Southern Secrets by Natasha Madison

Chapter 25


I watchher get on her back in the middle of the bed, and I can’t move. This right here is going to be something I’ll remember for the rest of my life. If I don’t get anything else in this world, this memory will make it all worth it. Bringing the condom wrapper to my mouth, I tear off the top and quickly cover myself.

The whole time she watches me, waiting for me. Her lips are plump from my lips, and her long tanned legs spread, waiting for me. I crawl over her, my mouth going to hers, her tongue coming out hungrily. I fist my cock in my hand and let go of her mouth, rubbing my cock up and down her slit. I can feel the heat through the condom, and I want to just pound into her.

"Asher." She pants my name out, her eyes looking at my cock. "Now." She moves her hips up to get me into her.

She moves her legs up, wrapping them around my hips to make sure I don’t go anywhere. "What do you want, baby?" I ask, and her eyes go to mine.

"You," she says softly. "All of you." I close my eyes to calm myself down, but it doesn’t help. In one thrust, I’m balls deep in her. She cries out the same time I do when I realize how fucking snug she is. Her legs tighten even more around my hips. "Again." She eggs me on, and I give it to her. With each thrust, she begs for more, telling me to go harder. I plant myself balls deep in her. Her legs slip from my hips, and my hands go to her thighs, holding her open for me. Her hand comes down to play with herself, and I bend down to take her perky nipple into my mouth. I bite it and suck it into my mouth. Her hips fly up. "Again."

I put my hands on either side of her arms, propping her legs over my shoulders. I turn to kiss her ankle, biting it and seeing my mark on her. I thrust out of her and then back in again. Her finger goes nuts over her clit, and I can tell she’s close because I can barely move my cock in her anymore. I watch her eyes as I fuck her, the sound of slapping skin and pants filling the room. Her eyes go from a light blue to a deeper blue, like the deep ends of the ocean, and I can get lost in those eyes every second of every day for the rest of my life. She closes her eyes and arches her back off the bed, and with my name on her lips, she lets go and comes all over my cock. I can’t even stop to enjoy it because I’m following her right off the edge. My cock buried deep in her, and with her name in a roar, I let myself go.

Her legs slowly slip off my shoulders, and I slowly fall onto her gently, burying my face in her neck as she wraps her arms and legs around me. I turn to my side, taking her with me, and her hand plays in my hair at the nape of my neck. "I can’t move," I admit. My cock is still buried in her.

"Then don’t," she says softly. "I like you here." I look up at her, and she kisses my nose. "I like you here a lot," she says. I wait a couple of minutes before I get off the bed, taking her with me. I wrap one hand around her waist, and she locks her legs behind me. "Where are we going?"

"Shower," I tell her, walking into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, I’m getting out of the shower, dripping water everywhere as I run back into her bedroom to get a condom. Twenty-five minutes after that, I’m setting her on her bathroom counter, and I’m fucking her for the third time in an hour.

She leaves the bathroom before me, and when I walk out, she is under her covers. I stand here wondering if I should go to my room or join her. Her eyes open when she must feel me staring at her. "What are you doing?" She gets up on her elbow.

"I was going to go to bed," I say, and she tilts her head to the side.

"Well, then get into bed." She moves over, leaving me the open spot for me to get into bed. When I pull back the cover and see her naked, my cock twitches. I can’t get enough of her.

I get into bed with her, my hand coming out and pulling her to me. She throws her leg over my hip, tilting her head up to kiss my neck. "You don’t have any marks on you." She rubs her nose on my jaw. "And I have ten." I laugh. She had three when she got into the shower, and then she had six when she got out, and then she got four more on the counter.

"Where would you put it?" I ask. "Keep in mind that I take off my shirt during the day when I’m working with your family," I remind her, and she groans.

"Buzzkill," she says, making me laugh even more. My mouth touches hers, and we kiss, her tongue coming out to play with mine. It’s only a matter of time before I’m sliding into her again. When I finally close my eyes, the sun is coming out.

I hear a phone ringing, and when I open my eyes, all I see is blond hair. "I’m breaking that phone," she says from on top of me. Her head is on my shoulder, her legs thrown over my hips, and her arm is wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. "Why is it still ringing?" she groans.

"I can’t move and get to my phone," I say, and she leans over the bed, grabbing the phone out of my jeans and turning off the alarm and then tossing it on the side table.

