Wild Sweet Love by Beverly Jenkins

Chapter 13

Teresa was seated on the library’s carpeted floor, engrossed in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, when she heard the door pull chime. Irritated by the interruption because she wanted to read more about Kate and her nemesis husband Petrucchio now that they’d had their wild and crazy wedding, she got to her feet, went to the door and snatched it open. The sight of Madison standing on the other side of the screen instantly restored her mood. “Well, hello.”

As soon as he stepped inside, he brought her in against him and greeted her with a slow, dizzying kiss that proved far more moving than any words might have been.

“I like the way you say hello,” she said from within her fuzzy world. “How’s the day been for you so far?”

“Been interesting, but everything else pales when compared to you.”

“You sound like Petrucchio.”


Taming of the Shrew. He’s the man Kate’s parents paid to marry her.”

“Ah. Shakespeare. You’re reading Shakespeare now?”

“Wanted to know what that Mr. Strange fella was reciting last night at the Academy. Your mother has all the Shakespeare plays, but I don’t know why I was surprised. She has every other book in the world, it seems.”

“Strange was reciting from Othello last night. Did you read it?”

She shook her head. “The description said it ended with some man choking his wife to death. I can read about that back home, but the description for The Taming of the Shrew didn’t sound too bad.”

“Are you enjoying it?”

“It’s a struggle to read but I’m getting most of it, and some of the jokes too.”

“Good.” Madison realized he was in danger of losing those two double eagles he’d bet his mother. Teresa wasn’t exactly a lady yet, but Shakespeare? He was impressed.

“Are we still going on the boat ride?” she asked.

“Yep. Unless you’d rather stay home.”

She studied his eyes. His meaning was plain and her nipples stood up. “Let’s take the boat ride first. I’ve never been on a steamship before.”



“Then by all means let’s do that. Later, I’ve a bit more land-based entertainment in store.”

Again Teresa wondered how she’d get through the rest of her life without him around. “I can’t wait.”

He stroked her soft cheek. “I wanted to come over and see you as soon as my eyes opened this afternoon.”

“You would have been welcomed. I wanted to see you too.” Last night’s lovemaking was still vivid, and no matter the future, she was enjoying her time with him.

“Well before this mutual admiration society turns into a mutual undressing society, we should go. They’ll have box dinners for sale on the boat, so we can eat once we board.”

“Sounds good.” She rose on her toes to kiss him with as much potency as his kiss greeting her had held. “That’s to give you something to look forward to later.”

He grinned and let her go so they could leave.

As they caught a street trolley, Madison enjoyed the sight of her in the snug leathers, and so did the other male passengers, but only he knew that she didn’t have a stitch on beneath them. In place of the leather coat that she’d worn for the photographers and the press the day they descended on his mother’s house, she had on a high-necked, long-sleeve blouse instead, and her black boots. He found the mix of primness and sensuality arousing. Her attire made him eagerly anticipate being alone with her in the dark on the ferry ride. If the outing ran true to form, though, the vessel would be crowded and the chances for trysting in earnest slim, but he’d take what he could get. There would always be an opportunity for more kisses once they returned to shore.

There were quite a few people waiting at the Market Street dock for the evening’s outing. Many in the crowd smiled Teresa’s way as she and Madison got in line. In spite of Jim Crow, Philadelphia’s Negro citizens enjoyed recreation just as much as their White counterparts. Church-and club-sponsored train and steamship excursions to Washington, Boston, and other cities along the eastern coast were common, especially among the elite who also had summer homes on the Jersey shore. The common folk unable to afford pricey trips or summer homes took day trips to picnic groves or caught the ferries to New Jersey that left every fifteen minutes from the same docks where Madison and Teresa were waiting near now. One particularly popular place in New Jersey was the amusement park at Gloucester where there were rides and swimming. Another was Stockton Grove in the Black section of Camden, but because Teresa couldn’t set foot on the soil of any state other than Pennsylvania, because of the conditions of her parole, she and Madison were content with tonight’s excursion down the Delaware River.

