Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Pippa leaned out over the balcony, barely able to suppress a giggle.

The hot sun beat down on her head and she knew if one of her men caught her out here without a sunhat on then she’d be in trouble.

But it was worth it. This prank was going to be epic.

She had to ignore the beauty of the white sand and glistening blue-green sea that was just off in front of her as she waited impatiently for him to appear below her. Hopefully, she’d timed it right and he should be coming out for his midday swim in the pool that lay almost directly below her.

They’d been on the private island owned by her men for seventeen days now. It had taken a while for all of them to process that Adele had been the one behind the threats to Pippa, the photos, the attack in the alley, the hit-and-run in London.

Adele had completely lost grasp on reality. Nobody would tell her much about what the other woman had said when they’d questioned her.

All Kassim had told her was that Adele was going somewhere where she’d get the help she needed, and that she’d live the rest of her life there. To Pippa, that sounded worse than jail or death. But she refused to feel sorry for her.

Unfortunately, they’d been unable to find Jeric. By the time Kassim had sent Wolfe on his trail, he was gone. They thought he must have left by boat. Caleb’s best guess was that he’d given Adele the gun as a distraction to let him leave unseen. Somehow, he’d managed to steal some expensive items from the secured vault under the palace.

Apparently, there were quite a few pieces of jewelry as well as gold bullion missing. It seemed that Jeric had been stealing items for a while. Kassim was angry at himself for not following up when they’d discovered his grandmother’s necklace was missing. But it wasn’t his fault. There had been a lot going on. She was sad not to have seen the necklace, although wearing it might have terrified her.

Kassim thought he’d probably been helping Adele with her crazy scheme in order to create chaos within the palace so no one noticed what he’d been up to.

How he’d gained access to the vault and managed to mess with the security cameras had them all coming up with theories. But no one would know the full truth unless they caught up to Jeric and got him to confess. Something his brothers were swearing to do. She thought they were even more upset than her men. They were taking their own brother’s betrayal hard.

Isobelle had been very upset over Adele, blaming herself for inviting her into the palace. But Pippa had talked with her, trying to reassure her that it wasn’t her fault. She and her husbands had stayed in Escana while they were all on the island for their Marjarsom.

They’d remained in Escana to sort out the mess for two weeks before coming out here to the island. It had taken a while for everyone to relax, especially Kassim, but they were finally getting there. Even Matek was in a better mood now he could walk without crutches. He still had to be careful not to overdo it, but he was close to fully healed.

Wait. There he was. She held the water balloon over the edge of the balcony.

Now to time it right.

There! She dropped the water balloon and watched as it hit his shoulder. Shoot, she’d been aiming for his head. She quickly picked up another one as he turned with a surprised yell. Then she threw it towards his face.

She froze as his wet face scowled up at her.

“Miss Jones!” he roared.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry it was meant for Aric! I don’t know how this keeps happening!” Run! She needed to run! Except, she had all these water balloons that would go to waste.

“What happened to you?” Aric asked as he stepped out by Kassim.

Perfect. She hastily grabbed a water balloon and threw it at Aric. Unfortunately, she was giggling so hard that her aim was off and it hit the ground next to his foot. But it sent water spraying up.

“What the hell?” He peered up at her. Right as she got him smack in the face. By now, tears of laughter were falling down her cheeks.

“Oh, it is on!” Aric yelled. “Water balloon fight!”

He raced into the house. Oh shit.

“I suggest you run, Miss Jones,” Kassim said in a voice that made her insides shiver. “We’re coming for you.”

Slime balls! She grabbed up a handful of balloons and ran through the room towards the outside stairs at the end of the hall. Racing down them, she spotted Tavi below her, reading a book under the shade of an umbrella on the side patio.

Go quiet. Go quiet.

She snuck up as close as she dared then threw the balloon at his back. She didn’t want to get the book.

He jumped to his feet with a cry then turned towards her in shock. She took off, spotting Matek. She dived around him and then darted back to throw another balloon as Tavi raced towards her.

“Water fight!” Aric roared, coming around the corner with his water gun. Slime balls! She didn’t know he’d brought that with him. She turned with a squeal and raced around the house, heading towards the beach. With a gasp, she turned back, spotting Tavi and Aric racing towards her.

Suddenly, she found herself in the air, her water balloons went flying out of her hands. She fell onto the sand with an oomph.

Damn it, tripped up by her own feet.

Then she was flipped over. Aric grabbed her arms, holding them above her head, while Tavi sat on her legs.

“Let me go! Let me go! Somebody, save me.”

