Breaking Ties by Elle James

Chapter 1

“Doesthis dress make me look too desperate?” Beth Drennan tugged at the hem of the little red dress that showed far too much of her thighs. “I don’t think I can sit or bend over in this.” She shook her head. “No, I can’t do it. I’ll just wear the jeans I was going to wear.” She reached for the jeans she’d pulled off minutes earlier when her best friend had brought her into her bedroom and insisted she needed more appealing clothing for the hail and farewell that evening.

“No way.” Nora Michaels snatched the jeans away from Beth’s grasp. “It’s about time you got back out there. You can’t keep moping around after your breakup with Dr. Poor-Excuse-for-a-Fiancé Parker.”

“He wasn’t a poor excuse,” Beth argued. “He was focused.”

Nora crossed her arms over her chest. “He didn’t have you as his primary focus…ever.”

Beth’s lips pressed together. She couldn’t argue with her friend. She’d fallen in love with Dr. Jonathan Parker while working with him at the Fort Hood Army Hospital. He’d been working there as a civilian while attached to the Texas Army National Guard. The man loved his work, relished challenges and volunteered for every deployment he could get assigned to. Even rescheduling their wedding twice to take on another assignment.

“Admit it,” Nora said. “You broke the engagement after the second time he deployed voluntarily to Africa. He didn’t put you first for anything.”

“He can’t help it that he feels compelled to save lives.” Beth tired not to grimace while she said that. She’d made excuses for him before.

Nora frowned. “Well, he didn’t save his life with you.”

“He still wants me to marry him.” Beth sighed. “I just don’t know if I can deal with being second string with his career always being first. I mean, I know we have to go when we’re deployed…I signed up for that, too.”

“But to voluntarily deploy when your wedding is only a few weeks away…” Nora shook her head. “He didn’t deserve you. At the very least, he should’ve waited to volunteer until you two were married.”

That was why Beth had called off their engagement. She’d told Jonathan he wasn’t ready to commit, and she didn’t want to tie him down.

“It’s been over six months since you two split. It’s time to wade back out into the dating pool.”

Beth frowned. “I’m not sure I like your analogy. Sounds like I’m heading into deep water without any type of floatation device.”

“Swim, baby, swim!” Nora dug a pair of shiny silver heels out of the bottom of Beth’s closet. “And wear these.”

“I’d rather wear flats,” Beth grumbled.

“And I’d rather stay home and make love to my man,” Nora said. “But it’s a hail and farewell party, and we’re going to meet new people and say goodbye to those shipping out.”

“But it’s not our unit. We don’t have to go.”

“No, but I have to go because my fiancé asked me to go.” She set the shoes on the floor and pointed to them. “And you’re going because you’re my best friend and you need to meet someone new. You’re not getting any younger.”

“I’m not even thirty yet.”

Nora lifted her chin. “But you’re getting close. You’re turning twenty-eight next month. Women over thirty are more likely to have difficulties getting pregnant.”

Beth snorted. “Especially if they don’t have a boyfriend, husband or a friend with benefits.”

“Even if they do, they could have difficulties. Your eggs could be drying up as we speak.”

“Nora, you’re a nurse. For heaven’s sake, they have drugs and fertility treatments. I’m not worried about getting pregnant right now. I’m focusing on my career.”

Nora’s brows rose. “Tick-tock, tick-tock.”

“Oh, shut up.” Beth bent to slip her feet into the killer heels that would have her weeping by the end of the evening. “If I get a blister, I’m blaming you.”

With a grin, Nora slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder. “Hopefully, you won’t be wearing them long.”

“I’m not into one-night stands,” Beth grumbled and straightened. “I feel like I should be walking the corners of the red-light district in Austin, not going to a hail and farewell.”

“Well, maybe you’ll get lucky, and it’ll be worth the blister you’ll get in those heels.” Nora laughed as she stepped through the door of Beth’s apartment. “Here’s to hoping.”