The White captain of the vessel recognized Teresa from the newspapers and happily offered her and Madison free admission, just as Madison had predicted. Now, standing by the rail with him by her side, she looked out over the ink black water that was dappled by the moonlight. She could smell the water. There was a wonderful breeze, and even though the sound of the boat’s engine seemed magnified against the quiet, she was enjoying the journey. Courting couples made up most of the vessel’s passengers, and everywhere one looked there were lovers holding hands or sneaking kisses in the shadows. She and Madison had managed to steal a few that left them both dizzy, but they were content with each other’s company and the time alone.

Madison asked her, “What’s the first thing you want to do when you go home?”

“Ride Cloud, and then find a good bottle of tequila.”

“Tequila is a liquor, I’m assuming.”

She nodded. “Mexican made, from the agave plant. Some people like it, others don’t.”

“But you do?”

“Is that disapproval I hear?”


“Liar,” she chuckled. “We treat things differently out West, so let’s drop this subject before an argument breaks out. It’s too lovely a night to fight.”

“I agree.”

She looked his way and found his eyes watching her in the moonlight.

“What do you want to do after the tequila?” he asked.

“See my mother Tamar. Then visit my brother and sister-in-law in Kansas. I miss them all so much it hurts sometimes.”

Madison couldn’t imagine how hard it must be for her to be so far away from family and friends. Had the judge deliberately sent her east as further punishment for her crimes? He didn’t know, but considered the sentencing fortuitous because if she hadn’t been sent to Pennsylvania, the two of them would never have met, and he and his life would be poorer for it.

“You’d like the West,” she said to him. “It’s open and you can see the sky. The water’s clear. Game’s not as plentiful as it once was, but there’s plenty left to keep you fed.”

“I haven’t hunted since I was young. My father and I would go all the time.”

She looked. “You hunt?”

He shrugged. “Sure. Don’t most men?”

“Just never thought about city boys having to put meat on the table. I assumed you all used butchers.”

“Most people do, but when I was growing up people hunted.”


Madison wondered what the West looked like, and what kind of opportunities it might hold for a man like him. “Maybe Mother and I will train out and see you. I know she’d enjoy it.”

“I’d love to show you around. We can see the mountains. I’ll even show you how to shoot fish with a bow and arrow.”


“Many Native bloods fish with a bow and arrow like the Ancestors.”

Madison had never heard of such a thing. “Does it work?”

“Of course,” she said with a soft laugh. “Who do you think is going to bring back the biggest catch—somebody sitting on a bank praying the fish will visit the hook, or somebody with a bow who’s standing in the water watching the fish and ready to pounce?”

“The person with the bow.”


“That has to be something to see.”

“For us, it’s how we fish. It’s nothing special.”

Madison was impressed. He wanted to go west just to see that. Fishing with a bow and arrow. He found that amazing. She was pretty amazing too. Everything about her, from her colorful speech to her take no prisoners attitude toward life, could make him follow her to the Great Wall of China if it meant staying by her side. She and his old friend Loreli Winters Reed were the only women he’d ever wanted to keep in his life, but the fates had other plans, it seemed. He was destined to give up Teresa just as he’d done with Loreli. Depressing thoughts, and he put them away. He’d have the rest of the year to enjoy Teresa’s company. No sense in crying over milk that wouldn’t spill until then.

They took a cab from the docks back to Madison’s place. Unlike the vehicle they’d ridden in last night, this one had a privacy curtain that separated the driver from his passengers and shielded them from prying eyes on the street. When Madison drew the curtain closed, Teresa felt like she was in a cave surrounded by the black velvet darkness and by him. He lowered his mouth to her lips and gently invited her to come play. For the first moments, they let the sensations rise, feeding on each other, coaxing each other with nibbles and lazy licks. Their tongues mated, then danced, and hands began to reacquaint themselves with the length and breadth of arms and backs. He skimmed a hand down her spine then up to the back of her head and pulled her closer.

