Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


“Pippa! Oh God, Pippa! Please wake up. Wolfe, is she going to be all right? Please, Pippa wake up.”

“Princess, calm down. She’s all right.”

“All right? How can she be all right? There’s blood everywhere. What happened? Did she fall? Was she assaulted?”

“Vivi,” Wolfe said sternly. “Calm. Down. I need you calm.”

“Okay, okay. Do I call the police? What do I do?”

“Call for an ambulance. It looks like she sustained a knock to the head. Head injuries bleed a lot.”

She groaned. No. She didn’t want an ambulance.

“Pippa?” Vivi asked. “Are you awake? Can you hear me?”

“Of course I can hear you,” she managed to say. “You’re so loud they could hear you at the palace.”

“That’s not possible. The palace is too far away,” Wolfe replied.

“It was a joke, Wolfe,” Vivi explained. “Can you open your eyes?”

“I can try, but my head is thumping something fierce.” She forced her eyes open then shut them on a groan.

“Did you fall? What happened?” Vivi asked her.

“I . . . I don’t know,” she managed to say. There was something tugging at her brain, but she just couldn’t figure it out. “I . . . I can’t remember.”

“Shh, it’s all right,” Vivi soothed. “You’re going to be just fine. Right, Wolfe?”

“You probably have a concussion. But all the blood makes it look worse than it is.”

“Can someone help me up? I just want to go home.”

Sirens sounded in the distance and she groaned as her head continued to thump, making her feel ill. This sucked.

“You’re not going home,” Wolfe told her. “You’re going to the hospital.”

“Nooo,” she complained. “I don’t wanna. You can’t make me.”

All right, rein it in. But her Little side didn’t seem to want to be reined in and she found herself pouting.

“Hush, Pippa,” Wolfe told her in a surprisingly gentle voice. “Just do as you’re told for once.”

She gasped. Oops. That was a bad idea. That made her head feel worse. “I always do what I’m told.”

“Right. That’s why you stayed where I put you, is it?”

“Don’t gotta do what you say. You’re not the boss of me.”

“But you do everything that you’re told, is that right?”

Well. Shoot.

“Stop being logical. I don’t like logical.” And right now, she didn’t like Wolfe much.

“Wolfe is always logical,” Vivi told her.

“And right. I’m always right. Here are the paramedics.”

What followed was her own personal nightmare. She was poked and prodded. Nobody would listen to her when she demanded to go home. And they were all mean to her.

Well, all right, no one was mean to her. But they definitely didn’t listen to a word she said about being fine and just wanting to go home. Not with Wolfe overriding everything she said.

At least no one had tried to force her into one of those horrible hospital gowns. Hard pass.

Finally, she had a moment alone. Wolfe had stepped out to take a phone call. Vivi was in the bathroom and the nurse said she’d be right back. She slid her legs off the edge of the bed and stood.

Well, she attempted to. Everything spun crazily and there were dots in front of her eyes, not to mention the headache that overwhelmed everything else.

She groaned, feeling herself slip to the ground. That was going to hurt.

Two warm arms caught her, pulling her up into a wide chest.

“Wolfe, seriously. Can’t you go back to forgetting I exist? What is your problem?”

“Not. Wolfe.”

The two words were spoken in a dark voice that she’d only heard a couple of times.

Oh shit.

She opened her eyes and stared up at the big man glaring down at her.

“Crap. How did I mistake you for Wolfe?”

“He touched you.”

“What? Who? Wolfe? No, he’s never touched me. Well, he did help stop my head from bleeding. But I don’t think he likes touching other people. Except Vivi, he touches her a lot. Kind of hard not to touch someone when you’re . . .” she trailed off as Matek stared down at her with a mixture of shock, worry and anger. “I’m babbling. Sorry. It’s just that Wolfe is being all bossy and I want to go home.”

To her horror, a tear started dripping down her cheek. “Will you take me home?”

His eyes were wide as he gaped down at her. More tears followed.

“Pretty please. I don’t want to be here.”


Well, color her shocked and delighted.

“Thank you.”

He nodded and started towards the door of the private room.

“You can set me down? I can walk.”


Well, all righty then. She thought about arguing but the truth was, she wasn’t entirely sure she could walk. Her attempt to stand hadn’t been so shit hot.

