Love, Ally by Hannah Gray


Ihave so much gratitude for so many people when it comes to my writing career. Behind each story told is a team of people cheering me on. And I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

My daughters—Charlotte, Carter, and Ava. I love you all beyond words. One of you is curious, kind, and quirky. The other is hilarious, sassy, and sensitive. And my third, my sweet little baby A, I’m still trying to figure out who you will be. But I know one thing: your personality will be one of a kind. Just like your sisters. You three are my reasons for pushing myself as hard as I do.

My husband. Thank you for being the glue that holds us all together. Your long hours of working on the boat, only to come home and jump into full Daddy mode, doesn’t go unnoticed. Because of you, I am able to balance being a mother and a writer. I love you so much.

Mom, I love you so, so, so much. I know without a shadow of a doubt that if it wasn’t for your constant love and support, I would have never even dared to write. You put so much of your heart and soul into each relationship you have. Whether it be your kids, grandkids, friends, family members, or customers who come into your shop, you give it everything you can. Because of you, I know what unconditional love is. I learned that forgiveness feels better than anger. And what I wish more than anything is that you could see yourself through my eyes.

Dad, my whole life, I’ve watched you give your all to your businesses. You work harder than anyone I know, and I am so proud of you for that. Thank you for showing me that hard work pays off and that I can be anything I want to be. Working Wednesdays with you, doing yard care, is so special to me. I so enjoy our time together. I love you so much.

My best friends—Tatum, Kayla, and Tara. You all are my biggest cheerleaders, and I appreciate your constant love and support so much. Whether you’re giving me options on covers, beta-reading my work, or just giving me that pat on the back that I need, it does not go unnoticed, and I am so thankful for all of you.

My mother- and father-in-law. You two are more than I deserve. Thank you for loving me like your own. Kim, thanks for always lending an ear when I need to talk. And, Fenton, thank you for being the best father-in-law to me and Bampie to my girls. I love you guys. Thanks for letting me be a part of your family.

Hank, my squishy face, three-legged bullmastiff. I love you so much. You are a big, furry body to cry on when I’m overwhelmed. Your sweet brown eyes look at mine, and it’s like you know when I’m struggling. You are the best friend a girl could have.

Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing. We did it again! Four books down, so many more to go! I feel so lucky that I found you for my debut novel a year ago. Thank you for not only editing my manuscripts, but for also helping me to learn how to be better. Working with you is also a joy, and I can’t wait to continue into the future.

Autumn Gantz at Wordsmith Publicity. Woohoo! Our second series together has begun! I say this every single book, and I’m unapologetically saying it again: you are an absolute godsend! You are stuck with me forever now because I never want to author without you!

My readers, I am so grateful for all of you. I hope you enjoyed Ally and Cole’s story. What I love most about them is that they are raw and real. And despite their hardships, their love was truly built to conquer all. Thank you for taking the time to read Love, Ally.