Revealing the Monster by Amelia Hutchins

Chapter Thirty-Three

Lena’s here, finally—the one time she shouldn’t be. I crave her soft curves and the burning intensity in her gaze. She is everything I want and need. The only problem is she isn’t mine, and I know it. That’s half the attraction to her. She’s forbidden fruit, and it always tastes so much sweeter than the fruit you can have. ~ Luc

Consciousness went in and out, and I sense heat surrounding me. My eyes felt like they’d been glued shut, and my mouth was dry from the acrid taste of brimstone covering my tongue. I gagged, unable to prevent it from happening as I tried to get upright.

I lifted my hand, skimming my fingers over the giant goose egg on the back of my skull, and moaned in pain at the slightest touch.

I could feel the weight of Asmodeus’s stare on me without having to look at him. He had redressed me while I’d been asleep.

A soft, crimson sleeveless dress covered my curves with a silver necklace holding up the sheer material. Peering down at my chest, I rolled my eyes, finding my body exposed through my clothing.

“You’re so fucking pretty, aren’t you? Is that what they fight over?” Asmodeus’s deep, rich tone infiltrated my mind, forcing my attention to where he leaned against the wall of the room. “It can’t be your soul, as it seems to be missing. That’s how you ended up with the furies within you, isn’t it? Someone intervened on your behalf and saved you from death. What is so special about you that men are willing to destroy worlds for a single taste?”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re rumbling on about or why you care. Just go away,” I groaned, still struggling to get upright.

“I don’t care, but I am curious why Lucian wants you. You see, he’s never wanted anything so mundane before. You’re beautiful; I’ll give you that. You look like you could suck a mean dick, but I don’t think either of them would start a war over some bitch with a mouth like a vacuum.”

“It’s my sparkling personality that they’re addicted to,” I stated, holding his gaze. Asmodeus wasn’t just good-looking. He was sexy, with a persona that screamed he’d fuck you while figuring out how best to dispose of the corpse when he was done.

“I heard you almost gave Lucian a child.” he persisted.

“Almost, but Lucifer and Katarina stole that from us. Any more painful shit you want to shove down my throat?” I asked, daring him to continue.

“My dick, but I’m afraid I’ll end up as inflicted and lovesick as those two assholes did with a simple taste of your honey pot. I bet it’s magical, isn’t it? A magical snatch, huh? One created by the Goddess of Magick to lure unsuspecting males in, trapping them in the vise before they even realize you’ve done it. Is that what it is? Part your legs, and show me what they have tasted, woman.”

“How about no?” I snapped, glaring daggers at him.

“Part her thighs for me, my pretties,” he growled, speaking to the furies within me as he slowly pushed off the wall, walking toward me.

Panic ripped through me as my legs were parted, covered by nothing more than the flimsy dress I wore. Asmodeus grabbed one breast, testing the weight of it in his palm. His thumb swiped over my nipple, chuckling wickedly as the peak hardened from his touch.

I held his stare, hatred and fear mixing into a glare that had him smiling in response. His lips lowered to brush against my ear.

“Can I fuck you? I hear you enjoy it, and even allow others to join you and Lucian in your chambers. I can show you Heaven, or I can show you Hell, little girl. I think you might even enjoy Hell. You strike me as the type of woman who fucks as hard as you fight.”

“You have a hand that would be more responsive to your cock than I will be. Use it and leave me alone. Or do you like forcing women to fuck you? Is that the only way you can get them on that dick of yours, Lust?” I challenged, watching as his lips jerked into a devastating smile.

“I am Lust in the purest form, Magdalena Fitzgerald. I am your darkest desire, and I am your most forbidden fantasy. I am what every male craves to be and what every woman craves them to become. You are wet for me. I can smell you and know exactly where and what you want me to do to you. I know because I am the emotion burning through your needy cunt right now. Those pulsing walls—they clench because I’m near. When you are wet, it is because I ensured women could become slick so that men weren’t forced to fuck a paper bag in the guise of a pussy. No one would enjoy sex if women weren’t wet enough to be pleasurable. Of course, I could have made it a useless piece of flesh, other than birthing a babe, but with the fallen wanting something off-limits to be sin, I forwent my first choice.” His fingers slid over the inside of my thigh, slowly trailing dangerously close to my sex.

I could feel it—the power Asmodeus held over my need. My body couldn’t ignore who or what he was. Asmodeus was a crowned Prince of Hell and one of the strongest commanders of Hell’s Army. He was also the one that Erie had claimed to have kept in her freezer.

My stomach clenched with his husky laughter that tickled along my neck. His teeth pulled at my earlobe, and a sharp pain stole a yelp of surprise as he bit into my delicate flesh.