“Where is she?” a voice suddenly demanded as they moved down the corridor.

Oh shit. That sounded like Wolfe.

“Where has Matek gone?” And that was Aric.

She looked up at Matek. “Can you walk faster?”


Except he didn’t speed up. All right, so he’d taken that question literally. Her bad.

“Will you walk faster?” she asked.


“Why not?”

“Hurt you.”

Oh, that was really sweet.


Drat. That was Kassim’s powerful voice. Around them, all the chatter had stopped. Nurses had frozen and were staring at her being carried in Prince Matek’s arms. Yeah, this might not have been her brightest idea. There was no way that people weren’t going to talk.

“Matek, where are you going? Why are you carrying Miss Jones?” Kassim demanded.

Matek turned and she stared guiltily up at Kassim. He didn’t look at her, though, his gaze was all for his brother.

Hurt filled her. Didn’t he want to check on her? Ask if she was all right? She’d worked for him for over a year now. She’d have thought she at least warranted a glance and a check in.

“Home,” Matek said.

“She can’t go home,” Kassim replied. “She’s under hospital care. You need to take her back to her bed.”

“She wants to.”

“That doesn’t matter. She needs medical care. Please put her back.”

Matek nodded. She wanted to protest as he carried her back into the room. But she didn’t want to make a scene. Especially not with Kassim here. They passed a concerned looking Aric and in the room, Tavi stood with the phone to his ear.

“I understand. I have to go. She’s here.” He ended the call as Matek came to stand beside the bed. She expected him to set her down. But he stood there, holding her.

Kassim shut the door behind them. Now there was just the four of them and her in the room. Where were Wolfe and Vivi? Or the nurse? She could really use some estrogen in here right now.

“Matek, you need to put her down,” Kassim said firmly.

“Why the hell did he take her in the first place?” Tavi asked, sounding aggravated. He glanced at her, his hazel eyes worried. “Are you all right, little one? What happened? Did you fall? Hit your head?”

The questions were fired at her in quick succession.

“Easy,” Kassim cautioned. “One thing at a time. Matek, put her down.”

“She cried.”

“She cried?” Aric asked, running his fingers through his hair that he’d somehow managed to get back to its original color already. “That’s why you were carrying her out of here?”

“She wants to go home and she cried.”

Okay. So he could talk in full sentences. That was kind of a shock.

“Right. I understand now.” Kassim ran a hand over his face, looking surprisingly tired and stressed. Kassim never looked anything but put-together and calm.

“Sir? Is everything okay?” she asked.

“No. Of course everything isn’t okay.”

Oh no. What happened? Was it something she’d forgotten to do? Or was he worried that she wouldn’t be at work tomorrow? Or maybe it wasn’t anything to do with her at all.

“What happened? Can I help?”

His mouth opened, closed. It was the most discombobulated she’d ever seen him and a tight ball of worry formed in her stomach. Out of all of them, Kassim was a rock. Steady, unwavering, never changing.

“I . . . I . . .”

“Whatever it is, I can help. I mean, if you want me to. Do you need me to work through the weekend?”

He said something in his native language. Escana had two official languages, Escanaian and English. She didn’t know much Escanaian, however she was pretty sure he’d just sworn.

Then he turned around, giving her his back. Hurt stabbed deep and she took in a sharp breath. Matek set her down on the bed, just adding to her feeling of being rejected.

“I want to be alone,” she stated.

Did she want to be alone? She didn’t know, she just didn’t want to feel this hurt. She was already feeling vulnerable, she was in pain, and they were all acting odd.

She didn’t understand what was going on.

“We’re not leaving you,” Tavi told her gently, stepping forward.

“I’m f-fine. There’s p-probably other things y-you need to d-do.”

Things that were more important than being here with her.

“She’s crying,” Matek stated.

“We can see that, brother,” Aric replied. “Please don’t cry. None of us likes your tears, but Matek really will start to tear this place up if you don’t stop.”

She sniffed and rubbed her eyes on her sleeve.

“And none of us have anything more important to do than be here,” Tavi added.

What? Now she knew he was having her on. Or maybe Tavi felt that way, but not the others. Not Kassim.

“I am going to find her physician,” Kassim stated. “I will be back soon. She is not to leave the bed.”

