Fool for You by Kelly Elliott


I LEANED AGAINST the door of the hotel room as I focused on pulling in one breath after another. Lord, could that man kiss.

It took everything in me not to throw the door open, grab Landon, and pull him into my room. The more I thought about my best friend, the more I realized I’d had these feelings buried deep down for some time now, and I wanted to explore each and every one of them, damn it.

With a sigh, I pushed off the door and headed into the room. “Slow, Emmerson. You need to take things slow.”

I dropped down onto the bed and groaned. Every part of my body ached for Landon. In ways I had never known my body could ache for anyone.

“A long, hot bath. That’s what you need,” I said to myself as I sat up. The giant soaker tub in the spa-like bathroom was exactly what I needed to clear my head.

After I stripped out of my clothes, I walked into the large bathroom and started the bath water. I grabbed a towel to wrap around my body as I waited for the tub to fill.

What I really needed was some lavender oil or a large bottle of wine. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep tonight. Even though it was after two in the morning and I was exhausted, I knew I would lie in bed and do nothing but dream about Landon’s mouth on mine. I had wanted him to do wicked things to me when he kissed me in the limo—goodness, I could hardly believe the things that went through my mind in the span of that way-too-short kiss.

Once the bathtub was filled, I slipped the towel off and climbed into the steaming water. The moment I sank down, I let out a long sigh. “Oh, where have you been all night?” I asked no one.

After sitting there with my eyes closed for a few moments, I felt my body finally relax. Once all the tension slipped away, I let my mind replay the events of the night.

The way I had felt when Claire started to bid on Landon. Pure anger.

The way my body came to life when he kissed me on the dance floor. An out-of-body experience.

The way Landon pressed his body to mine when he kissed me goodnight. Desire and need blossomed once again in the depths of my stomach.

With my eyes still closed, I slowly dipped my hand into the hot water and moved it down my stomach as I spread my legs. The moment my finger brushed over my clit, I gasped and then bit down on my lip.

I slowly and ever so gently rubbed the tip of my finger over the bundle of wound-up nerves and let out a soft moan before Landon’s name slipped free and floated through the bathroom.

It wasn’t going to take me long to come; I was that horny.

Just as I felt the familiar build-up, a loud knock came from the door to my room. I pulled my hand up and stood so quickly, I damn near fell out of the tub.


I pulled my brows in as I shook my head. Was I…was I dreaming?

Another knock came, this one louder, before he said my name again. “Emme, is everything okay? Emmerson!”

I quickly grabbed my towel as I got out of the tub, trying not to slip on the now-wet floor tiles.

After a quick look through the peephole to make sure he was alone, I unlocked the door and opened it slightly.

“Landon? Is everything okay?” I asked.

He pushed his way in and shut the door.

He looked around the room and then back at me. His eyes went wide when he saw I was in nothing but a towel, still soaking wet. “I called. You didn’t answer.” He looked me over, and I could see his eyes turning dark with desire.

With a giggle, I replied, “I needed a hot bath to try to unwind after this whole night.”

Landon swallowed hard and gave a wobbly head nod. “You’re wet.”

Oh, how I could totally run with a comment like that. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of lounge pants and a white T-shirt. A white T-shirt that showed off his massive, broad chest. I had seen Landon without a shirt on plenty of times, but suddenly it was the only thing I wanted on this planet. To see him without a shirt. Honestly, without any clothes on.

I also knew Landon wanted to take things slow, and I’d thought for a hot second that it was what I wanted as well.

Now, not so much.

Take what you want.

“I am wet…everywhere.”

My words caused his gaze to jerk up and meet mine. “Everywhere?”

I nodded and dug down deep inside to find that inner sex goddess I knew I had hidden in me. “When I was in the bath, I thought about your kisses tonight. The way you felt against my body.”

“And that made you…” His throat bobbed with another swallow. “Wet?”

I bit into my lip and nodded. Should this have been awkward? Knowing this was my very best friend and the man I shared all my secrets and dreams with. But it wasn’t. It was the most natural feeling I had ever experienced. So I kept speaking. “And achy. So much so, I had to…”

Say it, Emmerson. You can do it. I know you’ve got it in you.