The sun was blocked out as a stern face entered her vision. “Hello, tamiya.”

“Daddy K, save me, please.” She wiggled in their hold, giggling. “This isn’t fair!”

“Not fair, huh?”


“Like walking out to go for a swim and getting pelted with water balloons? That sort of not fair?”

“That was just fun, Daddy.”

“Hm, let’s see how fun it is.” He held up two of her water balloons, right over her.

“No, Daddy K! Don’t!”

One landed on her stomach and she squealed at the cold water hitting her. It soaked through the cover-up she was wearing over her bikini. Aric had packed only bikinis, tiny dresses and cover-ups for her on this trip. That was the last time she let him pack.

He moved the other balloon over her face.

“No, Daddy, no,” she begged.

Suddenly, he turned away and she breathed out a sigh. “Bring her with you.”

Aric and Tavi let her go then Aric picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She let out a scream of outrage as something hit her ass then water exploded over her bottom.

“Daddy K!” she complained.

“You’re right. That was fun,” Kassim commented.


* * *

Matek saton the huge sectional and waited for them to return. While his leg was healing well, he still couldn’t run.

But he was happy to wait back here since he knew what was happening next.

They were all going to take her together. Kassim included.

Kassim walked into the living groom first and when he saw what Matek had on the couch next to him, he nodded.

“Aric, set her down,” he commanded. Walking up to her as Aric steadied her, he grabbed her chin. “Now, tamiya, you’ve been a very naughty girl, throwing water balloons at us and using Matek as a shield.”

She pouted. She was gorgeous. Matek couldn’t believe they were lucky enough to have her in their lives.

“You’re going to have to pay penance for your actions.”

“Penance? What sort of penance?” she asked.

“First of all, you’re going to strip,” Kassim commanded. “Then you’re going to suck Matek’s cock while Tavi licks your pussy and Aric plugs your ass.”

Oh, hell, yes.

Matek quickly took off his shorts, which was the only thing he was wearing. No need for much clothing when they were the only ones here.

Pippa grinned over at him. “Someone’s eager.”

“Take your clothes off,” he demanded. His breathing sped up as she stripped. She was gorgeous. Pale, creamy skin, all curves and softness.

“Get over here, minx,” he commanded, running his hand up and down his shaft. She knelt between his legs and swirled her tongue around his dick, playing with his piercing while she stared up at him.


“Spread your legs wide, tamiya,” Kassim commanded. “Aric is going to plug you then you’ll sit on Tavi’s face.”

Aric was already getting the plug ready. He crouched behind her. Matek couldn’t see what he was doing, but he heard her gasp and guessed he was thrusting his fingers into her ass.

“Here comes the plug,” Aric told her cheerfully. “Deep breath in. Let it out slowly. That’s it. Good girl.”

Matek placed his hand on the back of her head, gently guiding her when she paused to adjust to the feel of the plug.

Aric slapped her ass. “Cannot wait to take this ass.”

“Spread your legs wider,” Kassim commanded her. “Tavi get down there and lick her pussy until she is screaming. No coming without permission, tamiya.”

She groaned around Matek’s dick as Tavi got into position and pulled her down to his mouth. Matek let out a sigh of satisfaction as she sucked on him. Fuck. Felt so good. But he wanted more.

“Very nice.” Kassim knelt on one side while Aric ran his hand up and down her back and ass. “Now, you’re going to let Matek go. I’m going to position you over him so you can fuck him. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, moving her mouth away from Matek’s cock.

Matek held one hand while Kassim grabbed hold of the other. When she was kneeling over his lap, he reached down to grasp hold of his dick, guiding it into her pussy.

Sweet. Merciful. Heaven.

Pippa gaspedas she adjusted to Matek’s girth. He was thick and long. Luckily, she was already wet from Tavi licking her pussy. The plug in her ass shifted and she felt it being tugged on.

“Shh, Poppet. Just playing.”

She wasn’t so sure she could manage something in her ass as well as Matek in her pussy.

“Easy, tamiya. Just concentrate on Matek. Good girl. That’s it. Take him in deep. Well done.”

It was a little odd having them all watch while she fucked Matek. But then Tavi moved in on her other side and took a nipple into his mouth. Aric was behind her, driving the plug in and out of her ass while Kassim spoke to her in that calm voice that told her she was safe. That nothing bad would ever happen.

As predicted, they’d been very overprotective since she was threatened by Adele with a gun. Before leaving for the island, she’d been lucky to go to the bathroom on her own. But things had eased at the island.