They were all silent as Kassim left.

She sucked in a hurt breath. Had he even looked at her?

“Why is he mad at me? Did I interrupt something? He didn’t have to come down here. How did you all know? Did Wolfe call you?”

Would Wolfe do that? Huh, more than likely.

“Yes, Wolfe called us. And Kassim isn’t angry at you, little one,” Tavi said. He took hold of her hand, squeezing it lightly. “He’s worried about you. And he’s starting to see the error of his ways.”

“If he’s angry at anyone, it’s himself,” Aric added.

“What does that mean? I don’t understand.” She was so bewildered by what was happening. Why were they even here?

“I think Kassim should explain that,” Tavi told her. “We can’t make excuses for each other. Or try to explain the others’ actions.”

What did that mean?

“How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Have they given you pain relief?” Aric fussed over her, while Tavi took her pulse.

“Her pulse is fast,” he said before she could answer.

“Fever?” Matek asked.

“Not sure,” Tavi replied after putting the back of his hand over her forehead.

What was going on?

“Since when do you play doctor?” she asked him.

He leaned over her. “Never played doctor before, but if that’s a fantasy of yours, I’d be happy to act it out. I have no problems with a very in-depth exam.”

He did not just say that.

“Holy hotness, Batman,” she muttered to herself.

“Tavi!” Aric practically growled, making her stare at him in surprise. Aric was usually the easygoing one. Unless you dyed him green, that was.

“Could be some hormonal changes,” she muttered.

“What?” Aric asked. “You’re going through a hormonal change? Is that normal at your age? Matek?”

“On it.” Matek had out his phone. Wait. Was he looking up female hormonal changes?

Help her. Someone.

“Is there a thermometer around here?” Tavi asked. “I want to take her temperature.”

“Is it normal to have a fever with a head injury?” Aric asked. “Matek?”

“On it.”

Okay, she couldn’t keep up with them. They’d all lost their minds.

“Is this a thermometer?” Aric held up a long, thin glass object wrapped in plastic packaging.

Where had he found that? And it better not be what she thought it was.

“Not what I was thinking of,” Tavi told him. “But it might be better. I wonder what sort of thermometer is more accurate. Matek?”

“On it.”

“Wait. What? Is that a . . . Matek! Don’t you dare look up what thermometers are best! I don’t care what are best. The only one coming near me is the one that goes in your ear or on your forehead.”

“Now, now, little one,” Tavi replied with a grin. “If an anal thermometer is best . . .”

“Rectal, they’re called rectal thermometers. And it’s still not going anywhere near me, you sadist.”

A throat clearing had them all turning to find Kassim standing there. With a very nice-looking, blond doctor.

Just kill her now. Although, it didn’t matter actually since she was seconds away from dying of embarrassment.

“Your majesties,” he greeted them all with a small bow. That was odd. She’d never seen anyone bow to them. He also had an English accent. Which was seriously hot.

“Oh, stick it, Jameson,” Tavi replied rudely

Her eyes widened. That was incredibly rude.

But the doctor just threw back his head and laughed.

“Don’t worry about them, poppet,” Aric told her. “They went to University together at Cambridge.”

“Nobody else would be friends with him,” Tavi muttered.

“Nice to meet you,” she said politely.

Jameson turned a charming smile on her. Holy hotness, Batman. She might need to learn how to breathe again.

“And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Pippa. Even under these circumstances. Of course, even with a bandage on your head, you still look ravishing.”

“His feet always stunk,” Tavi added.

“Dude, way to ruin my game.”

“You have no game here,” Aric warned.

Matek just grunted and got between her and the doctor. What was going on?

“Ahh, I see.” Jameson sighed. “Too bad. My loss.”

“Yep,” Aric told him. “So keep your lines to yourself.”

“Right, well, can I see my patient now?” Jameson asked.

“Matek, you can move,” Tavi finally said.

Matek shook his head.

Tavi didn’t say anything more and neither did anyone else. She guessed it was up to her to be the sane one.

“Please move, Matek,” she said softly.

He looked back at her with a frown.

“He’s not going to hurt me and if getting an examination means I can get out of here, then let’s do it.”

“I’m crushed that you’re so eager to get away from me,” Jameson said.

