His Stripper by Darcy Rose, Isabella Starling



“Take these.” I knit my brows together as Myles shoves a pack of contact lenses into my hands. “Lose the glasses and wear them while you’re working. You’ll look sexier that way.”

I can sense a detached tone to his voice as if he doesn’t even care anymore. What happened? Why is he suddenly acting so distant?

Unable to get to the root of the problem, I force myself to nod and pocket the contacts. But because I’m me, I really can’t help myself, and the question slips from my lips before I can bite my tongue.

“Did I do something wrong?”

He glances at me, and for a moment, I’m convinced he’ll tell me the truth and put some reason behind my feelings, but it never happens. Instead, he just shakes his head and motions for me to follow him. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to the other girls in the dressing room.”

Reluctantly, I fall into step behind him, feeling humiliated. He must regret helping me. He probably thinks letting me stay with him was a huge freaking mistake. And even though I don’t want him to notice how disappointed I am, I’m afraid my emotions are written all over my face.

“Through here.” He opens a door for me and motions for me to get inside. “Hurry, don’t stand around.”

I rush through the doors, and my eyes widen as I enter a world that’s completely alien to me.

The air is heavy with perfume, syrupy sweet and sticky. Girls in various states of undress fill the room, wearing skimpy, sexy little outfits and copious amounts of body glitter. As the door opens, they all turn to look at us, and I flush under their watchful eyes, every imperfection feeling even more exposed as they scrutinize me.

I remember the girl I spoke to when I first came here, Holly. I smile tentatively at her, and she returns it, but I can tell it’s not totally genuine.

“Hey, welcome,” she chirps, coming over and guiding me to the mirrors. “I see you finally got those contacts. You look way hotter without the glasses.”

“Thanks,” I mutter, flushing even deeper as my eyes try to find Myles amid all the girls that have now surrounded me. He’s standing by the door, and his expression hasn’t softened one bit, which makes my stomach fall even more.

“Get her ready, girls,” Myles grunts, his eyes skipping over me as if I’m not important at all. “I have to go.”

He disappears, and the door slams shut behind him. Right away, I feel vulnerable. I’ve never had girlfriends, but these girls seem to have a camaraderie I desperately want to be a part of. I can only hope they’ll accept me.

“We have to find you something to wear,” one of the others says, flashing me a grin. “I’m Trish. You’ve already met the others?”

I shake my head, and she introduces me to the other girls who are all friendly enough. They quickly start putting together an outfit for me, and I’m kind of touched they’re letting me borrow their stuff, no questions asked. After all, I’m just a nameless new girl—they have no obligation to help me.

Or maybe they’re just so intimidated by Myles they don’t dare say no to his direct order to get me ready. I bite my lower lip, teeth digging in painfully as I try not to worry. I should really let people help me instead of questioning their every move. But being careful is in my nature. And besides, Myles seemed different today. Distracted, regretful, and annoyed by me.

The girls fire off questions about my shoe and bra size as they totter on the floor in their sky-high heels. They pull shockingly revealing outfits off hangers. They sit me in front of the mirror, and three of them work on my look—Holly does my hair while Gabrielle and Samantha focus on the makeup.

They explain how the club works, how the stage and lights work, and how to deal with annoying customers. Once they’re done, they decide I’m going up first. I don’t know whether it’s a sabotage tactic, especially since they’ve all been so nice to me. So I just nod and pretend everything is fine as Samantha gives me a countdown until I have to go out.

I’m feeling really freaking wobbly in the platform heels they gave me, and my barely-there pink lingerie hardly covers anything. My nerves are starting to get the better of me, but I grit my teeth together and force myself to stop being such a loser. I can do this. I have to do it because I owe Myles.

The song starts, and the patrons of the club cheer.

“What are you doing?” Samantha mouths at me, making panicked motions with her arms. “Get out there!”

But I’m frozen to the spot, unable to move an inch as I wait for something to happen. But the next second, Holly pushes me out onto the stage, and I stumble like a deer in headlights, landing on my knees.

The guests roar with laughter as I slowly pick myself up, shivering under their eyes. By now, the song is blasting through the speakers. I don’t have a routine, but I can move pretty well, and I always loved dancing. My hips start swaying with the beat of the music while my gaze sweeps the crowd, looking for a familiar face.

But only two men are in here even though they were making enough noise earlier to make it seem like a crowd. Their beady, glazed-over eyes follow my every move as I dance across the stage, the lights blinding me.

I can’t look at those two, and the lighting in here is too strong to see anybody else. I force myself not to squint and not to look at the patrons sitting in front of the stage. I already saw the looks on their faces, the way they were devouring me. Like I’m nothing but a piece of meat.

Luckily for me, they don’t seem to mind me closing my eyes as I sway in tune to the music. They’re too focused on the rest of my body, watching me reveal inch by inch of skin. I’m gliding now, feeling the music deep in my bones. A smile fights its way onto my face but is quickly erased when I open my eyes and see the two men leering.