“Do you think Lucian would still want this body without what lives within you? I can sense his seal, woman. It isn’t you that Lucian and Lucifer want, is it? It’s what you house inside of you that call to them.” Startling blue eyes met mine as he pulled back, settling between my thighs. “You house Lucian’s seal, and therefore he wants you close to him so that he knows where it is at all times. The furies I created to guard the seals worked out in his benefit, but you can’t fucking feel me. That son of a bitch had you custom made for his dick, didn’t he?” he asked coldly. He grabbed my hair, forcing me to look down at where his fingers pinched my sex, but I hadn’t felt it at all. “You’re not immune to me, not entirely. I could fuck you, and you wouldn’t feel me. Who brought you back?”

“Hades brought her back, asshole. Now, let her poor pussy go. Lena is a lady; treat her as such, brother.” Lucifer watched me from the doorway, his bright, vibrant gaze sliding over my body while Asmodeus stood, turning to look over his shoulder. The Devil leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his naked chest. “Finally found a woman you can’t charm, Lust?”

“I could shut that part down and allow the furies to lead her corpse about, asshole. I’d be careful, Lucifer. You may be a Prince of Hell, but you’re not the only one who can rule it. I suggest you have a chat with this shell and ask her about what she houses inside of her.” Asmodeus growled, pulling me closer to whisper in a strange language against my ear. I closed my eyes as something within me slowly unraveled. “Soon, she won’t be able to control her thoughts. She’ll be my pretty little mindless thing that does anything I asked of her. Isn’t that right, my little monsters?” Asmodeus smirked down at me as chiming started in my head. I whimpered at the sensation of the furies flurrying in me.

Fear snuck up through my mind, even as I felt them clawing inside me. It was as if they were trying to crawl their way out of my body. Pain ripped throughout me, piercing my brain as cackling sounded in my head.

I groaned, blinking past the blinding light that flooded my vision. When my sight came back, it was brighter, as if the furies enhanced it. They’d improved all of my senses.

My gaze slid over Luc, noting how beautiful and enthralling his presence really was. Everything within me lit up like a wildfire burning through a wheat field in late summer.

Shoving down the emotions and how my body responded to him, I pleaded with my eyes for Lucifer to stop this now.

“I know what she holds within her, Asmodeus. It’s no secret she contains his seal. That wasn’t what drew me to her, though. You’re wrong about her pussy. It tastes like heaven and is sweeter than any forbidden fruit in father’s garden,” Lucifer returned, winking at me as he pushed from the wall and walked toward me.

“You think she houses one seal? Each fury holds a seal, Luc. They were each created to house one separately. No one has ever been able to hold all three furies and seals within them. Not until this little witch came alone, anyway.” Asmodeus smirked down at me as he rose to his full height. His hand cradled my chin, forcing it up while he continued holding my hair in a painful grip.

“I am aware that she was the key to opening the Hell Gates. What other seal would she hold that would be worth hearing about?”

“Magdalena knows. I can see it in her worried expression.” Asmodeus chuckled, releasing my chin while continuing his hold on my hair. “Lucian didn’t tell you what happens when that seal is freed, did he? How the furies would seek out a new shell to contain them? I bet he just planned to keep you hidden in his world so that you never could touch that fucking box.”

“Lena?” Lucifer asked coldly, his tone stern and warning danced in his glare. “You hold the key to Pandora’s Box?”

“I do,” I replied softly.

Lucifer snorted, his arms uncrossing as he watched me through disapproving eyes. “You hid that from me?”

“You act as if we’re friends, Luc. You bashed my fucking head in until brain fluid leaked from it. I slit my throat to protect my son from being used to punish his father. You took everything from me, and now you expect me to trade secrets with you? I didn’t even know what I held until recently. I wouldn’t have told you anyway, because she isn’t inside Lucian anymore. When you and Katarina forced me to end my life as Lucian watched, he unleashed his grief onto this world, and with it, Pandora.” I stood, wrenching my hair away from Asmodeus’s hold. I lifted my hand, curling around Luc’s strong jawline. 

“I know, because Pandora was at my grave as I crawled out of it. I placed her there, secured with the chains they’d used for me to keep his seal secure in that wooden box. Pandora came back months ago, but she didn’t come for you, Luc. If she loved you as much as you deserved to be loved, you should have been the first stop on her new world tour. You weren’t. She didn’t love you. She loved the idea of what you could give her, just like the other women in your life. You deserve to be the one someone runs to, not forgotten and discarded. Not an afterthought. Everything you’ve done has been to gain the purest form of love. That’s why you wanted me, even though you know I will never love you as I do Lucian. Love is something that has to be freely given. You can’t force it.”

“I really wish you would shut the fuck up, Magdalena,” Lucifer snapped, shoving me backward until I tumbled on the bed. “I’ve tasted your pussy, and that wouldn’t have been something even I could have managed if you’d really loved Lucian. If your feelings for him were so fucking pure, then you would have seen the ruse of me pretending to be him. You didn’t, did you? No, that’s right. You rode my fucking lips while coming for me. I ate that pretty pussy until it wept all over my face.”