Matek snarled.

“Not helping here, Doc,” she told him.

“Right. Sure. I promise, I only have very professional thoughts toward my patient, your Majesty.”

Finally, Matek moved. Kassim was standing next to the doctor. Why hadn’t he said anything to Matek? He would listen to him. Instead, he was frowning and staring off at the wall. His jaw was clenched. Worry filled her. What was going on? She didn’t say anything, though, not wanting to ask in front of Jameson. She knew that Kassim was very private.

Well, as private as the ruler of a small country could be.

Jameson shone a light in her eyes and asked her several questions before checking the wound on her forehead.

“And you don’t remember how this happened?” he asked her.

“No. It’s all blank.”

“Is that normal?” Aric asked.

“With a mild concussion it can be possible to not remember what happened in the short space of time before the injury occurs,” Jameson reassured them.

She breathed out a sigh of relief. “So I’m okay? It’s just a mild concussion?”

“Yes, your forehead has several stitches. They need to be kept dry for a week. So you will have to be careful while showering, especially washing your hair. With a concussion, we recommend that you keep quiet for a few days. No screens, no loud noises, crowded places. Peace and quiet is the best idea. No nightclubs this weekend.” He winked at her.

“Yeah, that wasn’t happening anyway.” She had no social life other than what Vivi dragged her along to do.

“How do you think she got the injury?” Aric asked. “Do you think she fainted and fell? Could there be something else wrong?”

Jameson glanced over at Tavi then to Kassim. “I’m not certain. Where she fell, are there any cameras?”

“Why? What’s going on?” she asked worriedly. “Why would it matter if there were cameras? No one needs to see me trip over my big feet and fall on my head.”

“Is that what you think happened?” Jameson asked her.

“I don’t know. I think it’s most likely what happened.”

“What do we need to know to care for her, Jameson?” Kassim asked.

Wait. That sounded like they were going to look after her. That wasn’t necessary. Also, it wasn’t happening. But maybe he was asking so they could get things moving here. Maybe he had somewhere to be. Perhaps a hot date with Satan’s bride.

“Does she need to stay overnight?” Tavi asked.

“Since she lives alone I was going to suggest that she remain here for two nights.”

Wait. Two nights in hospital for a mild concussion and some stitches? When her appendix had erupted and she’d gotten an infection, she’d only been in for three nights before being kicked out and she hadn’t even been able to walk. Believe her, it hadn’t been any fun trying to recover with a father who worked constantly and no one to help her do something simple like take a shower or make some food. She’d basically lived on crackers and used wet wipes for a week. It hadn’t been pretty but it had done the job.

“I’m not staying in here,” she said quickly.

“You will do whatever the doctor says you are to do,” Kassim said firmly.

And this time, he looked at her. Straight at her. And there was something in his gaze. Something dark that she couldn’t quite read. Was it anger? At her?

“I don’t really need to be here, right, doctor?” She gave him a smile. Surely he was being overly cautious. Maybe because the princes were here, he thought that he had to go overboard. They were acting kind of weird so she couldn’t blame him.

“If I don’t think you have the proper care at home then you’re staying here,” the doctor said firmly.

What the heck? What was wrong with everyone today?

“But nobody has to stay in hospital for a mild concussion,” she protested.

“This is nonnegotiable. I don’t want you going home alone,” the doctor told her. “You might have a dizzy spell and fall, which will hurt your head further.”

Shoot. She hated that he made sense. She sighed. Seemed like she was staying here for the night at least.

“Has anyone seen my handbag?” she asked.

“Why?” Aric asked.

“You were just told no screens.” Tavi crossed his arms over his chest, giving her that look. The one that told her she was about to be spanked. Her ass tingled.

“I need to call Vivi and ask if she’ll bring me some things.”

“She only has to stay if she doesn’t have care at home?” Kassim asked.

“Hmm, well, it’s getting late. I’d like her to stay tonight. Then tomorrow she can go home if she has someone to watch over her. They need to make sure she keeps quiet, is well-hydrated, and eats something. Also, baths only for a few days. And absolutely no stress, understand? That will be the worst thing at the moment. Trying to think too much.”

“In other words, I’m going to be bored shitless.”

