Fool for You by Kelly Elliott


I WALKED OVER to Emmerson and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You said this was going to be fun. But if I have to smell one more flower, I’m going to throw up again.”

She peeked up at me over a bouquet of roses. “Have you eaten anything?”

“Ha ha, Emme. I cannot take the smell in here!”

Emmerson ignored me and picked up a large white rose. “What do you think about roses?”

I stared down at the flower and smiled. “You’ve always loved white roses.”

When she didn’t say anything, I lifted my gaze to see her staring at me, tears building in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, pulling her closer.

“You never forget anything, do you?”

I brushed aside a strand of her hair that had fallen from her ponytail and tucked it behind her ear as I smiled down at her. “Not when it comes to you. I also know you like dark chocolate and absolutely hate white. You would kill someone if they ever ate your black licorice, and no one can bother you when you’re watching The Wedding Planner. You buy this weird sponge candy from a store up in the northeast ever since you and Hailey discovered it on a road trip, but you never tell her when you order it so you can randomly surprise her with it. You want two kids. A boy and girl, to be exact… And you’ve always dreamed of a wedding bouquet with anemones in it. But why you’d want something from the ocean mixed in with your flowers has always been sorta weird to me.”

A tear trailed down her beautiful face, so I leaned down and kissed it away.

Then she laughed. “Not that kind of anemone. Let me show you what I mean.”

Emmerson took my hand in hers, and we walked through the labyrinth of flowers that were on display. When she said we were going to a florist today, I thought she meant a store. This place was a giant nursery on crack.

“These are the flowers I mean.”

“Oh, wow. I really like these,” I said, looking at the delicate white flower with a dark center. “These are really pretty.”

“I know, they really are.”

“Are you going to use them in your bouquet?” I walked over and picked up a red one. “What if you mixed the white and the red anemones in with your white roses? And then on the tables, we can do some sort of display with the white and red ones. That sorta seems Christmas-like to me.”

Emmerson and I had decided we were going to have our wedding ceremony on the fake ceremony date she had blurted out: December 21. I also knew that she’d always dreamed of a winter wedding, and that simply eloping in a courthouse would never be good enough for her.

The way my new bride’s eyes lit up made my chest warm. “Landon! I love that idea.”

An older man with slightly graying hair made his way over to us. “It sounds like we have some flowers picked out.”

Emmerson swung around and faced him. “John, yes! Now, the wedding is going to be small and simple, so I really want the flowers to reflect that. We’re going to have the ceremony on our parents’ ranch and the reception in the main barn.”

John immediately started typing away on the iPad he was carrying around with him. “And for the bridesmaids?” he asked with a serious look on his face as he waited for her instructions.

“There will only be one. Let’s make Hailey’s bouquet all red anemones.”

John nodded as he typed. “And for the groom and groomsman’s boutonnieres?”

“White roses,” Emmerson and I said in unison, then we both laughed.

“I’ll put a note to use red ribbon,” John stated.

Emmerson smiled. “Once we get closer to the date, John, I’ll let you know how many tables. But we’ll only have one bridesmaid and one groomsman.”

With a nod, John looked at her. “It’s funny, you’d think the wedding planner would want a huge wedding celebration.”

Emmerson gave me a wink before turning back to John. “I’m a simple girl, who simply wants to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams.”

John laughed. “I suppose that you of all people know how much planning and money goes into a wedding. And in a blink of an eye, it’s done. Poof. Just like that.”

Emmerson and I both laughed, and then she leaned up and gave John a quick kiss on the cheek. “So very true, John. So very true.”

I stood back and inspected the restored nineteen fifty-five Chevy Sedan and smiled. With the blue and white two-tone colors, it looked fucking sharp. The paint job was perfect, even after the owner had decided he wanted a different shade of blue.

Walking around it, I gave it a close once-over before Hal, the owner of the car, was due to arrive and do his own final inspection.

The door to the office area opened and I glanced over my shoulder to see if it was Hal. If it was, he was early.

To my surprise, it was my beautiful wife.

In between work, planning the wedding, and moving in together, the last three months had flown by. We had of course confirmed the wedding to our close friends when it had leaked, and then Emmerson had posted about it on her blog and Instagram. We’d told people that we didn’t want to wait for the big show, we simply wanted to be together.

Emmerson had rented out her house and moved in with me. I’d told her to decorate or do whatever she wanted with our house, but the only room she’d touched was one of the bedrooms upstairs, which she’d turned into her office. She had no idea I was having a separate building constructed right outside of the main house as her office. It would hold a small meeting room as well, so that she could meet with potential and current clients.

