The Lion Soul by Amy Sumida

Chapter Seventeen

My new wardrobe was delivered sometime after our third round of lovemaking. Kaelen and I had taken a break to bathe and eat breakfast, and he'd shown no inclination to check out of the hotel. But once my clothes were there, I realized that they were what he'd been waiting for. With a little disappointment, I got dressed in my new clothes, then went downstairs with him, two porters carrying my trunks for me. The trunks were strapped to the top of our carriage and once the scholars joined us, we were on our way out of Murra.

To my surprise, the residents of Murra came out of their homes to line the streets as we left. They cheered and waved and held their children aloft to see our procession.

“What's all this?” I asked as I peered out the carriage window.

“Word has spread about your presence,” Nimalta said. “You and your warlord. Our people are very proud of our army and grateful to all our soldiers for their efforts to keep us safe, but you and our warlord are especially admired. This is their way of showing their appreciation.”

“Let them see you, Rie.” Kaelen grinned at me before he leaned out the window to wave at the faeries.

I hesitantly leaned toward the window and when the cheering increased, I couldn't help smiling and waving at the delighted people. This was for me? Would they still be cheering if they knew I was part Farungal? I pushed that thought aside. It served no purpose and would only lessen my pleasure. Instead, I let their warmth add to my already wonderful morning, and felt it sink into my chest. Aidan had said I'd be welcomed like a hero, but I hadn't expected this. It made me want to fight for them, even if that meant risking what I had with Kaelen. I would carry the image of these people with me when I returned to battle and if I died, I would take comfort in knowing that they were safe because of my sacrifice. A good, noble death is better than a life lived in fear.

I waved and smiled until we left the village and rolled out into the grasslands. Then I sat back beside Kaelen, feeling perfectly content. More content than I'd been in years. When he took my hand, I didn't pull away, even though my teachers sat across from us. Yes, Kae was definitely rubbing off on me. With a secret grin, I thought to myself that he had been very good at rubbing me as well.