“H-had to w-what?” Landon asked, his voice breathy as he stuttered.

“Touch myself.”

Landon let out a growl like I had never heard before. For a moment, I wished I hadn’t said it, but then he moved closer, cupped my face in his hands, and kissed me, and I was soon thanking my inner goddess for the confidence boost.

“Fucking hell, that’s why I called you, Emme,” he said after pulling his mouth away from mine.

“Why?” This time it was my voice that sounded breathy. Toss a bit of need and lust in there as well.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I even took a cold shower before I changed. But as soon as I lay in bed, I reached for my phone. I kept calling you, and when you didn’t answer, I came over to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m not okay. I’m in desperate need of your hands on my body, Landon.”

He smiled. “Desperate need, huh?”

I nodded and then reached up and pulled the towel off. My already-hard nipples tightened into small buds as the cold air hit them, sending a chill down my wet body.

Landon took a step back and looked at my now entirely naked body. His tongue slowly swept over his soft lips. Lips I wanted on me now.

He leaned down and picked up the towel, staying bent over as he dried off my legs. He slowly made his way up with the towel, gently using it to wipe off the remaining water from my bath. When he was finished and I was dry, he dropped the towel and then leaned down to kiss me again. “I want you, Emme.”

I wrapped my hands around his neck and whispered against his lips, “Then take me, Landon.”

I let out a little squeal of delight when he quickly swept me up into his arms and carried me over to the bed. He pulled the top quilt back and then gently set me down. His eyes moved slowly over every inch of my body, and I knew I should feel embarrassed, but I didn’t. Not one single bit. I had never really let a guy see me so…well…naked.

Yes, guys had seen me naked, but I had never allowed myself to be on display like this. I found that I liked it, a lot. But I knew it was only because it was Landon who was looking at me. I trusted him, and the pull between us was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I couldn’t explain it, only to say it felt so incredibly right. This was Landon. My Landon. Landon, who wore a look so dark and lustful in his eyes that I squeezed my legs together to ease the throbbing between them.

“You’re so goddamn beautiful, Emmerson. Perfect in every single way.”

I felt heat sweep up my body and land in my cheeks.

He knelt on the bed and leaned down to kiss me. Then he moved his mouth to my jaw and down my neck, making a slow journey to my left breast. He flicked my nipple with his tongue, and I jumped.

“You’re so responsive. Are you like that everywhere?” he asked before he took my nipple into his mouth, causing me to let out a soft moan.

His other hand went to work on my right nipple as if he was prepping it for his mouth. The throbbing between my legs grew harder and faster, and if he didn’t touch me there soon, I was going to have to take care of things on my own.

“Feels so good,” I gasped as he gently sucked on my nipple.

“God, I want to kiss and touch every inch of your body, Emme. I want to learn all the things that make you moan like that. Make you want to scream out my name.”

The sex goddess was poking at me, begging to be let out.

“Yes,” I hissed when his hand moved from my nipple to slide slowly down my stomach. I could feel him only inches from where my fingers had just been pleasuring myself.

Please. Please, touch me!

“Do you want me to kiss you…here?” he asked as he slid his finger over my clit, rubbed it a few times, and then pressed between my folds and let his finger sink inside of me.

We both moaned.

“Yes,” I whispered, even though what I really wanted to do was shout it. Touch me there. Kiss me there. Do all the wicked things to me there.

“You are wet. So fucking wet.”

I nodded and watched as Landon moved down my body. He placed a kiss above my belly button and then below it. I held my breath as I watched him spread my legs wide. He looked up at me like he had just found gold.

“If I’m dreaming, I’m going to be so fucking mad.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. But when he dropped down and licked me like a damn ice cream cone, my laugh turned into an, “Oh God!”

He looked up at me, his eyes now hooded with lust. It was as if that small taste had sent him over whatever edge he’d been hanging on to. “May I, Emme? Kiss your pussy?”

