Alien Sentinel’s Mate by Mina Carter


Seren had grown up on Quveth, and he’d seen many storms in his time, even surfed them as a youngster, but he’d never seen one with this level of ferocity. The wind stole his breath as he ran, staying low to the ground and keeping his feet beneath him through sheer force of will. How could anyone survive in this, much less a child and a delicate little human female?

Gracie… fear struck his heart that he’d stumble over her cold and lifeless body, drowned in the mud and rain. He’d shouted at her, threatened her the last time they’d spoken, and the hurt and rejection on her face struck him to the core.

The worst part about it was he didn’t care who she was, who she was pretending to be, or even why. He knew her. The female… no, the woman inside. The woman who had stood up to the Krin to save others. The woman who would protect an alien child no one else wanted, even at the risk of her own life.

His woman.

He snarled as he pushed on, searching the area behind the long hall. His sense of smell, more acute than any human or Lathar’s, was no good here. The storm snatched everything away, leaving just ozone and an electric smell in his nostrils.

Instead, he opened his heart, trying to feel the woman he loved. That realization, that he loved her with every fiber of his being, spread out through his chest in a warm feeling that gave him hope. If she was dead, he wouldn’t feel that… vitality surely?

“Please, lady goddess,” he whispered, his words snatched away by the storm. “I’ll do anything but don’t take her. Take me instead.”

For a split second the storm died down, leaving a moment of utter stillness and silence. It was like the goddess herself had intervened, letting him know she’d heard. He frowned as a soft sound reached his ears that had nothing to do with the storm.

Instead, he heard the soft sound of bleating.

His body surged into full hunter mode, straining the seams of his clothing. He wasn’t Vorrtan like Cade, but it seemed some of the bloodline was true as he surged forward through the storm.

He found the outcrop of rock within minutes, following it along to discover the little trio, bedraggled and wet beneath. Scorch marks around them indicated they’d been targeted by the lightning, but for the moment, the sky above them was empty of anything but dark clouds and rain. The look of relief and pleasure to see him on Gracie’s pale face, her wet hair plastered against the side, filled him with triumph.

“Come on!” he bellowed, extending his hand to pull them out from their temporary shelter. “We need to go before it starts again.”

She didn’t hesitate, sliding her hand into his so he could pull the woman-child-qeraasa combination out of their hiding place.

“Take Tarveth!” she shoved the boy and his pet into his arms. “We can move faster that way.”

He didn’t want to. He wanted to pull her close, hold her against him and savor the fact that he’d found her, but he simply nodded. That lightning could be back any moment. They needed to get to cover and then to the Skev, fast. Plus, his woman was smart and capable. She could do this. They could do this.

Nodding, he pulled Tarveth and his little qeraasa close against him, holding his metal hand out to Gracie. Then they took off at a run. The storm hadn’t let up, visibility at minimum, but he knew this place. He’d grown up here, dreaming of a warrior’s life and practicing the skills he’d need. And one of those skills had been sightless navigation.

He’d never thought he’d be so grateful for old Danatar, the Vorr master at arms, and his lessons. He’d spent weeks out on the land—cold, wet and blindfolded. This should be a walk in the park, he told himself, shoving all his concern and panic deep down so he could focus on one thing and one thing only.

He ran, the boy in his arms and his woman’s hand in his. Rain sleeted over them, soaking them to the bone, but still he ran. They slipped, Gracie almost coming off her feet, but he held her up and they ran full speed through the trees. If he had to run for the rest of his life to get her and the boy to safety, he would.

“Seren! There!” Gracie yelled, her voice barely audible over the storm as she pointed ahead of them. There, up ahead of them, was the hangar for the Skev. The hangar itself was open-sided, the roof covered with vegetation and trees, which meant it was also being battered by the storm. Already some of the concealing covering had been torn away to reveal the mechanism beneath.

The loading ramp was already open with people streaming up it and into the safety of the ship. He recognized his clan and what looked like—

“Are those B’Kaar?” he asked, shaking his head to clear the rain from his eyes. It was, and from the look of it, they were protecting his people. Even better, the ship hadn’t left yet.

Run!” He pushed her in front of him through the trees and they reached the back of the group as the ramp began to lift.

They both ran like their lives depended on it, which they did. With this storm, no one in the group had seen them. If that ramp raised, they would be left here with a planet killer weapon that was dedicated to razing all life from the surface.

His heart pounded with fear. Not for him. For her. His grip tightened on her upper arm, making her run faster than she had before. The ramp was rising faster than possible, almost at light speed as the mud sucked at his legs and feet, slowing him down. Panic filled him. They weren’t going to make it. Hopelessness sucked his strength until something stopped it. Another force, deep within, surged upward like an eruption, exploding outward and he roared.

In a final burst of strength, he made it to the ramp, throwing Tarveth and his damn qeraasa up and over as he reached for Gracie. With the last of his strength, he shoved her up and over as well.

