Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Four

Colt tried to put Sierra out of his mind. It was the right thing to do. He should head back to Nashville to work out the details for his next recording session. For now, he was stuck riding herd with Ty and his brothers or playing his guitar, trying without success to come up with some songs for the new record.

Currently, he was sitting on the porch of his cabin at Redemption Ranch, a heating pad against his back on the porch swing and his guitar on his lap. The cool spring breeze wafted over him, bringing the scent of wildflowers that he had no hope of naming to tickle his senses. It was quiet in the late afternoon, with only the sound of birds and the wind. He could almost understand why his sister fell in love with Montana.

“Is the muse speaking to you? Or is the pain overpowering it?” Piper spoke quietly from the side of the porch.

Dundee, her cattle dog mix, bounded up the steps, dropped a disgusting tennis ball at his feet, and gazed expectantly at him, tail wagging furiously. Colt leaned down, wincing as the motion pulled at the tender muscles in his back, grabbed the ball and tossed it away from the cabin for the dog to race after.

“The heating pad is helping. I thought your brother-in-law trained horses. Was that one of his tricks? Buck off the newbie?”

He was still pissed that the horse he’d been riding decided that he wasn’t happy with the direction Colt wanted to go and had done a little song and dance, leaving Colt in the dust while the other guys laughed their asses off. Not only did his legs hurt from the unaccustomed activity of riding, but his back was torqued and he hated taking painkillers of any sort, except the liquid kind.

Piper chuckled softly, took the ball from Dundee, and threw it for him again. She came up on the porch and sat in the opposite chair. “You could always try a massage. We have a great spa in town. We’re working on setting up a satellite spa here for summer guests.”

He snorted. “I don’t need a spa. That’s for ladies.”

She arched her eyebrows. “Your haircut costs as much as mine did in Nashville so don’t go judging. Besides, half the ranchers have been there and swear by it. Or you could sit here like a bear with a sore paw and sulk.” She paused. “Speaking of which, how long are you planning to stay?”

He cocked his head. “You want to be rid of me so soon?”

She studied him with serious eyes. She’d changed from the little sister he remembered taking care of while their parents had spent most of their time on the road building their own music careers. He had been so used to watching out for Piper that having her suddenly switch roles with him was disconcerting. “Of course not. I just wonder what’s going on with you. You seem unsettled, unhappy. A couple of years ago, I found out what I really wanted from life in this very cabin. I hope it can bring you the same kind of peace.”

He shrugged, wincing as the motion produced more muscle spasms. “I’m fine. A little burnt out from being on the road for so long. Back-to-back tours take a lot out of me.”

Her knowing gaze didn’t buy his bullshit about the tours for a second. He loved to tour, loved being on stage. But that was fading, like so much else in his life. He wanted something else, something he wasn’t sure he knew how to find.

He didn’t want to admit that returning to Nashville didn’t hold the same appeal it once had. His parents were in their own little world, as they often had been while he and Piper were growing up. Between their touring and becoming country music royalty, their parents had been almost strangers to them. While they had all made their peace with the past, Colt didn’t have the closeness that some people had with their parents. Fortunately, he and Piper had a strong bond, and when she made the move to Montana permanent, he had been left behind. Again. Something she clearly sensed.

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Sierra?”

“Of course not,” he replied quickly. “I’m not looking for any kind of relationship right now, or ever, really. Especially not while I’m still building my career. You can’t have both, Piper. You and I both know that better than anyone. Hell, you gave up your career for love.”

She stared at him sadly. “I didn’t give up my career, not exactly. I know that’s how it looks but honestly, I wasn’t happy. I’m so much happier now with Ty, working with up-and-coming artists and kids. This is what I love. This is what I was meant to do.”

He shook his head. “That’s not me, Piper. I love singing. I can’t imagine doing anything else. And no woman wants to marry someone in that life, not really.”

She stood up. “You never know until you try.” She handed him a business card. “You have a massage appointment this afternoon. Here is the address. Get your back taken care of. Trust me.”

She whistled for Dundee and headed toward the main house.

* * *

Sierra had been grateful that the spa she owned was closed on Sunday so she could hole up in her apartment yesterday and recover from her night of overindulgence. Seemed like everyone else had done the same since her phone hadn’t rung except for a call from Zane, owner of The Rock, making sure she had gotten home okay. She’d gotten to know him as an occasional client at her spa, requiring massage therapy for an old injury he’d. They’d even tried going on a date once, but they’d decided friends was the better option.

