Feuds and Reckless Fury by K. Webster



Idon’t want to do this.

I’d rather stay locked up in my room, waiting for Canyon to come get me.

If he comes.

Sickness roils in my gut, but I ignore it. He will come. I know Canyon. Never once in all his messages did he lead me to believe he was through with me. If anything, his frustration and desperation to see me only increased as time went on.

He’ll pick me up, and we’ll run away together to our fake apartment with our made-up cat. Fuck, how I want it to be real.

“Get in,” Greer barks out, motioning to his SUV. “We’ll follow the boss to the rendezvous point.”

Colin’s stare lingers on me and then darts to Greer before he climbs into the passenger seat of the other vehicle. Mark hops in the driver’s seat while Seth and Logan get in the back. I get into Greer’s SUV, not at all eager to be blasted by his obnoxious rock music the entire ride.

As soon as I’m situated and buckled in, I tug at the tight knot at my throat. I hate suits. I especially hate ties. Greer seemed entertained by my discomfort when we picked up my new clothing at the store. Colin’s pleased expression later that night chased away any ill feelings I had. I’d always felt like a fuckup around Colin as a kid. Knowing he approved was a lift to my spirits. The subsequent dinner and a trip afterward to see The Gateway Arch together only further improved my mood. But, just like every other night I’d been here, I went to sleep to the sounds of Greer making Kace squeal like a pig and then haunting nightmares filled with mice and disappointing words from Dad.

“Kace thinks we should keep you,” Greer says, cutting his eyes to me while effortlessly navigating the roads. “I told him I’d agree to no such thing without a test drive first.”

My blood runs cold in my veins. What the hell is he talking about? I ignore him, jerking my attention out the window. He takes us across the river and then follows a side road to a shipping facility. I’d wondered what sort of shipment Colin was receiving, but I didn’t ask. The less I know, the better. I just want to get the fuck out of here. I was stupid for thinking I belonged here.

I belong with them.

Dad. Ryan. Carrie.

And him.


Greer pulls up between Colin’s SUV and a sporty red car. He shuts off the engine and turns his glare on me. Something sinister lurks in his gaze. I shudder as I reach for the handle. He strikes out quickly, seizing my wrist in his painful grasp. Yelping, I try to pull away, but he’s too strong. He jerks me to him and plants his other hand on my thigh to keep me in place. My lips are forced against his, and his tongue lashes at mine, greedily stealing a kiss that doesn’t belong to him.

“Stop touching me,” I growl, twisting my head to the side as I try and shove him away with my free hand.

“Test driving,” he bites out. “So far, you taste like an innocent little virgin.”

He fondles me through my pants, gasping when he feels the metal of the piercing on my dick. “Oh, this’ll do. Kace’ll love this.”

I swing my fist at him, hitting him in his throat. Before he can recover, I scramble out of the vehicle and take off running toward the building. Greer yells after me, but I race away from him easily. I’m a track star, and he’s a pervy goon. Of course, I beat him inside. I run toward the sound of voices. As soon as Kace comes into view, holding a gun to Colin’s temple, I charge. Colin may not be perfect, but he’s still family. I tackle Kace so hard, my teeth rattle when they slam together. A shot rings out in the air, and then I’m dragged off Kace.

I fight off my attacker, for a split second thinking it’s Greer to finish the job, but it’s Colin. Seth and Logan drag Kace to his feet, hauling him away. He starts to screech when he notices Greer’s body, face down with a growing pool of blood forming around him.

“You killed him!” Kace screams. “You killed him!”

Bile surges up my throat, but Colin smacks me on the back.

“Keep it together,” he barks out. “Mark, find out where the fuck our shipment is. Cut off every goddamn limb from that traitor if you have to.”

I’m shaking hard, unable to look away from Greer’s unmoving body. Shock trickles through me, slowly numbing me. Colin drags me out of the building and outside. Since I’m trembling so badly, he puts me into his SUV. We’re driving away when I crane my neck to look at the building.

“What about…” I trail off, meeting Colin’s scowl.

“Mark and my men can handle Kace.” His jaw clenches as he drives. “I should have known something was going on.” He punches the steering wheel, letting out a string of expletives. “Unbelievable.”

We ride in silence, and soon we’re pulling up at the house. He shuts off the car and shoots me a frown.

“Thank you,” he grits out. “That shouldn’t have happened back there. I usually trust my men implicitly, but ever since Joseph, there’s been a division in the ranks. I’m going to need to do a complete overhaul and weed out anyone else who so much as breathes the wrong way.”

I cringe at the reminder of one of his men who tried to kill me on my own front porch.

“I think—”

His words are cut off by the screech of tires. Colin flings himself out of the vehicle and pulls his gun, ready to fire at anyone who dares cross him again. I’m prepared to hide in the floorboard if necessary, but a familiar voice has me scrambling out of the car.


“What are you doing here?” Colin growls, his gun still pointed at my boyfriend, my stepbrother, my everything.

Dad and Ryan trot up behind Canyon, both of them holding their hands up in surrender. Canyon’s hands are fisted at his side. His gaze isn’t at the gun aimed at him but burning a hole into me. Without thinking of the consequences, I race over to him, throwing myself into his arms. He hugs me tight and has to steady himself to keep from falling over.

I inhale his expensive masculine scent, scrape my cheek along his scruffy jaw, and find his lips for a much-needed kiss. We kiss until I hear Dad’s voice, which has us wrenching apart.

“I’m here for my son,” Dad barks out, voice firm and unyielding. “Time to let him go.”

