Hacking Mr. CEO by Anna Hackett


Billionaires Know How to Throw a Party


“You’re a lucky man, Mr. Rivera,” the doctor said. The guy looked like he was fresh out of school until you looked into his eyes. They were tired, experienced, and a little weary.

“Yeah, I am.”

“The stab wound was deep, but fortunately missed anything vital.”

Mav nodded. He wasn’t thinking about the wound. He was thinking about Remi.

Hell, he had a great family, thriving business, good friends… And now a woman he loved.

He smiled.

“Where is my son?” a loud voice said.

Uh-oh. His mom was in full-on mom mode.

His mother stormed in, followed by all of his family—including his brothers, sister, their partners, his niece and nephew. As usual, they were all talking at once.

“I’m fine,” Mav said.

His mom took in his bare chest, the white bandage on his side, and the smears of blood that the nurse hadn’t quite gotten rid of. Her lips trembled.

“Mom, come here.” He hugged her. “I’m alive, I’m breathing.”

“They… They said someone tried to kill you.”

“Well, he didn’t succeed. You should’ve seen Remi. She bashed the guy with a laptop.”

Dad gripped Mav’s shoulder. “Where is she?”

Mav frowned. “They shoved me in here and made her leave. I want to find her.” He pushed up off the bed. He was attached by an IV to a bag of fluid, but it was on a stand on wheels. Looked like it was coming, too.

His mother frowned. “Maverick—”

“No. Mom, I love her. I’m going to marry her.”

His mother gasped. His siblings and their offspring went silent.

Tears welled in his mother’s eyes. She cupped his cheeks. “You finally opened up.”

“More like she burrowed in without even trying. She is…” He couldn’t find the words.

“You love her.”


His mother gave a decisive nod. “Then let’s find her.”

The entire Rivera clan mobilized.

Outside the exam room, he saw Vander, Ace, and Killian leaning against the wall. A small huddle of nurses was eyeing the trio with hungry, speculative looks.

Vander met Mav’s gaze, and lifted his chin.

“Mom, this is Vander and his man, Ace. They rescued us. And this is Killian Hawke, Remi’s boss. He helped, as well.” Mav frowned. “How the hell did you end up here, Hawke?”

“He called Zane when that SoHo property exploded,” Vander said. “When we told him you guys were in trouble, he wanted in. Provided the gear and the helo.”

Mav lifted his chin. “You have my gratitude.”

Killian nodded.

“Thank you, thank you.” His mother hurried over.

She hugged Killian, Ace, and then, ignoring the fact that Vander was a badass, Mav’s mother charged up and hugged him too.

Luckily, Vander came from an Italian-American family. His mom and Mav’s mom would be best friends, if they lived closer. Vander hugged her back.

“Remi?” Mav asked.

Vander nodded to a curtain.

Mav hobbled over, towing his bag on wheels, and pulled the curtain back. Love for his friends hit him.

Remi sat on the bed. Liam sat beside her, saying something that made her laugh. Zane was on her other side, holding her hand.

Aspen and Monroe were wiping her arms and face.

Her head turned.

And he saw it.

Something he’d never seen in a woman’s eyes before—love. He’d seen lust, desire, want, envy, but in Remi’s eyes he saw love, trust, and forever.

She leaped off the bed and ran to him.

He caught her, holding her tight. His side pulled, but he didn’t care.

“Remi.” Mav’s mother hustled forward, and hugged her.

Remi hesitated a second, then hugged her back.

“What the hell happened?” Mav’s brother, Carlos, demanded.

“It’s a long story.” Mav claimed Remi again and looked at Vander.

“The assassin is in police custody and facing some significant charges,” Vander said.

“Assassin?” Mav’s mom whispered.

“It’s over, Mom.”

She nodded and leaned into Mav’s father.

“It’s over. We’re all safe,” Remi said.

