The Enemy in My Bed by L.K. Shaw

Chapter 29


I glance at the clock.Pierce has been gone since before I woke, and I’ve spent the whole day trying to not second guess what happened between us last night. That it wasn’t just another one of my dreams. Although, oddly, I haven’t had one since that first night in this house when I woke to Pierce in my bed. I’m not sure what that means.

Just because he left without saying goodbye doesn’t mean he won’t be back. Especially since he didn’t engage the alarm. Maybe this is a test. I move to the French doors to see if being out in the garden will help clear my mind, but the front door unlocks. I turn toward it, trying to calm my racing heart. My forehead wrinkles in confusion as he crosses through the entryway carrying something.

It takes my eyes a moment longer to latch on to what’s in Pierce’s arms and less time than that for me to process what—who—I’m seeing. My knees threaten to give out, but I manage to stumble forward with a cry. “Anya.”

He moves to the couch and gently lays her down on it. Then, I do drop to the ground, and brush the hair back off my sister’s face. Tears flow down mine. My hands roam lightly over her entire body, checking for damage. She’s covered in bruises, and her poor wrists are nothing but a bloody mess. She has a black eye and a cut along her bottom lip. But she’s alive.

“Here, let me help.”

I glance over, and Pierce is kneeling next to me with the first aid kit and a blanket in his hand. My hands are shaking so much, I’m useless. Instead, he covers her up and then manages to pull out all the items he needs, and just like he did with me, he bandages my sister’s wrists. More tears fall at how gentle he’s being with her.

Anya mumbles and cries out in her sleep, and I speak softly to her, continuing to smooth her hair back like she used to love as a little girl. She settles, but remains restless, her body jerking slightly every few seconds.

I turn my head toward Pierce. “Thank you. Thank you for getting my sister back.”

It seems so inadequate. But what else is there to say to the man who’s managed to give you almost everything he’s promised?

He cradles my cheek. “I would do anything for you. Please know that.”

Anya screams and begins thrashing, breaking the connection between us.

“Tishe, tishe, ya zdes’, Anyusha. Ne kto tebya bol’she ne obidet,” I vow. No one will ever hurt her again. Not as long as I live.

Her eyes fly open, her gaze unfocused until it lands on me. “Mila?” Tears pour down her cheeks, and she throws her arms around my neck.

I hold her until both our tears run dry. I’m the first to pull back. My hands cover Anya’s cheeks and my gaze darts over her face reassuring myself that she’s all right. I tuck a few errant strands of hair behind her ear. Her eyes flicker in Pierce’s direction, and she sucks in a breath.

“Shhhh, Anyusha. He won’t hurt you, I promise,” I rush to reassure her, although it will take time for her to believe that after everything’s she been through. “Anya, this is Pierce. He’s a…friend.”

Of course he’s more than that, but I don’t want to put a label on whatever it is we are.

“You were there tonight,” she whispers.

He nods. “You’re safe, now.”

Her tears fall again. I move onto the couch and pull her head down into my lap like I used to when she was little and couldn’t sleep. My voice starts out a little rusty, but I begin to sing an old Russian lullaby and run my fingers through her hair. Slowly, Anya relaxes and, soon, falls back to sleep. Pierce rises from the floor.

“Please, don’t go,” I say, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

He leans down and presses his forehead to mine. “I’ll be here for as long as you need me.”

For the rest of the night, he remains guard in the chair while I stay on the couch with my sister resting in my lap.

Knocking bringsme out of a light sleep. Pierce rises from the chair and crosses through the house to answer the door. An older man carrying a black bag enters. Anya is still asleep. We’re both covered in blankets. The two men approach.

“Mila, this is Dr. Marino. He works for the families. I thought it was a good idea for him to check on your sister. Make sure everything’s all right,” Pierce says quietly as though not wanting to disturb her.

“I’ll let her make the decision if she wants to see him.”

He nods. “Of course.”

“Anya.” I gently shake her shoulder.

She sits upright, clutching the blanket to her chest. Her eyes dart frantically around until they lock onto mine. Only then does her panic seem to ease.

“There is a doctor here. He would like to take a look at you, but it is your choice to allow him or not,” I tell her. Too many of her choices have already been taken from her. I will not take another.

She trembles, and swallows hard. “Will you stay with me?”

I reach for her hand and clutch it tight. “Of course.”

The older man steps forward. His face and eyes are kind. “Perhaps we can go somewhere a little more private,” he suggests.

“Yes, follow me.” I help Anya off the couch and lead her and the doctor to the spare bedroom.

He performs a quick but thorough examination, being mindful of my sister’s situation. He’s gentle and explains everything before touching her. The entire time, she clutches my hand and stares at the ceiling as though wishing herself anywhere but here. Dr. Marino removes his gloves, and Anya sits up in the bed pulling the covers nearly to her chin.

“Thank you for letting me examine you,” he says kindly. “Your bruises will heal in time. Mr. De Luca did a fine job bandaging your wrists. You’ll need to wash them in soapy water every couple of days. Keep putting the ointment on them and cover them. I’ll be back soon to check and make sure there’s no sign of infection.”

He darts a quick glance in my direction and then toward the door. I turn to Anya. “I’m going to speak with Dr. Marino for a moment. Then we’ll get you cleaned up and into some different clothes. Will you be okay in here? I’m just outside the door if you need me.”

“You’ll come right back?” she asks.

My heart breaks at how young and scared she looks lying there. I have to swallow more tears. “I promise.”

Anya nods shakily. I step out into the hallway pulling the door just to in order to give us a bit of privacy. We move a few steps away.

“Your sister has suffered severe vaginal trauma,” he says quietly, not mincing any words.

It doesn’t come as a surprise, but nausea still churns in my belly. Pain stabs me in my heart at the hurt Mikhail caused my sister. I wish he were alive, so I could kill him again.

“There’s a possibility of not only pregnancy, but any number of sexually transmitted diseases. Until I take a blood sample, I won’t be able to rule anything out,” he continues. “There is also the emotional trauma she has suffered. I understand Mr. De Luca has someone that can help her with that. I highly recommend she speak to her.”

My emotions swell that Pierce seems to have thought of everything. “I’ll talk to her about the blood work. Is that something you can do here? She won’t need to go to a hospital, will she?”

“No,” he shakes his head. “When I come back in a few days to follow up I can do the blood draw at that time.”

“Thank you, Dr. Marino.”

“I’m sorry for what happened to your sister.” He tips his head in farewell and heads back into the living room where Pierce is.

I turn and enter the bedroom where Anya still sits. It’s forced, but I put a smile on my face. “How about we get you cleaned up and then we can find something to eat. Pierce introduced me to a delicious dessert called tiramisu that I think you’ll love as much as I do.”