Pulling from Canyon’s embrace, I swivel around to face Colin. For a split second, he seems ready to pull the trigger of his gun that’s now aimed at Dad.

“Please don’t, Pops,” I croak out. “Please.”

Colin visibly flinches, lowering his gun and darting his brown eyes at me. “I’m your father, not him.”

Animosity ripples from Canyon, but I brush my fingers along his chest, willing him to let me handle this. I walk right up to Colin and nod.

“You’re my pops, yeah. And Quinn’s my dad.” I search Colin’s eyes. “You know I don’t really fit in this life. I don’t think I ever will either.”

His features soften as he studies me. “But you’re mine.”

“I’m his too,” I whisper. “I can be both.”

He blinks hard several times before clenching his jaw. “You want to go back with them?”

“I do.”

“Go on then.” His voice is gruff, but I don’t mistake the sadness in his expression. “It’s where you belong.”

I hug him for the first time of my own accord. The movement shocks him still, but then he returns the hug.

“Maybe we can catch a Gators game one day,” I tell him, stepping back. “Or dinner or something. As family, not business.”

“Hmph.” He holsters his gun and cocks his head to the side. “You have my number. Don’t be a stranger.” He nods at the house. “Grab your shit and go.”

I give him another hug, and then I grab my shit and go.

The hotel is in the heart of the city, a giant moon on top of the building signaling our destination. Ryan pulls into the valet, and we all exit the vehicle. It was an awkward ride to the hotel from Colin’s. One of my hands was squeezing Dad’s in the back seat, and my face buried against Canyon’s chest, holding on to his hand like he might vanish at any second. Carrie and Ryan kept shooting us goofy smiles from the front seat.

I’m back where I belong.

Ryan checks us in and hands Canyon a set of keycards. We make it onto the elevator and head up to the third floor. As we all file out, I realize Dad and Ryan are headed to one room, Carrie to another, and…

“Like we could keep you two apart,” Ryan grumbles. “I just don’t want to hear it.”

Dad walks over to me, yanking me to him for another fierce hug. I think he hugged me for five minutes straight before we even got into the vehicle. “I love you, Son, even if you drive me crazy sometimes.”

I nod, unable to keep the emotion out of my voice. “Love you too, Dad. I’m sorry.”

“We’ll talk tomorrow. Right now, you kids need rest. We all do. We’ve had one helluva few days.” He releases me and strokes my cheek with his palm, his eyes filled with love. “Don’t ever scare the shit out of me like that again.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “Sleep, and tomorrow we’ll make the most of the rest of our vacation.”

Turning from him, I find Canyon standing in the doorway of the room, waiting for me. As soon as we step over the threshold, he shoves me to the wall, kissing me like he can reach my soul. Joke’s on him, though—it mated with his months ago. We’re Daisuke and Chibi. Two sides of the same coin. A perfect complement to the other.

“We need lube,” he mumbles against my mouth. “Get showered while I wait for the doorman to bring up our luggage. I need to be inside you in the next five minutes…”

I pull back, grinning at him. “Or what?”

“There is no or. I just need to be inside you.”

A knock on the door signals the arrival of our bags. I tug from his grip and walk into the spacious bathroom. It’s retro and a little space-aged, but still pretty damn cool. Quickly, I strip down and turn on the shower. Once it’s steamy, I step under the hot spray.

All tension from the past couple of days melts away. I’m relaxed and finally feeling content as strong arms wrap around me from behind. Canyon’s lips find the side of my neck, and he peppers kisses there.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, barely audible as the water splatters the floor. “So fucking sorry.”

He twists me around and pushes me against the wall. His fingers dig into my jaw, angling my head up so I can look into his beautiful blue eyes. “I knew you were trouble the second you sat on my lap and gave me a boner in front of my girlfriend.”

I smirk at him. “Poor Nae.”

“No, poor me. I had to find out I was gay for you at the same time you did.” He dips down, tugging at my bottom lip with his teeth. “I knew you were trouble, and I wanted you anyway. You’re worth it to me, Wonderland. All the shit you put me through is worth it because we have this.” He places one palm over his heart and the other on mine.

“I won’t ever leave again,” I vow, needing him to understand. “I was scared and hurt. But, the second I was gone, it felt like the biggest mistake of my life.”

“For a perfectionist like you, that had to be humbling.” He smirks at me in that maddeningly teasing manner I adore. “But don’t worry, if you decide to run, I’ll chase you. I’ll always chase you.” His fingers slip into my hair, and he tugs at it. “We both know I’ll win. I always do when it comes to us.”

He slants his sexy mouth over mine, claiming me with a powerful kiss. All I can do is moan and allow myself to be consumed by it. Canyon has that effect on me. He swallows up my fears and confusion and self-doubt. Takes my burdens and makes them his own.

Since he’s stronger than me, he makes it look easy.

When I’m with Canyon, I don’t have to be perfect. I just have to be me. Alis Sommers. His Wonderland.

“I love you,” I tell him. “In case you didn’t know.”

He grins, boyish and wide and so fucking happy. “Yeah, Chibi, I know. Everyone loves the hero.”

“Getting your facts confused again, Daisuke. Chibi’s the hero.”

We both laugh, but it fades out as he smears lube on his dick, kisses me with such fervor we’re both breathless, and literally fucks me into tomorrow.

I suppose home isn’t a place.

Not a trailer filled with mice or an immaculate mansion filled with Pomeranians or a midtown home filled with cartel goons.

Home is wherever your heart is.

And mine is with Canyon Voss.

My enemy turned lover.

My stepbrother with benefits.

My hypothetical cat’s other daddy.

Home is him.