“I told you, I’m not into one-night stands.” Beth stepped through her door, turned and checked that the lock was secure behind her. “Even if I meet someone…interesting…I’m not going to sleep with a stranger.” When she turned to face Nora, Beth’s eighty-something-year-old neighbor was just coming out of her apartment on the first floor. Beth’s cheeks heated. “Good evening, Mrs. Morris.” She prayed the woman wasn’t wearing her hearing aid.

“If I was your age and still unmarried, I’d be open to a one-night-stand. The older you get, the fewer available men. They die younger than us females, you know.” Mrs. Morris winked. “Enjoy the sex while you can.”

Nora burst out laughing. “See? It’s not just me. Even your neighbors think your dry spell should be over.”

The heat in Beth’s face burned even hotter, and she sputtered, “Mrs. Morris…”

The older woman waved a hand. “I’m old. Not dead. I know what a good orgasm feels like.” Her lips twisted. “Last one I had was a decade ago. But you don’t forget.”

The image that blossomed in Beth’s mind wasn’t good. “Uh…thank you, Mrs. Morris.” But then, Mrs. Morris had seen a lot more life, and possibly love, than Beth could ever hope to see. Especially at the rate she was going. “It’s good to see you, Mrs. Morris.”

The older woman laid a hand on Beth’s arm. “Honey, you have to grab for the joy. Life is too short to pussyfoot around. I should know. I’ve lost two husbands. I know what it is to love and to lose.”

Beth frowned. “Doesn’t that make you afraid to love again?”

“Not at all,” said Mrs. Morris. “You remember the old saying, It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” The older woman’s brow furrowed. “Oh, wait. You might be too young to remember that saying.” She shrugged. “Anyway, enjoy your night out. And don’t be afraid to fall in love at first sight. I fell in love at first sight with my first husband. We were married for forty years before he died of a stroke. He could be an ornery old cuss, but he knew how to push all my buttons.” She heaved a big sigh. “I loved that man.” She let go of Beth’s arm. “Now, go. You have a lot of living to do before you get to be my age.”

Beth followed Nora out to Nora’s car.

Nora slid into the driver’s seat, grinning from ear to ear.

Beth sat in the passenger seat and pulled the seatbelt over her lap.

Once both doors were closed, Nora burst out laughing. “I like your neighbor.”

Her neighbor got into a boat of an old car and settled into the driver’s seat, barely able to see over the steering wheel. She smiled and waved at Beth and Nora as she backed out of her parking space.

“Mrs. Morris is one of a kind,” Beth said as she waved back.

“And she makes good points,” Nora said, wiping tears from her eyes. “You have to live.”

“Good grief.” Beth flung her hands in the air. “Can’t I just go have drinks with a friend without her trying to set me up with another man?”

“I promise not to set you up.” Nora shifted into reverse and left the parking lot of Beth’s apartment building. “I won’t have to. It will likely be at least two to one, men to women, at this hail and farewell. You’re an attractive woman. The guys will figure it out without my help.” She grinned as she drove to the Salty Dog Saloon outside the main gate of Fort Hood.

Beth cringed. She’d avoided social gatherings involving single, hot-blooded Delta Force men for a reason. They were too…dangerous…and appealed to the daring woman inside of her that she fought to subdue. Working with the special forces men in theater was hard enough. At least while deployed, they had strict orders not to fraternize. Since Nora had fallen for one of the Deltas, Beth preferred to stay home rather than go out with the couple where she was the third wheel. Nora had tried on several occasions to get her to agree to a blind date.

One of the reasons she’d agreed to marry Jonathan was because he wasn’t special forces. He was a doctor, someone who worked behind the lines, saving lives, not taking them. A doctor seemed a safe choice. But Jonathan didn’t choose safe. He chose to put himself in danger with the assignments he undertook in remote locations where he didn’t always have the benefit of being behind the wire in a hardened position.

And he volunteered as often as assignments came up.