“Fuck. Fuck, I’m not going to last,” Matek said. He reached down to play with her clit and she groaned. “Come with me, baby.”

She felt her arousal growing higher and higher. She wanted to slam down on his cock, but didn’t want to hurt him so she kept her movements as gentle as she could.

“So good. You feel so good,” he told her, moving his finger faster until she felt herself crashing with a scream. Then a deep roar drowned out her scream as Matek came.

She slumped against his chest, careful to keep her weight on her legs as he breathed in heavily, wrapping his arms around her. His cock slid free from her as he held her, whispering to her quietly about how beautiful she was, how amazing, how he’d be lost without her. Gradually, she managed to move, leaning back, she kissed him gently.

“I love you, Matek.”

“Love you, baby.”

“Come here, tamiya,” Kassim said, carefully helping her off Matek’s lap and pulling her onto his. “You okay?”

“Better than okay. I feel like I’m floating.”

“Hear that?” Matek gloated. “My dick made her float.”

“Your dick usually sends people running for the hills,” Aric said with a grin, dodging Matek’s hand as it flung out towards his head.

“I think your dick is very pretty, Matty,” she told him.

Matek groaned as Tavi and Aric started teasing him.

“Ready to take things further?” Kassim asked her quietly. “You can say no. At any time.”

She clenched down around the plug in her ass in excitement. “I’m ready. But . . .”


“Are you staying? I thought you didn’t like to share like this.”

He nodded. “Most of the time, I’ll want you to myself. But I’d like to stay this time. Besides, these idiots need me to coordinate them.”

“Hey,” Aric and Tavi protested together, making her giggle.

“If you’re sure?” Kassim questioned.

“I’m sure. I want you all.”

“Let’s move this into the bedroom then.”

* * *

Aric was buzzing.

Fuck, their girl was amazing. Gorgeous, capable, and brave. He still didn’t believe she was theirs but he’d do whatever he needed to in order to keep her.

She’d scared years off their lives when they’d heard that Adele had a gun on her. But Caleb and the others had easily overpowered the crazy bitch, bringing her down.

Still, his heart had stopped, seeing her scared face staring out at them from the panic room. Thank fuck Matek had insisted on those.

But this wasn’t the time to think about that. Now was the time to bring pleasure to their girl. Tavi was lying in the middle of the huge bed in the master bedroom. And their girl was riding him, small noises of pleasure escaping from her mouth. Matek sat next to Tavi and she leaned over and grabbed his dick, pumping it.

Okay, he didn’t need to be looking at his brother’s dick. He wanted to keep his erection, thank you very much.

Kassim knelt on her other side. Aric moved onto the bed and ran his hand down her back. He pressed on the base of the plug and she paused.

“Easy, Poppet, I’m going to pull it free.”

Tavi held her, Matek running his hand up and down her back as it came free. He set it aside then grabbed some lube.

“Aric’s going to take your ass now, tamiya. If you need him to stop at any time, then say your safeword.” Kassim nodded to him as he coated his dick in lube, telling himself to calm down. “What is it?”

Last thing he wanted was to come before he even got in her ass.

Hapuka,” she murmured.

“Good girl.” Kassim fisted her glorious hair and turned her to kiss him as Aric positioned himself at her asshole. He drove himself gently inside her. At first, she resisted him and he rubbed the base of her back gently as Kassim pulled away from the kiss to talk her through this.

“Easy, tamiya. Let him in. You know we would never hurt you. You just need to relax. Breathe in. Let it out. That’s it. That’s a good girl. It’s going to feel so good.”

A few whimpers escaped her and he paused. Then Kassim directed him to keep going. He slid inside her until he couldn’t get any deeper.

Fuck. His orgasm was building in the base of his spine. He needed to come so badly.

“They’re going to move now, tamiya. Give me some space between you and Tavi and I’ll help you come,” Kassim told her.

Aric eased back slightly to give her room then Kassim must have managed to get his finger down to her clit because she moaned and clenched around him.

Holy. Fuck.

He drove back. Thrust in. Her ass was hot and tight and he couldn’t hold himself back. He could feel Tavi moving, heard the noises both he and Pippa were making. But Aric was lost in the pleasure.

In. Out.

Sweat coated his skin. Pippa cried out as she came again. He pushed inside her again before he came with a loud groan.

Hell. Yes.

Tavi knewAric and Pippa had both come. How he was holding his own orgasm back, he had no freaking idea. But as soon as Aric slid away, he rolled Pippa over and grabbed her leg, pulling it up. Holding her leg over his arm, he started fucking her with short, hard strokes. Then he moved to a gentler glide before moving faster again.

