Fool for You by Kelly Elliott


ONCE THE SHOWER turned on, I grabbed my phone and called for Lady to follow me as I made my way out to the back porch. I hit Hailey’s number.

“Good morning! You ready to start planning this wedding of mine?” Hailey sing-songed into the phone.

“I’ve got a Code Red!”

Hailey started to choke and then cussed. “What the fuck! You need to give a girl a warning before you blurt that out, Emme. I was taking a drink of my Starbucks mocha latte!”

I glanced back at the door nervously. “I only have a minute, but it’s bad. Like oh-holy-shitbad.”

“Okay, take a deep breath and tell me what happened. I didn’t realize you went out with anyone last night. I thought Landon was hanging with you.”

Drawing in a breath through my nose, I slowly blew it out. “Yes. I mean, no, I didn’t go out with anyone, and yes, Landon was here. He stayed the night.”

Hailey gasped as Lady barked.

“Fucking finally!” Hailey nearly shouted.

“What? No! What? Wait, what do you mean finally?”

Hailey groaned into the phone. “For the love of all that is holy in this world, you are both in love with each other. It’s about time you had sex.”

I nearly dropped my phone. “Wait, what?! I’m not in love with him! He’s like a brother to me. And why do you think he’s in love with me? Has he told you that?”

If my heart started beating any harder, I was positive it would burst from my chest. Had Landon admitted to his sister that he had feelings for me?

“Well, no, but it’s obvious to everyone. You should see the way he looks at you when he thinks no one’s watching.”

My breath stilled, and I turned back to stare at the door. “What?” I whispered.

“Listen, I’m so tired of pretending like I don’t notice the way he stares at you or how you stare at him. Both of you clearly want something more than friendship.”

I let out a disbelieving laugh. “You are so far off the mark about us having sex last night.”

Lady came running up to me with a toy that I absentmindedly picked up and threw.

“I like how you didn’t disagree with me about your feelings, though. Tell me I’m wrong, Emme.”

I spun my body around and stared out into the backyard. I had almost kissed Landon this morning. I touched him. Touched his lips and leaned in for a kiss. If my stupid phone hadn’t rung, I would have totally kissed him.

“I almost kissed him this morning,” I blurted out.

“Whaaaat?” she said with a mixture of disbelief and excitement. “Spill it all, now!”

Closing my eyes, I drew in a breath and let it all tumble out. “Okay, something weird was going on with me yesterday. I felt things for Landon I hadn’t ever felt before. Well, I’ve felt them before, in dreams and fleeting moments when we were younger. Like that time he kissed me in middle school. Then last night we snuggled up on the sofa and it felt so good. So right. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yes. I think so.”

“Anyway, I fell asleep, and he fell asleep, and I woke up this morning in his arms on the sofa, and Lady was all snuggled up, and for a crazy moment I wanted…I wanted… I wanted something more. Hailey, when I opened my eyes and saw him, some weird jolt of something hit me and nearly knocked me off the sofa. Then I touched him!”

“Okay, ewww, gross. That is my brother.”

“Not like that, you pervert,” I whisper-shouted. “I traced my finger along his jawline. Lord, he is so handsome. Then I sort of, kind of, let my finger move over his lips, but he was still asleep, and for one crazy, insane moment…I almost kissed him. Lord, I almost kissed my best friend.”

She laughed. “And what is wrong with that? Shouldn’t that make Landon the perfect guy? Don’t they say you should fall in love with your best friend?”

A rush of pure panic hit me so hard it felt like I couldn’t breathe. “I have to go.”

“Wait, no! You’re going to call me with this bombshell and then tell me you have to go? Are you going to tell him you wanted to kiss him?”

I gasped. “God, no, and don’t you dare say a word to him! It was a crazy moment, and I’m lonely and horny and haven’t had sex in a year. That’s all it was.”

Good Lord…I’m totally lying to her and myself right now.

“Well, it just so happens that I’ve heard rumors my brother is pretty damn good in bed. Wait, I just grossed myself out again.”

There was no way I was going to admit I had heard the same stupid rumors. And I wasn’t going to remind myself how I felt every time I’d heard those rumors. “I’m ending this call!”