Beth had been deployed on a couple rotations to Afghanistan. She’d gone as a volunteer on both rotations. But she hadn’t volunteered around the upcoming date of her wedding. Jonathan had, choosing his work over starting their lives together.

After calling off their wedding, Beth had canceled the venue and reception hall and forfeited half of the money she’d paid for flowers, the caterer and the photographer. She couldn’t return her dress. Nora, her only bridesmaid, couldn’t return her bridesmaid dress. They’d had to eat those costs.

Six months had passed since she’d returned Jonathan’s ring. He’d tried several times to get her to reconsider. Those attempts had been from remote locations or while he’d been in transit to his next voluntary assignment, cementing her decision. She’d begun to wonder if she’d been more in love with the idea of being married and starting a life as a married woman than she’d been in love with Jonathan.

With a sigh, she sat forward in her seat as her friend pulled the car into the parking lot of the Salty Dog Saloon and parked. Already, the parking lot was almost full, with more arriving even as Nora and Beth got out of her car.

Beth tugged the hem of her short dress downward, hoping she wasn’t flashing anyone a view of the black lace, thong panties she wore beneath. She frowned as she noted other women entering the bar wearing jeans. “I should’ve worn, jeans,” she muttered.

“But you look great in that dress. All the guys will be panting after you.”

“I don’t want to have men drooling on me like dogs,” Beth argued.

“Okay, so maybe not drooling, but they’ll be interested.” Nora shook her head. “At least, smile. You look like you want to bite someone’s head off.”


Nora stopped and gripped Beth’s arm. “Sweetie, I care about you and want you to be happy.”

“Then stop pushing me toward every available man.” Beth loved that Nora wanted her to be as happy as she was. Beth sighed. “Maybe I’m not ready to let go of Jonathan. Maybe I’m not ready to be happy.”

“Six months is a long time to mope, honey.” Nora squeezed her arms. “Look, I won’t push anyone in your direction if you promise to at least be open to a conversation if someone comes up to you.”

Beth stared into her friend’s hopeful face. “Okay. I’ll try to be open to a conversation, but don’t expect me to go home with anyone.”

Nora grinned and dropped her hands from Beth’s arms. “I won’t. We’ll take baby steps. That’s all I’m asking.”

Beth tugged at her dress once more and nodded. “Let’s do this. But I’m not staying past ten o’clock. And you might want to give me your keys if you plan on going home with your man.”

“Oh, I will be going home with Rucker, but he’s riding in with Dash. Rucker’s truck is in the shop. We’ll drop you off on the way.”

Beth stopped in her tracks, nearly tipping over on the impossibly high heels. “You’re telling me now? I could’ve driven my own car.”

“You would’ve chickened out. The only way I could get you to come was to drive you here myself.” Nora crossed her arms over her chest and gave her a challenging look. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

Her lips pressing tightly together, Beth wanted to tell her friend no, but Nora was correct. If she hadn’t insisted on driving, Beth wouldn’t be at the Salty Dog Saloon for the little social gathering of the Deltas. She’d have wimped out before she’d even left her apartment.

“I can catch an Uber ride back to my apartment.” Beth had brought her cellphone. That was all she needed to call for a ride back to her apartment. “No need for you to drop me off. It would be too far out of your way.”

Nora’s brow furrowed. “You’re not riding with a stranger. Don’t worry. We’ll get you back to your place.”

Yeah, but at what time? Beth squared her shoulders. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

“That’s the attitude.” Nora rolled her eyes. “You’re putting up walls before we even get inside.”

Beth tightened her lips. “Just be glad I’m here.” She hooked her arm through Nora’s and walked through the door into the saloon, where she was immediately bombarded by the noise of people trying to talk over each other and the music.

The introvert in Beth winced.

“Oh, there’s Rucker.” Nora smiled and waved at her fiancé.

He held up one of the two drinks he had in each hand, indicating he’d already gotten her a drink.