“Tavi! Tavi! More!” she cried.

Matek rolled to his side and turned her face towards his, kissing her as Tavi quickened his pace. He was so close. So damn close.

She turned from Matek and reached for him. God, he didn’t think that he would be here with her. With his brothers sharing her. That someone like her would want him. It was a miracle.

He would never take that for granted. Would never do anything that might put a dark look on her face.

“Tavi. My love. My smart, gorgeous man. Kiss me.”

He grinned. “Giving orders now, are we? Tut-tut, are you the one who gives orders around here?”

She groaned. “Tavi, please.”

“Hm, that’s better. Still think I’ll have to spank you later for being bossy.”

A sad look crossed her face. But he wasn’t going to be fooled. He had felt her pussy flutter around his dick. He knew that she was turned on by the idea of being spanked.


“Turn her around onto her hands and knees, Tavi,” Kassim ordered, moving to the head of the bed. “Matek, play with her clit. Aric, her nipples.”

She groaned. “I can’t come again, Kassim.”

Tavi slid out of her and flipped her over onto her hands and knees. Kassim reached out and took her chin in his hand. “You can, tamiya.” He guided her mouth to his cock as Tavi re-entered her with a groan.

Life didn’t get better than this.

It was sensory overload.They surrounded her, playing with her, keeping her right on the edge of coming despite the fact that her clit was swollen and aching.

Matek and Aric had a nipple each, they were sucking on her, teasing her as Matek lightly toyed with her clit. Tavi was driving into her pussy from behind while she sucked on Kassim.

She couldn’t take much more. She couldn’t even remember how to breathe.

“I’m going to come!” Tavi called out. Then he erupted with a groan behind her. She cried out as he pulled out of her. Then Kassim drew his cock from her mouth and grabbed her under the arms. In a feat of strength, he drew her up into his lap so she was straddling him. Pulling her mouth down, he kissed her gently. Slapping his hand on her ass, he rubbed in the heat. Another slap. More rubbing.

Okay, that felt damn good.

“Can you handle more, tamiya, or are you too sore?”

“If by more you mean you’re planning to fuck me then I can take you,” she told him.

“Actually, I was thinking I would make love to you,” he countered, raising her hips then lowering her down over his dick.

So good. Her eyes fluttered closed.

Another slap. This one was harder and there was no rubbing after.

“Eyes open,” he commanded. “I didn’t give you permission to close them.”

With a small whimper, she opened her eyes, gazing into his.

“That’s right. Good girl. You’ve been such a good girl. I know you have to be tired. Just a bit longer.”

He drove her up and down his shaft with small, easy movements. She wanted more, though. With a cry, she attempted to move faster.


Drat. Okay. She got the message. She had to go at his pace.

“Control freak,” she muttered.

“What was that?” he asked sternly.

“Nothing, Sir,” she said cheerfully.


“Hey! What was that for?”

He shrugged, a smile twitching at his lips. “Because I can.”

He cupped her breasts, holding them up and rubbing his thumbs over her taut nipples. “You’re so beautiful. So sexy. So ours.”

Suddenly, she felt them all touching her, petting her. Someone teased her nipples, someone else thrust two fingers deep into her ass. Another placed a finger at her clit.

“Come with me, tamiya. Come with us!”

His movements became more hurried, harder, faster.

Her orgasm rushed through her with surprising force and she screamed, throwing her head back as he drove deep and found his own pleasure.

As she collapsed against him someone moved her so she lay on Matek’s chest. Someone else spread her legs. A cloth was applied between her legs and her ass cheeks. Under other circumstances, she’d be embarrassed by that. But right then, she didn’t care.

A warm hand rested on her lower back. “Rest, tamiya. We’re all here with you, watching over you. Always.”

She knew they would. Just like she’d always be there for them.

Because they were a family.

* * *

“Today isa great day for making sandcastles,” she sang to herself as she raced through the living area.

“Freeze,” a deep voice said to her, making her still.

Turning slowly, she smiled over at Matek. “Hey, Daddy Matty. Are you coming to make sandcastles?”

Drat. She’d been so close to making it out of there without getting caught.

Matek crooked a finger at her. With a sigh, she moved over to where he stood across the room. If only she’d made it out the double doors, she could have grabbed her bucket and spade and been out on the sand.

“You’re planning on building sandcastles?” he asked once she was near him.

She bobbed her head up and down. “Uh-huh. You wanna help?”

“Who is going with you?”

