Revealing the Monster by Amelia Hutchins

Chapter Twenty-Three

And so the monster claimed his prize, showing the world his devotion. But the pretty prize didn’t grasp that her life was his to take. ~ Lucian

On stage, Lucian and I watched the people who lingered on the lower level. The club was packed tonight, and I didn’t need to be told that more immortals than usual had shown up to see what Lucian would do with me. They’d assumed he would declare me free to claim and himself back on the market. Relief flooded through me that they were left disappointed in that aspect. But I had to stay focused because Lucifer was here. So were Nyx, Hades, and other immortals that had played a role in what I’d become.

Lucian lifted his hand to my throat while lowering the other. I shivered at the heat of his touch as it moved south. He cupped my core, and I moaned, melting into the power of his body. He was showing Luc what he’d never get and what he’d claimed tonight.

“Lucifer is pissed off that you’re so near, yet out of reach,” Lucian whispered in my ear. “Hades is trying to bend my mind to figure out how we bypassed his little parting gift for me.”

“Which gift?” I asked, distracted by Luc standing close enough that I could smell the gentle scent of brimstone and cinnamon that clung to him.

“The one that ensured you could only be with him, Lucifer, or me,” Lucian answered. “He banked too much on his magic and powers being absolute. He never imagined you’d find a loophole. He is curious how Spyder entered the equation.”

As Lucian spoke, Hades’ lips twisted into a smile, and he lifted his chin in acknowledgment at hearing Lucian’s words. Nyx, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to murder us both. I hadn’t seen her since she came to the bar demanding her daughter’s release. Lucian had instructed his men to deal with her while he’d handled me, discovering what the furies had done to Spyder.

“You are quiet tonight, Lena,” he stated, forcing my attention back to him.

I nodded, allowing Lucian to adjust me on his lap to face him. Sliding my gaze over his beautiful bone structure, I frowned. “I’m just lost in my thoughts,” I admitted, because it was the truth.

“You’re gorgeous this evening.” He cupped my neck, bringing my mouth to his.

The kiss was slow and sexy as his tongue slid over my lips, demanding entrance. When his tongue touched mine, it dueled for dominance as the room faded around us. His hand remained on my neck, tilting my head to allow him better access to my mouth. Moaning, I rocked my hips as lust ignited within my core. He pulled back, chuckling at my response to his unhurried kiss.

“You need that itch scratched, don’t you?” he growled huskily.

His midnight eyes sparkled with laughter, knowing damn well the subtle buzzing of the vibrator within me was driving my body to a level of need that bordered on torture. Lucian had lowered the velocity of the vibration, but only a little. His free hand roamed over my back as I straddled his lap, peering at him from beneath my thick, dark lashes.

“I need you, Lucian.” I swallowed, barely able to hide the need and lust that filled my throat, creating a steady pulse in my pussy that throbbed for him. “You’ve made your point. Now sate my hunger, asshole.”

“I like you on the brink of insanity. Crazy bitches fuck so much better than normal ones. You’re wet just thinking about me stretching you, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I replied huskily, uncaring who heard the raw desire filling my tone. “I ache, and you’re the only one I want to soothe that need. I get it; you want me to know who I belong to and to remember it on a deeper level. You’ve driven that point home, but you’re not driving that big, hard cock into my cunt yet. If I have to be crude to state my case, I can be. You want me to strip myself naked and ride you right here? I will. I will ensure all our guests see how much you make me scream when you’re fucking me. I don’t necessarily care if they watch. I only want you to make this visceral need end, now.”

“You would let me strip your succulent curves bare and fuck you here and now?” His eyes surveyed my face before moving to study the response of the crowd behind me. “I would act upon your request, but there are people here I don’t want knowing what you look like naked, Lena. I prefer not to let them see what is mine. From this point on, you’re only mine in that aspect. You broke the connection that was driving Spyder insane. You saved him by allowing him to have what the magic needed, but that ended. So, too, did your stent of voyeurism with the patrons of my club. I have claimed you openly, in a select way that makes us both exclusive to one another. I am off the market and menu now, and so are you, Lena,” he stated firmly, his tone carrying authority.

I swallowed, staring into the depths of never-ending stars that lit within his gaze. His hands lowered, gripping my hips to drag my apex against his rock-hard length. His lips jerked into a sinful smirk, and I moaned loudly, dropping my head back as he forced my clit to hit against his cock.

“Be a good girl for me tonight, and I will make sure you come until you’re exhausted and sated of that need driving you to be bold right now,” he replied, holding my gaze as I opened my eyes once more, uncaring that it was heavily hooded from lust, and need. “You’re the most exquisite thing I have ever in my life encountered, woman. You’re a fire that burns without being kindled and one that will never be put out. I would end worlds for you and anything or anyone who thinks to harm you.”