Mav stroked his thumb along her cheekbone. “Yes, we are.” But some things were just beginning. “Remi—”

“Where is my girl?” another loud, female voice demanded.

Mav looked up. Boone was leading Mama Alma in.

And the rest of Remi’s family were behind them.

They poured into the examination room.

There was noise, tears, hugging. Some nurses finally hustled them into a private waiting room.

Mav was ordered back to bed, which he ignored. Instead, he found a chair and pulled Remi into his lap.

She looked exhausted. They’d both been hugged and kissed within inches of their lives.

“Ruben and Tisdale?” she asked.

“Stable. They should make full recoveries.”

She released a breath. “Good.”

Mav pulled out his phone and tapped. He heard the ping of her phone.

She read the text and smiled.

His phone pinged.

I love you, too.

Mav typed again.

This time, her eyes widened. She frowned and typed.

You just asked me to marry you via text?

“Do you need something else?” he asked.

Her eyes narrowed.

He touched his phone again, activating a program that he had on there.

A second later, her phone played a song. It was “Marry You”, by Bruno Mars. He heard her gasp.

“Oh, my God, did you just hack my phone?” she asked.


She tapped on it. “I’m going to hack you back, Rivera.”

He hoped so. “You’ve already stolen my most heavily guarded possession. My heart.”

Her face softened. “Damn, don’t make me cry.” She sniffed. “And the answer will be yes, after you ask me again when we aren’t in scrubs, smeared with blood, and surrounded by a million people.”

Elation filled him. “Deal.”

He covered her mouth with his.

* * *


Dancing to a new pop song, I leaned forward and finished my makeup in the mirror.

I would still be very happy to live in Mav’s master bathroom. I grinned at myself in the mirror. But instead of his bathroom, I was living in his whole place.

I was living with Mav.

Swaying my hips to the beat, I took a second to admire my short, tight Herve Leger dress. To say it hugged my curves was an understatement.

It was electric blue, which I’d learned was Mav’s favorite color, and it left one shoulder bare.

I looked hot.

Finishing with my makeup, I fluffed my hair. I left it out, artfully tousled. I had diamond studs in my ears. He’d given them to me for our one-week anniversary.

I’d given him a mug, which he loved. He had his coffee in it every day.

I strode toward the kitchen, sidestepping my clothes from last night. I’d left them dropped on the bedroom floor. Mav didn’t seem to mind that I wasn’t exactly the tidiest person.

My makeup was strewn through the bathroom, my clothes packed untidily into his closet.

For a man who’d avoided relationships all his life, he was a good boyfriend.

I was going to marry him one day.

We hadn’t made it official, deciding to take our time and savor every moment. Plus let all the media hubbub die down after the whole hacking/The Shadow/assassination attempt drama. I could barely leave Mav’s place without a crowd of paparazzi following me.

Warmth bloomed. I would marry a man who drove me crazy, loved me, got me, was sexy, grumpy, and hot.

I gave a giddy little shiver.

Now, where was he?

“Big guy,” I called out, walking down the stairs. “Time to get moving, or we’ll be late to Zane and Monroe’s party.”

I waltzed into the kitchen. Where was my—? There.

I found my bag and pulled out my phone. I took a second to admire the sexy Rivera Tech design. I didn’t need my bag tonight, so I would just put my phone into Mav’s pocket. I skimmed my hands over my dress. There was no room in this outfit.

I checked my messages. I had a text from Mama.

She’d included a photo of her smiling from her hospital bed, her room packed with flowers.

The surgery had gone well, and the doctors were optimistic. My gorgeous man had filled Mama’s room with flowers of all shapes and sizes. I’d spent the day with her today, until she’d kicked me out. I’d also visited Steve and the kids, who were staying in a rental house that Mav had arranged for them until Mama’s house could be repaired.

“I’m ready.” Mav strode in, looking rugged and scrumptious in a charcoal suit. He had a mug in his hand. “I don’t know why Zane wants to have a party.”