Oh whoops. Did she just say that? Kassim gaped at her. Aric grinned. Tavi bit his lip as his eyes danced. Matek appeared to be the same as always.

She was starting to think about calling him the Rock. Wait, no that was the nickname for that actor. The Barn. Hmm, no that wasn’t very sexy.

Wait. Did it have to be sexy?

This is Matek. Of course it has to be sexy.

Suddenly, she realized that everyone was staring at her.

“I didn’t say that out loud, did I?”

“Say what exactly?” Aric asked, still grinning. “Please, enlighten us.”

She went to shake her head then winced. “Ouch.” She closed her eyes, trying to breathe her way through the pain without throwing up.

“What is it?” Kassim asked

“What’s wrong?” Tavi demanded.

“What hurts?” Aric said.

“She’s crying,” Matek stated.

Damn it, all the questions at once kind of overwhelmed her. She took a long, slow breath in to calm the nausea in her stomach.

“This is what I mean about no stress. You’re bombarding her. She needs quiet.”

She opened her eyes, aware that there were tears dripping down her cheeks. Everyone was staring at her in concern.

“I’m okay,” she croaked. “Sorry.”

“No, you’re not,” Matek said fiercely.

She stared up at him. Then she reached out a hand for his, needing to give him comfort. She didn’t like seeing him upset. He grasped hold, squeezing her hand lightly. “I’m all right, big guy. I’ll spend a couple of nights here and be right as rain.”


“Umm. No?”

“You don’t want to stay here.”

Well, no. What choice did she have, though? It wasn’t like she had anyone to help her. Vivi would offer, but she knew that her men wouldn’t want her staying away from them. And she wasn’t moving in with them.

No, thank you.

“If we promise no stress and to take care of her for the next few days, can she come home with us?” Kassim asked.

Wait. What? Was he serious?

“You’ll make sure one of you is always around?” Jameson asked, looking as surprised as she felt.

Why would they offer to take care of her?

“Yes, of course.”

“Stay the rest of the night and in the morning, I’ll reassess but I don’t see a problem with that if Miss Pippa doesn’t. Is that all right with you, Miss Pippa? I mean, we do have some very delicious pudding cups that have just arrived in.”

“Pudding cups?” That sounded interesting.

“No pudding cups,” Kassim told her. “You don’t need sugar. You need something healthy.”

“But he’s a doctor and he just said I could have pudding cups.”

“A pudding cup never hurt anyone,” Jameson told her with a wink. “I prescribe one a day while she’s down and out. Just to keep spirits up. That’s half the battle.”

She smiled back at him. “I like your style, Doc.”

“Out,” Matek barked, stepping towards Jameson.

“I’ll just update your chart,” Jameson said as he was practically steamrolled out the door. “Nice to meet you, Pippa.”

“You too, Jameson.”

“You’re going to forget you ever met that dick,” Aric said immediately.

“What?” She stared up at her friend. “Why would I need to do that?”

“Because he no longer exists to you,” Tavi told her. He scowled at the door. “Did you hear the way he flirted with her? I should have him kicked out of the country.”

“And his visa revoked,” Aric added.

“Stick him on a ship.” Matek rumbled. “Nice, long trip home.”

The other two grunted in agreement. She stared at them all in shock.

“What is wrong with the three of you? You are all acting crazy. What did Jameson do? He was perfectly nice.”

“Too nice,” Aric muttered.

“You were flirting with him,” Tavi said with a scowl.

“I was not. I was just talking to him.”

“She didn’t realize,” Aric said. “She’s too innocent to know. She was being friendly.”

Hey, she wasn’t certain she liked being called too innocent, it made her sound naïve. And what didn’t she know?

“She still needs a spanking,” Tavi said.

Her mouth dropped. “Tavi!”

Ouch. She wished she hadn’t said that so loudly.

“He flirted. He should pay,” Matek said, crossing his arms over his chest. Whoa, his biceps were impressive.

Okay, focus mind. Except she couldn’t get it to settle. It was all over the place and it was making her head thump worse.

“Enough,” Kassim said quietly. “Pippa needs to be kept quiet. No stress, remember? There is to be no more talk of who flirted or of punishments.”

Well, thank God for that.

The other three all nodded.

