The Lion Soul by Amy Sumida

Chapter Forty-One

After breakfast, I was taken back to the Queen's laboratory and chained to the wall again. Desenja started on her spell while her general waited nearby, two of his men guarding the door. They all watched her anxiously, and when she noted their interest, she paused. I knew exactly what she was thinking—that if they watched closely enough and had a good memory, they could recreate the spell for themselves. With a sharp command, she dismissed the guards and ordered the General to lock the door. He grinned at her as he did her bidding, likely guessing her thoughts as I had. And yet, he hadn't been dismissed. She must trust him, and he knew it. General Shelvak leaned against the door and crossed his arms, happy to guard her while he waited for his potion.

My blood was taken, this time with a dagger, and the Queen handed the General a bottle of glowing liquid. After he consumed the contents, the same glowing transformation took place, though Shelvak held back his screams, channeling his pain into deep growling. When he got to his feet, I gaped at him. The Queen hadn't lied. If the General was an accurate representation of his race, the males would be stunning. Leanly muscled and tall, he had golden-brown skin and deep umber hair that fell in a straight line to his shoulders. His wings were a shade darker than hers, nearly black. He stretched them wide before folding them away, and as he did, his cock hardened into an impressive length.

The Queen noticed his arousal immediately.

“Welcome back, General,” Queen Desenja drawled as she slipped out of her dress. “Come here and show your Queen some appreciation for your gift.”

General Shelvak growled low in his throat and rushed to the Queen, scooping her up and setting his lips to hers immediately. They groaned in pleasure as they stroked each other, hands sliding over smooth skin as if they'd never felt anything so wonderful before. But when the General started to lay his Queen down on an open space of table, she broke their kiss.

“No, not like that.” Desenja sashayed away from him and stepped over to me. With one of her wicked grins, she trailed her fingers down my chest. “Watch closely, Rieyu, you could be fucked just like this if you accept my offer.” She leaned forward conspiratorially to say, “We can share him and many others. As many as you want.” Then she got on her hands and knees just two feet in front of me, and looked over at the General. “Show our cousin how a Farungal man takes his lover.”

The General grinned and went to his knees behind his Queen. With a firm hold of his cock, he rubbed it against her intimately. I looked away.

“You will watch or I will remove your fucking eyelids!” the Queen screeched.

Forcing my expression into blankness, I turned back to watch as Shelvak, grinning even wider, slid into Queen Desenja. He groaned like a man dying of thirst who'd been handed a canteen of water, then began to thrust. The wet sound of the Queen's arousal made me cringe and clench my teeth, but I didn't look away. Because she was looking at me.

Desenja narrowed her eyes at my disgust and said, “Our Rieyu isn't enjoying that, General. We must try another type of sex. One that he is more familiar with.”

The General chuckled as he pulled out of his Queen's sex, then spread her ass cheeks apart. I tensed as he angled his hips forward, setting the tip of himself at her pink asshole. She worked herself back on him, her puckered hole stretching into smoothness around his girth, and once he was wedged inside her, he began a powerful pumping. The Queen's moans came in time with the slapping of flesh. As the General fucked her, he looked over at me, saw the looseness of my pants, and scowled.

“Don't you want this dick in you?” the General asked as he reached out to run a hand up my calf. “Or do you prefer to do the fucking?” He licked his lips. “That can be arranged. I've got several men who I fuck regularly, all of whom would bend over eagerly for you.” His hand lifted to my crotch and undid the tie. But after pulling down my pants, he was faced with my limp shaft. He glared at it, then he reached for it.

“Touch me, and I will kill you once I am free,” I vowed calmly as I met his stare.

Shelvak hesitated, the edges of his eyes twitching at the tone of truth in my voice.

“Leave him be, General,” the Queen commanded. “I want to seduce him, not anger him.”

“As you wish, my Queen,” Shelvak growled and went back to thrusting deeply into her ass. But his stare wandered back to my cock over and over, as if he couldn't believe I wasn't aroused by him. “Perhaps I need to fuck one of my men in front of him, Your Majesty.”

“Yes, we'll do that next. Now get back to fucking me!”

“Yes, my Queen,” the General's growl went predatory and possessive as he went wild above her.