She bit her lip. “I don’t need someone to come with me.”

“What’s the rule?” he asked sternly.

“That if I want to go down by the water then I have to have someone with me. But that’s silly, Daddy Matty. We’ve been here nineteen days and I haven’t drowned once!”

“You nearly drowned the first day you were here,” he pointed out.

Yeah, that had been kind of scary.

“That wave came out of nowhere and I didn’t realize the undercurrent was so strong. I’m a good swimmer.”

“Not the point. You know what the rules are.”

“I wasn’t going near the water, though.”

“Oh, so you weren’t planning on building a moat for your sand castle?” he asked sternly.

“Well, there’s no point in building a sandcastle without a moat,” she muttered.

“That’s what I thought.”

“But I wasn’t going to swim! That rule is just silly.”

“Doesn’t matter if you think it’s silly, you’re still to obey it. And where is your hat?”

Double drat.

“Have you got sunscreen on?”

She huffed out a big sigh. “You’re a worrywart, Daddy.”

“And you’re in trouble. March yourself into the bedroom.”

“But Daddy! This is prime sandcastle making time.”

“Bedroom, now. Into the corner, bikini bottoms down, cover-up lifted over your bare ass. I’ll be in shortly.”

She stomped her feet as she moved towards the bedroom.

“What’s wrong, Poppet?” Aric asked as he came from the kitchen.

“Daddy Matty is a big meanie!”

Aric just grinned. “Tried to sneak out to make a sandcastle, did you?”


“Tell you what, I’ll go get started on one for you.”

Great. Now Aric would be having fun without her.

Muttering to herself about overly strict daddies and their need to ruin all her fun, she kicked off her bikini bottoms then grabbed her cover-up, raising it up over her ass.

As she stood there, feeling sorry for herself, she realized that she could already be playing on the beach if she’d just followed the rules.

Darn it.

The door opened but she didn’t look over, figuring it was Matek. He moved around the room before everything went silent.

“Come here, baby. But don’t lower the cover-up.”

Fighting a blush, she walked over to where Matek sat on the bed with his legs pressed apart. Her cover-up was high enough that her pussy was exposed. He moved his hungry gaze over her, taking her in. Then he tapped his good leg. “Lay yourself over my knee, minx.”

“You’re going to spank me, Daddy?”

He rarely spanked her. And never when he was on his own.

“I am. The longer you wait, the longer the spanking goes for.”

She hastily moved into place, laying herself over his good thigh. He clamped his legs together, securing her in place. There was no build-up, he immediately started smacking her butt, lecturing her between each spank about the need for sunscreen and a hat. And about the rule around going to the beach.

Holy. Shit. His hand was hard. It didn’t take her long until she was lying limply over his thigh, sobbing, her bottom on fire.

Three more smacks landed on her bottom, then he lifted her up so she was standing in front of him. He lay back, bringing her with him so she lay on his chest. He just held her, running his hands up and down her back soothingly.

“Easy, baby. You’re all right now. Shh. I’m sorry I had to spank you. But you need to know that I take your safety seriously.”

“Hate to t-tell you, D-daddy Matty, but I already k-knew that.”

His chest moved as he laughed. “I guess you did. But now, you’ll think twice before breaking those rules again, won’t you?”

Well, she sure hoped so.

He sat up and put her on her feet, wiping her cheeks with his hands. “So, how about we get you cleaned up, find your hat and some sunscreen and go make a sandcastle?”

She grinned at him. “Let’s go, Daddy!”

* * *

Kassim leanedover the side of the balcony. The same balcony that Pippa had stood at yesterday to fire water balloons at him.

Yeah, he didn’t believe that she’d made a mistake and gotten him instead of Aric. He was the only one who swam at the time of day like clockwork.


Down on the beach, his brothers were all with their girl. She was building a sandcastle. Tavi was lying on a blanket, writing something in his lyric book. Aric appeared to be digging a moat and bringing buckets of water up from the sea to put in it. While Matek was sitting on a foldable chair that looked like it was about to collapse under his weight.

He answered the incoming call when his phone buzzed in his hand.

“Have you found him?” It was the same question he asked every day when this call came through.

“Not yet. But we will,” his oldest cousin replied.

“This isn’t your fault, Ryiad,” he told him. Like he always did.

“He is our brother. It is a mark against our honor that he has done this. We will find him.”

“I know that you will. Be safe, cousin.”

There was a surprised silence. “You too, cousin.”

Kassim ended the call and grinned as Aric tipped a bucket of water right over Pippa’s head.

Time to join his family.