“I need to speak to Jameson,” Kassim said. “Aric and Tavi will return to the palace with me.”

“What? Why?” Tavi demanded.

“I want to stay here with Pippa,” Aric added.

Kassim sighed. “We cannot all stay. There is not enough room and that would create rumors I don’t think any of us are ready for.”

“We could move her to the royal suite,” Aric pointed out. “There’s plenty of room in there.”

“Again, rumors,” Kassim pointed out.

“Everyone who took care of her would be bound by an NDA,” Tavi said.

Kassim looked thoughtful.

“I don’t want to go to the royal suite,” she told them.

All of them looked down at her in surprise. Well, except for Matek.

“It is more secure,” Tavi added, completely ignoring her.

Hey! Not cool. She frowned.

“But it doesn’t take much for a rumor to get out,” Kassim pointed out.

“Do we really care?” Aric asked. “When we get her home, we’ll be moving her into the palace, right?”

Um, say what, now?”

“I’m not moving into the palace and I’m not staying in the royal suite.” She hadn’t even been aware there was a royal suite at the hospital, although she guessed it made sense. They would need somewhere secure to recuperate if they were injured or ill.

“Even if we move her to the royal suite, we can’t all stay. Aric, you can come back with her stuff and you or Matek will remain with her at all times. But Tavi, I need your help.”

“I don’t want to go to the royal suite and none of you need to stay,” she yelled. Then she groaned and closed her eyes, because shit, that hurt.

“Poppet, did you hurt your head?” Aric asked.

“You shouldn’t be yelling like that, naughty girl,” Tavi scolded.

“Miss Jones? Do we need the doctor?” Kassim asked.

Matek grunted then someone was gently moving her to her side. Her stomach rolled until big hands started massaging her shoulders and the back of her neck.

“She stays here,” Matek stated. “All of you go. Upsetting her.”

So the hands were Matek’s. Wow he had magical hands.

There was an amused sound from behind her. Great. Seemed she’d said that out loud.

“You think his hands are magical? Just wait until you experience my tongue,” Aric murmured.

Then there was a slapping sound and someone yelped. “Hey!”

“She’s lying, hurting on a hospital bed and you’re flirting with her,” Tavi snarled.

“What? Can I only do that in empty closets?” Aric fired back.

“Both of you, stop,” Kassim said quietly.

She kind of wished he would stay. While she adored Aric and Tavi had the power to make her insides quiver with just a look, Kassim and Matek were more soothing. With Kassim around, she felt like nothing could go wrong. And Matek stood in front of her and any perceived danger. Sure, his perception of what was dangerous might differ from hers, but still.

She felt safe.

Not that she didn’t feel that way with Tavi and Aric, but they weren’t entirely restful. If she needed entertainment or to feel sexy or happy then they were her guys. Comfort when she was sad.

“Let’s leave Miss Jones to rest. Miss Jones?” Kassim asked.

She forced her eyes open, feeling embarrassed for some reason.

Maybe because Matek has his hands on you and despite your thumping headache, it’s doing something to your insides?

“Yes, sir?” she whispered.

“Would you like Genevieve to pack up some personal items for you? Aric will bring them back, if that’s acceptable?”

“Yes, that would be great.” She didn’t want to sleep in her clothes or a scratchy hospital gown. She was feeling out-of-sorts and all she wanted was Cranky and her favorite PJs. “Sir?”


“No one has to stay with me. I’ll be all right.” She kept her voice quiet. She could hear Aric and Tavi arguing about something in the corner and Matek continued to rub her back.

It felt so good. Too good.

Stupid body, stop reacting to the silent, broody, protective guy.

And the sexy, domineering guy.

And the funny, sweet, sometimes bossy guy.

And for God’s sake, you really need to stop reacting to your boss. The strong, collected leader.

This was so, so wrong.

“Someone will stay with you, Miss Jones. At all times. That’s an order from me. Understand?” Kassim was using his ultra-firm voice. She had to repress a shiver.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” He looked like he might say more but then he stopped. “I apologize for this happening to you, Miss Jones.”

Huh? Why was he apologizing?

“Are you saying you put a hex on me that made me ultra-clumsy?” she joked.

“What? No. Of course not.” He looked appalled and she felt bad for teasing him.

“Then why would you need to apologize?”

