Mate Her by Jenika Snow


“Are you sure about what you’re doing right now, Minka?” Thorque murmured against her mouth.

She nodded, unable to think clearly, as her actions were purely instinct right now.

Lukin grabbed her again, turned her around, and took her mouth in a hard, almost brutal kiss. She was so far gone that she liked it rough, needed it that way even. Being with them was freeing, made her feel alive and open, and she was not going to fight or hide from her arousal any longer. Spearing her hands in his short hair, she kissed him just as frantically.

Knowing that Thorque and Brawn were right there with them, watching it all, and just as aroused, turned her on even more. Minka was wet, needy, and wanted all of them. She wanted this life, was prepared for what it offered, and just had to accept that things would always be different. They could have hurt her ten times over by now, left her in that forest on that horrid planet for the Razzora to finish her off.

But they hadn’t, and she knew they wouldn’t hurt her. When she listened to them talk about her being their mate, about them wanting to cherish and protect her, and make sure she never wanted for anything, there was solid truth in their words. She heard it, felt it, and wanted to live it. Never in her horrible life had she ever felt the smallest amount of desire to have a family. The fear of the world they lived in was not just her emotions playing with her, but a fact and reality.

This world, planet, galaxy, whatever it was all made up as, was not how it had been for her ancestors. Humans no longer had a safe haven to grow and prosper, to have families and thrive. They were all but wiped out, and the ones who were still alive were in hiding, running for their lives, and trying to survive each and every day.

These deep, growling noises came from Lukin as he kissed her. He stroked her tongue with his, and the heat from his body seeped into her. Sweat beaded her brow, adrenaline pumped through her veins from the situation they had just gotten out of, and she was so aroused she couldn’t even think straight.

Lukin pulled her head back with a hand in her hair, looked down at her lips that felt so swollen and wet, and made another deep, needy sound. “You’re ours, Minka. Only ours, and we are about to claim you right now, because we can’t wait any longer.”

She felt Brawn and Lukin’s body heat fill her, surround her, and make her even hotter with lust. Licking her lips and nodding, she knew she wanted to be theirs as well. She reached up, unable to even stop herself as her lust consumed her, and ran the pads of her fingers along one of Lukin’s dark eyebrows.

A shiver worked through his massive body, and he tightened his hold on her hair, as if it was an involuntary action.

“If you only knew what your touch does to me, Minka,” he said harshly and claimed her mouth again. She had her hand wrapped fully around his bulging bicep now and felt herself grow wetter.

“We need you, Minka,” Thorque inserted, and she broke the kiss and glanced at him and Brawn, who stood only a few feet away now. Even though they wore their dark leather pants, she could see how hard they were and how thick and big their erections were as they pressed against the material.

She swallowed and then nodded, needing them as much as they needed her. The time hadn’t been very substantial since she met them, but it felt like an eternity. With her life hanging in the balance twice now in the last couple of days, she felt like she needed something to make that negativity fade away.

Minka glanced over her shoulder toward Brawn’s room, which—when she had been walking around the cave and becoming familiar with everything—she realized was the largest room. When she looked at the men again, she knew they would want her to tell them she was ready. They hadn’t been shy or discreet when telling her she would be theirs or that they wanted her, but they also had not pushed her into anything sexual.

“I’m ready,” she said softly, and the noise that came from the three of them, vibrations that were masculine and powerful, strong and alpha, seeped into her body. Before they could respond, she turned and led them into the sleeping chamber.

She stepped through the entryway, the room a vast cavern with sharp, jagged rocks protruding out of the walls, and the lighting coming from heating plates that reflected off the lava. For all the technological advances in the universe, these males lived simple lives, and she welcomed that.

There was a large bed in the center of the room, and dark, almost liquid in appearance, coverings lined the top of the plush-looking frame. Across from the bed was an opening in the wall, and there she could see a fire burning brightly. The cave was as warm as it was comfortable for her, but she supposed the warriors were used to much hotter temperatures.