“Wait! But what if—”

I hit End and rushed into the kitchen. The shower was still going, so I quickly got out all the ingredients and started to make the egg wash I needed for the French toast.

“This is crazy. It’s stupid. Silly. You don’t have feelings for him, Emmerson. You didn’t want to kiss him. You simply wanted affection. Someone to…someone to…”

I looked up and stared out the window. Someone to feel a connection with. Someone to desire in a way I had never experienced before. I’d felt all of that with Landon this morning. Lord, if I was being honest with myself, I’d wanted to crawl on top of his amazingly fit body.

A bark came from the backyard, and I realized I had left poor Lady outside.

“I’ll let her in,” Landon said as he walked by in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. My mouth fell open as I took in the aforementioned amazingly fit body. It wasn’t like I’d never seen him without a shirt on. Hell, I’d seen him wear less than that, but it never made me want to offer up my body in the middle of my kitchen before.

I looked away quickly.

“Man, I’m glad you talked me into leaving some extra clothes in the guest bedroom.”

With a nod, I replied, “Yep. Me too. Did you have any, um, shirts?”

He smiled and held one up. “Yep.”

“Great. Maybe you should, you know, put it on. For Lady’s sake.”

Landon’s eyes drifted down to the puppy sitting at his feet, who was staring up at him in the same way I imagined I had been staring only seconds ago.

Yeah, I know what you mean, girl. He’s hot. He’s sexy. He has a body to die for, he’s… he’s Landon!

“You want me to put a shirt on for the dog’s sake?” Landon asked.

I nodded and put his French toast on a plate before motioning for him to get the syrup. “Syrup and butter.”

Landon slipped his T-shirt over his head and walked over to the pantry. When I turned around, I got a better look at him.

No, no, no! He was barefoot.

Spinning away, I clutched the counter and drew in a few deep breaths. Why was a barefoot Landon the sexiest thing I had ever seen before?

“Hey, are you okay, Emme?”

“Yep. Fine. I’m good. So good. Like, better than good.”

He placed his hands on my arms and gently turned me around. With his finger under my chin, he lifted my head so that our eyes met. “What’s going on?”

My mouth suddenly felt dry, and I forgot how to form words. Why was Landon’s touch sending little jolts of electricity through my entire body? Why did I want to reach up and kiss him, and why did he have to look so damn good with his stupid, wet, messy hair and soft, plump lips?

It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought about it. Once upon a time I imagined that Landon and I might end up together. But that was years ago, back in middle school and the beginning of high school. Hell, every day I used to pretend what it would be like to be kissed by him. Then we got older, Landon and I started dating other people, and I pushed those feelings for him so far down inside that I had forgotten what it felt like to captivated by Landon. To…to want him.

Was it the auction? The idea that I, of all people, pushed him into a place where women would bid on a date with him? When I blurted out his name, I never thought about the end result. But now, good Lord. Now it was all I could think about. Did my stupid lapse of judgment and all this sudden jealousy pull those feelings back up from the abyss?

I closed my eyes and shook the wandering thoughts away before I focused on that caring gaze of his. “A client of mine has a problem that I’m not sure how to fix.”

He frowned. “Is it anything I can help you figure out?”

I chewed on my lip. “No, I think it’s something she’s going to have to figure out on her own.”

“I’m sorry, Emme. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

Staring up into his blue-gray eyes, I slowly let out a breath. “Me too, Landon.”

The last two weeks had dragged by as I waited for the day of the charity ball to finally arrive. I had avoided Landon like the plague. It hadn’t been hard, really. He’d been so busy with the shop that we’d missed Monday movie night last week, and he wasn’t in town last Sunday for family dinner night because he’d flown to Vegas to do a guest commentary for a NASCAR race. I knew he hated being thrown back into the limelight, but the pay was good and he was a huge part of our fathers’ NASCAR team, as well as being part owner of his own car.

The time away from him was good. At least, that’s what I told myself when I wasn’t searching the Internet for any bit of news on him. Or texting him to see how his day was. Or nearly killing myself listening to his special ringtone every time he returned a text.

To put it plainly, I had been a mess the last two weeks. The longer I stayed away from Landon, the more desperate I was to see him.