The heat of his mouth on her throat, and the hands squeezing and moving her breasts, elicited a soft moan. Her head fell back on the warm leather seat and she let it brace her as the storm intensified. His mouth burned her nipple through the thin white cotton of her blouse. As he took it in, then rolled his tongue around it, she arched so he could take more. And he did, gladly, wantonly leaving the fabric wet and the nipple beneath hard as a jewel. He raised his head to seek her lips, his fingers moving over the damp circles, and whispered, “That’s enough for now…we’ll finish when I get you home.”

Teresa vaguely remembered leaving the carriage and walking up the steps to his porch and door. Her world was hazy from desire and the kisses and touches he’d gifted her with on the ride to his place, but the world became crystal clear when he ushered her inside, kicked the door closed behind him, and carried her upstairs. She never thought she’d enjoy having a man carry her, but knowing that once they reached his room he would really treat her made her smile.

He set her on her feet, then lit a lamp. She could see the heat in his eyes and again wondered why the room hadn’t already caught fire. He came back to her and after kissing her until her knees melted into her boots, made short work of the buttons on her blouse, which she tossed aside. The heat in his eyes flared at the sight of the black silk binding her breasts, and he ran a rough possessive hand over its wound and tied length.

“Lord, woman,” he whispered thickly. Tugging the taut silk aside, he took the freed nipple into his mouth and placed his hand on her back to bring her forward. Soon the silk was down around her waist and he was enjoying her fully with his lips and hands, and all she could do was stand there on shaking legs and try not to shatter.

Madison straightened and put his hands to work on the placard of her leathers. Her passion-lidded eyes reflected every touch, kiss, and caress he gave her, along with a blatant hunger for more. He dragged the trousers down her firm dark legs then placed a bold hand between her thighs. Her core was hot and flowing, so much so that he wanted to give her the most carnal kiss of all. “Lie down on the bed for me, Angel.”

Complying, Teresa shuddered in response to his tone, words, and fevered touch. He pulled the leathers free. He touched that burning damp place and sat down on the bed beside her. His continued teasing made her spread her legs shamelessly, and when he lowered his head and flicked his tongue across the space, her hips lifted like a puppet on a string and she uttered a sharp strangled cry.

“Hold onto yourself, Angel, don’t come yet…

He commenced the wanton conquering. The sensations were so staggering, she could hear herself gasping and whimpering. In spite of his caution, the orgasm was drawing near. She tried to master it, but all she could feel was his mouth, his wicked, wicked tongue, and herself starting to break apart. When he took the little pleasure bud into his mouth and sucked, then slid two long-boned fingers into her swollen breach, she came, screaming. He didn’t stop. While she bucked and screamed and twisted he continued his erotic feasting; holding her hips so she couldn’t get away, he branded her for eternity with a loving she’d remember for a lifetime. She’d never had so much pleasure in her life, and to keep him from stealing her soul, she growled and backed away, her hand covering herself to ward him off.

He grinned like a satisfied male. “Is that Teresa July running away?”

“You just stay over there,” she warned with a laugh. She had no words for how well he’d loved her.

He took off his pants and said, “But if I stay here, you won’t get this…

Teresa shifted her attention to the splendid-looking reward standing hard between his lean brown thighs, and she playfully beckoned him to her.

Grinning, he grabbed a pillow from the bed and slipped it between her hips. In answer to her curious look, he said, “You’ll enjoy yourself better.”

Teresa doubted anything could be better than what she’d experienced with him so far, but he was the brujo, and she the woman under his spell. With the length of him encased in rubber, he slowly worked his way inside. He was right, being lifted by the pillow did affect the feel, and as he pushed home, she purred sensually.

“I knew you couldn’t resist.”