Fuck, I don’t want to do this. It’s humiliating, and I hate how the two guys are watching me. Like I’m dessert being served to them on a silver platter. I nearly stumble again but catch myself just in time, spinning across the stage.

But I’m not done yet, and the hardest part is only just coming up.

I still have to take my top off.

Grinding my teeth together, I force my hands to wander over the bare expanse of my belly. The guys throw bills on the stage, but I’m too shaky to even check how much they’re worth.

“Strip, baby!” one of the patrons calls out, licking his lips as his eyes do what he just told me to. “Show us the damn goods!”

I bite my lower lip, forcing myself not to reply. Instead of giving him the satisfaction of my answer, I peel my top off my body, feeling their hungry eyes on my naked skin.

But I’m not grossed out anymore because now I’m imagining Myles. The way his cock throbbed in my mouth as I sucked him and the way he spilled all his seed just for me is enough to get me all hot and bothered. Now, my hands glide over my body with ease. I want this, want him, and I can only hope he’s watching from the shadows I can’t make out in the bright light of the stage lights.

Now I’m moving with a purpose, eager to show myself I can do this and prove to Myles bringing me here was the right choice. I tweak my nipples between my fingers, feeling them harden and form stiff peaks that are desperate to feel Myles’s mouth on them.

God, I want him to fuck me. The thought is making me drip, and I’m painfully aware of the wet spot forming on the front of my panties. I should be ashamed of myself and what I’m doing to make ends meet, but I’m past the point of caring. I’m too needy at the thought of Myles’s eyes and hands on me.

Recalling the salty-sweet taste of his cum is enough to get me moaning, and the two men in front of me are eager for more now, hungrily watching and cheering me on as my body spins and bends in tune with the music. I’m really getting a feel for it now and starting to enjoy exposing myself this way.

It still feels a little wrong, but I push my inhibitions to the side and allow my body to enjoy what I’m putting it through. The music is loud, the lights are hot, and if I close my eyes, I can imagine Myles watching me. I can almost feel him next to me, the phantom of his touch lingering on my skin as I touch myself for the patrons’ pleasure. I tune out their appreciative groans and force myself to finish the song on the stage under their watchful gazes. They are fucking loving this, devouring me with their eyes. One’s even got his hand on his crotch, which should really gross me out, but it doesn’t. All I can think about right now is Myles. His dark hair and eyes, his muscular figure… and most of all, the way his closeness makes me feel all desperate and needy for more of his touch.

More moans rip themselves from my lips. Fuck, I’m getting close to an orgasm even though I’ve barely touched my pussy. I could come here and now just thinking about that dirty man putting his hands on me again. I want him so bad.

I catch the eye of Samantha backstage, and she signals my time on the stage is almost over. I was so freaking scared of coming out here, but now I’m almost dreading finishing my dance. There’s a freedom I’ve found on the stage, which is unlike anything I’ve ever known before. Something compels me to tug on the minuscule panties I’m wearing. I pull them up first, allowing my pussy to eat at the fabric of them, the cotton slick and wet against me, exposing every fold and crevice. The men in front of the stage roar with pleasure, but I merely smile demurely and continue to tease them.

But then the song ends, and I know it’s over. I pull my panties down just enough to expose my right ass cheek, blowing a kiss to the guests before disappearing backstage.

The girls are waiting for me, and there’s no erasing the smile on my lips as they embrace me backstage.

“You did so well,” Holly compliments me, wide-eyed with the tiniest hint of jealousy in her gaze.

“Yeah, you’re a natural!” Gabrielle gives me a high five while Samantha winks at me.

“Knew you could do it. You’re going to be everyone’s new favorite.”

“Hope so.” I smile, though Holly’s jealous fake smile doesn’t evade me. I’m not worried about that, though. All I can think about right now is Myles. Was he watching me dance out there? The stage lights were too blinding to let me see him, and a sinking feeling in my stomach reminds me he has no reason to watch me take my clothes off.

The guy is hot as sin—he could have any woman wrapped around his pinkie finger, so why the heck would he pick me? I need to stop fooling myself with these thoughts that he wants me. He’s probably fucking half the girls who dance here. I don’t mean anything to him, and me sucking his dick was just a test, a way for him to relieve my tension.

I bite my lower lip as I stare at my reflection back in the dressing room. I start counting out the dollar bills I got on the stage and frown when I realize my earnings for the night are meager.

Maybe this was a mistake after all… Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. Surely Myles has an ulterior motive for helping me. Nobody is that kind. Nobody would offer a stranger all this help without having another goal in mind.

Now, I’ve managed to scare myself even more.

But if Myles doesn’t really want to help me… Why the hell would he bring me here?

I think of him, picturing him in my mind. His sexy body, his handsome face, and the cool confidence he speaks with. What could he possibly want with a barely legal virgin like me?

No, there’s got to be something else.

And I’m going to get to the bottom of this mystery once and for all.