Lethal Echo by Cara Carnes


Bree was halfway to the hideout when her brother stepped in her path. Wariness froze her progression when she noted the expression on his face. Worry. “I’m okay.”

“I’m sure you are, but I’m not,” he admitted. “We’re overdue for a conversation. You’re avoiding me.”

“Maybe.” She sighed. “Honestly, a lot’s going on right now. Can we chat in the morning?” Darkness was settling in on the compound. It’d be several hours before Ram and the others got back. The last thing she wanted was a heart-to-heart with big brother. “Please.”

He folded his arm around her shoulders and dragged her into his body. The other hand mussed her hair. “Come on. Let’s hang. Chill. Like we used to. Just you and me. No heavy shit.”

That sounded perfect. “I’m actually going to the Triple Threat’s hideout. Not sure I should show you where that’s at.”

“Someone told me where to find you,” he said with a chuckle. “Not so secret.”

Indeed. Bree extricated herself from her brother and trudged the rest of the way to the cottage. Although her mind reeled from everything they’d learned, she fought back the thoughts and focused on spending time with her brother. Family mattered more than the work. It’d taken her years to understand that.

She wasn’t much different than Mary in that regard, she supposed. Huh.

“They’ve got a good setup here,” Lars commented. “The compound. The program they run. Takes a lot of commitment and dedication to do all this on top of the real work.”

“They’re good people. All of them are.” She tossed her bag on the sofa and motioned toward the television. “I was going to read something, but it’s been a while since I’ve kicked your ass. Grab the controllers. Let’s do this.”

Lars smirked. “You sure? I’d hate to put you in a foul mood by kicking your ass. Ram probably wouldn’t appreciate that.” She glared at her brother. So much for no serious conversation. “Sorry. Out of bounds topic. I get it.”

She couldn’t avoid the heavy forever, but all she wanted was tonight. A few hours of blissful nothingness. Was that so much to ask?

Her brother flicked the television and game consoles on and tossed a controller her direction. “Which of them plays?”

“Doug,” she said. “He’s been looking for people. I mentioned you.”

“He any good?”

“As good as you’ll find in these parts.” She shrugged. “He’s got potential.”

“Good. If we stay here, I’ll want some decent players.” They both logged into their accounts. Intensity resonated within his gaze when he looked over at her. She could practically feel him battling the urge to dive into the topics she’d outlawed. “You can’t keep it in. Whatever’s chewing away at you, I’m here to listen—even if I don’t understand whatever it is.”

“I know,” she whispered. “I just… I need some time to get my head sorted. I don’t even know why I’m feeling so angsty right now.” The lie slid out easily enough. She knew one of the biggest reasons—Ram and his team had almost died. Hell, she didn’t even know if they’d been injured.

Emotion clogged her throat. “It never ends.”

“I’ve been down that road a time or two,” Lars commented. “Probably not as intense as whatever you’re going through, but I remember several times when I wanted to pull off and turn around. Like the last time I scraped Janey off. The never-ending fights. Her threats to hurt the kids or take off with them.”

She selected her character and waited for him to do the same. “I didn’t know she’d threatened that. You never said anything.”

“It would’ve been easier if I had,” he admitted. “Didn’t want anyone worrying about me. The kids were what mattered.”

“That’s bullshit. You matter just as much.” She swallowed. “You tried, you know. More than most would’ve. Treatment program after treatment program. Working tons of overtime to afford them. Everything that happened was on her, not you.”

“I know that now. I don’t even regret it. I have two beautiful kids who are the light of my life.” He smiled as they started their first mission. She could probably find a couple players she knew to join them, but she liked having this back—just her and her big brother kicking ass together.

A comfortable silence enveloped her as they played. The worries sloughed away. At least, most of them did. The biggest one sat beside her. He and Grams deserved a few answers.

“I didn’t handle things very well after I came here,” she whispered. “Problem after problem struck us center mass, and I felt so out of control. Weak. I made some bad choices and hid them from everyone. Then they found out, and I realized I needed help dealing with stuff. That’s why I went to the cabin.”