He let out a deep breath. “Because I should have moved faster.”

What did that mean? But before she could ask, he was facing away from her. “Aric, Tavi, let’s go. Matek, a word.”

Aric stepped forward as she moved carefully onto her back. “I’ll be back soon, poppet. Try not to get into any more trouble, yeah?”

Hey! She never got into trouble. Well, not much. This had been an accident. Aric kissed her forehead and was gone before she could protest though. And her forehead was burning from that short kiss.

Yikes. What would it be like if he tried to kiss her elsewhere?

Hmm . . .

Before that thought could go anywhere, Tavi stepped forward. To her shock, he lightly kissed her bandaged head then her lips. She knew she’d gone bright red. His brothers were in the room! But he didn’t seem at all concerned. “Behave. Listen to Matek. If you disobey him, he’s going to tell me and you’ll be in trouble.”

Well. That wasn’t a very nice goodbye now, was it? She was thinking she’d have to revoke his closet privileges.

Um, you should probably do that anyway.

If she was sensible, she would.

Then he leaned in to whisper to her. “You scared me. Don’t do that again.”

And before she could come up with a response, he was gone too. She’d blame her concussion for her slow response times, but let’s face it that’s just the effect they had on her.

They left her speechless.

Finally, they all disappeared, leaving her alone with Matek.

“Shoot! I need to text Vivi what I need.”

“Tell me. I’ll text.” Matek brought out his phone.

“Um, can I do it? And do you have her number?”

“No. Of course.”

Huh? Oh, he’d answered her two questions.

“Why can’t I? I promise not to drop your phone.” Although now that she’d said it, she’d probably just jinxed herself.

“No screens.”

Oh, crap. “I can call?”

He watched her assessingly. “Five minutes. Then nap.”

Well, she hadn’t been planning on a big chat with her. He must have hit Vivi’s number because when he held the phone to her ear, it was ringing. She took hold of it.

“Hello? Matek?” Vivi’s voice asked breathlessly, as though she’d run for the phone.

“Vivi, it’s me.”

“Oh no, what is it? What’s wrong? Has something happened? Do you need me? I’m coming, just let me get dressed and find a driver. Wait, shit. I’m grounded. Oh well, Wolfe will just have to suck it. What right does he have to ground me, anyway?”

“Maybe because you snuck out without telling him you were leaving?” she asked dryly.

“Hey! You’re not supposed to be on his side. Girl code.”

“Sorry, you’re right. Wolfe is a monster. How dare he? He should get down on his hands and knees and worship the ground you walk on while feeding you chocolate and grapes and massaging your feet. Well, maybe not at the same time because, gross. Feet and food do not mix.”

“I’ll remember that,” a male voice said through the phone. “I should worship the ground she walks on? I should get on my hands and knees? Feed her chocolate and grapes?”

“Um, hi, Wolfe.”

Please. Someone save her.

She glanced over at Matek. He was her only hope.

“Nice chat, but I really need to speak to Vivi.”


“Please,” she begged.


“Wolfe! I have a head injury, I’m not supposed to be stressed.” And she was now kind of worried that Wolfe intended to murder her in her sleep.

Matek was now staring at her intently. Shoot. She tried to send him a smile to let him know everything was all right.

From his frown, she was guessing that didn’t work.

How did she get herself into these predicaments?

“Wolfe!” Vivi yelled. “Give me that phone.”

“You’re grounded.”

“So? Does that mean I can’t have my phone?”


“Grr, Wolfe, if you don’t give me that phone, so help me God, I will never give you another blow job.”

“La la la la,” she started singing. Because she really didn’t want to have the image of her best friend sucking off one of her men.

Nope. Nuh-uh. Not today or any day.

“Excuse me,” Wolfe said quietly. Okay, that voice sent a chill over her skin. Before she could try to interfere in an argument that was going to end with Vivi not sitting for a week, Matek plucked the phone from her hand and moved to the other end of the room to speak to Wolfe.

She strained to hear, but these hospital rooms were ridiculously large. Then he quickly returned and handed her the phone.

“Hello?” she asked hesitantly.

“It’s me,” Vivi replied. “Matek told Wolfe you want me to grab some stuff for you?”

“Um, yeah, but not if it’s going to be a bother.”