My entire body shivered. I never thought a guy saying that to me would turn me on—and I didn’t even think I could be more turned on than I was at that moment—but I was pretty sure I might come just from those last three words. Since I couldn’t seem to be able to form my own words, I nodded.

“Has anyone…done this before?”

I shook my head no and something moved over Landon’s face. Happiness…or maybe it was shock. At any rate, he smiled so brilliantly, I found myself breathless.

“Good, because I’m going to be the last guy to do this.”

I dropped my head back onto the pillow as he covered my clit with his mouth and with one flick of his tongue he nearly had me coming undone. But as distracted as I was, his words tried to worm their way into my overwrought thoughts. What did he mean by him being the last guy to give me oral sex?

Then his tongue flicked and he moved his mouth down and…

Oh. My. God.

He was wicked. He was good. He was going to break me into a million pieces.

“Landon!” I cried out as he replaced his mouth with his fingers, letting them slowly slip inside of me.

I brought my hands to his head and grabbed onto his hair, guiding his mouth back up to my clit. He chuckled, and the vibrations caused me to jump. Then it happened.

I died.

I was almost positive I left my body in one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced in my life. I let go of his head and grabbed for the pillow. Burying my face in it, I screamed out in pleasure, not entirely sure what I cried out. His name? God’s name? Don’t stop. Please stop. Keep going.

It all tumbled from my mouth and into the pillow. Then, as I was coming down, another orgasm hit me. I tried to scramble away from Landon as the intensity of it all nearly drove me crazy. I felt like I had orgasm overload.

Was that even a thing? If it wasn’t, Landon had just invented it with his delectable mouth.

“Stop! Landon, I can’t…breathe! Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh…”

My body was finally floating back down. The room stopped spinning and my heart slowly gave up its fight to beat right the hell out of my chest.

“Well? Did you like it?”

“Like it?” I managed to get out with a half sob, half laugh. “I think you tried to kill me in the most glorious way imaginable.”

Landon laughed and then got off the bed, reached behind his back and pulled his shirt off, and dropped it to the floor. I let my gaze wander over his toned body, which had a light dusting of hair that trailed down his impressive abs and disappeared into his pants. I licked my lips as I propped myself up on my elbows and waited for him to drop his pants.

When he didn’t appear to be making a move to do just that, I lifted my eyes to see him standing there with a huge smile on his face.

“Why do I feel like you’re about to judge my dick?”

“Well, if it’s as impressive as the rest of your body, I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about. Besides, I’ve heard rumors about this dick.”

He lifted one brow as he brought his arms up and folded them across his chest. “What rumors and from who?”

I shrugged. “The Internet is a powerful thing, Landon. And women talk.”

He rolled his eyes and tried not to let a smile play across his face. “Should I drop my drawers and let you compare those rumors to the truth?”

Without a care in the world about being naked—and why would I care, considering what Landon had just done—I crawled over to the edge of the bed and knelt, rubbing my hands together. With a waggle of my brows, I purred, “Drop them, Mr. Lewis.”

Landon laughed as he untied his pants and slipped his fingers into the waistband ever so slowly. My heart pounded in my ears. I had never been so excited to see something in my life. Not even on Christmas morning.

With slow movements, he dropped his pants a little at a time as he teased, “Be ready to have your mind blown.”

Laughing, I tried to ignore the way my mouth suddenly salivated, and the intense pull that formed in my lower stomach again. “I’m ready!” I said, looking eagerly at his crotch area with bated breath.

Landon pushed his pants down lower and lower, and I felt a sharp pain in my lip ache as I realized I was biting down on it so hard I was about to draw blood.

The tip of his dick came into view, and I moaned. He was going to be big…and Lord, I was praying all those rumors about him were indeed true.

Then, as if the gods above heard my siren call, his pants were down and I was staring at the most amazing penis I’d ever seen. The way it bounced against his insanely fit body, so proud and hard, caused me to gasp. Thick veins covered the length, and I longed to wrap my hand around it to see if it felt as hard as it looked.