“You retreated to heal,” he said. “I did the same thing after Janey.”

He had. Maybe that’s why it was easier to share with him. He understood having to tend his wounds.

“I’m okay, though,” she assured. “Sinclair is really good. And I’m recognizing my triggers better now. I can sense the urge to do something stupid and fight it off.”

“Is that what tonight is?” His voice was gentle as he paused the game. “I wish I could fight whatever battle you’re struggling with for you, sis. You know I would.”

“She keeps asking about Mom and Dad,” Bree whispered. “I haven’t talked about them much.”

“You should. I wasn’t ever okay with how they handled things.” His jaw twitched. “They threw a lot of shit at your feet when you were just a kid. None of that was your fault.”

“It wasn’t theirs either,” she argued. “They tried to do right by me. They did sacrifice a lot.”

“That’s what parents do for their kids. Unconditional love is a part of that, and that’s where they failed you. Anytime I get frustrated with Luke or Hillary or Grams being stubborn, I remember the way they’d always blame you when something didn’t go their way. I tried to get them to understand that, you know.” His voice lowered. “I may have tried too hard. I sometimes wonder if I made it worse.”

She turned to face him. “Never. You were always my rock, Lars. Always. Even when you moved back to the cabin, I knew you’d be there to listen when I got scared or sad.”

“I should’ve stayed in the city with you, been closer.”

“You weren’t happy there. When they shoved me in the boarding schools after I got the scholarships, there was no reason for you to hang around. Sure, we would’ve seen each other more often, but I know life on the mountain was better for you.” It got him away from their parents. From the stress their city life created. He got to enjoy being a kid while she studied.

“Do you regret it?” Lars asked.

“Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I’d never left the mountain,” she admitted. “But how can I regret what all I can do? Sure, I don’t spend all my time helping impoverished people in other countries get power in their homes like I’d first dreamed, but I still do that on the side. I keep people safe. I make a difference.”

And she did. The realization settled in her, warming her insides with pride. Confidence.

Lars smiled and punched her arm playfully. “There you go. It was the right call, even if it was a struggle at first. Damn, sis. So many operatives here have pulled me aside and told me how valuable you are. How the tech you create keeps them safe. I’m proud of you. Seriously fucking proud of how far you’ve come. There’s nothing you can’t do.”

She blinked back the tears in her eyes. “Sometimes I forget I’m not that scared little kid covered up with blankets, sitting in the dark with you.”

“I remember that night, you know.”

“Which one?”

“The one when you took my hand and whispered, ‘I’m gonna power this mountain one day. I’m not gonna stop until no one ever has to sit scared in the dark, cold and wet.’ I knew the moment you said it you’d make it happen.”

“I never wanted Grams to know how scared I was when those storms rolled through. I didn’t want her to think I hated the mountain, even though some nights I did. So much.” She wiped her tears. “We had more love and happiness there than anywhere. I hold every loving moment there close. But those few terrifying days every year? They were the fuel that fired my path.”

“She knows, Bree.” He wiped at her tears. “She lit the match that started the fire. Of course she knows.”

Bree nodded. She never would’ve moved to the city and gotten the scholarships for the schools if it wasn’t for Grams. Without the great grades in high school, she never would’ve made it to MIT or met Rhea, Mary, and Vi.

“We may not understand everything you do, but you don’t have to hide anything from us,” Lars said. “We’ve always been in your corner, and nothing will ever change that.”

“I love you.”

“Love you, too.” He motioned toward the screen. “But I’m about to kick your ass. If you’re lucky, I’ll feed you after.”

“Dream on. You’ll never beat me.” She cackled and settled into the sofa. “Thank you.”

“That’s what big brothers are for.”

* * *

It took an hour to debrief and get Melanie situated after they landed. Ram was glad no one was seriously injured. The graze on his bicep throbbed, but it wasn’t anything he hadn’t suffered before. Jesse had filled them in on Bob’s chat with the vet. The trajectory for the mission had taken a hard right turn, one that’d likely end badly for a man everyone at The Arsenal had once trusted.