One of the brothers touched her, and she looked over her shoulder to see Brawn standing behind her. She shivered, wanting out of the shift she wore, and feeling their hard, warm, and red flesh pressing against her.

Thorque and Lukin moved beside her as well, and a jolt of electricity speared through her at their closeness. She had felt desire before with Jobe, but never had she felt this kind of intensity.

“Be with us,” Brawn said softly and leaned his face down so it was close to hers. “Let us show you what it means to be claimed by Hades warriors.”

His breath was warm and skated over her cheek, and she closed her eyes. “I want this. Want all of you to be with me.”

Brawn kissed her right after she got the last word out. His kiss was different from Lukin’s. It was just as determined and dominant, but where Lukin had a frantic need in the way he touched her, Brawn was more thorough. Someone touched her arm, and Brawn broke the kiss.

She turned around to see Thorque standing there, and before she could say or do anything, he was kissing her too. With Brawn and Lukin behind her, and Thorque dragging his tongue along her bottom lip, she felt suffocated, but in a good way.

Thorque pulled away, but not enough that he couldn’t kiss her softly once more. When he took a step back, he immediately grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. “It’s okay,” he said softly, then reached around to grip her nape. For a long second, all he did was stare into her eyes, and she had a feeling he was the compassionate one—well, as compassionate as a warrior from Hades could be.

A haze had since taken over her, and Brawn was the one to turn her toward him. He had his big hands on her arms and while staring right at her face started to pull the shift off of her. Her breathing increased. Her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat from her arousal, and all she could think about was that she was going to take these three men into her body.

This was for a lifetime, and not for this one moment. She wasn’t just a toy to them, and that was so monumental to her that she couldn’t find enough oxygen to breathe in.

When she saw Lukin move toward a crevice in the wall, she wondered what he was doing, but Brawn was pushing her body back on the bed with his, and everything else in her mind evaporated. His chest took up her entire view, but she was so lost in his black gaze that she forgot about everything else.

Minka breathed in deeply, and her chest rose and fell, pressed against Brawn’s massive one, and his essence claimed her. She was really going to do it, and as strange and frightening as this whole situation was, she felt this energy inside her. It was like it was urging her to finish this mating, to become connected to these alien males in every way possible.

Brawn leaned down and kissed her softly on the mouth. Then he moved his lips to her cheek, her chin, and lower still until he reached her throat. There, he sucked, licked, and teased her flesh with his teeth and fangs until she was gripping his shoulders and pulling him closer to her.

He had a light sprinkling of dark scruff on his red face, and that abraded the sensitive flesh that lined her neck. But she loved it and ached for more from all of them.

“We want you more than we have ever wanted any other female in this galaxy,” Brawn said against her throat, and the vibrations went right to her clit.

“But why?” she all but moaned out. “Why me?” She had her eyes closed, and when Brawn moved away from her neck, she forced her eyes open again. He stared down at her with a seriousness that sobered her slightly. She could see Thorque standing beside her, his dick in his hand as he stroked himself.

Lukin was on the other side of the bed, his big, red, and powerful body taking up all of her peripheral vision.

“Because you are the one for us, the one we chose to be our mate, and the one who will forever be ours,” Brawn said determinedly and without regret.

“And because once you accepted us, and we knew we wouldn’t let you go, the need to mate you ingrained itself in us, Minka,” Lukin said, and she turned her head to stare at him. He held up a black stone-looking vial. “This will help your body accept our much larger sizes.”

She glanced down at his crotch as if she couldn’t help it and saw he had taken off his leathers like Thorque. He was huge, with his dick thick and long and the same shade of red as the rest of his body. He was hairless from the neck down—they all were—and that just seemed to make them appear more powerful as their muscles stood out in stark relief.

She didn’t know how to respond, so instead of saying something else that might ruin this moment, she licked her lips and just nodded.

Brawn’s chest was now rising and falling faster and harder now, and his erection, which was barely contained behind his leathers, pressed against her wet pussy. She was hot because of being on this planet and from staying in this cave, but most of all, she was overheated because she wanted them so badly. Every part of her was now exposed, and lust was riding her hard.