“Hey,” I said, wiping my hands on a towel and then heading her way. “I thought you were meeting Abby and Kurt in Austin to look at venues?”

She shook her head. “Abby decided she wanted to get married at her father’s friend’s house on Lake Travis. She sent me pictures, and I told her I thought it was a beautiful place to have a wedding.”

“Ah, so are you free the rest of the day?” I asked, finally making my way up the steps that led to the main office. You could look out over the two bays from this vantage point.

A wide smile grew over her face. “I’m free for the rest of the day. What about you?” Her eyes darted down to the blue and white Chevy.

“The owner should be here in about—” I glanced down at my watch—“thirty minutes.”

“Where is everyone?”

“Gone for the day. I usually like to let everyone cut out early on Fridays.”

Emmerson lifted her brows. “So, what you’re saying is, we’re alone right now.”

I nodded. “You have a wicked look in those eyes, Mrs. Lewis.”

She draped her arms over my shoulders and looked up at me. “You know, we’ve broke in damn near every room in our house, but we haven’t broken in any area of the shop yet.”

Drawing my head back, I acted like I was shocked. “Why, are you saying you want to have sex in the shop, Emme?”

She chewed on her lip before she took in a long, slow breath. “I’m saying I want you to fuck me in the shop.”

Growling, I pulled her against me as my cock instantly went hard. “Where?”

“Your office,” she whispered, motioning with her eyes to head back through the door that led to the office area and lobby.

I grabbed her hand and practically pulled her through the door, down the hallway, and to the last door on the right.

Once we stepped inside my office, I shut and locked the door just in case Hal really did decide to show up early.

Emmerson quickly started to pull off her shirt, and I grabbed her hands to stop her. “No. Don’t get undressed.”

She lifted one brow as she tried not to smile. I let my gaze take her in. She was wearing a long-sleeve white shirt that felt so fucking soft, I wanted to bury my face in it. Her tits looked stunning in it, and I could already see her nipples getting hard through the fabric.

My gaze went farther down, and I took in the curve-hugging black pencil skirt she had on. Fuck, I loved it when she wore skirts. The outfit was finished off with a pair of black heels. She had clearly been dressed up, thinking she would be meeting with Abby and Kurt.

I ran my hands down the sides of her body and bent until I reached the bottom of her skirt.

“You’re going to wrinkle my skirt, Landon,” Emmerson said in a breathy voice.

“You told me you wanted to be fucked, and fucked you shall be.”

Her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath. When I ran my finger over the lace of her panties, we both moaned.

“Landon!” she whimpered, pushing her hips toward me in a silent plea for more.

“I cannot wait to slip inside of you and feel how warm and wet you are, Emme.”

She moved her hands from my chest to my shoulders, anticipating my next move.

“I wish I had time to kiss this sweet pussy of yours.”

Emmerson dropped her head against the door and whispered, “Oh, God.”

I knew she liked it when I talked dirty to her. It wasn’t something I did all the time, but I loved the effect it had on her when I did bring it out.

Quickly unbuttoning my jeans, I pushed them down along with my boxers until my dick sprang out, hard and ready to work.

Emmerson reached down and took me in her hand, and I felt my entire body jerk when she lightly squeezed and stroked me.

“Fuck, Emme. You make me so damn hard for you.”

She licked her lips, and I knew she wanted to take me into her mouth, but she was the one who came here to be pleasured, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

I wrapped my hand around hers and, as much as I wanted her to keep going, pulled it away. I picked her up and pushed her back against the door as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

With one quick move, I sank deep inside of her, causing us both to suck in a breath.

I buried my face in her neck and breathed in her scent. She always smelled like sugar and vanilla, and fuck if I didn’t want to lick every inch of her body.

“Move, Landon. Please!” she said, tightening her thighs around me.

It didn’t take long for us to get lost in each other. When I was with Emmerson, inside of her, I was in heaven. Nothing and no one else mattered.

“Wait! Landon! Wait!”

I stopped moving and drew back to look at her. Both of us were panting as we fought to catch our breath.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, confused by the smile on her face that didn’t quite match the worry in her eyes.

“I want to tell you something.”

My mouth fell open. “Now? Emme, can’t it wait until after?”

She shook her head. “No. I need to say it now, or I won’t say it until I get the courage to say what I really want to say!”

“Um…okay. I think I understood that. What is it, baby? You know you can tell me anything.”

She closed her eyes, and then blurted it out. “I want to have a baby.”

I could feel my face constrict in confusion. “I want to have a baby too.”