For now, the knowns were significant: Alex hadn’t held Bob hostage despite the man’s assertion otherwise. Documentation found in Alex’s headquarters had confirmed his organization had been hired by the secretary of defense, who’d reached out to them for a “protective detail” after The Arsenal had taken out Carlisle Industries and the rogue Mandrake operatives.

Also, Alex didn’t have Bob’s kids, so they were still in the wind. Everyone in Operations seemed to think the former Mossad agent had them. Why was still unknown. They didn’t even have a firm idea who the fucker was. Mary and Nolan were both reaching out to their contacts in Israel to get more information.

Melanie had shared everything she knew—which was enough to confirm that Knightwind had been neck deep in Arsenal missions for a while. They’d been maneuvering themselves to offer support since before Mary and Vi even arrived at The Arsenal. Hell, they’d even known about Peter’s desperation to get his hands on HERA.

Fuckers should’ve shared that info before Mary was taken.

Mia and Bree would be having a “chat” with Gavin tomorrow—a fact Ram was not okay with, but he trusted Operations to have her back.

And Bob had a Probus handler. What an asshole. Ram shoved thoughts about the organization he’d escaped aside. No good came from treading those waters again. Not tonight.

Plans to hit Facility Six would get underway tomorrow. Details would be limited, but Operations had told Ram’s team they would be on the initial strategy meeting. Vi and Zoey were hacking into the facility’s network to gather what intel they could.

Although The Arsenal had gotten a lot further down the road to answers, there were still a lot of things left undone—a fact no one was okay with. So far, everyone was holding on to the hope they’d have a name for whoever was backing Carlisle soon, though.

Doug and Pierce slowed their movements when they all arrived at the hideout. Lights were on inside. Their amusement sounded in the air around Ram.

“Someone must’ve come out to hang with you,” Pierce said. He opened the door.

Ram’s stomach rumbled as the scent of garlic and baked bread filled his nostrils. “Damn. Something smells good.”

His gaze swept to Bree, who was asleep under one of Pierce’s quilts on the sofa. Movement from the kitchen drew his attention. Lars exited.

“Sorry to crash your hideout. Someone mentioned she wasn’t looking too good. They told me where she’d be.” He motioned toward the game frozen on the monitor. “We played a few games, most of which she won. She crashed about an hour ago.”

“You cooked?” Doug asked. “You can crash anytime if you cook.”

Lars smirked as he wiped his hands on a dishtowel. “I scrounged and found lasagna and a couple loaves of garlic bread in the freezer. A little birdie told me y’all would be here soon. Everything’s ready.”

The man entered the kitchen. Ram followed Doug and Pierce in even though his attention remained on Bree. She needed sleep, but he wanted to wake her.

Lars thumped him on the back. “She’d be pissed if you didn’t wake her. Have a good night. Glad you’re back. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Wait. What? “You aren’t staying?”

“She needs you more than me right now. I was just the stopgap until you got here.” Lars’ gaze fell on his sister. “Not sure what went down today, but she was scared.”


“Thanks.” He motioned toward the kitchen. “You should stay and eat. Doug would probably love to play a game with you after.”

“Next time.” Lars headed toward the door. “Be good to her. I’m not an operative, but I have a shovel and know how to hide a body.”

Ram chuckled. “Understood.” He was glad she had a brother who loved her that fiercely. Everyone needed someone like that in their life. Bree had an entire army.

He knelt in front of the sofa and ran his fingers along her cheek, which was a challenge since she’d burritoed herself within Pierce’s quilt. Laughter rose behind him as his two friends watched. She scrunched her nose and swatted at his hand.

“Bree, sweetheart,” he said softly against her cheek. “We’re back. Lars made a dinner for us. You want to wake up and eat?”

Her beautiful eyes blinked open. She stroked his stubble-covered jaw. “You’re back.” Moisture pooled in her eyes. “You got shot.”