Then, spent, he fell backward as the ship began to lift off.

“Oh no you don’t,”Gracie snarled, twisting as she hit the loading ramp and shooting a hand out to hold onto Seren’s. “You don’t get away from me that easily, Mr. Shardlow.”

Pain twisted his expression. “Let me go, Gracie. Save yourself!”

She shook her head. “You die, I die. So deal and get your fucking ass on this ship, or else.”

He gave a short, strangled chuckle, twisting to slam his metal hand onto the edge of the ramp. “You’re threatening me now? Seriously?”

“Damn straight I am,” she told him, twisting on her side to shout. “Some help here!

Shouts sounded behind her and a second later half the Vorr clan hit the back ramp, multiple arms shoved over the edge to haul Seren in. He spilled and rolled onto the ramp a second before it snapped shut. He somehow managed to wrap her in his arms at the same time and she chuckled as they came to a stop at the bottom, all tangled up together. They were all soaked through, covered in mid and exhausted, but they were alive. Alive. Even though a planet had tried to kill them.

She smiled up at Seren, catching her breath at the depth of emotion in his eyes. With a small smile, he smoothed the wet hair back from her face.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” he scolded her, pulling her closer. She shivered but nestled happily against him, his body heat welcome against her chilled skin. “You put yourself at risk.”

“So it was okay for you to risk yourself?” she demanded, poking his broad chest. “And what would have happened to me if you’d managed to get yourself killed, hmmm?”

“I-I…” he trailed off, seeming at a loss for words. She ignored the warriors crowded around them in favor of looking at her mate.

“That’s right. You only think of yourself. Don’t you, mister?”

The light of battle entered his eyes, and she bit back her sigh of relief. She’d hated to see the resignation and pain in his eyes as he’d let go.

“Ah, now we’re on this subject… Mr. Shardlow? Is this a human custom that a male takes his female’s name?”

She nodded, her expression innocent. “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Hmmm.” He frowned, obviously not convinced. She reached up to push his hair back off his face, her fingers lingering in the wet strands. That he’d been prepared to sacrifice himself to save her and Tarveth, without hesitation, took her breath away. That he’d come to find them in the storm…

“I love you,” she said softly, reaching up to put her fingers over his lips when he started to speak. “No, you don’t have to say anything. Just… I wanted you to know.”

He nodded and then smiled, but she didn’t move her fingers, not just yet.

“Please. Let me get this out before I lose my nerve. Did you mean what you said about Vorr mating for life? No divorce? Nod or shake your head,” she ordered when he opened his mouth again to speak. He closed it again and nodded. Then she realized her mistake.

“Is that for mating for life?”

A nod.

“There’s no divorce?”

He shook his head, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

She sighed with relief, sagging against him for a second. Then she looked up again.

“Do you…” Words failed her, and she trailed off.

He captured her fingers against his lips with his hand and kissed her fingertips.

“Can I speak now?” he asked, his voice a low, intimate rumble. She nodded, hardly daring to breathe.

“Yes, mating is for life. No, there is no divorce. No human court can take you from me,” he told her, staring into her eyes intently, like he could see down into her soul. “And to answer the question I hope you were going to ask. Yes, I love you. With all my heart and soul, such as it is.”

“It was,” she breathed, love surging through her so complete it brought tears to her eyes. “I’m sorry I lied. Whatever you think of me—”

He covered her lips with his own, kissing her until she was breathless. When he lifted his head, a soft smile played on his lips.

“You had your reasons. One day you will tell me, but for now, I am content that you’re in my arms. That you are mine… Lady K’Vass,” he added with a sly smile.

“Oooh nononono.” She nipped at his fingertips, elation filling her. He loved her. He really and truly loved her. “None of this K’Vass shit. If we’re doing this, I’ll be Lady Vorr, thank you very much.”

His stunned look, swiftly followed by hard triumph, was everything. “You would do that? You want that? Even though the Vorr name is not well-liked in the empire.”

She leaned forward, grazing his lips with hers. “Fuck ’em. I want that name. I want your name.”

He smiled as he kissed her, answering between kisses. “Then, my lady, your word is my command.”

A cheer went up from the warriors clustered around them and she jumped, burrowing deeper into the arms of the man she loved.

The man she loved.

God, that felt good.

“I think they’re happy about that, Lady Vorr,” he chuckled, kissing her forehead.

A second later, Tarveth jumped on them and almost knocked the wind out of them, his qeraasa bleating softly.

“Hey.” She smiled, making room for the boy and his alien goat. “How’re you doing, little guy? Is Talli okay?”

He nodded and then tucked himself in against her, his breathing evening out. She frowned as she looked up at Seren, his smile making her feel all warm and fuzzy instead.

“Looks like you have another fan, kelarris,” he murmured, kissing her again. “Welcome to the family.”