The Enemy in My Bed by L.K. Shaw

Second Epilogue

My leg is fucking killingme. And there’s an itch under this cast I can’t reach. I swear it’s making me insane. It still hurts to breathe, as well. But I’m alive. Those Russian bastards tried their best to kill me, but I beat them.

I take in the room until my gaze lands on her, and the crowd of people disappears.

Francesca De Luca.

She’s beautiful. Not just on the outside with her long, nearly black hair, big brown eyes, and perfect red lips. No, her beauty shines from the inside. Her kindness. The quiet strength that comes from battling demons that tried to take her out, but who she fought back against and won. Her sweet smile that makes me feel like it’s meant only for me.

While I’d been bleeding out from the gunshot wounds following Brenna’s capture, she’d been the only thing I could think about. My one regret in life. That I hadn’t told her how I felt. Because I’d been chicken shit. Despite the fact I’ve worked my ass off to prove myself. Despite going from errand boy to driver to bodyguard, even if a shitty one. I’ve never been good enough for the mafia princess.

She’s my boss’ cousin. The man who heads the entire Brooklyn Kings syndicate and all its associated outfits on the East coast. I’m the kid who grew up on the streets with a doped up prostitute for a mother and no idea who my father is. He could be any one of thousands of men. It doesn’t stop me from wanting her.

For the last year, I’ve held back telling her how I feel, not just because of my insecurities, but because of her fear. The Russians may have hurt me, but they nearly destroyed her. There’s a funny thing about nearly dying that no one talks about. It makes a man realize what he has to lose. More importantly, what he has to gain.

I’m done holding back. Francesca is mine. It’s time she understands that.

Preorder Giovanni and Francesca’s story today!


Coming September 28

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If you want another protective alpha male, then be sure to check out IN TOO DEEP!

Book 1 in the Love Undercover series