Cliff’s Descent by Dianne Duvall

Chapter Twelve

Emma fought to catch her breath as Cliff rolled them to their sides, bodies still joined.

His eyes shone bright amber as he rested his head on the pillow beside hers and stared at her as though she were the most precious thing in the world to him. Reaching up, he drew the backs of his fingers down her cheek in a caress that was so tender it brought tears to her eyes. “Are you okay? Was I too rough?”

Catching his hand before he could lower it, Emma pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “You were perfect.”

The corners of his lips curled up as he rubbed noses with her. “I haven’t been with anyone since I was transformed. I was worried I might…”

She arched a brow. “Squeeze the breath out of me?”

He laughed. “Maybe.”

“It was perfect, Cliff.” She brushed his dreadlocks back from his face, relishing her ability to hold him and be this close to him after having to assiduously keep their distance for so long. “I can’t believe you’re really here with me.” In her bed. In her arms. She stroked the coarse stubble on his jaw.

“I can’t believe you were going to drop everything and run away with me.”

“I’d do anything for you, Cliff.” Her lips brushed his in a light kiss that was heavy with meaning. “I love you.”

His hold tightened. “I love you, too.” Sighing with contentment, he pressed his forehead to hers. “I’m so afraid I’m going to wake up and find this has all been a dream.”

She smiled. “If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.”

“Me either. This is so much better than having to share you with a table full of coworkers.”

She laughed. “Absolutely.”

“Thank you for that, by the way.”

“For what?”

“For finding a way we could continue to have lunch together.” His forehead rocked against hers as he shook his head. “By the end of that first week, I was already falling hard for you. And when people started whispering about complaining to Reordon, it tore me up to think I’d have to give up that time with you.”

“Well, I wasn’t willing to give it up, so I got Cynthia to help me out.”

“And Todd?”

She chuckled. “Yes. And you can thank Sadie for finally enabling us to sit together.”

His straight white teeth flashed in a boyish grin. “How’d she manage that?”

“She baked cookies, set them in the middle of the table, and plunked herself down next to me, knowing they would lure more bodies to the table.”

“I can see why. That woman makes damn good cookies. It doesn’t surprise me at all that people would brave sitting at a vampire’s table to get one.”

Emma laughed. “That’s exactly what happened. Cynthia set her purse on the chair next to her to save a seat for Todd. And Sadie saved hers for you.”

“So it was no coincidence that she left every time I arrived?”


“That was kind of her.”

She shrugged. “Sadie’s a real sweetheart.” Again she stroked his stubbled cheek. “She’s also very perceptive and empathizes with us.”

“I wish I could thank her. But I don’t think she should know we meet outside network headquarters. I don’t think anyone should know.”

“Even Bastien?” She regretted asking him when the joy left his handsome features.

He sighed. “I love Bastien like a brother. I feel like shit keeping this from him. But I’m not sure how he would react.”

“Are you afraid he’ll stop taking you hunting?”

“No. He’d still take me hunting to dampen the voices, but…” A look of amazement swept over his face.

She frowned. “Cliff? What is it?”

A huge smiled dawned. “The voices.”

“What about them?”

“They’re gone.”

Her eyebrows flew up. “What?”

“They’re gone.”

Confusion rose. “I thought hunting quieted the voices.”

He shook his head. “Hunting just lowers the volume, which really helps. But you…” He stroked her face, the love and happiness that shone in his eyes piercing her heart. “You eradicated them, Emma. They’re completely quiet now.”

And she’d thought she couldn’t love him more.

“Wow.” She winked. “I must really be good in bed.”

He barked out a laugh. “You are. You definitely are.”

Grinning, she rolled him onto his back and straddled him. The long length inside her hardened. “Let’s just test that out, shall we?” Bracing her hands on his chest, she curled her fingers in the hair there and gave it a tug the same time she circled her hips.

Sucking in a breath, he gripped her thighs and arched up against her. “Yessss.”

An hour and a half later, Cliff pressed a soft kiss to Emma’s lips and said with much reluctance, “I have to go.”

Regret filled her pretty brown eyes. “Already?”

He nodded and slipped out of bed. “I’m supposed to meet Bastien at his lair in fifteen minutes.”

“I thought the Immortal Guardians destroyed that place.”

“They did. But it still means something to him. To us both really.”

She leaned up on an elbow. “I’m sorry it’s gone.”

He shrugged. “If Bastien hadn’t riled up the Immortal Guardians until they came gunning for him, Seth wouldn’t have brought me to the network, and I never would’ve met you. Which just makes the place all the more meaningful for me. Living there led me to you.”