I heard gasps coming from the crowd, as if his words meant something more. Or maybe they feared he would destroy this world for me? Leaning closer, I rained kisses across his jawline, slowly working my way from one side to the other. He chased my kiss, which emboldened me. Nipping his lip, he growled from deep in his chest, the sound building as it rose to his lips.

“Brazen wench,” he chuckled.

“You like me all over you, or you would have just given the clientele a verbal warning. You want everyone here to see us together, so they would visually know that I am yours. This is for them, not us. We know in our hearts, who we belong to, don’t we?” I asked, praying to any deity listening that he offered me confirmation.

He smirked, holding my stare until something rustled beside me. I closed my eyes as every instinct within me sounded, blaring that there was an incoming threat to Lucian. My wings opened, ripping the back of my dress as they expanded.

I moved without warning, slicing my wings toward the threat as I spun, sending a roundhouse kick at the decapitated body, following through to kick the head into the crowd.

Blood painted those close to us, and my power unleashed, giving a warning to anyone else threatening Lucian or me. A hush fell over the club, and the record scratched to a halt as the music stopped.

I hissed loudly, letting the anger and rage I’d felt escape through the club to those inside the room. A deep chuckle forced my attention to Lucian, who watched me with laughter sparkling in his darkening depths.

“I believe she only intended to offer us drinks, Lena.” His brow rose as his gaze dipped to the tray that sat on the stage, expensive scotch spilling out from the green bottle. The scent of it deflated my ego, and my wings slowly curled before folding back into my spine.

I silently slid back onto Lucian’s lap, throwing a peeved look at the crowd, who remained silent, covered in splatters of blood from the serving girl. Bristling in place, I turned to narrow my eyes on Lucian as he leaned back, enjoying my frustration.

“You should really put bells on the servers, along with flashing nametags. It would extend their lifespan, immensely.”

“Or you could not kill them.” he laughed.

“Or that, but the other aforementioned items would include me being able to tell them apart from a threat or the downstairs girls.” I’d once kicked a server out of Lucian’s bedroom, assuming she’d been his choice for the night. If I’d needed to, I would have removed her physically from that room where I’d first been with him.

“You spilled our drinks.” He ran his fingers over the inside of my thigh, a move meant to calm my inner emotions that rose at the knowledge that I’d just murdered an innocent. “I’d prefer to drink it from your pussy.”

I shivered at the memory of him doing that, along with another one of Spyder and him drinking it from my body. He growled softly, pushing the hair away from my shoulder before tracing it with his lips.

Spyder approached the stage with a second bottle of scotch, as if he’d been plucked and delivered to me from my memories. He smirked, tilting his head before placing two chalices on the table beside the throne. Once he’d filled them both, he held them out for us to accept.

“A toast to my King, and brother, and the woman he’s chosen as his Queen to rule his empire at his side, forever. To Lucian and Magdalena Blackstone! Master, and Mistress of Club Chaos, and everything attached to the title,” Spyder declared, holding out a glass flute of his own.

The crowd cheered loudly, even though most didn’t appear to approve of the toast. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the women weren’t happy that Lucian was claiming someone other than them. The men as well seemed disappointed by the lack of show they were receiving this evening.

We drank the expensive citrus scotch as Spyder smirked and winked at me. Then, leaning forward, he spoke softly to Lucian, “Erie is here, and so are the others. If you’d allow it, Devlin and Bane will escort Magdalena to her.”

“Good. Is she sane tonight?” Lucian asked, but Spyder’s eyes sparkled with mischief as his mouth twitched.

“Define sane, brother,” he chuckled.

Lucian groaned, placing the glass down to rub the bridge of his nose. “Is she of sound mind, at least?”

“I assume so, but she does appear to be wearing—Callaghan.” Spyder rubbed his hand over his mouth before peering at Lucian.

“Excuse me? Because it sounded like you said she’s wearing Callaghan.” I narrowed my gaze on Spyder’s shoulders, which moved in silent laughter.

“She’s what exactly?” Lucian asked, backing up my question.

“She’s wearing parts of him at the very least,” Spyder confirmed.

“Fucking Erie,” Lucian groaned, which caused a burst of laughter to escape me. “You think this is funny?” he asked, hiking one eyebrow up to his hairline.

“It’s Erie, so yes, it is funny,” I snorted, covering my mouth with my palm as more laughter bubbled up from the look of frustration on Lucian’s face.

“You’re sure she’s wearing—”

“Her estranged husband?” I offered, as Lucian searched for the best description to use. Laughter bubbled up from my chest, bursting from my lips before I could prevent it from escaping. “It’s funny. Who hasn’t wanted to wear their husband at least once?”

“Sane people, that’s who,” Lucian grunted.

“She’s wearing a leather top that appears to have Callaghan’s chest piece on it and a matching hoodie, similar in color to his hair. I do believe she added her name on it right above the heart, though. She’s also dressed in a Hawaiian skirt and thigh-high boots with actual witch charms on them. The whole ensemble screams crazy.”