“It was only a graze. We’re all okay,” he assured. “You can check me over after we eat.”

She pulled the quilt down and sat up. The wrinkled T-shirt she wore molded against her lush body a moment. Although he wanted to carry her to the bedroom he sometimes used here and make love to her until she knew he was more than okay, it would have to wait.

Bree’s gaze swept behind him. “You are both okay?”

“A little banged up,” Doug admitted. “Nothing that won’t heal in a few days.” Or weeks. Crazy fucker had taken multiple rounds to his vest. While no Kevlar was designed to take a lot of damage while under heavy fire, The Arsenal’s tended to hold up better than most. Thank fuck.

“And you?” Her gaze cut to Pierce.

“All good. Come on. We’re starving and that lasagna smells delicious.”

“My brother cooked? Did an alien invade his body?” Bree stood. “Wait. Where is he?”

“He just left,” Ram whispered against her ear. He settled a hand at her waist. “You hungry?”

She nodded and leaned against him. “I feel punch drunk right now. Sorry, I’m kind of a zombie when I first wake up.”

“You’re adorable when you first wake up.” He was looking forward to seeing her like this more often. Smoothing out her hair, he guided her toward the dining table.

Doug and Pierce brought the salad, garlic bread, and lasagna over and set it down. Ram made sure Bree was seated, then went to the fridge and pulled out some beers, which he passed out. He took her plate and filled it with food.

Sitting here with his two best friends and the woman he…Damn. He rubbed his chest. He was falling in love with Bree. The realization clogged his throat a moment. He couldn’t imagine being here without her.

As if sensing his emotional upheaval, Pierce continued filling plates. “Melanie’s situated in a cottage a bit farther back from the main compound. Medina and his team are on protective detail.”

She chewed on her salad as she nodded. Her gaze continued roaming him, then his two friends. The concern rolling across her face gutted him, but she’d need to come to the realization they were okay on her own.

“Lars started a new account on the server you use,” she commented. “I’ll help him level it up so we can all play together.”

“That’d be great,” Doug said, wiping his mouth on a paper towel. “Tell me you kicked his ass tonight.”

“Of course I did.” She shrugged. “He’s better than he used to be, though. It was a challenge.”

“Looking forward to it,” he said with a smirk.

Red crept up her cheeks. “He figured out the quilts were yours. Sorry. I promise I didn’t say anything.”

“I’m not ashamed of what I do,” Pierce replied quickly.

“Well, he’ll blab to Grams, so be warned. Expect a sew-off challenge soon.” She forked some lasagna. “You’re too good for her to resist.”

Pierce smirked. “I learned from my grandma and mum. Dad was away a lot when I was a kid. Sewing gave me one-on-one time with them since none of my sisters were interested in it.”

“How many sisters?”

“Two older, one younger.” Pierce took a sip of his beer.

Intensity resonated on her face when she looked at Ram. He took her free hand. “You good, sweetheart?”

“I’m better now that you’re back,” she admitted. “Your book is so good. Better than anything I’ve read in a long time. I’m not quite finished. Putting it down was almost impossible. The world felt so real. Raw.”

“Our boy’s good at using real-life experience,” Doug said. “We keep telling him he needs to do something with them.”

“There’s more?” Her eyes widened. “I want to read them all.”

Ram smiled and rubbed the stray pasta sauce off the corner of her mouth. “Whenever you want.”

Awareness arced between them, beading along his skin. She caressed the back of his hand, which was still on her cheek. He couldn’t resist touching her, enjoying the slight shiver of anticipation that dilated her pupils.

“I never thought frozen lasagna would taste this good,” Pierce admitted.

“That’s because it was something Momma Mason and Ellie made,” Ram said, forcing his attention away from the beautiful woman overpowering his control so easily. “They spent a couple days making enough of them for all the teams.”

“How the hell did we not know that?” Doug asked.

Ram shrugged. “I saw them working in the mess hall a few days ago, right before Bree came home.”

“Damn. I love those women,” Pierce said, patting his belly. “Too bad there wasn’t dessert, too.”