She’d tried not to think about her night with Colt and what might have been. Sadly, her memory had come back fully, and she remembered having a great time. Fun, exciting, carefree. She’d felt safe with him. It hadn’t ended the way she’d wanted but it was for the best. She would have regretted sleeping with him, though she had spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about him, holding her phone and considering calling him. Then she’d remember vomiting on him then him cleaning up after her and she knew it was for the best that she didn’t call him, eventually hiding her phone and going for a punishing run that her body cursed her for.

When she returned to work on Monday, she had a busy week in front of her. And she had to deal with her mother, whom she’d hired to work the reception desk, but not handle money. Sierra didn’t trust her to work anywhere else, not with her history. The last thing Sierra needed was Valerie Bartolucci taking advantage of the kindness of Sierra’s friends in Granite Junction, and being tempted to fall back into her old habits. She didn’t trust her mother’s assurances that she’d turned over a new leaf. Been there, done that, have the burn scars to prove it.

After a busy morning, Sierra stopped at the desk. “What time is my next client?”

Her mother glanced at the computer screen. “You had an opening and someone called requesting an emergency massage.”

Sierra frowned. “Who called?”

“Piper Evans. Someone at Redemption got thrown by their horse and their back is in spasm. She’s hoping you can work your magic. I assured her you could do it.” Her mother’s bright smile showed how eager she was to get in her daughter’s good graces.

Sierra only grunted. “It might be too soon for a massage. We should make sure he wasn’t hurt too badly first, with no other injuries.”

“Piper said he was checked out. Doc said a massage would be good for him.” Nothing dimmed Valerie’s optimism, something Sierra remembered from her childhood. She’d just never expected to be on the receiving end of the relentless campaign to make amends.

“What time is the appointment?”

Now, her mother’s smile dimmed. “He’s in room two.”

She stifled a sigh. Better to be busy. This way, she had more proof to show the bank that she was a good investment when she was ready to open an expanded Rocky Mountain High Spa at Redemption Ranch. Eventually, she’d love to be out there exclusively, but that was a few years away. She’d started here with a few part-time employees, including a massage therapist and staff for facials, manicures and pedicures, and waxing. Now she offered hot stone and crystal massages and reflexology. She wanted to include even more services, which would require more room, and more staff. Redemption Ranch offered that possibility.

“Why don’t you head out? I can handle this.”

Her mother looked doubtful. “I don’t want to leave you alone with a man, especially one we don’t know. He’s not from around here. There’s no one else here today.”

Sierra muffled a smile. That had never been a problem when they were younger. When they were growing up, her mother had often left her and her sister alone when she worked or had a date. Now it seemed like her mother was trying to make up for lost time now that she had returned to Sierra’s life. Sierra didn’t need to be mothered. She could handle herself just fine. She’d been doing it for years.

“Mom, really. I can handle this. It’s Granite Junction.”

Valerie frowned, her mouth set in a stubborn line. “I can stay.”

Sierra arched her eyebrow. “You have that court-mandated meeting, don’t you? You can’t miss that.”

Her mother sighed and rolled her eyes, but she got up and gathered her things. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve worked here alone plenty of times. Piper would never send anyone she didn’t trust. I have self-defense training anyway. Now go, before you’re late.” With one final resentful look, her mother walked out the back door.

Sierra headed down the hall and knocked on the door. A muffled voice answered, “Come in.”

She used the hand sanitizer at the door and was wiping her hands as she walked in, noting the male figure under the sheet.

“So, I hear you had a tangle with a horse.”

“Yeah, and the horse won.”

His voice was still muffled but it tweaked at her memory. She searched her brain for the cowboys working at Redemption Ranch. He wasn’t one of the owners. Who was he?

“Can you tell me where it hurts the most?”

She laid a hand on his shoulder and he turned his head, his hazel eyes blazing up at her. The impact of those eyes hit her like a herd of wild horses and she took a step back.

Damn. It was Colt Raines, the man who had featured in her hottest late-night fantasies after leaving her high and dry on Saturday. To be fair, she was grateful he had been a true gentleman that night, yet a secret part of her really wanted to finish what she’d started and find out if he was as sexy in bed as he was on the dance floor. As decent and respectful as he was, she thought he might be a giver between the sheets. She’d really like to find out.

He looked as stunned as she felt, then a slow grin spread across his face. “Hello, Sierra. This is an unexpected surprise.”