And he was right. No woman in her right mind would say no to this, to him. The pillow gave her just enough height for him to feel him fully, and the dance began.

As the night lengthened, they lost track of time and themselves. He took her on the bed, on the chairs, and standing before the mirror so she could watch his hands teasing her breasts and sliding down between her thighs. He took her in the shower, then against the wall of the washroom. They took another shower, this time under tepid water, and he finally carried her back to the room.

While he stripped off the soiled sheets and quickly put on fresh ones, the boneless Teresa, throbbing and echoing, stood against the bedpost. When he finished, they laid down. He pulled her shower-fresh body in against him, kissed her one last time, then they both drifted off to sleep smiling.

It was Friday. Mrs. Nance and Emma were scheduled to return on Saturday, so Madison and Teresa knew they had one last day of uninterrupted and unsupervised time together.

“Wake up, lazybones.”

Teresa turned over, and the sight of him sitting on the edge of the bedside put a sleepy smile on her face. “Morning?”

“More like afternoon.”

“What time is it?”

“A bit after one.”

Her earlier vow not to lie around like a lazybones and forget who she was had been forgotten in the aftermath of last night. He was dressed, she saw. “Are you leaving?”

“Nope. Just came back. I went and got us something to eat.”

She raised up and pulled the sheet up to cover herself. “What a night.”

“Indeed, it was.”

The muscles in Teresa’s back and thighs were tight. Her legs were sore and felt like they often did after a long hard ride across country, and she supposed their strenuous lovemaking qualified as that. As the old western saying went, she’d been ridden hard and hung up wet. But she had no complaints. Not one.

Teresa knew that the longer she stayed around him, the harder it would be to turn him loose. Common sense said to end this dalliance so that leaving would be easier when the time came, but the woman inside herself was selfish, and as long as he was near, she didn’t care about the consequences, at least for now.

Madison had been around her enough now to know when she was thinking. He reached out and stroked her satiny cheek. “What’s going on inside that head of yours?”

“Just thinking that a loving like last night might make it hard for a girl to leave.”

“You could always stay,” he countered quietly.

Her smile was bittersweet. She shook her head. “No. I couldn’t live here. Too much missing.”

He understood, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to change her mind. “Friend of mine is having a birthday party tonight. Do you want to go?”

“Sure. What’s your friend’s name?”

“Ben Norton.”

“Can I wear my leathers?”

“You really do prefer to wear them, don’t you?” he said, amusement threading his voice.

“Yes. The leathers make me feel more like me. Dresses turn me into somebody else, somebody who’s soft and maybe can’t take care of herself. Does that make sense?”

“I suppose. Makes you feel vulnerable.”

“That might be the word. I always feel like I need to have my Colt strapped on, and because I don’t, I’m not comfortable.”

“I’m sure Ben won’t mind if you wear your leathers.”

“What about you?”

He shrugged. “Me, I like you in whatever you have on—or not.”

“The not’s better, I’ll bet.”

“Oh, yes, ma’am.”

Teresa enjoyed him so much. “So what time does this shindig start tonight?”

“Nine, ten. In the past, his parties have gone until dawn.”

“What time is your mother due in tomorrow?”

“Four o’clock.”

“Gives us plenty of time for one last night.”

“Yes it does, so let’s make it a good one.” Unable to beat down his desire to touch her, Madison slid the edge of his finger over the point of her nipple poking the sheet. “Maybe Ben will even have some tequila.”

Teresa’s body began to coo. “I dare him, although the parole agent did ask about my drinking liquor.”

He transferred his hello to the other nipple. “I don’t think one night of fun will land you back in the pokey. Besides, Ben’s friends are select and discreet. No one will give you away.”

Teresa liked the sound of that. Since her release, she’d been a very good girl. It would be nice to have a chance to kick up her heels at least once during her confinement, even if it was for only a few hours. The rest of her thoughts had trouble aligning themselves because of Madison’s touches. When he freed the sheet from her hand and tasted the nubbins he’d been preparing, she had trouble breathing evenly as well.