Sitting up, she threw back the covers and rose.

Cliff stared at her alluring skin, so soft and warm, traced a visual path to the lovely breasts he’d teased with fingers, lips, teeth, and tongue, then down to the dark thatch of curls that lay at the juncture of her thighs.


He met her gaze. “You’re so damn beautiful,” he professed, his voice deepening.

She smiled. Stepping closer, she rose onto her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Though his body instantly responded to the press of hers, Cliff merely held her and relished the love and affection she granted him.

“This is real, isn’t it?” he asked softly, almost afraid to believe it. “I mean, I’m not… back at network headquarters hallucinating or something, am I?”

She kissed his chin, then dropped back on her heels. “Come back tomorrow night and I’ll show you just how real this is.”

Happiness welled within him, nearly bringing a lump to his throat. It had been so long that he’d forgotten what true happiness felt like. “Really? You want to see me tomorrow?”

She smiled up at him. “Tomorrow and every night thereafter.”

Cliff drew her into another quick hug, delivered an exuberant kiss, then zipped into the bathroom. Seconds later, he zipped back and stopped before her, once more decked out in his bloody hunting clothes.

Still gloriously naked, she gaped up at him. “Okay. That’s going to take some getting used to.”

He laughed, feeling lighter than he had in…

Well, since before his transformation.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked.

She smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Emma.”

“Good night, Cliff. Be safe.”

“I will.” He had good reason to now.

Giving her one last kiss, he dashed out into the night. A cool breeze buffeted him as he headed for Bastien’s place. He would have to run at top speed to get there on time but didn’t mind a bit. Energy surged through him, fueled by happiness.

He shook his head at himself as his lips stretched in a grin. One night with Emma and his inner monologue sounded like the corniest of chick flicks. The stars seemed brighter. The air smelled fresher. His feet felt lighter. If he wasn’t careful, he might soon find himself bursting into song as he twirled around on a hilltop while cartoon birds fed from his hand.

Laughing at the image, he skidded to a halt.

Bastien lay on his back a couple of feet away, ankles crossed, fingers linked behind his head.

Still grinning, Cliff nodded at him. “What happened? Did some vampire lookie-loo come searching for your legendary lair and knock you on your ass?”

Bastien laughed. “No. I just got bored waiting and thought I’d do something I rarely have time to anymore.”

Cliff arched a brow. “Stargaze?”


While Bastien rose, Cliff propped his hands on his hips and studied the sky. “They are pretty, aren’t they?” No clouds hid their sparkle, and the new moon allowed them to dominate the night.

“Yes, they are.” Bastien swept some dirt and grass from his coat tails. “You seem awfully chipper tonight.” Had his voice not been so dry, Cliff might’ve worried he suspected something.

Instead he laughed. “I guess I am. Must be the fresh air.”

His friend grunted. “Anything alarming happen I should know about before we head back? You leave any bloodbaths the network might grumble over having to clean up?”

Cliff grinned. “Nope. I was on my best behavior.”

Bastien snorted. “Sure you were.” Together they started strolling in the direction of network headquarters, having left Melanie’s car behind tonight. “How are the voices?”

Cliff couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from his face. “They’re gone.”

Eyebrows rising, Bastien halted. “Completely?”

“Completely. I haven’t felt this good… this normal… in a long time.”

The British immortal’s lips stretched in a smile. “Excellent.” He clapped Cliff on the back. “I’m glad hunting is helping. You want to go out again tomorrow night?”

“Hell yes.”

He laughed. “I bet you do. How would you feel about having more time to yourself while we’re out and about?”

“Really?” Excitement filled him at the prospect of having more than two hours with Emma. “You’d do that?”

“Of course. I know you’ve missed having the freedom to come and go at will. And clearly having at least some of that restored is helping.”

“Won’t Reordon object?”

He shrugged. “Can’t object to something he doesn’t know about.”

“What about Seth?”

Bastien shook his head. “Seth has so much on his plate right now I doubt he’d even notice. Just don’t do anything that would make Reordon complain to him.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“No thanks necessary. I wasn’t just thinking about you.” His lips quirked. “If you’re off doing your own thing, I might be able to coax Melanie into indulging in some illicit midnight rendezvous.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Cliff grinned. “Maybe so.”

“Aside from the voices being gone, how do you feel? Want to race home?”

He let his shoulders sag and injected his voice with fatigue. “I don’t know. Honestly, I’m feeling a little—” Cliff took off like a rocket toward network headquarters. “Tired!” he called and laughed when Bastien swore far behind him, then belatedly tried to catch up.