The Enemy in My Bed by L.K. Shaw

Chapter 20


I stand on the porch,indecision weighing me down. A voice tells me I should go back inside and figure out what the fuck just happened. But the part of me that can read people tells me to give Mila some time. I can’t get her panicked expression out of my head, though.

She hadn’t reacted that badly when I’d left her alone in the dark that first night. Nor had she freaked out when I brought her here and told her my plans for her. But me coming inside her threw her into a full blown panic attack. Her response is not normal.

Had someone done something to her? Is it the same person who gave her those scars on her back? That is the only explanation. Rage heats my blood. It makes me want to kill whoever he is. I call Jacob, despite the fact it’s nearly midnight.

“Are you free?”

“Yes. What do you need?” he asks.

“Meet me at Gallo’s in thirty.” I disconnect the call.

Fabrizio opens the door of the town car, and as soon as he closes me inside, I reach for a glass of bourbon. I pour two finger fulls and toss it back, letting the warmth of the liquor settle into my gut. The leather is soft beneath my head as I lean back and stare at the fabric roof. I keep seeing the horrified expression on Mila’s face when she realized I’d come inside her. The way she scrubbed her skin raw as though she couldn’t get the scent of me off her soon enough. Couldn’t get the feel of me off her. Why the hell hadn’t I put a condom on? I’ve never fucked a woman without protection.


I close my eyes and push the question away. The town car comes to a stop, and I raise my head. Fabrizio lets me out, and I head into the gym owned by one of the families. The musky scent of sweat and the clang of metal weights crashing together assaults me as soon as I open the door. Even at this late hour, there’s almost always a few of our soldiers working out here each night.

“Good evening, Mr. De Luca,” Vito, Dante Gallo’s grandson, greets me. “Good to see you again, sir.”

“Is Mr. Ricci here yet?”

“I’m here.”

I turn at Jacob’s voice. The only time my cousin doesn’t wear one of his suits is here. Although if he could get away with it, he probably would.

“Let me go change.”

He nods and I make my way to the locker room where I keep an extra set of workout clothes stored. Once I have my gym shorts on, I head over to the bench press table where Jacob is adding weights to the barbell. I settle onto my back and grab the bar between my palms once he’s done. He remains standing at my head, quiet, spotting me. With a deep breath, I start my reps. Up and down. Breathe in. Breathe out. I push myself to the max, until he has to grab the barbell and help me guide it back to its cradle.

I move to the open floor, and start sliding more weights onto one end of a barbell cradled in a hook. Jacob makes his way to the opposite end and adds matching weights. I continue my workout in silence, the only sound my grunts and groans of exertion. Words just don’t seem to come. It’s not unusual. I’ve learned the value of not speaking. People, more often than not, will fill the void. They’re uncomfortable with silence. I only wish my cousin were one of those people. Because I’m going to have to fill it.

The barbell slips from my fingers, crashing to the floor with a raucous noise. My eyes drift away from Jacob’s. “I fucked her without a condom tonight.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

My gaze swings back to his. “Probably. She freaked out, too. Not, like, angry because I fucked up but full blown panic attack. She scrubbed every inch of herself in the shower trying to get clean. It was definitely not a normal reaction.”


“I think someone tortured her at some point. Her entire back is covered with scars and burns. I’m pretty sure the cuts came from a knife. Could even be a whip. Cigarettes for sure.” I take deep breath. “I think she was branded as well.”

“Who the fuck did that to her?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know, but I plan on finding out. If the bastard is still alive…” I trail off.

“You’re going to kill him,” Jacob finishes.

“Slowly. Painfully. I’ll make him suffer for days before I put an end to his misery. I’ll send him straight to hell. I’ll become the Death Mila dreams about.” Just the thought of spilling his blood gets my adrenaline flowing. My hand twitches, anxious to feel the knife handle within its grip.

“We’ll find him.” Jacob claps me on the shoulder. “In the meantime, we have a meeting with Casimir Wójcik in two days. He said he may be willing to negotiate the return of the girl.”

I make a sound of disgust. “No doubt for a price.”

“I’m sure.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll pay it.”

Jacob stares at me. “Pierce?”

“I promised Mila I’d get her sister back.”

“That’s a risky promise to make. What if the girl is dead?”

It’s something I’ve thought about. The Polish have a reputation for buying and selling women like cattle. There’s also talk of keeping the women compliant with drugs. “I don’t think she is. If Anya is anything like Mila, then her pride and stubbornness could work against her. It might also work in her favor, because it will mean she’ll do whatever she can to survive.”

“Then let’s hope she has her sister’s personality.” Jacob’s gaze bores into mine. “There’s another alternative we have to consider. It’s possible that Wójcik won’t be willing to negotiate a trade. We have to play this carefully.”

This is also something I’ve tried not to think about. “It’s in his best interest to work with us.”

He cocks his head. “Why is that?”

“Because otherwise I’ll put both him and Gornak in the ground.”

Jacob studies me long and hard, but I don’t flinch under his steely glare. I understand what it is I’m asking him to do. What I’m asking the organization to do. Not only for me, but for Mila. For a Russian. Finally, he nods.

“If Wójcik isn’t willing to negotiate, then we’ll go to war.”