I rolled my eyes. “There is this wild concept called fun, big guy.”

He set his favorite mug on the island. It said Best Billionaire Boyfriend. He loved it.

His gaze lifted and he went so still that it looked like he’d stopped breathing.

I saw the flames ignite in his dark gaze.

Oh, boy, that gave me a little thrill. I cocked my hip. “You like my dress?”

He made a noise and stalked toward me.

I held up a hand. “We have a party to get to, remember?”

“I don’t care.” He gripped my hips and backed me up.

Then his mouth was on mine.

Mmm. My brain happily short-circuited.

I kissed him back and thought briefly of how long it would take to repair my makeup after a quickie.

“What’s under this dress?” Mav drawled.

I bit my lip. “Rivera, have you seen how tight this dress is? There is nothing under here.”

He growled, his hand slipping under the hem.

I caught his wrist. “No. Party. Friends. Family.” The last word gave me a jolt. “The families will be there.” I was not turning up late with sex glow and sex hair. I wouldn’t be able to look Mrs. Rivera in the eye.

Mav gave an unhappy grumble. “Let’s get your coat. The quicker we go, the quicker we come back, and the quicker I can peel you out of that dress.”


We arrived at the super-skinny skyscraper with a killer view of Central Park, where Zane had a breathtaking triplex penthouse somewhere near the top.

Here I was, barely batting an eye at hanging out in a multi-million-dollar penthouse on Billionaire Row.


In the elevator, Mav attempted to slide a hand under my dress again. I stepped out, batting at his hand and laughing.

Music played and there were people all over the classy place.

Oh, and that view. The park was draped in night shadows, the city a field of lights around it.

“Remi.” Monroe strode toward us in a killer purple dress—it was fitted to her long, slim body, with tiny cap sleeves. The color was perfect with her black hair.

We hugged. We’d gotten together a couple of times. I officially loved Monroe and Aspen. They were friendly, real, kind. My sort of people.

“Most guests are up on the terrace. There’s another bar up there. Zane went all out.”

I nabbed a glass of champagne. “What are we celebrating?”

Monroe smiled. “Life. Love.” She leaned in. “I don’t know. Billionaires seem to go to a lot of parties.”

I laughed. “I know. Mav hates them, but there’s always a party, a dinner, or a gala.”

Beside me, Mav grunted.

“Zane bought a couple of bottles of scotch that he’s all excited about.”

“Oh, yeah.” Mav brightened. “What did he get?”

Monroe waved a hand. “I don’t know. A bottle of the Macallan M.”

“Nice,” Mav said.

“And a bottle of Macallan Fine and Rare 60-Year-Old.”

Mav made a choking sound. “I need to go and find him.” He gave me a distracted kiss and shot off like a man on a mission.

“Must be some scotch,” I muttered.

“Cheers.” Monroe clinked her glass to mine. “Your brother’s around, herding the kids. Aspen’s sisters are helping him.”

I scanned the party, spying Mav’s family. I also noted Killian chatting with Rollo.


Kaylee shot like a bullet and slammed into my legs. “KayKay. You look so pretty.”

My niece was wearing a blue princess dress.

“Mama’s sick,” Kaylee said, face serious.

“I know, but I saw her today. She was surrounded by flowers, and feeling really good.” I tapped the little girl’s nose. “She’s missing you.”



“There you are.” One of Aspen’s tall, blonde, athletic sisters appeared. I had no idea which one she was. “How about a drink, Kaylee?”

“A pink one?” Kaylee asked hopefully.

“That can be arranged.”

Except for Mama, all my people were here. My family. My gaze moved over to Zane, Liam, and Mav. The three of them were unsurprisingly cradling heavy crystal glasses filled with amber liquid.

New friends.

And the love of my life.

Mav’s head turned and he smiled at me.

Ah, I never got tired of that smile.

His mouth moved. I love you.

I smiled, filled with love. I love you too, I mouthed back.

