look?”

Zoey snorted. “Because my big brother is about as safety-conscious as a cat holding a flame thrower.”

In spite of himself, Mack laughed. “That’s quite a visual.”

“I love Sean and he’s been awesome with the encouragement side of things, but he’s less good with the actual detail side of things.” She nudged the container with the remaining cupcakes closer to Mack. “Since I only have one big brother, I have to look outside the family for support.”

“And you came to me?”

“Of course. You’re number one on my list.”

That statement was true in so many ways.

Mack’s expression softened like she hoped it would. She had him. He got a kick out of acting like a big, tough grump but underneath the gruff exterior was a heart of solid gold. Always had been. Always would be.

“Fine, I’ll help you,” he agreed with an air of reluctance. “But vehicle inspections are not my field of expertise.”

“I know. Anything you catch will be a big help.” An excited bubble expanded in her chest. “I really believe in this idea.”

“I can tell.” The corner of his lip lifted in a ghost of a smile, but his serious expression was back before she could fully appreciate it. “I’ll come around tomorrow.”

“Thanks Mack, I owe you one.”

She owed him more than one. Over the years, she’d called on him for favours more times than she could remember, always hoping he’d cash in one of the IOUs so she’d have a chance to help him in return. So far, no such luck. But she was the kind of person who prided herself on remaining hopeful no matter what challenges life threw her way.

And knowing she would get to see Mack tomorrow left her feeling very hopeful indeed.