The Lion Soul by Amy Sumida

Chapter Forty-Eight

“That was quite a proposal,” Kaelen said later that night while we were getting ready for bed. He glanced at his ring. “Where did you get this? And why is it so small?”

I chuckled and turned my sword hilt to show him the hollow impression of a ring in the center. “It's traditional.”

“Of course, it is.” He laughed but his amusement quickly settled into something softer. He reached out and traced the empty place on my hilt. “Leave it to a Nazakian to offer a piece of their sword as a love token.”

“It's only until I can have a ring made for you,” I said. “Then it will return to the hilt to serve as my wedding band. And it's small because it's usually given to a woman. Several generations of Takahansi women have worn that ring.”

“And now it will stop with us,” Kae whispered.

I grunted. I hadn't thought about that. “But only because we will live forever.”

“And if we don't?” His expression went grim.

“Then I hope my swords will be sent home to my sister, and she can pass them down to one of her children.

“Or . . .”

“Or?” I looked up at him.

Kaelen grabbed my hips and drew me closer. “When you retire, we could travel to Nazaka and you could pass the swords on to your sister in person.”

“I like that idea. I promised my father that I'd bring you to meet my mother after the war is over. Maybe I'll retire then.” Then I realized that I should have spoken to him first. “I hope it's all right that I made that promise without consulting you.”

“Of course. We can absolutely do that.” His hand went to my braid and pulled it free, then he wove his fingers through my hair. “You never know, maybe a child will come to us, and you can pass the swords on to them.”

“Come to us? You think an Avian is going to drop a baby in our laps?” I teased. “Are there any fae storks?”

“No.” Kae chuckled. “But you never know what the Goddess has in store for us. Look at how much she's already given us. A baby isn't impossible.”

“Kae.” I sat down on the cot and pulled on his hand until he joined me. “I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner.”

“About visiting Nazaka?” He grinned teasingly.

“You know what I'm talking about.” I nudged him with my shoulder. “I'm sorry that I stopped you from telling me how you felt.”

“When did you realize that I was your mate?” Kaelen asked softly.

“When I was captured,” I whispered and looked away. “I know.” I rolled my eyes. “It was the worst timing.”

“It was perfect timing.” He set his palm to my cheek and drew me back to face him. “Everything has happened precisely as it was meant to and at the precise time that it was meant to happen.” He leaned forward and kissed me.

Kaelen's kiss rolled through me like the elements—with the flow of water, the invigorating breath of air, the stability of earth, and, finally, the burn of fire. I inhaled his scent, taking that lion musk and citrus deep, and sank into the love I had for my mate. My betrothed. I was still in shock, reality lying on the surface of my skin, but as we undressed—slowly, with long sweeps of warrior hands—it sank in. We were together in our love at last. The Lion Lord was mine.

Kaelen's wild mane fell around me as he laid me back on the bed. My hands went into it instinctively, grabbing wide swaths to pull him closer. A growl vibrated from his lips into mine, then he took his kisses along my jaw, over to my ear.

“You proposed, but I get to claim you, Mate,” Kaelen's deep voice shot through me, straight to my cock. He chuckled when he felt it twitch against him. “That will have to wait. First, I must mark you with my scent.”

“What?” I whispered.

Then Kaelen was writhing over me, his jaw lifting mine so he could nuzzle my throat. Lips, nose, cheeks—he rubbed them against me as he ground his body over mine. No, not ground, stroked. Luxuriated. Kae slid every inch of his skin against every inch of mine. Once my front was fully covered in his scent, he rolled me over and started the process anew on my back.

I groaned throughout the erotic torture, every nerve coming to life in my body as a primal instinct made me bare myself, spreading my legs, bending my head, and even lifting my arms so that Kaelen could mark me everywhere. And oh, did I feel marked. Claimed. When Kae finally finished, I could smell only him. I was no longer Rieyu; I had become the Lion Lord's mate. And I was shockingly happy about it.

“Now, get on your hands and knees, Mate,” Kaelen growled.

I shivered with anticipation as I did his bidding, my hands shaking so badly that I clenched them in the sheets to still them. Kaelen's broad palms stroked my back, and I cried out from that simple touch. My hair hung loosely around me, puddling on the bed, but he drew it to one side and bared my body. I looked over my shoulder at him and froze.

Kaelen had gone primal but not in the way he had before. He wasn't lost to lust, but love. His eyes were glazed with it, his lips parted in awe, and his hands were gentle when they spread my lower cheeks. I jerked with sudden pleasure when he smoothed nectar over me.

“Easy, love,” he rumbled. “Soon.”

Kae's finger slipped into me and started pumping slowly, twisting to stretch me open. Light burst behind my closed eyes, pleasure sparking. I arched my back and pushed onto his finger, hurrying him along. Kaelen gave one last pump before pulling out and spreading my cheeks wide. Then something wet and warm slipped into me. I looked back to see his face buried between my cheeks, his stare locked onto mine until he groaned and closed his eyes.

Desire didn't just rock through me, it exploded. I cried out and came across the blankets, my whole body becoming one big spasm. As I came, Kaelen straightened and shoved his cock into me, turning my cry into a roar as he rolled my climax into renewed arousal. My shaft hardened even as my roar echoed away, and when Kae reached around and found me rock hard, he growled in approval.

“That's right, Rie,” Kaelen said. “You can come all you want, but I'm going to bring you back to life every time. I won't stop until you beg me to.”

“Then you'll have to fuck me forever,” I declared as I shoved back on his dick. “Because I never want you to stop, Kae.”

Kaelen's laugh was rich, low, and sensual, but it was also full of pure joy. “Challenge accepted.” Instead of starting a primal pounding, Kae bent over me and slid into me slowly, going all the way to the hilt before pulling out. “This will make breakfast interesting. I hope Vathmar doesn't get jealous when I show up with you on my cock.”

I burst into laughter and it was a Kaelen laugh—bright, shining, and utterly free of any restraint.

Kaelen laughed with me, even as he continued to move inside me, and it all finally sank in. My dream had come full circle. I had saved my lion and then he had saved me. I had a sudden flash of the end of my dream, the part when my lion clawed his chest open and shared his heart with me. It wasn't just a reward of long life; the symbolism had been clearer than I'd thought. It was simple and pure. Kaelen had given me his heart. It had just taken me a while to accept it.

Now, we belonged to each other and that meant an eternity of love and laughter. Of pleasure full of claws and lion teeth. Of making a home with and within each other. We had reclaimed what we thought was lost and claimed each other. And I knew that this was just the beginning. Our happiness would only increase. Kaelen was right; nothing was impossible for us now.

I was a Shirie, a guardian of the Gods. But although my life might be about service, I wouldn't be alone like my mythical brethren. I had a mate, a home, and a family; all within Kaelen. And he had them within me.

I had my lion at last.