* * *


Mav was actually enjoying this party.

He stood up on the terrace now. It was cold, but Zane had braziers set up everywhere to ward off the chill.

There were also fairy lights strung up, and they made the place look nice. Remi had called it pretty and magical.

There was music playing, and some people were dancing. Remi was dancing with Kaylee. Aspen’s sisters were cutting some wild moves. Monroe was dancing with her brother, Maguire, and Rollo. He saw Aspen head off the dance floor toward a chair. She looked pale, and Liam said she’d come down with something.

“Good party.” Vander stepped up beside Mav, beer in hand.

“Yeah. I heard you’re heading back to San Francisco tomorrow.”

“Yes. The job here is all wrapped up.” Vander’s dark-blue gaze moved to Ace, who was frowning and tapping on his phone. “Ace is edgy to get home.”

Mav studied Ace’s lean face. “Woman problems?”

Vander arched a dark brow. “He’s not saying, but my best guess is yes. Which is interesting, as he doesn’t usually have woman problems.” Vander sipped his beer. “Seems the best idea is to steer clear.”

“I thought that way.” Mav looked at Remi. “I had a bad relationship once, and I did my best to avoid any entanglements after.” Mav smiled. “Then Remi crashed into my world and tipped it upside down.”

“I like my world right-side-up, thanks,” Vander said.

Mav tipped his drink to Vander. “Your brothers are both in love. And your best friend. One day, some woman is going to shatter that control you like so much.”

Vander scowled and shook his head.

“And you’ll fight the world for her. To make her smile, to keep her happy, to keep her safe, to make her yours.”

Vander just sipped his beer and looked unconvinced.

“Any news on The Shadow?” Mav asked, figuring by Vander’s expression it was time to change the subject.

“Felix Garcia, aka Leven Shen, aka Bronson Roberts, aka a whole bunch of aliases. He’s been whisked away by government agents. A lot of agencies from various countries around the world would like to get their hands on him. They’ve linked him to some murders, and some other ugly crimes. He’ll never see the light of day.”


“Rayner and a few other people The Shadow had contact with were brought in for questioning. Didn’t know anything. They were just convenient dupes when The Shadow needed lackeys.” Vander’s phone rang. “Excuse me, I’ve got to take this.”


Ace wandered over, still scowling at his phone.

Mav eyed Vander’s tech man. “Problem?”

“Just someone who isn’t returning my calls.”

“What did you do to piss her off?” Mav asked.

Ace’s scowl deepened. “We… Had a thing. She’s been avoiding me ever since.”


“She works for Norcross Security.” Ace blew out a breath.

Which had to make things sticky. Mav glanced over at Vander, who was still talking on the phone. “Ah,” he repeated, knowingly.

“We’ll be back in San Francisco tomorrow. I’m going to find her and work this out.”

He sounded like a man on a mission.

Vander returned. “Ace, change of plans.”

“What?” Ace asked unhappily.

“We just got a big cybersecurity job in New Orleans. Two weeks of work. I need you there tomorrow. I’ll get your flights changed so you can fly straight there.”

Mav watched the struggle of emotions on Ace’s face.

“You have a problem with that?” Vander asked.

“No.” Ace gulped more of his beer. “No problem.”

The clinking sound of silverware tapping on glass interrupted their conversation.

Zane stepped into the center of the space and the music stopped.

“Thanks for coming. It’s so wonderful you’re here to help Monroe and I celebrate. We’ve had a lot of upheaval lately. Thieves, bombs—” he glanced toward Liam “—blackmail, kidnapping—” he met Mav’s gaze “—hackers and assassins.”

There was a smattering of laughter.

“But my friends and I have so much to celebrate. For a long time, we just celebrated our business successes, but falling in love with an amazing woman has made me appreciate so much more. My family.” He nodded at his mother. “My friends.” He lifted the glass to Liam and Mav. “And the love of my life. Come here, Wildcat.”