I swallowed, slowly righting myself on the bed. Lucifer watched me with heat burning in his gaze, his vines slowly escaping from his body to wrap around my legs. Barbs bit into my flesh, causing a strangled cry to leave my lips. I fisted my hand into the blankets on the bed and closed my eyes, lying back as he spread me wide.

“You weep so prettily, sweet one.” Hands gripped my ankles, and I yelped, feeling him pulling me apart. The vines wrapped around my thighs, tearing into the flesh as I screamed from the burning pain they created. “Your blood smells sweet, pretty girl. Do you intend to fight me or fuck me? I can’t tell because you’re crying, and yet you’re fucking wet for me. Aren’t you?” Lucifer asked, lowering his lips to trace them over the inside of my legs.

“Lucifer, stop. Please,” I whispered through my teeth, chattering against the debilitating pain.

Vines continued running up my body, leaving small tears in my skin until sticky blood caked my legs, stomach, and arms.

“Isn’t she the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen?” he asked, ignoring me while allowing Asmodeus to see his handiwork.

“I’ve seen much sweeter, Lucifer. If you intend to fuck her, do it quickly. Lucian will be here shortly, and when they come, they will take her. Not even the armies of Hell can stop him. I’ll return shortly. I suggest you fuck her out of your system, as she may not survive what is coming.”

The door to the room closed behind Asmodeus, and the pain of the barbs lessened immensely. I sagged against the bed, lying in the blood that stuck to my flesh.

His lips brushed my neck, and I closed my eyes against the pleasure that Luc’s touch created. I couldn’t ignore that he brought pleasure, or that I wanted to destroy him in the worst way possible.

“Lena, why didn’t you tell me about Pandora?” he asked, dropping soft kisses over my throat.

“I didn’t know who she was until a few days ago,” I admitted, unable to lie to him.

“But you now know it was her?” he pried, no longer hurting me.

He’d recalled the vines and lifted, staring down at my body. His hands softly stroked my sides as I trembled from pain and lust. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe it was merely Lucifer causing the reaction. Asmodeus had spelled me with a single whisper against my ear, one freeing the monsters within me.

“I need an answer, Magdalena.”

“Yes, it was Pandora. She asked me to come with her, to open a box she had hidden. She knew what I held inside of me, even before I did. She was at the graveyard when Joshua came to dig up my corpse. I’m sorry,” I said in a hoarse tone that exposed how dry my mouth was.

He studied me, turning as the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway echoed toward us. Lucifer picked me up, forcing me to straddle him as he bunched my dress behind my rear. He lifted with me in his lap, yanking down his pants as a sob slipped free from my lips.

“Shh, pretty girl. You’re safe for now,” he promised, as his hard, rigid length slid against my naked sex. “Moan, or we’ll be doing this for real, Magdalena.”

I stared at him, silently wondering what his game was here. I whimpered, and he growled, turning us on the bed. His eyes pleaded with me, and he turned to peer toward the door, slowly bringing his violet gaze back to mine.

“You’re going to have to come because that isn’t something Asmodeus would miss,” he urged. “I’ll be gentle, I promise. I didn’t think it would come to this. There’s a lot more happening than you are aware. Don’t hate me, Lena.”

His fingers found the ball of nerves at my apex, and he worked it into circles as the door opened, and he began pumping his hips.

“Dirty little whore, I bet you would take every demon in Hell into this sweet haven, wouldn’t you?”

“Luc,” I murmured, gasping as the tension in my belly started to uncurl. Tears rolled down my face, painting the bed with my blood.

I cried out as the orgasm built, driven by the Devil ringing my doorbell. Literally. He growled through his teeth, pressing his forehead against mine as I exploded for him. Wetness painted my stomach, and I whimpered, writhing beneath him as vines slowly slid around my body, drinking the blood they’d drawn.

“You planning to join us, or are you just enjoying the show?” Lucifer asked, looking over his shoulder to where Asmodeus stood, holding Makenna in his arms.

“We just came to watch and ensure you defiled Lucian’s whore. He’s coming. I suggest you get her set up on the altar and prepare to trade her for the box. I want it back.”

I felt the subtle change in Lucifer. He didn’t like Asmodeus holding his daughter. He also hadn’t enjoyed what he’d done to me. It made the hair on my nape rise in apprehension. Something else was happening here, something a lot more deadly than even Lucian knew.

The moment Asmodeus left the bedroom with Makenna, Lucifer was up, adjusting his pants.

“Do not do anything stupid right now, Lena. There’s a bathroom through the doors. Clean up and be ready when I return for you. If it’s between you or Makenna, you’re not making it out of this realm alive.”

Lucifer gazed down at my body, wincing before he strolled out of the room, leaving me confused and alone. What the hell was happening? Lucifer was worried, and if the Devil was concerned, the entire world should be, too.