“Oh!” Bree popped up from her seat and went over to the nearest counter. She returned with a large, sealed container. “Grams, Ellie, and Momma Mason baked earlier. Grams wanted to show off her cookie recipes. Prepare to be amazed.”

She opened the container and set it in the middle of the table. “For after you finish eating dinner.”

Doug and Pierce both leaned forward and inhaled.

“Smells like heaven,” Doug said. “We should’ve dragged Spade out here. Now I feel bad.”

“We’ll pack him a dinner. There’s lots of everything left,” Pierce replied. “Though, he may not get any cookies.”

“There’s plenty to share. It’s not like Grams wouldn’t love a reason to make more,” Bree argued.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they finished their meal, then dove into the cookies like vultures. Though they were all delicious, the caramel walnut ones were his favorite. Bree swiped a napkin across his lips and grinned.

“You’re a messy eater.”

“Just in a hurry,” he whispered. “The sooner I finish eating, the sooner I can have my real dessert.”

“Oh yeah?” She kissed his lips. “And what is that?”

He pulled her closer and nibbled on her earlobe. “You. Every beautiful inch of you.”

Bree squeezed his shoulder. “Only if you’re my dessert.”

“I’ll grab a couple containers,” Doug said as he stood. “Pierce and I’ll get Spade fed and hang with him. You two don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

“But if you do, name it after me,” Pierce teased with a wink.

Amusement rolled from Ram as Bree’s face turned red. “You two are terrible.”

“That’s why you love us. We’re bratty big brothers.” Doug kissed the top of her head. “We’ll see you in the morning, B.”

“You don’t have to leave,” she argued.

“He’s right,” Pierce replied. “We need to check in with Spade. Our boy needs time with you more than he does us right now. We’ll hang tomorrow night.”

Ram had never been more thankful in his life. He offered both men a chin lift after they’d put together two to-go plates and wrapped half a dozen cookies up in paper towels. “Thanks. I’ll see you in the morning.”

The door shut a few moments later. Silence descended. Bree licked her lips.

“Well, that was awkward. They totally know we’re going to do it,” she whispered.

“Nothing awkward about me spending time with a woman who means more to me than anything else,” he whispered. “Now. About that dessert.”

* * *

Anticipation and nervousness battled within Bree as Ram drew her into his arms. She peered into his warm, expressive eyes and rested her hands on his chest. “I should probably warn you that I’ve never been very good at this.”

“I have a hard time believing that.” He feathered a kiss on her lips. “There’s no reason to be scared, sweetheart. It’s just you and me. We’ll stop whenever you want to, and there’s nothing you could do or say that’ll change how I feel about you.”

His assurance eased some of the worry. It’d been a long time since she felt so safe with anyone, which was why she’d been nervous. What if she did something weird he didn’t like? Damn, what if she sucked in bed?

He threaded his fingers through her hair and claimed her mouth. She followed his lead and sank into the kiss. All the worries drifted away as he teased her tongue with his. A soft moan escaped her when he nipped her lower lip.

A shiver ran along her back and arms where he touched her. She grasped his head and deepened the kiss. Surrendering to the need Ram built up in her was almost easier than breathing.

Hot skin greeted her wandering hands when they slid beneath his T-shirt. He tugged her shirt from her pants and caressed the bare skin beneath. She whimpered when the kiss ended.

“We have all night, sweetheart,” he whispered against her ear. “I want to taste and explore every inch of your beautiful body.”

Yes, please.

She drew his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Glancing around the living room, she whispered, “Should we go to a bedroom?”

He grinned and picked her up. She laughed as he carried her to the back bedroom. A lamp on the nightstand cast the bed in a soft light. “When did you have time to turn that on?”

“I didn’t,” he answered honestly. “I’m thinking we have Pierce to thank for that.”

She kissed his throat. “That should embarrass me. But I want you too bad to care.”

He set her on the bed and reached for her blouse. Lifting her arms, she swallowed as he stripped the material from her in a slow, sensual glide of his fingers along her sides. Laughter tumbled from her when he paused to tickle her.