As I stared at my gown I had just put on for the charity ball, my phone buzzed, and I looked to see that it was Hailey calling. “Hello?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you planned Francesca Hamilton’s wedding?” she asked.

“Hello to you, too, Hail. Is Mike back in town for the event tonight?”

“Yes and don’t avoid my question! You planned the wedding of one of Hollywood’s most sought-out actresses!”

I grinned as I walked into the living room. “I know. She actually got my name from Landon’s manager after she read the interview in People where he mentioned me. She’s originally from Waco, you know. She wanted her wedding here in Texas, and wanted a local planner.”

“Um, yes, I know! Did you know her wedding is featured in People magazine this week, and she named you as the wedding planner?! They have your Instagram listed!”

I felt my mouth fall open. “Shut up!”

“I’m dead serious. Girl, have you not opened your Insta? Your followers are climbing!”

I quickly put her on speaker and opened my Instagram—and nearly fell over at the number of followers I had picked up. “Holy shit.”

“I know! I mean, you had an impressive following before, but I think that was because you were Landon Lewis’s best friend and all. Now you’re Francesca’s famed wedding planner. By the way, that rehearsal dinner was stunning. I can’t believe you did that last minute after the restaurant flooded.”

I stared at my followers. Eight-hundred thousand and some change. Feeling dizzy, I backed up and dropped down onto the sofa, not even caring about my gown.

“Oh my gosh. Sandra Bullock followed me! Sandra! Bullock!” I shouted.

“Bitch, please, you should see some of the people following you now and all the blue checkmarks next to their names. My girl is getting famous! I wonder who else will want you to do their wedding? Just remember, I come first above all those bitches.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head as I let out a disbelieving laugh. “This is crazy! I have so many messages!”

“Excuse me, but I’m still pissed you didn’t tell me.”

“It’s called an NDA, Hail. I had to sign one. I couldn’t tell anyone I was working on her wedding. We even used fake names at all the venues. There were three photographers there. One, a wedding photographer I arranged, and two others were from the media, but I didn’t know which magazine or news outlet they were from.”

“Well, now you do! You’re famous, Emme!”

I rolled my eyes and stood. “What I am is nervous. I haven’t heard from Landon. I think he might be mad at me.”

“That’s crazy. I saw him earlier today at our folks’ place. He was picking up his tux since it was still at the house.”

With a sigh of relief, I felt some of the tension in my body slip away. “I was afraid the longer he thought about this, the more pissed he would be.”

Hailey huffed. “As much as he’s been complaining, I think he’s looking forward to seeing how much money he can bring in. I heard Noah and him placing bets on it earlier.”

I smiled. “I’ve been so busy the last week and a half, I haven’t had time to really see Landon.”

With a disbelieving snort she asked, “Uh-huh. Is that what we’re calling it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Be honest. You were afraid to see him because you’ve finally opened your eyes to what’s really happening between the two of you.”

“Don’t be crazy, Hailey. As a matter of fact, I have a date next week.”

“What? With who?”

“Bryce Reynolds. We went to high school with him. I ran into him at Starbucks. He’s an assistant baseball coach at Baylor now.”

“Bryce Reynolds? He was a manwhore, Emmerson.”

I let out an exasperated sigh. “That was in high school. He seems like a nice guy. It’s just dinner anyway.”

It was almost as if I could hear Hailey’s thoughts coming through the phone.

“There are a million reasons why it would never work between me and Landon, Hailey.”

“Really? Name one.”

I tried. I actually tried to think of one…and couldn’t.

“I thought so. You can deny it all you want, Emme, but sooner or later you’re both going to pop, and when you do…the sparks are going to fly!”

I glanced at the clock. “Landon will be here soon, and I’ve still got to get ready. Just trust me when I say I was in a weird place, but I’m okay now. I do not have romantic feelings for Landon, and I know he doesn’t have them for me.”

God, even I didn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.

“I have a feeling you’re going to be eating crow sooner than you think.”

I needed to end this call so I could get my head in the right place before Landon got here. “See you later tonight, Hail.”

“Bye-bye.” There was that sing-song voice again. Was there a bit of sarcasm in there too? I decided to ignore it as I made my way into my bathroom to give myself one more look over.