“I wonder how these would taste with orange marmalade?” he husked out.

Teresa rippled with a response that flooded her core.

“Think I’ll find out.” He bit her gently, then left the room.

When he returned with a small bowl of the orange sweet, he put a bit of it on his finger and with his eyes blazing placed the finger in her mouth. She took a few seconds to suck it clean, then he dipped up some more and coated first one nipple and then the other. He left her a moment to stand and remove his clothes, and when he joined her on the bed, he treated her to the most erotic afternoon she’d ever had in her life.

Madison took her home. When he returned that evening to pick her up, the sight of her in the flowing black gown surprised him. “I thought you were going to wear your leathers?”

The black gown with its full skirt was accented with midnight blue threads. The deep cut of the neckline offered a sumptuous view of the soft tops of her onyx breasts, while long black evening gloves graced her arms and hands. Once again she’d stunned him with her loveliness.

Teresa secretly enjoyed the approval in his gaze. “Thought I’d wear this. In certain circumstances, gowns are more convenient, shall we say?”

Madison grinned. “You’re turning into a pretty naughty woman, Teresa July.”

“I wasn’t the one who brought marmalade to bed,” she replied with knowing eyes. Just saying the word marmalade made Teresa’s core pulsate.

“Is that a complaint?”

“Oh, no. I love your games.”

“And I love that you like to play.”

The heat began to arch, and they both felt it.

Madison said, “We should probably get going.”

“I agree.”

But he had to kiss her first, and she wanted to be kissed. After they’d shared enough kisses to hold them for a while, they left Mrs. Nance’s house and walked down the path to his buggy.

The street outside Ben Norton’s place in the Fifth Ward was so crowded when they arrived there was no place to park. Men and women dressed to the gills were moving up and down sidewalks toward the large row house, and Teresa was reminded of the scene outside of the Academy of Music.

To deal with the parking dilemma, Ben had hired men to be valets who would park the carriages and buggies a few blocks over. Every owner was given a ticket with a number so they’d be able to reclaim their vehicle when they wanted to leave. Madison placed the ticket inside of his suit coat and escorted the gown-wearing Teresa up the stairs and inside.

Ben’s live-in woman, Irene Garner, met them at the door. Madison had to shout over the din in order to introduce her to Teresa. The downstairs was packed with celebrants.

Irene yelled, “Nice to meet you, Teresa. Saw you in the papers.” Turning back to Madison, she added, “Take her upstairs. Quieter!”

Madison nodded. Taking Teresa’s hand, he cut a swath through the crush and led her up the stairway to the second floor.

It was indeed much quieter there. He looked into the billiards room that was filled with cigar smoke and saw Ben hunched over the large table, cue in hand. Madison and Teresa waited until he made his shot, then entered the room.

“Mad. How are you?” Ben said, setting down his cue.

The two friends shared a warm embrace, then Madison made the introductions. Ben said to her, “I was wondering if he was ever going to bring you by. I saw you in the newspapers.”

“Seems like everybody has.”

“Not often we get someone as famous as you around here, so welcome. Make yourself at home.”

Teresa eyed the pool table.

Ben asked, “Do you play?”

“I do.”

“Let me finish whipping Clyde over there, and you can have the next game.”

Teresa’s smile was appreciative.

“In the meantime, you all head down the hall. There’s a buffet and a bar. Help yourselves.”

Teresa had a wonderful evening. She ate, played pool, watched Madison win a lot of money, then went back and shot some more pool. The men she beat were as surprised as Alvin Porter had been when she beat him at horseshoes, but none were as angry.

In fact, she ran into Alvin Porter, standing near the bar. She’d had a small glass of wine earlier and came back to see if the barkeep had found the bottle of tequila he swore was on the premises somewhere. No one ever asked for it, she was told, so he had to locate it. Locate it he did, and as he poured her a small shot, Porter, apparently still miffed about the horseshoes, sneered, “Is that the swill you drink out West?”