“No tickling,” she warned.

“We are having a tickle war soon, sweetheart. Nothing makes me happier than when you laugh.” He kissed along the seam of her bra. “Not tonight, though.”

Ram kissed and caressed her body, working his way from her neck to her breasts. A sensuous haze rolled in as they kissed and touched one another. So lost within the sensations, she missed him removing her bra until he cupped and kissed the swell of her breasts.

“A perfect fit,” he mumbled as his gaze settled on where they were connected. “Almost like you were made just for me.”

She moaned when he sucked a hardened nipple into his mouth while he rolled the other one between his fingertips. His attention shifted downward as he undid her pants.

“Play with those gorgeous tits for me,” he ordered. “I want to watch you tease yourself while I taste you.”

She shivered.

“Been wanting a taste of you for a long time, Bree,” he whispered against her stomach as he pulled her pants down.

She lifted her ass off the bed to help. A groan sounded as her lower body shifted closer to Ram. “Oops.”

“You’re a little minx.” He pulled back and removed the rest of her clothes, then stood and stripped down.

She’d seen men naked before, but none compared to Ram. His tall, lean body was corded with muscles her fingers itched to touch. Her gaze drifted to his thick, hard cock.

“You’re killing me,” Ram said as he settled between her legs. “Tits, sweetheart. Show me how you like them teased.”

Bree closed her eyes and ran her hands along her breasts. Self-gratification hadn’t ever been something she did often, but knowing Ram was watching incited her desire. She loved knowing he was watching.

He kissed her pussy then ran his fingers along her. “So wet for me already.”

Pleasure ignited within her as he focused entirely on her. She peered down at him through half-hooded eyes as she played with her nipples, pinching them occasionally. His heated gaze locked with hers as he flicked his tongue across her clit.

“Ram.” She cried his name out as she orgasmed.

Ram plunged two fingers into her and fucked her pussy. “You’re tight. I can’t wait to feel you grip my dick when I’m inside you.”

“Please.” She gasped when he teased her clit again. “I’m on the pill. I’m clean and haven’t…” She swallowed. “It’s been a long time.”

“For me, too. I couldn’t fuck anyone else when you’re the only one I’ve wanted.” He cupped her face and kissed her.

She gripped his shoulders and whimpered against his mouth. “Please, Ram. Fuck me. I can’t go slow. Not this time.”

“We have all night,” he promised. “We’ll get our slow. Guide me in. I want to feel your hand gripping me.”

Bree ran her hands down his muscular torso, pausing to admire the washboard abs. By the time she wrapped her fingers around this thick cock, her breathing had turned labored. He shifted forward, and she moaned as she guided him to her entrance.

He clasped her wrist and drew her hand away. Then he thrust. She moaned and writhed upward. Their mouths collided in a carnal kiss as he fucked her. The deep, powerful movements quickened.

Bree clung to the sensations and the molten look on his handsome face when he looked down at her. “Ram.”

“Let go, sweetheart,” he whispered against her mouth. “I want to feel you come around my dick, and I’m not going to last long. Not this time. I’ve needed you too long.”

The honesty within his gravelly voice undid her. She cried out and sank her nails into his back as her entire body spasmed. Legs wrapped around him, she shifted her grip to his ass.

He groaned moments later as he surrendered to his own release.

His weight atop her felt perfect. She wrapped herself around him and held on. “Stay here like this. Just for a minute.”

“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” he whispered against her neck. “You okay?”

“I’ve never been better.” The admission tumbled from her easily. There was nothing she couldn’t share with him. “Thank you.”

“You never have to thank me for anything, especially what we just did. You’re a treasure, one I’ll do anything to protect because I’m not giving you up as long as you want me.”

“Good.” She smiled up at him. “I’ve had a lot of naughty fantasies about you. I fully intend to make every one of them a reality.”

He grinned as he shifted them to where she nestled against his side. “I’m looking forward to every single one of them.”