Smiling, Monroe came forward, love all over her face.

There was a wolf whistle from a curly-haired blonde in the crowd—Monroe’s best friend, Sabrina.

“I have something for you, Monroe,” Zane said.

She turned to the crowd and rolled her eyes. “The man is always buying me shiny baubles.”

“The gall of him,” Remi called out.

More laughter.

“I do have something shiny for you,” Zane said.

Mav sucked in a breath.

“Roth—” Monroe turned back to Zane, and saw him on one knee before her, a small box in his hand. She froze.

“Monroe O’Connor. I love you. You bring so much color to my life. You see me. You love me. And I can’t live without you.”

“Zane,” a quiet whisper.

“Marry me?”

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

Zane cocked his head. “If you want, I can put it in the safe and let you crack it open.”

She blushed as the crowd hooted and whistled.

“Make me the happiest man in the world?” Zane asked.

“Yes.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she was smiling. “Absolutely, yes.”

Damn. Mav’s best friend was getting married.

He watched Zane scoop up Monroe and kiss her, with New York spread out and glittering behind them.

Remi burrowed into Mav’s side and sighed. “So romantic.”

“Aspen!” one of Aspen’s sisters cried.

The PI stumbled, then crumpled like a wet tissue.

In a superhuman move, Liam made it to her side and caught her in his arms before she hit the floor.

“Darling, that’s it. I’m calling the doctor. No more arguments.”

“God, no, I’m okay.” Aspen straightened. “And the doctor can’t help.”

He looked panicked. “What? What’s wrong?”

Aspen bit her lip. “God.”


“I wasn’t going to say anything yet, but… Liam, I’m pregnant.”


Liam did an excellent impersonation of a statue.

Aspen gave a watery smile. “I just took the test today. It’s really early. I don’t know how it happened. Well, I do know, but—”

Liam cupped her cheeks. “We’re having a baby?”

Aspen bit her lip. “It’s sudden. Too soon—”

“No, it’s ours. And it’s perfect.” He kissed her.

Aspen melted into him and kissed him back.

The crowd broke out in applause and cheers.

“Wowser,” Remi said with a sniff. “Two out of three. Do you have any big announcements?”

He smiled. He had the ring at home. A funky design filled with sapphires and diamonds. “Not tonight.” But soon.

“You billionaires sure know how to throw a party,” an older woman said. She had an evil-looking white cat clutched in her arms.

It was Mrs. Kerber, Aspen’s elderly neighbor. The cat gave Mav a flat stare, and he got the uncanny feeling it was plotting his murder.

Mav pulled Remi to the railing.

He saw that Zane and Monroe were slow dancing. Liam was holding Aspen against him like she was a rare prize, a hand over her belly, and love in his eyes. Aspen’s mother and sisters were with them, crying happy tears.

“I want that,” Remi whispered. “Love, marriage, kids. I want to make a home.”

Like she hadn’t had until Mama had given her one.

“Sounds like a good plan.” Just weeks ago, it would’ve sounded like hell to him.

Now, it sounded like heaven.

Remi gave him a saucy look. “Now, I just need to find the right man.”

Mav grabbed her and lifted her off her feet. “No man, just me.”

“Just you.” She smiled at him.

“And soon it will be your turn to get a ring. So be prepared.”

“I’m always prepared, big guy. I’m a hacker, remember.”

His hacker. His angel.

He kissed her under the lights, in the middle of the crowd of friends and family. Ready for the life they’d make together.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed Remi and Mav’s story!

Want a little more of Remi and Mav, Zane and Monroe, and Liam and Aspen? Find out what’s been happening to the billionaires since they met their matches.

Billionaire Heists Epilogue: GET MY BONUS EPILOGUE

Want to know more about Vander Norcross? Then check out the first book in the Norcross Security series, The Investigator, starring Vander’s brother Rhys. Read on for a preview of the first chapter.

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