Brawn moved back until he was off the bed. His brothers stayed on either side of her, and the sound of their heavy respirations filled the room. She stared at Brawn first, rose up on her elbows to get a better look, and watched as he removed his pants. His erection sprang free once the material was off of him, and then he stared at her as he stroked himself.

Lukin handed her the small black vial. “Spread this on your pretty pussy, Minka.” He moved to stand beside Brawn when she took it from him. She stared at it for a moment, then looked back at them.

Thorque had since moved to the other side of Brawn, and now all three stood there watching her. “Unless you’d like us to assist?” Thorque prompted in a harsh voice.

“Although we would garner much pleasure to see you touching yourself, Minka.” Brawn was the one to speak, and the roughness in his voice, coupled with seeing all of them stroking themselves as they watched her, had her acting on her own. “Show us, Minka,” he said and lowered his gaze to where her legs were closed. “Let us see you.”

She spread her legs, feeling only arousal. Fortunately, all of her trepidation had slowly taken a back seat to her need for these males. Placing her feet flat on the bed and opening her legs as wide as they could go, she showed them her most intimate part.

“Now spread the gel all over,” Thorque instructed, and she snapped her gaze to him. He stared right between her legs and started stroking himself faster. Sweat now beaded along their powerful bodies.

“Rub it in, Minka,” Brawn added.

She smoothed the gel all over her pussy, and when she was about to remove her hand, Brawn made a deep sound.

“Spread it on your ass, baby, because we will be claiming you back there too,” Lukin said.

Maybe she should have been worried about that, but before she could even think about it, her pussy started to tingle and then numb, and then the sensation of liquid heat moving through her intensified. It was the gel. Whatever it was made out of had her body preparing to take these males without any discomfort.

Brawn moved forward, placed a knee on the bed, and then had his hands on her ankles in seconds. The vial slipped from her hand and fell to the floor, and she immediately clenched the soft material beneath her. He pulled her down the bed so she was right under him, and then wrenched her thighs open. A small whimper left her, but it was one of pleasure, excitement, and of anticipation.

“Look at her pussy, Lukin and Thorque,” Brawn said as he stared between her legs. He took hold of the root of his cock, while he kept his gaze on her slit, and moved his palm up and down the length of his shaft.

Minka looked at his cock, watched as a bead of pre-cum started to form at the head.

“So pink and wet,” Lukin said. He had shifted so he could see her pussy now, then increased his stroking as well.

“So swollen and primed to be fucked by us,” Brawn said and lifted his gaze from her splayed thighs. “You ready for us, female?” He spread his fingers along her soaking cleft.

Maybe it was because death had been right there, breathing down her neck, that she wanted to have everything with them right now.

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

“Yes, you want us right now,” Lukin stated and moved closer to the bed. “You want us to fuck you, claim you in the true Hades warrior way. Isn’t that right?”

She nodded again and licked her lips, trying to hold in her moan. Brawn was doing wicked things with his fingers between her legs. He’d move the digits around her clit, gathering her cream and rubbing it over the engorged bead, and then take it down to her opening.

Thorque came closer, then moved onto the bed, right beside her head, and continued to stroke himself.

“Focus on me, Minka,” Brawn said and gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him.

“Okay,” Minka breathed out, then arched her back when Brawn rubbed the tip of his dick up and down her cleft.

Brawn stared at her for a second, held his dick right at her pussy hole, and before she could anticipate what he was doing, he pushed into her. A gasp left her at the feeling of him stretching her, of him pushing all his hard, thick inches into her body. But there was no pain or discomfort, only intense heat and heart-pounding pleasure. She held the material beneath her in a death grip.

The gel had eased his way into her. He placed a hand on the inside of her legs once he was fully in and pushed her thighs even wider with his. Unused muscles stretched uncomfortably, but the pleasure far outweighed that pain. She was really going to do this, and there was no going back.