“Will she be sensible enough to ward off anyone attempting to take Lena?” Lucian asked, his stare sliding out through the crowd, not finding the one in which he was searching. “Lucifer is gone for the moment, but I don’t put it past him to try for her after we head below.”

“Erie seemed sane of mind, but the outfit says otherwise. Maybe she’s trying to mislead her prey?” Spyder offered, shrugging his wide shoulders. “I did explicitly tell her to protect Kitty with her life, and she fully agreed to castrate anyone and defile them with their penis if they touched our girl.”

“That’s good enough for me. You’re to stay beside Erie, Lena. Do you hear me? Do not leave her sight or even step out of her reach. It would take Lucifer mere moments to get you, and while I’m certain my wards would prevent him from escaping with you, we don’t want to chance him hurting you.”

“I get it, Lucian. I’ll be a good pet and stay put, okay?” I growled, narrowing my eyes on him, and he glared at me with an uncertain gaze. “I won’t do anything stupid. I promise.”

“Be good for me, and I will handle that issue between your legs once I’ve finished my meeting,” he promised, kissing my cheek, allowing me to stand as he joined me.

Lucian yanked me against his body, showing me exactly how he intended to fix my problem. Resting his forehead on mine, he cupped the back of my neck to trace his mouth over my collarbone before brushing his lips across mine in a whisper of promise.

“We may not see him, but Lucifer isn’t gone, Lena. Be careful and don’t disobey me. Not tonight, please,” Lucian pleaded in my ear, barely loud enough to be heard. He stepped around me, leaving, as Devlin and Bane walked up beside me.

I exited the room with Spyder and Lucian close at hand until we reached the staircase that led onto the top floor. I silently watched their backs as they walked down the hallway, vanishing into thin air, which meant they’d gone into the lowest level of the club, where I’d been forbidden to go. Nothing down there was safe, apparently. Or Lucian didn’t trust me enough to let me know what lay beneath, in the darkest part of Club Chaos.

Lucian had claimed me openly, making it known that we were exclusively involved. It should have settled my fears, yet it didn’t. Lucian hadn’t said how he felt or what it meant to be claimed openly to immortals. I didn’t need him to tell me he loved me, per se, but I did need to know how the asshole felt. Were we a forever-together thing, like he’d said, or a just until he tired of me thing?

I needed the security, which was important to me after losing everyone and everything I loved because of him. Did I need to keep myself at arm’s length? The one time I’d opened myself up and told him how I’d felt, he’d lost his shit and moved out of the room we’d shared. Now he felt fine with declaring me his and that I’m off-limits to others, but he had that before I’d dropped the L-word, and he’d been okay with that arrangement, too.

My entire life was up in the air, and knowing how he felt about me wasn’t asking that much. I wanted to know if I should plan on what comes after he catches and locks Lucifer up and makes sure I’m safe. Perhaps it was asking too much because he didn’t feel the same about me?

I’d died. And that had shaken him, but maybe that was playing into his emotions? I just needed him to cement where we stood so that my foundation could stabilize, and I’d feel better understanding the situation surrounding my family and coven.

I searched the clubbers until my gaze halted on Erie. She was dancing like no one was watching, her eyes wide with wonder, while her body twisted and gyrated to the song. A frown marred my lips as I took in her outfit, shivering at what was left of Callaghan this time.

“Holy shit, she’s literally wearing him,” I whispered, jumping when Devlin hooted with laughter at my side.

“That’s disturbing and strangely hot,” he grunted, pushing his long fingers through his dark hair. “I don’t know if I want to put my dick in her or hide it from her,” he admitted, shaking his head while a small smile played in his full mouth.

“Hide it,” Bane snorted. “On a scale of crazy from one to ten, she hit bat shit a millennium ago. Let’s get closer so Lucian will stop stalking Lena.”

I glanced up the stairs, seeing Lucian staring down at me. “That isn’t Lucian. It’s Lucifer,” I swallowed, dropping my gaze to find Erie peering up at him, giving him a one-finger salute. “Let’s go.” I walked to the goddess, watching Lucifer, who once again glamoured himself to appear as Lucian.

This time I could tell them apart. Whatever the furies were able to hear from the immortals, it alerted me to Lucifer by echoing the sound of cries mingled with the chime of strumming harps.

The closer we got to Erie, the louder the sounds of war drums and the clanging of swords became. The furies sensed Erie’s and Lucifer’s true identity and blasted their sounds within me. Wide, vivid blue eyes dropped from the male to land on me, a smile playing on her lips as she held her arms out, wiggling her brows.

She may have been bat shit bonkers, but Erie was beautiful chaos in motion, and for all her flaws, she had a heart unmatched in pureness. But her craziness guaranteed that you didn’t want to get on her other side, the one that made her your enemy.