There were a number of men and a few women standing nearby, and they all went quiet in response to Porter’s rude words. Teresa took a sip of her drink, and the familiar kick made her mentally sigh with satisfaction. “Yes,” Teresa said, turning and finally responding, “but it’s not for children.”

He took offense at her jab and puffed up. “You calling me a child? I can outdrink you any day of the week.”

“Oh, really?”

He looked her up and down. “Yeah.”

The crowd started buzzing and people began angling for a better view.

Teresa asked him, “You sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure. Are you stalling because you’re scared?”

“Not me.”

“Then let’s go.”

Teresa shook her head at this foolish young man. “Okay.” Tossing back the drink in her glass with one swallow, she told the barkeep, “Pour him one.”

Madison was at the poker table when he heard a crowd of people roar. He looked up. Ben, seated at the table beside him, looked up too.

Irene came hurrying in and said, “Madison, you probably should come and get your lady, she’s in a drinking contest at the bar.”

Madison lowered his head to the table and bounced it against the edge a few times.

A laughing Ben tossed down his cards and backed his chair away from the table. “Come on, Mad.”

Madison got up reluctantly.

With Ben behind him, Madison made his way to the front of the crowd just in time to see Teresa slam her shot glass down on the bar and demand, “Hit me again, barkeep!”

The mostly male gathering cheered as the grinning bartender splashed a brown liquor into her glass. She gave a cool smile to the red-eyed young man swaying on his feet, then tossed the drink back in one swallow before slamming the glass down again. The crowd roared.

“Your turn,” she told her opponent, a hard challenge in her bright black eyes.

Madison recognized her opponent as Paula’s friend, Porter. The young man was a boastful lout who had undoubtedly stepped on one of Teresa’s outlaw nerves. He looked drunk enough to tip over with the touch of a fingernail, but he picked up his glass, hefted it, then promptly keeled over backward like a felled tree. As he hit the floor, the noisy celebrants erupted.

Teresa yelled over the din, “Barkeep, drinks on me for everybody!”

Madison was so stunned, he walked up and studied her. On the outside she didn’t look drunk at all, but the sparkle in her eyes gave her away.

She drawled, “Well, hello, city boy. How are ya?”

He shook his head. “I’m well. You?”

“Doing real fine. Had to teach that little varmint a lesson. He actually thought he could outdrink me. Me!” she said, pointing at herself. “Teresa July. I have drank tequila for three days straight and swallowed every worm!”

Madison didn’t have a clue what swallowing worms had to do with anything, and told himself he probably didn’t want to know. He did know this demonstration of hers was going to be all over town by dawn, regardless of the discreetness of the guests, and his mother was going to throw a fit when she found out. He needed to get her home.

“You know something?” she said to him, grinning.

“What?” He couldn’t stop his answering smile.

“I just ordered drinks around and I don’t have a dime.”

“I was wondering about that.”

“Guess I’ll have to rob somebody, huh?” She began laughing.

Madison shook his head at her antics. “I’ll take care of it. Where’s your wrap?”

He could see her mulling over the question.

“I don’t think I have one.” She turned to the bartender. “Do I have a wrap?”

He bent down behind the bar and handed Teresa her blue wrap and handbag.

“Guess I do. Thanks.”

“Are you ready?”

“As a hog in heat.”

Madison shook his head.

She linked her hand into the crook of his arm and he led her away. First, however, he had to endure the delay to their departure as every man in the place jockeyed to tell her good-bye.

“Good-bye, Miss July.”

“See you again, Miss July.”

“Hope to see you again, Miss July.”

Madison’s quelling look kept most of them at bay, but Teresa didn’t seem bothered by all the commotion. When they finally got to the door, she held up her hand and called out, “See you next time, boys!”

And then Madison walked her back downstairs and out into the night.