Vivi huffed out a breath. “Don’t worry about Wolfe. His bark is worse than his bite.”


“Okay, his bite is even worse, but I got it handled. I’ll just hide behind Aleki.”

“Sounds like a foolproof plan.”

“Yep. Now what do you want me to get?”

“Cranky, my pavlova pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, panties, change of clothes, something comfortable.”

“What about your croc slippers? And a robe?”

“Ooh yes, I have a fluffy robe. Um, I don’t think I need the slippers.”

“You need the slippers, Pip-pip,” Vivi told her sternly. “Nobody is going to care about the fact that they’re crocodiles.”

She bit her lip. It was no worse than her sleeping with a stuffed toy, although she’d planned to keep Cranky hidden under the covers.

“Need slippers,” Matek told her.

“Okay, thanks.” She glanced at Matek. “Could you give me a bit of privacy?”


“Girl stuff?” she said hesitantly.

He shook his head, but moved away.

“Do you think you can go into my playroom and get me my pacifier?” She couldn’t use it here, but she wanted it close by. Just in case she got really anxious.

“Of course. I’ll put it in a side pocket,” Vivi reassured her. “And I’ll pack some clothes. Sure you don’t want me to come stay with you? How long do you have to stay in there?”

“Just one night then I’ll be back. Thanks, but I’m fine. Matek is here.”

“He’s staying the night with you? Seriously?” she squealed.

“Vivi, I have a headache.”

“Sorry, sorry.”

“And there’s nothing weird about it.”

She lied. It was so weird. And they’d practically argued over who got to stay with her. She wouldn’t lie, it made her feel wanted. Special.

“Sure, nothing strange about a sexy prince staying the night with you in hospital. Nope, nothing to see here people.”

“Shut up and get me my stuff.”

Vivi was still cackling in her ear as she ended the call and handed the phone back to Matek.

It was official. Everyone around her was insane. She was the only sensible one left.

“What the hell is going on? Did everyone drink some crazy juice this morning?” she muttered to herself.

“I believe it was apple juice,” Matek replied.

“Hey, now don’t go being all Wolfe on me.”

He just grinned.

Definitely drinking the crazy juice.

* * *

“Jameson!”Kassim called out to the man standing at the nurses’ station. The nurse Jameson was talking to was bright red at the doctor’s attention. Kassim glanced over at his brothers. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

They both nodded and headed out. They might argue with him in front of closed doors, with people they knew well. But not out here in public.

Jameson turned towards him.

“Ah, thought you’d be coming to talk to me.” He nodded at a door. “We can talk privately in here.”

As soon as they were inside, Kassim turned to him. “Well?”

“I’m doing good, thanks for asking.”

“Jameson,” he growled. “What happened? Did she fall and hit her head?”

Jameson sighed. “I would say no. The injury doesn’t really appear to be from a fall. But rather a blunt instrument.”

Kassim’s jaw clenched. “Somebody hit her?”

But who? Who would attack Pippa? Was it because she worked for him?

“That would be my educated guess. Hopefully, Wolfe finds some camera footage.”

Kassim nodded. “Can she fly?”

“Right now? No.”

“We were supposed to go to London on Tuesday. Will she be able to fly?”

“Normally, I’d advise against it, but since you’ll be going in your jet and she can lie down if she needs to, then I will give my okay. However, London is very different from here. Just watch for her getting overwhelmed in crowds. You’re going for work?”

“Yes, but she won’t be working. She’s taking at least a week off.” If not more.

“Staying away from screens and stress is what will be best for her.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of her.”

“So, you all seem rather concerned about Pippa, considering she’s just your personal assistant.”

Kassim knew the other man was digging for information, that still didn’t stop him from snapping. “Pippa isn’t just anything. She’s everything.”

“That’s what I thought you might say. I’ve never seen any of you act so possessive of a woman before. Does she know that she’s the one?”

“She will. Eventually. We’re going slow.”

“Don’t go too slow or someone might snap her up right from under your nose,” Jameson said bitterly.

Hmm. Was that the reason Jameson had moved here? A woman? Kassim would have to ask Tavi. Later.

What was most pressing on his mind was who had hurt Miss Jones. Whoever they were, they were going to deeply regret it.