"If it goes off again, I’m running it over with my truck," she says, getting back onto my chest and the position she was in when she woke up. I laugh. "It’s not funny."

"We have to get up," I say, turning her to the side and kissing her neck softly. "It’s after eleven."

"We just went to bed," she moans when I take a nipple into my mouth, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m waking her up or she’s happy with my mouth. "I need sleep," she says, rolling onto her back.

"You sleep," I say. "I’m going to eat some breakfast." I kiss down her body until I find her pussy. My girl lights up, and when we walk out of the house an hour later, her hand is in mine.

"How are we going to explain this?" Amelia asks. "I can’t even walk properly, and my whole body hurts."

"We can say you fell," I say, and she laughs.

"On your dick?" I open the truck door for her, and she gets in and winces. I close the door, laughing to myself, and when I walk around the truck and get in, she leans over and kisses me. "This is going to be a challenge."

"What is?" I ask, pulling away from her house.

"Being in front of my family and not being able to just kiss you or hold your hand," she says, and I look over at her.

“Or we can tell your family?” I wink at her, and she rolls her eyes.

“You know how they are.” She turns her back toward the car door. “They’ll be all up in our business, and for now, I want it to be just the two of us. I want it to be ours.” Her voice trails off.

I grab her hand and bring it to my lips, smiling. “Three hours,” I say, looking over and seeing that it’s noon. "Make that two."

"I’ll fake sick." She looks over at me, and I park my truck on the street. I look around, making sure no one is out or can see before I grab her face and kiss her one last time before we get out of the truck.

She walks slowly beside me, our hands grazing when we walk into the backyard. Ethan is the first one who sees us. "What happened to you?" He looks over at Amelia.

"I was getting a bowl on the top shelf in the kitchen and fell on my ass," she says without skipping a beat.

"Where were you?" He looks over at me, and my tongue gets bigger in my mouth.

"What the hell kind of question is that?" Amelia says, pushing his shoulder. "I don’t need a man to help me get a bowl."

"Obviously you do?" He points at her. "You should go see Grandma. I’m sure she has some home remedy in that book of hers." He takes a look around before he tells her the next part. "Yeah." He turns, looking out at the crowd of people who are there. "Reed showed up with Hazel today."

"Hazel who?" She turns and tries to find him in the crowd. "Dammit. She’s one of my best waitresses,” she hisses. "He needs to stop dating my staff members."

Amelia looks at me and then back at Ethan before walking away, and I have to roll my lips when I see her put her hand on her back. "I feel bad for the guy who has to deal with her," he says, and I can’t look him in the eye. I feel like I’ve lied to him.

"He’ll be fine," I mumble out. "I’m going to go and get some food," I say. "You coming with?"

"Nah," he says. "We ate already."

"Okay," I say, looking around to see if I can spot Amelia. She looks over at the same time as I spot her, and I motion with my head toward the food. She nods and walks to me, and I try not to laugh.

"Hey," I say when she gets close enough, and I can’t stop the smile on my face. My hand itches to grab her face and kiss her.

"There you are." I hear over my shoulder and turn to see Billy coming toward us. "I was wondering where you were," he says. He slaps me on my shoulder, smiling, and then going to Amelia. Her eyes light up when she smiles at him. "You look tired."

"I didn’t get much sleep last night," she tells him, and I look down at the grass as the gnawing guilt hits me.

"Go get something to eat and get back home," he tells her, then turns to look at me. "You make sure you take her right to bed." He slaps my arm. "See you tomorrow."

"Well, you heard the man." She smirks at me. "You better make sure you take me straight to bed."

I laugh, shaking my head. "I couldn’t even look him in the eye," I admit. "I thought for sure he would know that I saw you naked." She puts her head back and laughs. "It’s not funny. Even with Ethan, I couldn’t even look at him."

"Your secret is safe with me." She steps closer and looks up at me, and if we were anywhere else, I would kiss her. Instead, all I can do is look into her eyes and smile, hoping she knows just how bad I want her.

"Good to know," I say softly. "Now, let’s grab something to eat, and let’s get you home to bed."

"Yes, please," she says, turning and walking toward the table of food. I watch her go and then feel eyes on me. I look around, seeing everyone doing their own thing and no one really looking at me. I ignore the uneasy feeling that I get, telling myself it’s only because of the guilt I feel in my gut for lying not only to her family but also to her.