Her eyes snapped open, and I almost came simply from the sweet smile she gave me. “No, I mean, I want to stop taking my birth control. I want to start trying for a baby…now.”

“Now? But what about your career? It’s growing so fast, and will you even have time to do it all if you have a baby?”

She slowly started to twirl her fingers in the hair at the base of my neck as she looked into my eyes. “The last five months have been such a dream for me. My job has been amazing, I’m married to my best friend, I’m having fun sharing our journey on Instagram and my blog…”

“But?” I asked.

“Something is missing, and I feel it every time I pass that little room next to our bedroom. If you’re not ready, I totally understand. I just wanted you to know where my head is currently at.”

“In baby land, it sounds like,” I said with a laugh.

She grinned and nodded her head. “I guess so.”

I slowly pulled out of her and carried us over to the sofa in my office. As soon as I sat, Emmerson positioned herself back over me and sank down.

“I cannot fuck you against a door after you tell me that,” I said softly, cupping her face in my hands and bringing her mouth to mine for a kiss.

Emmerson rocked slowly against me, a small moan escaping from her mouth before she pulled her lips away and rested her forehead to mine. “Tell me what you’re thinking, Landon.”

“I’m thinking of how much I love you, and how I’ve always dreamed of seeing you carrying my child.”

Her eyes immediately filled with tears.

“I’m also thinking that if I agree to a baby now, you have to agree to Tramp.”

Emmerson drew her brows in and shook her head, clearly unsure of what I meant.

“For Peaches,” I added. “It’s only fair she has a man in her life.”

“Lady!” she said with a slap on my chest. “And you seriously want to get another puppy? What if it doesn’t take us long to get pregnant?”

I kissed the tip of her nose. “Then we’ll have two young dogs and a baby who will all grow up together.”

Emmerson giggled. “Wait, you’re serious, Landon? You want a baby?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I want a baby whenever you do. Hell, I’ll give you twenty babies if you want. I love you, Emmerson. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make you happy.”

She lifted up and slowly slid back down onto my dick as I dropped my head back and moaned in pleasure. “And if you want a puppy, you can get a puppy. Just don’t stop doing what you’re doing, Emme. God, it feels so good.”

She started to move faster, grinding her body against mine in a way that made it hard to even breathe. I had to fight to keep my orgasm away until she had her own.

Finally, Emmerson gripped my shoulders and dropped her head back, crying out my name. I could feel her tighten around my dick, and I lost control. I wrapped my arms around her as I pumped up fast and hard, letting my own release pulse into her.

Damn, the idea of making love to her over and over to get her pregnant nearly had me hard again.

Drawing in a few deep breaths, Emmerson pulled back and looked at me with a wide grin. “That was amazing. Spur-of-the-moment sex is something we really have to do more often.”

I laughed and reached for a T-shirt I had sitting at the end of the sofa. When Emmerson lifted herself off of me, I stood and made my way into my private bathroom. Emmerson followed.

“Let me clean you up,” I said, grabbing the hand towel and running it under warm water. I bent down and cleaned all traces of my cum off of her.

Then I quickly worked at cleaning myself and tucking my dick back into my pants before Hal showed up.

“I love you, Landon,” Emmerson whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck.

With my arms around her waist, I drew her body flush against mine. “I love you more, Emme.”

She shook her head. “Impossible.”

Laughing, I lifted one brow. “I’ve loved you longer.”

Emmerson’s smile faltered for a moment before she pierced me with her gaze. “I don’t think so. I think I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.”

“Maybe we should call this a draw. We’ve loved each other equally as long.”

Holding me tighter, she smiled wide again. “I can agree with those terms.”

“Good,” I said, kissing the tip of her nose. “Now, let’s get back to talking about this new baby.”


“I’m thinking a Vizsla. Noah and I have been needing a good bird dog for a few years, since your dad’s pointer has gotten too old and lazy.”

Her mouth hung open in shock before I laughed and spun her around. She screamed when I stopped, dipped her back, and kissed the living shit out of her.

“Kidding. Kidding,” I said as I set her back on her feet. “I think we should start as soon as possible with this whole baby-making thing.”

Emmerson nodded. “I agree. It could take us a few months, maybe longer, to get pregnant.”

“The more sex the better, if you ask me.”

I heard the sound of the front door bell, putting all conversations of baby sex on hold.

“Go,” Emmerson said. “I’ll let myself out and meet you at home.”

I took a look at myself in the mirror and then headed to the door of my office. Before I opened it, I turned back and said, “Be naked and ready! I should be home in an hour.”