“Okay, that has to be the prettiest penis ever,” I whispered, slowly reaching out and poking it with the tip of my finger.

“Um, Emme? I’m gonna be honest with you, I’ve never had a woman poke by dick before sex. I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to take your reaction. Especially since you said he was…pretty.”

I swallowed hard, and my hand itched to stroke him. Lord, I wanted to do things to that dick, and I wanted more than anything for that dick to do things to me. Lots of dirty things.

Oh. My. God. Who am I right now?

“Emme?” Landon asked. “This is kinda getting awkward.”

I chewed on my lip and smiled. “I’m going to be so sore.”

Landon laughed and then took a few steps toward me, his dick now inches from my face.

I reached up and slowly ran my fingertip down the length of him—the impressive-as-hell length of him. Landon hissed, and I felt a rush of wetness between my legs. I loved that my touch affected him as much as his did to me.

I moved my finger up and swiped across his own wetness, and I couldn’t help but glance up at him when he moaned. Landon’s head was dropped back, and he was clenching his fists at his side. A wide smile grew across my face, knowing I was the one making him feel this way.

“I’m not going to last long inside of you,” he whispered.

“You better. I expect multiple orgasms this evening, Mr. Lewis. Rumors and all, remember?”

He closed his eyes as I wrapped my hand around him. Goodness, he was big. What I really wanted to do was take him inside of my mouth, but I was greedy and wanted more of him. So, I did the next best thing: I leaned forward and licked up his shaft.

Landon gasped and jumped back, which caused me to fall right off the bed and land damn near face first onto the floor.

“Fuck! Oh, shit, Emmerson!” Landon said, a mix of concern and laughter in his voice.

“I’m okay!” I said, trying to jump up and act like I had planned on falling off the bed and into a naked pile at his feet.

As I jumped up, he leaned down, and the top of my head hit his face so hard that I fell right back down. Landon stumbled back, tripped over his pants, and then he went down. Hard.

“My head! What in the hell is your face made of, concrete?” I asked as I slowly stood up and looked down at Landon. His hand was over his nose—and I froze when I saw blood sliding down his face.

“You’re bleeding. Landon, you’re bleeding!” I shouted, dropping down in front of him. He had a gush of blood coming from his nose.

“Ice! You need ice!” I stood back up, grabbed the ice bucket, and made for the door.

“Emme, sweetie, you should probably get dressed first.”

I glanced down at my naked body and dropped the ice bucket as I rushed back toward my bag and grabbed the first thing I could find. Once my body was covered, I scooped up the bucket and made for the ice machine.

Why? Why did this happen on my first attempt at being a sex goddess?

As the machine filled up the bucket, I chastised myself.

“What made you think you could be sexy, Emmerson? I mean, you licked your best friend’s dick. You licked it!”

Someone cleared their voice from behind me, and I froze as I closed my eyes.

If there is a God above, no one actually heard that.

When the ice started to tumble out of the bucket and onto the floor, I quickly yanked it back. With a deep breath in, I slowly turned around to see an older man in his seventies, standing there with his own ice bucket in his hands.

He smiled, and I forced myself to smile back.

Then the flood gates opened, and I felt tears well up as I blurted out, “I am…well, I…I think I broke his nose.”

The older man tilted his head. “Wow, it sounds like you two kids are getting crazy.”

I shook my head. “No. We haven’t even had sex yet!”

Holy shit…did I really just say that to a perfect stranger?

The man tossed his head back and laughed. With a sincere smile, he looked back down at me. “I married my best friend fifty-two years ago. I’ve known her since I was five, and the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was going to be the love of my life.”

I sighed and smiled. “I bet she didn’t break your nose.”

He winked at me. “No, but she did break my leg once.”

“How?” I asked, suddenly forgetting all about poor Landon back in the room bleeding.

“Let’s just say we got a little crazy up in my deer blind and she sort of…fell.”

I felt my cheeks heat, and I looked away as I tried not to giggle.

“You better go get some ice on that boy’s nose. And don’t worry, sweetheart, some of the most remarkable love stories have started out with something like a broken nose.”