“Go on,” Beth said. “I want to get a drink at the bar and find a quiet corner.”

Nora raised an eyebrow. “Good luck with that. This place is hopping.” She hurried through the crowd to her fiancé.

The tall, dark man engulfed her in an embrace and kissed her soundly before he let go of her.

Longing welled in Beth’s chest. Why couldn’t she find that kind of love? Jonathan had always held her at arm’s length in public, saving any displays of affection for when they were alone. But he’d been a gentle lover and had made sure she was satisfied…when they were together.

Beth turned to the bartender. “Hey, Sarge,” she greeted the bartender and owner of the Salty Dog Saloon, Jim Walker, with a smile.

“Ms. Drennan, it’s been a while since you were here. What can I get you?” He tipped his head. “Wait, let me guess…margarita on the rocks.”

She smiled. “Not tonight. I’d like a light beer; whatever you have on tap.” Margaritas were for when she was in the mood to laugh and have fun. At the moment, she wasn’t in the mood for either.

“No margarita?” he said with a dip in his brow. “What’s wrong?”

Beth frowned. “Does anything have to be wrong for me to want a beer instead of a marg?”

Sarge chuckled. “No.” He filled a mug from the tap and set it on the counter in front of her. “Just different. You’ve never ordered a beer before.”

She sighed, curled her fingers around the handle of the mug and lifted it to take a sip. Foam coated her upper lip. Beth licked it off. “I’m just in a funky mood. I really don’t want to be here, but my friend insisted.” She looked around for a quiet table. Unfortunately, all the tables had people sitting at them.

Sarge tipped his head toward the empty stool at the far side of the bar. “If you’re looking for escape, that seat at the end of the bar is out of the way and as secluded as you can get in a crowded room.”

She gave Sarge a weak smile. “Thanks. I just don’t want to be bothered.

“Well, you came to the wrong place for that. A lone female in a bar filled with horny men…” Sarge shook his head. “You’re doomed before you start.”

“I believe you.”

Drink in hand, Beth glanced one more time at her friend, Nora, who was happily chatting with a group of young Deltas. She wouldn’t miss Beth for a while. Beth dipped her head toward Sarge, walked around a few men seated at the bar and found the only empty stool at the very end. She slid onto the wooden stool and set her beer on the counter, avoiding eye-contact with the man beside her.

Surely, if she didn’t acknowledge his presence, he wouldn’t try to strike up a conversation.

Out of the corner of her eye, she studied the man. Like the other Deltas present, he was tall, broad-shouldered and damned good-looking. He would have been tempting, had she not sworn off men.

The man lifted his chin toward Sarge. “Can I get another?”

“You bet.” Sarge poured whiskey over ice cubes and set the full glass in front of the man.

Beth had seen this man before, on a number of occasions when she’d attended functions with Nora and her fiancé, Rucker Sloan. Beth had met most of Rucker’s team, but she couldn’t remember all their names. The guy beside her had been at the last barbecue she’d gone to with Nora. Beth hadn’t spoken two words to him.

She peeked again under her lashes. If she recalled correctly, this guy’s call sign was Dawg.

The man took the drink Sarge handed him and raised it toward Beth. “Here’s to finding a quiet corner in a noisy barroom.” He tipped his drink back and took a long swallow.

Beth lifted her beer mug, raised it toward him and drank, hoping that would be the end of the conversation, since the man obviously recognized that she’d chosen the corner that was as far away from the crowd as she could get.

Dawg put his drink down and held out his hand. “I’m Doug Masters. You’re Beth Drennan, aren’t you?”

Well, damn. She wouldn’t get the peace and quiet she’d hoped for. Beth set her beer on the counter, sucked in a fortifying breath, took the extended hand and smiled tightly. “I’m Beth. I believe we’ve met before. They call you Dawg, don’t they?”

What would it hurt to talk to him? It would make Nora happy that she was engaging in a conversation with the opposite sex. And It wasn’t like she was going home with the guy.