Breaking Ties by Elle James


Beth scoured through her closet,searching for something sexy, feminine and perfect for the night ahead.

“Girl, you have to wear something,” Nora said. “Why not the red dress? It’s as sexy as they come and makes a statement.”

“What statement?”

“I want you to take this off me and make love to me all night long…?” Nora grinned. “That’s what you want, right?”

“Yes. But shouldn’t I be just a little more subtle?” She pulled the red dress out of the closet and stepped into it. The fabric slid up over hips, and she slipped her arms through the spaghetti straps. “I haven’t seen him in two weeks. Do you think he will have changed his mind about me?”

“Not a chance. A woman who shoots first and asks questions later is every man’s wet dream.” Nora hugged Beth. “I’m so glad you made it back home alive. I can’t imagine the terror of being captured by the Boko Haram.”

“I’m glad to be here, too.” She hugged Nora back, and then spun away. “He’ll be here any minute, and I’m not ready.”

Nora dug in Beth’s closet and came up with strappy silver stilettos. “Wear these. And turn around so I can zip you.”

Beth turned, Nora zipped and the doorbell rang.

Her heart in her throat, Beth turned to Nora. “What do I do? What do I say?”

“Sweetie, you be yourself. That’s what he loves about you.” Nora nodded toward the door. “Go.”

Beth drew in a shaky breath and walked to the door, threw it open and stood there in her bare feet and the sexy red dress.

On the other side, stood the man who’d been on her mind since she’d talked about dogs at the Salty Dog Saloon all those weeks ago. He wore a black suit with a red tie that matched her dress, and he was so handsome Beth wanted to cry.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey,” she replied.

He reached out his hand. “You look like a million bucks.”

She placed her hand in his. “You clean up pretty good yourself.”

Dawg looked past her to Nora and nodded. “Thanks, Nora. I was hoping you’d get her into the red dress again.”

Beth frowned. “You two making plans without me?”

Dawg shrugged. “I wanted our first real date to be perfect. I have reservations at the most expensive restaurant in town. But I’m giving you a choice. The restaurant or a grilled steak at my house.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, her gaze sweeping over him from head to toe. “You look amazing. I hate that you went to all the trouble to take me to a fancy restaurant when I’d rather grill out at your place.”

He grinned. “I thought you might say that. One of these days, I will get you to a real restaurant. But tonight, it’s dinner at my place. And it’s all arranged with fancy china, candles and music.”

Nora squeezed past them. “I’ll leave you two to it. Have fun.”

Once Nora left, Dawg walked Beth back into her apartment, closed the door and pulled her into his arms.

Beth laughed and melted against him. “Are we starting with dessert?”

He nodded.

She didn’t wait for him to initiate. Standing on her toes, she claimed his lips and opened to him, taking his tongue in a slow, sexy glide. “This is where I’ve wanted to be,” she whispered against his lips.

“I’ve been counting the hours and minutes until I could see you again.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “I think I’m in love.”

“How can you know?”

He brushed a strand of her hair back from her cheek. “The thought of being without you breaks my heart.”

“That’s exactly how I feel. But is it too soon?”

“If it is, we’ll give it more time. But I know in my soul you’re the one for me,” he said.

“And you’re the one for me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

This time when they came up for air, they laughed.

“Save some dessert for later,” she said. “You owe me dinner.”

“You’ve got it.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “And you’ve got me. Forever and always.”