I had the urge to reach up and kiss this man’s cheek but decided against it. I wasn’t really making the best decisions today.

“Have a good night,” I said as I rushed past him and back to my room. When I walked in, Landon was sitting in the chair, his pants back on and a towel against his nose.

I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel, put ice into it, and brought it to Landon. “Sorry it took so long. I ran into a man who was also getting ice and well…anyway…” I held the towel full of ice out to him, and he removed the other one from his face.

Reaching for the blood-soaked cloth, I took a quick look at his nose. It didn’t look like it was broken. “How does it feel?” I asked as I tossed the towel into the bathroom sink.

“It hurts like a sonofabitch, and I have a massive headache. Your head is hard.”

With a smile, I replied, “You always did call me hardheaded.”

He glared at me, obviously not finding the humor in my sad attempt at a joke.

I dropped down to his feet and knelt there as I stared up at him. “I’m so sorry. I was trying to be this sexy, fearless, grab-ahold-of-your-inner-goddess badass, and in truth I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.”

Landon frowned. “What do you mean, you don’t know what you’re doing? You’re not a virgin, Emme.”

I swallowed and looked down at my hands resting on his knees. “No, I’m not, but I’ve never been adventurous with men. In the bedroom, I mean. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I’ve just never felt the way I’ve felt over the last two weeks. And the way you look at me and touch me… It’s brought something to life I’ve never known before, and I just didn’t want you to be disappointed. I know you’ve had more experiences than me and—”

“Hey,” Landon whispered as he placed his finger on my chin and lifted my head until our eyes met—although the towel full of ice blocked his gaze a bit. “The rumors you heard, I promise you, are most likely ninety-nine percent false. Yes, I’ve been with women—not a huge number of women, though. I’ve had a few girlfriends, that’s true, but I’ve been in love with you for so long. I was always trying to use those relationships to convince myself that I didn’t want to be with you, but none of them have ever come as close to making me feel alive as your smile and touch does, Emme. When I walked in here and saw you in that towel—and when you dropped it—I was pretty sure I could have died right there and been a happy man simply from looking at you.”

I felt my cheeks heat as I smiled up at him.

“All I want from you, Emme, is for you to feel comfortable with me. Say what you want, do what you want. I nearly came when I went down on you, and knowing that was your first time, hell, it almost made me insane. I want to learn everything about your body, Emme. Everything. And we can go fast or slow, vanilla or experiment the fuck out of things. I just want you.”

My heart nearly burst from my chest. His words were so sweet and romantic and they made me all hot and bothered again. Even with the ice towel covering half of his stunningly handsome face, I wanted to kiss him.

“I really liked it when you talked dirty to me,” I confessed.

He lifted a brow. “Noted.”

“And I liked it when you…kissed me…down there.”

Landon gave me that sexy smile that made his dimples pop out, “I’ll do that as often as you want.”

I bit into my lower lip with my teeth. “And I really want to do it back to you, but I’ve never given a guy a blow job before, so I might suck at it, no pun intended.”

He groaned and dropped his head back. “Fuck, you’re killing me.”

I drew in a deep breath and reached my hand up, feeling his already-hard dick through his pants. “Maybe you can let me learn while you lie back on the bed with the ice on your poor nose.”

Something like the sound of a deep growl came from the back of his throat, and he quickly stood. He removed the towel and asked, “Is it still bleeding?”

I stood and reached up onto my tippy toes to study his nose. “I don’t think so,” I said, inspecting it. “It is pretty swollen, though, so I think you should keep the ice on it.”

A conversation I had with Hailey popped into my head. It was from the night Mike had asked her to marry him, and she’d told me how she’d given him the best blow job of her life. And the key was ice.

“Go lie down on the bed, Landon,” I ordered as I pointed with my finger.

His eyes widened as he replied to my demand, “Yes, ma’am.”

As Landon made his way back over to the bed, I drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. I was going to do everything in my power to rock this man’s world, and ice was going to be my new best friend. As long as I didn’t choke on it—because that would be just my luck.