Love, Ally by Hannah Gray



“Hey,” I hear Ally’s voice come from the darkness before I see her beautiful face. “Tough loss. I’m sorry, baby,” she says and wraps her arms around me.

Before I can answer, some of my teammates join us near my truck.

“We’re going out. Going to go get drunk and soften the blow of what just happened. You coming with?” Weston says to me.

“Nah, not tonight, man. Have fun.”

“So, you lose the game for us, and then your pussy ass is too much of a bitch to even respect us enough to come out?” Dex’s voice speaks with fury.

“Dex,” Knox warns. “Cut the shit.”

“No, fuck that. Ricky would have gone out with us. He wouldn’t have ditched us for some piece of as—”

Ally’s hand lets go of mine, and before I even have time to process it, she’s in Dex’s face.

“Get off his dick, douche bag. He’s your fucking team captain. Treat him like it.” She might be small, but she can be a savage.

“A shit team captain at that.” He smirks.

Ally is on her tippy-toes and in his face. Her dark hair whips around as she furiously shakes her head at him, coming to my rescue. “Bitch, it took you till your senior year to even get off the fucking bench,” Ally spews more words. “Just because you are a mediocre football player with, I’m sure, a teeny pencil dick, leave him the hell alone.”

He looks baffled, and I’m enjoying watching this tiny girl put this meathead in his place. “I can see why he likes you. A psychotic bitch like you is probably wild in the shee—”

I have him by the throat, pressed against the wall before he even saw me coming.

“Finish that sentence,” I growl, “and you can forget about football because you won’t even be able to walk. I’ll break your legs, motherfucker. And your fucking hands.”

He gasps for air, and I press down harder.

“Storm!” Coach’s voice booms. “What the fuck is going on?”

When I release him, he falls down, grabbing his neck. “He disrespected me and my girl.”

Coach’s eyes slowly shift from mine to his. “That true?”

“He’s the team captain. He should fucking play and act like it,” he manages to say between coughs.

“Dex, you weren’t out there, setting the world on fire yourself, son. So, if I were you … I’d shut the hell up!” His voice rises with every word he says. “Now, I’m going to say this once: all of you, get the hell out of my sight. You all sucked tonight. Each and every one of you!”

And with that, he storms off. Luckily, the others do too—besides Knox and Weston, who both laugh and look at Ally.

“Shit, Ally. You had even me shaking in my Nikes.” Knox shakes his head.

“For real, I think Sexy Dexy almost shit his pantalones.” Weston puts a hand on his stomach and laughs.

I smile proudly at my girl. Who at one hundred ten pounds, soaking wet, just put a two-hundred-forty-pound dude in his place with ease.

Just another reason why I fucking love this girl. Because when it comes to me, she’ll go to war, just to stand by my side.