My black ALYCE Paris dress fit like a glove. It was gorgeous with its off-the-shoulder cap sleeves and stunning bead work. It had a Queen Anne neckline with a tight bodice that showcased my curvy figure perfectly. I wasn’t stick thin, but I did have an athletic body, and I loved how sexy this dress made me feel.

Turning to look at my back, I grinned. The V-cut back had more beautiful beading, and showed just enough skin to give it a naughty feel while still keeping it classy. The A-line skirt had layers of chiffon with a slightly longer train in the back. My silver high heels added the perfect touch.

While most of the other committee members would likely be wearing their expensive designer gowns and Jimmy Choo shoes, I didn’t make that kind of money. And honestly, I couldn’t see paying seven-hundred dollars for a pair of shoes, only to be scared to death I would damage them. So my silver Jessica Simpson embellished stiletto pumps were perfect for me. Less than a hundred bucks and stunningly beautiful.

The doorbell rang, and I checked my hair quickly. I had pulled it back into a low, tight bun. The diamond earrings Landon had bought me for my twenty-first birthday hung from my ears. I pressed my red lips together once more and then made my way to the front door.

Landon and I were taking a limo to the charity event and planned on staying at the same hotel as Hailey, Mike, and our folks.

When I opened the door, I nearly choked on my own damn tongue. The statement I’d made only minutes ago about not having any romantic feelings for Landon flew right out the window with one look at the insanely gorgeous man who stood in front of me.

This wasn’t the same Landon I had grown up with. Not at all. He wasn’t the same guy I had cried to so many times with a broken heart, or the same guy who brought me Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to cheer me up when I was feeling down about something. He wasn’t my best friend whom I could share anything with.

No, I take that back. Landon would always be my best friend. I just couldn’t share how I felt about him to him. At least, not yet. Not until I figured it out myself.

But looking at Landon now made my insides come alive and burn with a desire I had never felt before in my life. He wore his dark brown hair in that slightly messy way of his that still looked amazing. It was like he styled it and then ran his fingers through it, not liking the idea of it being too perfect. He hadn’t shaved today and had the beginning of a five o’clock shadow. My fingers twitched to see if it was as soft as it looked. His eyes seemed more blue today, reminding me of the Texas sky after a storm had cleared away the clouds and left a brilliant shade of indigo blue that took your breath away.

I took in his perfectly fitted tux, fighting the urge to let out a moan. His broad shoulders seemed to be even more defined in the evening wear, giving him a sex appeal that would make any woman weak in the knees—including this woman, who stood here gawking at him like a crazy person.

I shook my head and cleared my throat, trying to remember how to speak.

“Damn, Emme. You look beautiful,” Landon said as he started to walk into my house. I moved out of his way, not even sure how I made my body function enough to take a step.

“You…you look…so handsome.”

He grinned and then winked, and a flurry of butterflies took off in my stomach.

“Thanks. You about ready to go?” he asked as he swept his gaze over me once more.

Wait, was that…was that lust in his eyes?

Okay, butterflies had been replaced by an insane pulse between my thighs.

A part of me was slightly bothered that he hadn’t seemed the least bit affected by me when I first opened the door. Here I could hardly form a solid sentence, and he acted like this was simply another night. Granted, he’d said I looked beautiful, and he’d looked at me differently, but he’d said it the same as someone like Noah would. A simple compliment that any woman would get, not one laced with something more.

“Um, yeah. Let me grab my clutch and overnight bag.”

I could feel his gaze on me, and I glanced back over my shoulder. Something was different in his eyes. They looked darker now.

Turning back around, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. My hands shook slightly as I picked up my clutch and then tossed my phone into it. I reached for the bag, but before I could pick it up, Landon’s hand brushed over mine and he took it. My breath hitched, and I prayed he hadn’t caught it. With a deep breath, I faced him and smiled.

“Where’s the pup?” he asked.

“Oh, um, Lady is staying with a friend of mine. She’s in love with her, so it wasn’t a hardship to ask her to watch her for me.”

Landon nodded and then asked, “Shall we?”

He gave me that half smile that made the dimple in his right cheek show up a little bit more than the one in his left.

All I could do was nod.

Landon extended his arm for me to take. “Let’s go get our party on.”